Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 52: Stand dead

The "War of Honor" that shocked the entire ancient wood forest has come to an end, but for the elves of the ancient wood forest, everything has just begun.

Hundreds of small and large settlements, tens of thousands of elves, they must move to the big tree wall before the summer is over, and attack before the ogres entrenched there before the late summer offensive, and come in the cold winter I had a firm foothold at the southern border and started this unprecedented "big hunt".

According to Lucca ’s prediction, at least one-tenth of the settlements will complete colonization before the winter comes, laying a solid foundation for subsequent settlements and establishing a “frontier defense line” to attack south.

This is destined to be very difficult ... when winter comes, ogres will definitely attack the elves in a fierce offensive; the war dancers who have lost the cover of the big tree wall must protect the settlement while in the unobstructed forest, and Enemies coming from all directions are fighting.

Some ... many war dancers, will fall in this initial offensive; never see the snow melted again, the new spring burst into everything.

Looking at the calm-looking middle-aged elves, all the little wizards and Loren can do is to silently bless them, I hope that the dancers in the Morning Star Forest can survive this difficult winter.

Although Luca doesn't seem to care about these ...

After completing the mission, the imperial mission also "divided into two." Peter Fasha and his deputies will be diverted to the imperial capital, while Loren and his party will go to the Red Blood Castle nonstop.

As for why the watchman's informer was inserted in the mission, Loren suspected that it was deliberately arranged by Dalton's mentor-taking the opportunity to pull the nightwatch's nails from the knights.

But before that, they must go to Morning Star Forest together.

After arriving in the eastern settlement, Loren and his party met the Knight Chief Aaron who was ordered by Feng Luwen Frid.

It wasn't until after he came out that Aaron got the real command of Grand Duke Lothal from Eaglehawk Castle in the rear-The Sky Dome only issued orders to gather troops to guard against accidents, but did not instruct to put troops into the front of Shenlinbao. .

This reply shocked the knight with a long sweat; it was not only the power of the Yal elves that had infiltrated him, but the elves of the ancient wood forest, which actually invaded Lotel. intend!

From Lotel to the ancient wood forest, only the deep forest can pass through the army; but the elves ’war dancers can attack Lotel from any location in the forest; this means that at the beginning of the war, half Lothal will fall directly, and all towns and villages without shelter and castle shelter will be swept away!

This is also an important reason why Lu Wen is trying to avoid the battle between Lotel and the ancient wood forest from beginning to end ... In the face of the war dancers who are excellent in mechanical power and individual combat strength, Lottel is not only avoiding to fight, but really There are not many good countermeasures.

Regardless of victory or defeat, Lotel will suffer heavy losses, and it is unavoidable.

But if the enemy is the Yal elves from across the ocean, then the situation will be completely different.

Although the elves withdrew from the large forest in the north, if their army is similar to the empire, then their offensive line is only the front of the deep forest ... This means that Lothal really has to start preparing for war.

"... The situation is probably understood, I will pass on the details to Master Luwen and Duke Lothal." A long appeal made the tired knight frown tightly.

"Unexpectedly ... Across the misty sea, the Elf elder could actually reach out to the empire and out to Lotaire; really ... so bold!"

After gritting his teeth, Aaron's eyes flashed with anger: "Since they are visiting, they will have to treat them well so that they can really see the enthusiasm of the Lothal people."

"But fortunately, their attempt to counter the ancient wood forest has failed-at least in the short term, there can be no more actions." The black wizard smiled slightly:

"Wuyue Court was burned into a white field by the elves, and even if Yar ’s fleet could escape the empire ’s surveillance and boarded 6 in the Ancient Wood Forest, he would not get any supplies ... Even if he could attack Lotel across half the forest Only thousands of troops can be invested. "

"I have discussed with the elves of Morningstar Forest. Once they are close to the army of the Yaer elves, they will send a messenger to Shenlinbao; I believe that the Shenlinbao, which will be solid at that time, will surely become the sad land of the king of Yaer. ! "

With the corners of his mouth, Loren stared at the knight's eyes: "This prestige of the empire's west gate‘ Watcher ’, even if I gave it to Ruben as a gift to be crowned Lord of Lothal.”

