Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 40: knocking

In an instant, there was silence in the long house, and even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

All the elves and elders, all eyes in the long house turned to the figure hiding in the shadow in the corner.

The little pale wizard also turned his head and stared at the direction where the sound came from.

It's all impossible ... what do you mean? Does it mean he knows ...

"His Ein Rand is the benefactor of the Morning Star Forest and all the eastern settlements, and even the benefactor of the entire ancient wood forest!"

Elder Morningstar Lin, who was stolen, looked more annoyed and looked at the man with a sneer: "Ein Rand ’s words, I am the Morningstar Forest as the guard! All the blood fighting in the big tree wall will fight for the elves War dancers from the devastating ravages are guaranteed! "

Whispering in the long house, there was even a sparse applause.

Only the elf elders sitting in the front row were calm and calm, their expressions thoughtful.

"I believe that this Lord Ein Rand is sincere in saying these words; I also believe that he will do his best to fulfill the promise he made."

With the sloppy footsteps, the pale pale wizard stared at the figure who walked out of the corner, composure, and the cold sweat on the forehead was already raining down.

"Since I believe, why do you have to speak?" Elder Morningstar Lin felt a kind of provoked humiliation: "What's more, this is our meeting hall, which represents the meeting between the ancient wood forest and the Empire; , Guests from Azores cannot ... "

"I mean, His Excellency Ain Rand ... can't fulfill his promise at all!"

The uproar in the long house became more and more fierce, and the elf elders, who were still aiming at Ain, directed their spears at the Azores who came out suddenly.

"Am I right? Alchemist from Lotel-His Excellency Ein Rand?" With a gentle smile, Midel slowly turned his gaze to the already bloodless Ain:

"Tell these elves who trust you so much, tell us ... is that true?"

"I ..." Ain paused and regained his courage: "I will do my best to win a common peace for the empire and the ancient wood forest ..."

"Really?" Middlel smiled and approached the little wizard step by step: "You really have the power to make this kind of commitment. Can you really fight for the empire and the ancient wood forest by yourself?"

The little wizard's expression seemed to be contained in his throat, making it difficult to breathe.

That's right, this is his biggest weakness, and it is also a problem that cannot be avoided from the beginning;

It's just that the elves didn't know about the situation of the empire, and the only informed elders of Morningstar Lin always avoided them and took cover for themselves.

From the beginning, I was not qualified to make any ...

"The representative of the imperial mission, the plenipotentiary envoy is Duke Byrne, and only Duke Byrne is qualified to make this commitment." With his hands on his back, Middlel smiled and looked at the gray pupil who was hostile to himself, And the little wizard who was behind him:

"As for you ... Your Excellency Ein Rand, although I admire what you do, but on this occasion ..."

"You! Without power and qualification, make any promise!"

The sound of throwing the ground was like a piercing sword pointed at Ayn.

All the sight in the hall returned to the little wizard again; and the elder Morningstar Lin who stood up could only sit down angrily in this awkward atmosphere.

"Your Excellency Ein Rand, please tell us." Elder Arazu Lin stood up again and stared at the little wizard with his bell-like eyes: "Is that true?"

Silence, deathly silence.


Ain, who gritted her teeth, could only tremble and said: "But I will definitely convince Loren Turin to accept it, because this is also his idea-he let me appear on his behalf, which is the best proof! I ... … "

With a sneer, Middlel turned back without saying a word.

"That is to say, you don't have the right to make a commitment, only Duke Byrne can do it." Elder Arazu Lin continued to say in a deep voice: "So where is this" Duke Byrne "now, why is he not appearing in this Inside the long house ?! "

The little wizard was finally bloodless.

The situation just got better, and suddenly turned sharply, the expressions of the elves and elders became bad again.

"What does this mean, why is this" Duke Byrne "not in the mission, where did he go?"

"Ridiculous, push a follower who can't make the decision, is this looking down on us?"

"Nothing, Morning Star Forest is also willing to protect Lord Loren Turin!"

"Since the Duke is not here, where is he?-The elves of the Morning Star Forest, how come there is no news at all?"

"Wouldn't this be a trap, did the alien assassin have a relationship with this duke a few days ago?"

"Isn't that an accident-besides, how could foreigners be able to enter and leave at Wuyue Court at will, without leaving a trace?"

In the noisy quarrel, the sweaty Ain stood on the spot, unable to say a word.

Lost yourself?

I still found the biggest flaw and sore foot by the enemy, and completely defeated ... Is there no room for returning?

Do not!

Clenching the powder fist, straightening his chest, Ai Yin biting his lower lip didn't notice, a blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

Only this time, I cannot bow my head!

Even if I lose, I have to fight to the last moment ... not for dignity, not for the big bad guy, not for honor ...

But for the deep forest castle, for the morning star forest ... for his own friends, for the friends he knows, for the innocent people involved in this vortex, not to break their homes, and paint their lives!

"You are quiet, I have a proposal ..."

In the noisy hall, the elders of Wuyue Court finally stood up to end this meaningless quarrel: "Since the two sides ca n’t compete, and the head of the imperial mission is not here for some reason, so this talk There is no need to continue. "

"As the elder of Wuyue Court, I propose here that we will postpone the meeting for a few days-we give the Duke Byrne three days; if he does not meet the deadline, it means that the empire has no sincerity; otherwise, we can also Take advantage of this time to discuss how to negotiate with the real representative of this empire! "

This proposal was immediately endorsed by the vast majority of elders. First, the performance of the little wizard just won their approval. Although he did not believe that the empire was sincere, at least her messenger was sincere.

