Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 39: "Charlotte" style mediation

The little wizard, who stood under the eyes of everyone, spoke softly, trying to suppress his excitement and nervousness, looking straight at the staring Charlotte in front of him, slightly rising.

Confident, Ain, be more confident, you can do it.

The silent house of deliberations had a weird silence; she seemed to be standing there, hearing everyone's heartbeat and breathing.

"It's great to come for peace and friendship; how is it, does the emperor of the human empire promise that as long as the elves are willing to kneel and bow their heads to express 'friendship', will he give us peace?"

An indignant voice sounded from the "ladder", and the tone of yin and yang was even more unabashedly hostile, and cold and cold.

Sure enough ... the voice just fell, and the temperature in the whole hall seemed to drop a few degrees; a pair of eyes came, and it became worse.

The panicked little wizard suddenly raised his head and looked around; but the light in the long house was too dim to see who was the one who had just spoken.

No, it can't be finished like this ... Ai Yinqiang calmed down with a tight pink fist behind him.

"In the empire, it is a sacred thing to kneel and bow your head. It represents a person's vow to always be loyal to another person, and a promise to never betray."

The little wizard spoke softly, and his calm appearance surprised the elves and elders in the front row by a few words: "This word, we call it loyalty, is clearly different from" peace "and" friendship. "

"This means that the empire will place all of you here on par with yourself, meaning that the empire has made an equal commitment to you in the ancient wood forest elves-so, what I bring today is' "Friendship" and "peace"; therefore, today we will not discuss the issue of "loyalty" to whom.

"How to build friendship and how to maintain peace is what we are going to discuss today." Ayin blinked, looked in the direction where the voice just came, and smiled:

"Although I don't know your lord, but are you satisfied with my vocabulary explanation?"

The situation changed.

The atmosphere in the hall was quiet for a moment, but the aggressiveness of the past had dissipated a lot-the voice hiding in the back row did not continue to speak embarrassingly.

The little wizard who finally found courage, but his thoughts quietly turned to not long ago ...

"... Don't underestimate language, Ain. When used properly, when the time is right, language is also a kind of weapon;" The entrance of two glasses of red blood wine, the blurred eyes of Charlotte gently hugged the neck of the little wizard, Intimacy like a loved one:

"You are born with an intimate temperament, learn to use language, and you will become the best diplomat in the empire ... well, second only to me."

"How do you learn?" Feeling the weight of half of the body, and the soft, blushing little wizard in his arms shivering.

"Good question, I ... a long time ago, um, I once talked to that big liar." The drunken headache made Charlotte hug Ain's body as if it were each other's body and thin shoulders. , Can greatly ease her pain:

"He said a lot, but all of them were open-mouthed, and there was no system or theory at all."

"In my eyes, there are only three points!"

"Three or three?" Ain was already scared to speak, feeling the other side rubbing his temples on his shoulders.

"First, never answer other people ’s questions, avoid or say that you have already thought about it; second, if someone asks you back with your words, or catches your painful feet, do n’t try to fight or cover up, but In turn, throw the question back; being good at listening, you can avoid being asked. "

"Finally, and most importantly, don't try to persuade others, or persuade anyone, people are confrontational; find the main contradiction in the confrontation between the two sides, find it, and solve it!"

"As long as the main contradiction is resolved and at least the other party's attitude can be changed from hostility to neutrality, they will really be willing to listen to your voice; then you will be able to use your inherent talents and use your sincerity to affect them . "

"When necessary, you can make some sacrifices, even if it's ... a costly sacrifice ..." Like thinking of Charlotte in the past, the drunk cheeks became even redder: "This is what I am proud of. … Mediation. "

"Then, its name ..." Ain asked cautiously: "Called ... Charlotte's mediation?"

"No, what's the matter-this is what you recorded, dictated by me, and we summed it up with the wine." Charlotte, drunk and dizzy, with a leisurely lazy smile on the corner of his mouth:

"It should be a name that represents the results of our joint efforts ... um ... let me think about it, think about it, it's called ... Charlotte Ain's mediation ... um, it's called this name, I really am very literary ..."

"... you are indeed very literary, Your Excellency Ain Rand, deserved to be the emissary representing the emperor of the empire."

An elder Wu Yueting elf sitting in the front row spoke, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "But a playful sentence or two can't bring peace and friendship."

"You said you came for peace and friendship, so how can the empire give us these two elves in remote forests?"

It's still an aggressive issue.

"In the vocabulary of the empire," giving "and" peace "and even" friendship "are the most standard wrong sentences." Ai Yin's mouth smiled calmly:

"Peace or friendship can't be obtained through one gift to another."

"I said, Your Excellency Ain Rand, playing with words and slang, can't ..."

"Because of these two, they can only be obtained by working together!" With wide eyes, the little wizard was extremely serious, and the elves around him even ignored the interrupted elder:

"And I represent the empire and His Majesty Eckhart II representing the Sky Dome. I am willing to exchange the most sincere friendship with the elf partners of the ancient wood forest to build our common peace!"

"This is me, Ein Rand ’s promise to you; I also hope to get your promise, because I believe that the elves who love the forest and the elves who fight the blood of the ogres are valuable in understanding peace. of!"

"Because I believe, I ... and the empire behind me came here, sent messengers to communicate with you, reached a proper agreement, and finally achieved real peace!"

The elders of Wuyueting were speechless on the spot, speechless.

