Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Mission visit

Ancient wood forest, foggy court.

After a night of "handslide" farce, Wuyue Court experienced a lot of turbulence up and down-although in a sense, this is also an inevitable thing.

That ’s right, Wuyue Ting is the largest settlement in the northern forest, and may even be the largest and most prosperous and rich in the ancient wood forest, but it is only an elven settlement after all ... self-sufficient, closed and remote are her biggest characteristics;

To deal with ogren harassment all the year round, the Morning Star Forest, which gathers hundreds or even thousands of war dancers, cannot be equal.

A big search for "foreigner assassins", subtle differences in customs and behavior, and the contradictions and differences in the past caused by some small things in the settlement, all broke out at this moment.

The busy Wuyue Court and the elders from various settlements took two days to finally settle down the commotion, and did not even bother to take care of the imperial mission that was about to arrive.

When they finally had time, the war dancers in the Wuyue Court in front of the report, and the Imperial Mission with the second batch of morning star forest dancers, only two days left.

In a hurry, the elders who have no time to prepare can only arrange the war dancers in Morning Star Forest-after all, the only ones who have dealt with humans-are responsible for reception, and the remaining elf war dancers are responsible for vigilance to ensure the imperial mission Security, but also to monitor them to ensure that there is no disturbance in the settlement.

This is also where the ancient wood forest elves contradicted. On the one hand, they did not have any affection for the empire, on the one hand, they were unwilling to provoke provocation without incident, causing war between the two sides, which dragged on for so long, and did not make up their minds.

During this period, the contradiction between the eastern and northern forests was mixed, and the elves headed by Arazuka Forest were dissatisfied with Wu Yueting's "self-righteousness" and Morning Star Forest's "shifting customs", thinking that only they were the real "war dancers" Elf ".

The dispute between the elders also gave Lukara supporters a chance; the only thing that surprised him was that he should have "jumped up and down" during this time, provoking the Azore elf who was in dispute with the empire. It was unusually quiet for a while.

As for another "accident", there is no trace of a dark-haired wizard so far ...

With a sigh, Luca, standing under the gate of Wuyue Court, looked up; not far away, a team of iron crowns and black lion gold lions appeared at the end of the jungle trail, in the morning star forest dancers' Surrounded by clusters, came slowly.

But the most noticeable thing for Luca is that this team is not in front of Loren Turin, but Ain.

The black wizard was still not visible in the entire team.

That is to say, Loren did not leave, still in the Wuyueting settlement?

The ridiculous idea came to Luca's mind, and he shook his head inexplicably—the whole settlement, but nearly a thousand war dancers turned up and down, and even no trace of it was found.

Although Luca couldn't think it was possible, the fact was that the fact that Loren Turin was not in the mission, and in just a few days, he could not be undetected going back and forth between the two settlements.

What does he want to do?

With full of doubts, Luca, who was complacent, stepped forward to greet Liya and the little wizard.

"It's hard for you, Liya."

"It's just a matter of minutes, it doesn't need to be like this." The female elf who raised her little nose hummed and turned her head to look at the Wuyue Court behind Lucca:

"That ... man ... how is it?"

"Missing." The middle-aged elf shook his head in pretense lament: "After a few days, there is still no news."


Luca smiled dumbly. Although the female elf answered lightly, she just shook her shoulders.

The little wizard and his entourage, who followed, looked curiously at the Wuyue Court, which is very different from the Morning Star Forest and even any elf settlement style.

Of course, there are also gates and sides of the path surrounded by crowds, like the old wood forest elves who came to watch the mission like a lively look.

Although Wuyueting and the empire have never had any contact, the hostility to the empire is much stronger than that of the Morning Star Forest; a pair of pairs are either indifferent, or full of hostile eyes shoot from all directions, making Lushen nervous Holding the sword handle around his waist, the Bayern knights who accompanied him on both sides also tightened their heart strings, daring not to slack off.

"Maintain order, don't let the road block!" Luca, who walked at the front of the line, led the war dancers of the Morning Star Forest while shouting to the elf warriors on each side:

"They are emissaries of the empire, and they are guests of Wuyueting and the entire ancient wood forest-elves, when have they become kind to guests ?!"

The warriors who heard the word no longer slacked off, trying to block the elves who wanted to squeeze toward the center of the road outside the street.

"Why are they so hostile to us?"

Although he did n’t know anything about the elves, looking at the misty moon elves with angry faces on both sides, the little wizard still felt a little inexplicable: "This is the first time the empire sent people to Wuyue court. what."

"The first time I came, I was threatened with a sword." The female elf walking in the front said coldly, with undisguised dissatisfaction in his tone: "Instead of you, you will give the guy who comes without hello." Complexion? "

The little wizard lowered his head in grievance, and Lucien squinted aside, glaring at the female elf.

"Liya, don't you think we did something wrong ..."

"No matter what you do, it's the big liar's fault!"

The female elf quickly turned her head to look forward, and hurriedly argued: "Four days ago, an assassin from a foreign race was mixed into Wuyue Court.

The war dancers from the entire ancient wood forest searched the settlement for a full four days, and found no results. In the end, they had to scurry up and say it was an accident-when they came, Luca told me. "

Ai Yin looked stunned.

Although the female elf didn't say so, the answer was already obvious.

It can be quietly mixed into the Wuyue Court, and it can still leave no traces of the search of the dancers in nearly a thousand battles-who can be other than a dark-haired wizard?

"It's all the big liar's fault!" The female elf repeated it again, as if this was the only way to vent her anger.

Compared with a female elf who was full of hate on her face but was actually worried, there was a touch of worry in the eyes of the little wizard.

"What's the matter?" The gray-eyed teenager, who was slightly aware of it, turned his head and asked with concern: "Aren't you comfortable?"