Secondly, for this meeting, they have no preparation at all, hoping to get a few days to slow down ... Just like the elder Wuyue Ting said, they also need to reach a consensus first, what attitude they should use to negotiate with the empire.

Seeing one elder after another nodded, the little wizard finally breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead-three days, enough for her to think of a way, or wait until Loren came back to discuss with her.

The most important thing is that he has reversed the attitude of the elves and no longer has such a strong hostility towards himself and the empire; he is really willing to sit down and negotiate seriously.

Then as long as you go a little further and work harder, you can ...

"Ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

A hearty laughter broke her thinking.

The stunned Ain, the elf elder unknown, could not help turning his eyes to the Azore elf who suddenly laughed out loud.

He first glanced at Ai Yin, with a trace of admiration for her standing at the moment; but when he turned around, he looked at the elves and elders who filled the long house with the most contemptuous and lazy eyes. :

"You ... are really not what I expected, cowardly."

In an instant, the little wizard standing behind him instantly felt that the atmosphere became extremely killing!


The elders of Arazuka Forest got up again, and their bell-like eyes stared at the mild-looking Middle: "This is a settlement of ancient wood forests, even if you are a distinguished guest from Azores ..."

"I have a letter here, from the eastern border of the ancient wood forest, from the deep forest." The smiling Azore elf gently raised a letterhead:

"This is a letter from the Duke of Lotel to the Earl of Shenlinbao-it clearly says that there is an army of 8,000 people, and he is preparing to come towards Shenlinbao, so that the Earl of Shenlinbao is going to build a defense line. "

"And the Deep Forest Fort ... is the empire's closest fortress to the ancient wood forest; once the army of the empire gathers here, it takes only one day for the army to advance to the Morning Star Forest!"

what? !

In an instant ... countless suspicious, confused, hostile and unbelievable glances, all directed at the little wizard in the direction of Middle's finger.

"Excuse me, if it is really prepared to build a commendable peace with the ancient wood forest with the heart of friendship ... Then why should the empire gather so many troops at the border of the ancient wood forest?"

"Could it be said that the" enthusiastic "empire is no longer satisfied with keeping peace with the ancient wood forest, but has to send troops in person to help the elves recover the forest invaded by ogres in the south?"

Middler asked faintly.

But every word he said, like a poisoned arrow, shot every inch of the skin of the little wizard!

The short silence, followed by a sensation of anger and sensation in the whole long house.

Ai Yin, who was sweating and sweating, bit her cracked lower lip so as not to lose her gait; but her heart had already set off countless storms.

Lotel ... Empire ... Ruben Frid ... How could they?

Isn't it necessary to put Loren to death when he dispatched troops during his mission? !

"Everyone ... I think you all should have understood." Middlel said leisurely, walking around in front of the elves and elders:

"The so-called" meeting "is nothing but a blinding method released by the empire to cover up their army-as for the" missing "Duke ... Ha ha ha, probably aware of it, so escape early? "

"Leave only my loyal followers and best friends here, and continue to work for an illusory" peace "... it's so sad!"

The atmosphere in the long house grew colder.

The pale pale wizard stood helplessly on the spot, and she wanted to stand up and tell them aloud that this was not the case ... but the facts she saw in front of her made her say nothing.

"This is just your side!"

The elder of Morningstar Lin stood up angrily and stared at Midell ’s eyes in an anxious way: “Not to mention that Lord Loren Turin is not such a person at all-if it is, he would not be alone with less than a hundred The war dancers went deep into the Yongye Forest and ended the Ogre War! "

"What's more, the so-called troop dispatch is all about it, and the evidence is only the paper in your hands!" Elder Chen Xinglin looked back sharply, looking at the other elders present:

"I propose! While waiting for the Duke of Byrne, Morningstar Lin first sent people to negotiate with the Earl of Shenlinbao to find out the truth-during this period, I will temporarily place the imperial mission in the Wuyue Court ... "

"So I said, you are really cowardly."

The sneering Middlel interrupted the elder's words again, holding on to the pair of embarrassed eyes and showing a confident smile: "But fortunately, not all elves of the ancient wood forest are as cautious as you are."

The elders sitting in the front row were stunned for a moment, and then they were all angry: "What are you talking about ?!"

"I'm saying that those young elves who listened to you deceased wood teachings in the past, those who are really energetic and courageous warriors, really understand what is best for their ethnic group."

"They won't be like you. They need to discuss for a long time to make seemingly" reasonable "decisions in hesitation; they will use their spears to fight for a bright future for their blood relatives!"

Middlel smiled contemptuously, scornful glances in the long house for a week: "If you are now quiet, you might hear that voice ..."

"That was the voice of thousands of young elves who were besieging the camps of the imperial missions-dozens of samurai plus entourages, I am afraid that they would die in a short while?"

"By then ~ ~ you who have slaughtered the imperial mission will lose the power to choose, and there is only one way left; you can no longer imagine that the empire will be generous to you and let you continue to live in this piece. In the barren forest. "

The noise of the long house disappeared immediately, and the faces that were so excited and flushed seemed to hold anger, but no one dared to speak, who could speak.

The dead hall, like the ice cave.

Only Midel was left, standing comfortably in front of the hall and holding his ears, as if listening attentively to the movement outside the door.

That gentleness with a somewhat leisurely expression, in the eyes of the little wizard at the moment, is the same as the devil's smile.

At this moment ...

"Boom--! Boom--! Boom--! ''

A rough knock on the door came from outside.

Middlel's smile froze in his face.

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