The two of them facing each other smiled tacitly.

"I think that if you can give this" gift "to Master Lu Wen at the coronation ceremony, he will be happier." The captain looked up and looked at Loren meaningfully:

"I know that asking a duke in this way is a bit presumptuous, and may also bring accusations from the Sky Vault and the church, but ..."

"You are his friend who can trust each other's lives."

The knight chief's tone was very heavy, with a strong expectation.

The black wizard sighed secretly ... because he really had no time this time.

"Could you please tell Lu Wen that after his coronation, I will send a mission and caravan to Morning Star Forest to negotiate with the elves there." Loren looked at him seriously: "If the Lord of Lothal then Not to be dismissed, there will be one of my envoys in that mission, although I can negotiate with him. "

"……I understand."

The long knight's expression was a bit bleak, but there were not many surprises-it would be better to say that if Loren agreed to such a thing, he would surprise him:

"As long as there is no violation of the imperial law, as long as we can handle it, Lotel will provide all conveniences for Baine's missions and caravans."

"The south gate and west gate of the empire will be joined together by two great and well-established families to bring long-term and stable peace to the empire!"

"Bien and Lotel will be destined to be the savior of the empire in this inevitable disaster, and the West Sacran, where the imperial capital is located, will become the three horns that support the Sakran Empire." Loren was equally generous:

"And Eagle Hunting Fort, Golovin and Red Blood Fort will be the core of the stable triangle; if the triangle exists, the empire will not be destroyed!"

The knight beckoned, bowing to Loren a little, and then turned and walked decisively.

Only Loren, still standing on the spot, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough ... Until the knight walked away, the female elf who was hiding behind came out cautiously, looking at Loren's playful gaze, and his face was ashamed.

"What, what?"

"It's nothing." The black wizard with a narrow face, said a vain phrase: "After all, I've been chatting with the knight chief, and I didn't notice the presence of a war dancer, so I'm a little curious."


"Yes, curious ... how long have you been standing behind?"

The female elf first froze, then immediately reacted, staring at him dissatisfiedly, and seeing that he would raise the spear in his hand: "I have to teach Ain to teach you this big deception ..."

But almost at the same time, the smile on the dark wizard's face dissipated and became slightly bleak: "Sorry, Liya."

"Although it was not intentional, a lie is a lie." Loren whispered: "Yes, the mission of the" Empire Mission "was not aimed at the ancient wood forest from the beginning, but the spy and spy of the Yal elves. damage."

"Because of us, you have to be completely separated from distant blood relatives, and because of us, you have to leave your hometown and embark on the road of migrating south."

"I will not deny my behavior, especially to friends."

Looking at the black wizard who lowered his head to admit his mistake, the female elf stiffened with anger on his face froze for half a second, and then glanced at his head with a sneer. . "

"And it was not a migration, it was a" big hunt ", an event that had not happened in two hundred years. I dreamed of going! If Luca forced me to stay, you thought I was willing to deal with you scammers what?!"

Looking at the female elf with rounded eyes like a demonstration, the black wizard smiled all the way, just staring at her with a silent smile, quite a bit salivating.

Maybe it's because Loren didn't resist, maybe it's because the tension and shame have been vented, and he just stared at him.

This kind of feeling is really subtle ... It's like going back a few years ago and back to the winter where both parties met; the same is in the morning star forest, which is also about to leave, and also faces life and death.

It was just that they had to fight side by side, but this time they parted ways, and it is likely that they will never see you again.

"So ... really going away?"

"Time is running out, you must go back." Sorry with regret, Loren nodded: "I'm the Duke of Byrne, and staying there ... will make some people unhappy."

