Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 53: Puppet show

Lothal, Fort Eagle

The heavy rain and cold in the end of summer made the already majestic and towering castle gloomy.

The sky covered by the dark clouds and the earth covered by rain, through the layers of water vaporized "curtain", you can see only the swaying fire behind the castle iron windows.

With the mud splashing under the horseshoe, the long cavalier rushed across the suspension bridge that raised the iron gate; then he turned and dismounted, and the muddy iron boots stepped on the stone slab ladder and smashed the main entrance of the castle gate.

The two rows of braziers on the left and right of the hall are burning, bringing light and leaving a swaying shadow on the wall; although the "fluorite chandelier" from Byrne has been introduced to Lotel, even on the ceiling, but The court of Lothal seemed to be very uncomfortable with this "wizard's gadget", and even disgusted.

At the end of the hall, an old man with a white beard but full of energy was waiting for him.

At sixty or seventy years old, he was still wearing armor in the hall; the dark black large cloak made his figure look more robust; there was no extra decoration on his body, only a seal ring on his right hand, The coat of arms of the Frid family was carved on the sea-blue gemstone, and the blood-stained cross sword.

Although he was old, his sharp eyes and his handsome face made time seem to slow down on the old man, and did not bring him the yoke of sickness and depression.

Because he is the Lord of Lothal, Duke Frid.

Throwing away the cloak soaked in rain, the cavalier leader came forward calmly, but noticed that a thin, hated and robe stood in the corner of the hall, a young man dressed as a scholar, standing silently with his hands down there.

"This is my clerk, don't need to think about it." The old man in the seat slowly opened his eyes, and there was a little spoiling in his eyes: "Lu Wen recommended, what did the child say, Duke, except in the court The priests who have never studied before are really ridiculous. "

"Since he likes it, then I will stay ... Then again, since he had recorded it, the Counts finally got some rules when they came to see me-they were afraid that if they lost their ugliness, they would Discredit the family and children; of course, he only shows me what he writes, haha! "

Seeing the old prince so happy, the always serious knight also echoed and smiled, withdrawing his gaze.

"You're back, but Lu Wen's child didn't come back."

Put away the smile, Grand Duke Frid raised his head upright, staring at the knight like an eagle-like eye: "That means ... he won, isn't he?"

"It should be said ... a great victory." The knight nodded and took a long parcel from the cape off the cape: "This is the loot of the Duke Byrne, and it is a coronation gift for Lu Wen-it is this The second empire's greatest achievement! "


His eyes opened sharply, and the old man immediately took the parcel, took out the letterhead encased on it, and quickly glanced a few times. He nodded: "Okay, very good ... It is the blood of the Turin family, the son of the man; this kind of death. The task was actually done by him! "

"Aaron, the letter is too general; you will tell me more about what is going on from beginning to end!"

Stunned the knight's long feet staggered, almost fell.

Almost forgot, his prince was illiterate ...

So the patron leader Loren told him the intelligence, and repeated the Duke completely; to facilitate his understanding, he added a lot of his own understanding.

While the two were talking, the young clerk in the corner picked up the notepad and began to record stiffly; the cavalier, who was still suspicious, remembered what the Duke had just said, and he didn't think much about it.

Sure enough ... When the long voice of the knight fell, the young clerk also put down the notepad in his hand and stood motionless like a sculpture standing in the corner of the hall.

"... That is to say, even if the Azores attacked the empire from the west of Lotel, and lost the assistance of the ancient wood forest elves, there was only one deep forest for the attacking direction, and it was destined to be narrow and tortuous due to the narrow roads. The reason for the difficulty of resupplying cannot put in too many troops. "

Grand Duke Fried, who breathed a sigh of breath, was extremely savvy: "And the child of Ruwen can use the merits of guarding the west gate of the empire to become a hero who resists the invasion of the Azores Kingdom ... does he mean that?"

"Duke Byrne promised that once the Azores army appeared in the ancient wood forest, the elves of the Morning Star Forest would definitely send information; in addition, he would provide us with assistance as much as possible, in order to block Azore from the west of Lotel, Let them die in the deep forest. "

The knight nodded: "He probably wanted to use this opportunity to make friends with Lotel and find a new ally on the west side of the empire; because Arles in the south refused his pull, and Elleman had always only obeyed The imperial emperor's imperial order. "

"So he had to find a way to get us together-even if he didn't succeed, he wouldn't let Lotel stand on the side of Crown Prince Connold." Grand Duke Frid nodded: "Very well, you can promise him; but Aaron You have to think of a way to reveal this to the Crown Prince in secret. "

"This child Lu Wen ... is too simple, let him choose to stand on the side of the friend without hesitation; I have to make arrangements before I leave, I have to let the Lotter and Frid family keep Neutrality, never participate in this matter. "

The knight chief nodded silently; as a close friend of Lu Wen, he may be one of the people who best understands the Duke's doing so.

"As for Byrne's support, hehehe ... or don't expect too much." Grand Duke Frid chuckled for a while: "The Turin family doesn't have a stingy, but ... it is not good for them to be involved and owe human debt. thing."

"The last generation of Grand Duke Ellerman is the best example-once he owed Roland, he sold his life and sold him half his life. In the second half of his life, he had to find ways to help the Torino family of the orphans and widows. ; What my Frid family wants is longevity, not surrender! "


Put his hands on his back, and the knight looked a long way, and bowed his head heavily.

"You are the knight of Ruben, you should not leave him for too long." Grandfather Fried's face smiled, and there was a little more spoiling in his expression: "Go back to the Deep Forest Castle, don't let your master wait too long!"

Looked up, and the knight with a fierce pace turned away.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, the alert knight took a long step, and the afterglow of his eyes glanced again into the corner; the thin clerical clerk was still standing still, like a puppet.