"No, it's not this, it's ..." Ayin, who wanted to stop talking, shook her head vigorously and stopped talking.

Loren ... He hasn't appeared yet.

This means that when facing the elf elder in the ancient wood forest, he must replace him and negotiate with each other, shouldering the responsibility of building friendship between the two sides, and at least letting each other no longer be hostile.

You must listen to each other ’s complaints, you must understand the truth of the ancient wood forest and the hostility of the empire, you must maintain this fragile peace, and you must let everyone listen to your own voice.

If it fails, the empire and the ancient wood forest might meet each other, maybe the morning star forest will be swallowed by flames, maybe their hometown deep forest will become a battlefield, maybe Lotel, Byrne, the entire empire will be involved!

The companion who fell in the pool of blood, the friend whom the sword soldier met, the burning memories ...

The little wizard is not worried about her failure. As an alchemist, failure has long been commonplace for her; what she is really worried about is the consequences of failure.

She can't afford it.

His head hung down on his chest, covering his trembling pupils in vain.

"... resolve barriers, trust each other, put down scruples and controversies ..."

"... No one is worthless, you can use the most ordinary things to impress thousands of elves, so that they ca n’t wait to die for you; I ca n’t do it, I ca n’t do it for anyone else. ... "

The sincere and trustworthy words echoed in Ayn's ear.

"Really ... can it be done?"


Sudden words came.

The startled little wizard raised his head and found that the female elf walking in front turned her head and looked at herself intently.

"Li, Lia? Don't you say me, I just ..."

"You don't need to know what you're talking about, it's all written on your face." The female elf snorted and sighed, "Gee": "You guy, the biggest problem is that you are too unconfident!"


Ai Yin's face was inexplicable.

"Always scared, always worried that I can't do it, and I'm worried that I can't do it well." Like thinking of something, the female elf stared blankly at the little wizard: "It's because of this that you are always the one The liar bullied! "


"In the final analysis, Ain you are too unconfident-obviously very talented, but always want to accommodate this big liar, you will only be bullied by him more and more miserable."

The female elf seemed to vent her emotions. She shook her head and continued, "This big liar is different from you. He is very very and extremely confident; so if you don't resist, he will feel right!"

"You have to fight with him and tell him what you want, what you don't want, what you like and don't like; you have to make him think you are important, not his ... an accessory-like thing!"

The little wizard's expression was startled, completely speechless.

"And this time, no matter what he had in mind, it was apparently that he had already been availed, and he had to let Ain take over his place to negotiate with the elders." The elf continued to inflate Ain. :

"On the other hand, this does not just mean that even this extremely confident guy believes that you can replace him to complete this task, even better than he does ... isn't it?"

The little wizard who hadn't spoken from beginning to end, slowly raised his head and looked at the female elf.

"What about you? Liya-do you believe that I can restore the hostility between the empire and the ancient wood forest and return to the peace of the past?"

The female elf stiffened.

This time even Lucien next to her could see how complicated her mood was.

The female elf who walked straight forward silently no longer looked back.

"At any time, no matter what happens ... I will not betray the Morning Star Forest, nor my betrayal."

Looking at such a female elf, Ai Yin frowned slightly and sighed softly.

When approaching the Yunguan tree, the female elves with the morning star forest dancers turned silently and left, leaving only Luca an elf, waiting to be under the winding tree branch ladder of the Yunguan tree.

"Ain, please follow me." The middle-aged elf said softly on his face: "As for the rest of the guests, please wait a little while in the camp under the cloud crown tree."

"After all, this is the largest settlement in the ancient wood forest. The elders have a long house where they discuss. It is impossible to let everyone in. Only the representatives of the main people ... Please forgive me."

Lucien stopped and turned to glance at the cavaliers behind him.

Although the remarks are reasonable, why do you always have a hunch that the other party has good intentions?

"I see." The little wizard nodded gently.

Luca sighed—if he could, he really didn't want to treat such a small wizard who had been so kind to him and even the entire Morning Star Forest.

"Don't worry, you guys, I will be back soon."

As the words fell, the little wizard who no longer looked back followed the footsteps of the middle-aged elves and climbed the quiet and crowned tree crown step by step.

The twisting and spreading branches, the huge "cloud crown", covering the sky and the sun, it is impossible to see the outside from the tree, which makes people have the illusion of the next world; it is clearly in the noisy and prosperous Wuyue Court, but it seems to be back. Same as Morning Star Forest.

Under Luca's gaze, the little wizard stepped into the gate of the long house on the top of the cloud crown tree, squinting through the misty moon dancers who stared at her with hostile eyes on both sides.

"Squeak ~~~"

The door of the long house was closed behind them.

As soon as he entered the long house, the little wizard noticed that he was "encircled".

The entire room is like a concert hall in the capital of Golovin-the entrance is a semi-curved "dance floor ~ ~" and there is a stepped "audience seat" around it.

In the front row, there were twelve elder elders with different looks, different costumes, and white hair; almost from the moment they entered the door, they were looking at the little wizard who stood in front.

It's like looking at an item.

Behind them, Ain could detect that there were more eyes, staring from all angles, from head to toe, glancing at himself.

A pair of unwholesome, skeptical and even hostile eyes.

The little wizard gritted his teeth, and a drop of cold sweat dripping from his forehead slipped across his eyes, refusing to wipe it.

Instead, he took a sigh of relief and looked up at the elves with the expression of facing the "experimental subject"-the little white mouse in the wizard tower on weekdays:

"The gentle elders, in Lower Ain Rand, represent the emperor of the emperor, Eckhart II, and visit the ancient wood forest in his name."

"We, come for friendship and peace."

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