Silence and silence were broken, and whispers between elves and elders came from behind the stairs.

"You are willing to exchange your sincerity with your sincerity, and exchange commitments with commitments, which is admirable ... because we are the same."

An elder man in the Western Wasteland Woods with naked upper body, white beard and hair and white eyebrows got up, calmly like a big brass clock eroded by wind:

"So in your opinion, which side caused the conflict between us and your emperor and his empire?"

This ... the little wizard frowned, his eyes flashing with a panic.

His remarks are not expressing hostility, but already knowing to drive himself out!

On the one hand, the little wizard cannot of course say "This is the fault of the elves", so that the meeting has just begun, and it is about to collapse;

On the other hand, she could not say "This is the fault of the empire", that is, she fell into the trap, and then the other party had a way to arrange Luo Zhi's "crime" to make this meeting a horn for the elf to declare war on the empire.

In that way, as the imperial envoy who is fully responsible, Loren Turin gave the Sky Vault a punishment and censure against him, the best reason.

"This ... we should not only see the contradictions of the past, but to look at the future ..."

"I don't care what the future is!" The elder of Araizuka Forest broke off the pale pale wizard and questioned from the top:

"As long as you tell me, is it all our fault in you and the emperor?"


"Answer me, is it?"

His eyes widened like a bell.

The terrifying sense of oppression, the suddenly dead hall, let Ain feel suffocation-this is the terror that has never been seen in the battlefield of Poe.

No ... it was, but it was all blocked by a bad guy.

This time, no one will stand in front of him; this time, he will face it alone.

No longer obediently hiding in a safe place, no longer silently doing something for him behind his back, no longer cautiously hiding ... This time, Ain Rand, want to defeat his enemies by hand!

Raising his head, the little wizard and the elder Arazu Lin looked at each other without looking back: "Since you want to know the answer so much, then I will tell you."

Under the eyes of the eyes, Elder Atsuka Lin, who was staring at Ain, felt very uncomfortable.

This feeling made him very angry, and his expression became more terrifying.


The audience was in an uproar.

Hearing this, the elves and elders in the long house all showed an angry and resentful look; either glared or sighed.

"Look, this is the sincerity of your imperial people! This is what you said sincerely!" Elder Arazuka Lin said indignantly: "You confessed, all mistakes are on us, you are innocent!"

"Yeah, isn't that what you want me to say? Isn't this scene you, and some of you here want to see it?" Ain coldly said:

"Your Excellency, you don't know how to listen at all, you just want to hear what you want to hear, and then manipulate this meeting!"

"You ..." Elder Arashika was startled, his face angry.

"I came with a sincere heart and came for the friendship and peace between the two sides." Ayn steals his words for the first time: "But you have repeatedly questioned with such a sincere tone, desperately asking me who is right and who is wrong. That's it-these are the two people who want to make friends, will they ask questions ?! "

"The empire treats you with an equal posture, which expresses the most sincere sincerity; and you want to know who is right and wrong again and again, but you continue to create cracks and frictions in this sincerity. Separate up and down deliberately so that equal relationships become unequal. "

"And ask-there can be unequal friendships in this world. Isn't it necessary to distinguish between high and low nobles in the friendship between elf settlements?

The excited little wizard used all his strength, flushed his face, and almost shouted it with a roar.

The sharp voice reverberated for a long time in the long house shaped like a "concert hall".

Whispering, discussing, making noise, shouting ... all covered by the voice of a small wizard.

"The premise of friendship and peace is mutual respect and understanding." After a moment of pondering, Ain Yin's blushing throat choked back: "Of course, there is the most sincere sincerity."

"Good talk, really good talk-sincere ?!"

Without waiting for Elder Atsuka Lin to sit down, another elder next to him stood up: "How can we believe that your empire is really willing to be peaceful with us, not false lies?"

"There is no real evidence, you should let them believe that what you said is true, it is too whimsical!"

"This lord does not need to do this at all--!"

All eyes turned together, and the elder of the morning star forest stood up to speak. The ferocious expression and the elder Arazuka forest became two completely opposite sides.

"In terms of sincerity ... Morningstar Forest, and all settlements in the entire eastern forest, are willing to believe in the sincerity of Ain Rand--because Ain Rand has responded with practical actions."

"When the ogres invaded, Ain Rand and thousands of war dancers stood under the big tree wall to defend the enemy; with sweat, sincerity and wisdom, countless young elves were rescued;"

"When we negotiated with the Deep Forest Castle and the rulers of the human world, it was Ain Rand's mediation from which he tried his best to maintain the most fragile and neither side trusted each other's peace;"

"Ain Rand ... has proved to us with practical actions that peace with the human world is possible; and all elves who have fought **** in the big tree wall are also obliged to die for Ain Rand once!"

"So today ~ ~ our morning star forest will protect Ain Rand-if you want to die, let me complete my vow today!"

Elder Morningstar Lin, with this "exaggerated" oath, put an end to his speech.

The atmosphere in the hall became calm.

There is no more elf who dares to speak.

Ain's mouth finally showed a triumphant smile-she knew that the elders had been convinced by herself and believed the sincerity of the empire's trip.

The next step is to go further, find the biggest contradiction and "disagreement" between the two sides, lower your posture, make some harmless compromises and concessions, you can ...

"It's very good, and it's very exciting."

A sudden voice came from a corner of the long house:

"It's a pity that all of this is impossible."

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