"Some people?" Raising her eyebrows, Liya said calmly:

"Are you talking about your emperor or a woman in Red Blood Fort?"


Loren almost squirted out.

"That ... I don't know how Lu Wen told you this, but I must explain it clearly!" The black wizard collapsed: "Yes, I have a female relative in Red Blood Castle; yes, me and She has a good relationship; but we have absolutely no ... "

"Relax, tease you ... these Ain have told me." This time the female elf looked at him slyly: "Charlotte is a good girl, if such a guy like you can be so easy Succeeded, it was really Holy Cross without eyes. "

Loren really didn't know what to say.

Well, in addition ... Holy Cross does not have long eyes ...

Looking at the dark wizard who was speechless, the little elf was no longer entangled, turned around and took out a long knife from the back and handed it to Loren.

That's Middle's Sabre, the Shadow Sword.

"I thought about it for a long time. It's more appropriate to give it to you." Liya scratched her head and lifted the handle like she was holding a spear: "Anyway, it's a spoil for your duel victory-the elf of the ancient wood forest If you do n’t know how to use a knife, I ’ll leave it to you, maybe it ’s useful. ”

The dark wizard, silently, took the sword with both hands.

The blade is forged with Mithril, but it is as light as a feather; the thickest blade is also very thin in the center of the back; but the forging marks on the blade are dense, even if it is a person like Loren who does not understand the blade. I can also feel how terrible the sword has been through this horror.

Mithril gives the blade its toughness and strength, and the master craftsman's craftsmanship gives her a natural-looking shape, lighter than Hongyu's weight, and sharply chopping gold and iron.

The edge is like tracing light, like a silver mirror.

To put it bluntly, even the "Morning of the Mithril" ancestral sword of the Turin family, in front of this exquisite work of art, is rough and inferior like an uncut sword embryo, which is unsightly.

"Folding sword ... I will make good use of it, at least find a good master, and never let her go unnoticed." Taking a deep breath, "K!", The black wizard solemnly took the knife back to the scabbard.

It is a pity that such a weapon stays in Byrne-neither they nor Lusien are good hands with a sword; as for a female scimitar grandfather who already has an "iron ride", and the prince who is also in Poi Your Highness, except for summoning dragons, probably won't kiss the battlefield.

Let ’s leave it to Lu Wen ... plus the news that the Cavaliers told him, even if he did n’t make it to the coronation ceremony.

"Never obscure ..." Liya's eyes dimmed: "That means ... the empire and the kingdom of Yar have really wanted ..."

"It's not our decision, it's up to them to decide." Loren interrupted the female elf softly: "They first took the spearhead and destroyed the empire's ocean-going fleet in the misty sea, extending their tentacles into the interior of the empire. . "

"We have no appeal for the land of the Kingdom of Yar, nor do we want to have any conflicts with them; but if they want to come to the door, then the empire cannot just ignore it-if we want war, we give them war, it's that simple! "

"is it?"

The female elf smiled a little stiffly: "You are talking now, and you are beginning to look a bit like Lu Wen ... No, it should be the tone of the two of you, both are more and more like each other."

Loren looked at the female elf with a dignified expression.

"Listen to Liya, I ’m just a suggestion-but if the Kingdom of Yar really invades the empire from the ancient wood forest ~ ~ then you and everyone in Morning Star Forest can leave from the deep forest at any time, Byrne ’s Any forest will always have your seat ... "

"No need!"

Liya decisively stopped the black wizard who still wanted to speak, and his expression suddenly became a lot colder: "If the blood relatives of the kingdom of Yar really come, we will have our own way of coping, and we will never be trapped and bowed."

Loren twitched his lips ... He just wanted to say, "I didn't expect you to" send the word ", but reason kept him silent.

"We are children of the ancient wood forest, and we are proud elves." The female elf looked solemn:

"To die, we stand and die." ...

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