Shook his head, the knight who no longer hesitated walked out of the front door quickly.

Grand Duke Frid, who sat in the hall alone, nodded slightly, and finally took out the azoel knife from the package with satisfaction-the exquisite handle and the bright and bright scabbard, almost immediately grabbed his eyeballs.

Pull out the blade slightly again, like the blade of the mirror reflects the flames on both sides, and the refracted light can hardly open his eyes.

Only the clerk in the corner remained motionless, continuing to record like a puppet.

The exquisite Azore sword made Prince Frid's eyes full of praise.

Even with his knowledge, this knife ranks in the top three among the weapons he has seen in his life, second only to the "sage" Brandon I's Sabre Star; partly because of the reputation of this sword .

"Never let this knife be obscured, is it ..."

Grand Duke Frid sneered in a low voice, a wise light flashed in his pupils.

Loren Turin ... Maybe he is well-intentioned, and he really considers Lu Wen as his friend; but it does not mean that he will not use this friendship to benefit the Turin family and Bairn. .

The tradition of the Turin family has already been shown to the fullest in the "Black Duke"-people in this family can have extremely rich and surging emotions at the same time, and they can maintain a high degree of calmness and absolute reason at all times.

Because of this, they can truly move and gather a group of followers who are loyal to them, without complaints and regrets; and then take them to their goals, ideals and ambitions, to take risks, to give, to sacrifice themselves.

They are born adventurers, commanders and dictators-and they are willing to obey others and serve unreservedly.

Knight spirit, knight military system and tradition ... It is simply a system tailor-made for the strength of their family.

Roland Turin is the same, as is Charlotte Turin.

Lorren Turin ... Could it be an accident?

Grand Duke Frid squinted his eyes, slammed the handle of the knife, and inserted the long knife into the sheath.

Regardless of whether he is or not, Lotter ’s Frid family will never be a vassal of others-if Loren Turin is really interested, he should strive to keep Lotter neutral, rather than his own friends. Pull on his chariot!

Lu Wen is still too young, and in this court struggle, he is easily blinded by personal likes and dislikes and imaginary friendships; he must use his energy to pave the way for him in the next two decades, become a real power, and control the west gate of the empire. Lord of Lothal.

Routel has no knights galloping the earth, no black-winged dragons, no cross-horse riding ... We have only a war bow hidden in the jungle and hills.

The confrontation between short soldiers has never been the strength of Lotel; beyond a hundred steps, it is our battlefield.

Beyond one hundred steps, before the enemy is aware of it, shoot the rain of death in the gap between the prey and the scrutiny of the prey; either don't move, if you want to move, you have to strike the enemy!

The situation in the empire is still unclear, and it is not time for Lotaire to bet; Byrne wants to win the Frid family, and a knife and a few words of promise are not enough; want to get Lottel ’s support, You have to show some sincerity.


Grand Duke Frid looked up, as if he heard something moving faintly.

"Secretary, did you just write it down?" The old man who responded suddenly looked at the corner of the hall with a puzzled expression: "I didn't say that, when there is no one, don't pretend to be pretending-not tired, anyway, yours The Duke is illiterate! "

As if the young clerk didn't hear it, he still held the notepad in his hand and waved a feather pen stiffly in the right hand to make a "shar" sound.

"What are you doing, don't I say you don't need to write?"

Frowning, Duke Frid ’s expression is a bit ugly: "My court needs a loyal courtier, but loyalty is the most important thing-do you know what loyalty is? It is my command that must be executed, I will let You stop! "

The clerk in the corner still ignored it and held the notepad firmly to his chest.

"You young man, why don't you understand the rules at all?"

The old man with great vigilance got up and walked, but he still didn't change his face, as if he didn't notice anything, his right hand had already pressed the handle of the "Zhi Ying Jian":

"Is there something wrong, who is embarrassing you; it does not matter, as long as there is something, you can tell me, I am a very forgiving ..."


'S complexion changed suddenly, and the figure of Grandfather Fried flicked.

A sharp Azore sword protruded from the notepad and penetrated his throat!

The old man with a blocked throat looked down hard and looked at his motionless clerk.

His right hand holding the pen had already been penetrated by the blade, and the blade was pierced from his armpit, which happened to be stuck in the blind spot of his sight.

"Why, why would you ..."

Grandfather Fried, whose lips tremble, squeezed out these few words with difficulty.

"Why ... hehe, this sentence should be what I want to say." A cold, disgusted voice came from behind the clerk:

"Why ... Middle's stupid, actually dead!"

The old man's eyes were fixed, and there was an extra petite figure behind the clerk who didn't know when.

With long, dark blue hair, a pair of pointed ears.

"The second seat of the imperial court, actually died in such a rural place ... I told him long ago ~ ~ The gang of gangsters killed all of them, so what should I do as an adjutant Your Majesty explained! "

Milky voice, petite and cute figure, but said creepy words:

"And ... this grandfather, stop struggling in vain, don't you understand?"

"Once it is hit, the body will be controlled by me immediately-hey, it is thanks to you not literate, otherwise this young clerk brother may have been dismantled."

"No way, because he has been dying for more than two months."

Fried's eyes widened ... but now he could do nothing but fear.

He found his hand, and began to move uncontrollably-like a stiff puppet, twitching mechanically, holding up the shadow sword in his hand, and delivered it to the front.

"More than two months ... It's almost the limit of others-after all, toys will break, wood will decay, and rope will slack."

"So Lord Duke, are you happy? Although you are dead, you can continue to live like a living person for about two months."

"... Speaking of that, the guy in Middel likes to name the knife; his knife is called the shadow sword, and mine ..."

"... It's a puppet show." ...

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