Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 54: Small condition

After leaving Lotel, it took the Black Wizards and his team another week to cross the border between Elleman and Byrne, from the northern loyal castle road to the Red Blood Castle.

Looking at the bustling, bustling and bustling Red Blood Castle in front of him, Loren had only infinite emotion in his heart.

The spacious street is clean and tidy, and there is almost nothing but ruts and footprints; but this is because there is nothing but pedestrians on the street; the original vendors on both sides can no longer find one, only left A pile of fences and tattered tents.

A solitary wooden sign hangs on the door of a closed store, which reads in red paint: "This bakery actively follows the doctrine of the Holy Cross. It is closed on weekends and afternoons and will never conduct any trading activities."

Several farmers carrying grain bags passed through the store door, shook their heads in sighs, and turned away again.

The crowds were crowded under the gates, but in fact only a handful of businessmen were trying to scream, most of them were pedestrians in a hurry, and there were caravans leaving in wagons and sad faces.

Beyond the Cathedral is very lively, but except for the priests who are trying to preach the doctrine and some "professed" believers, the rest are still mostly "watching the lively", and it seems that they have no idea what happened.

Only the inner city area behind the city wall is as prosperous and stable as ever, except that things are slightly more expensive; salt is doubled, fine meat is tripled, fresh vegetables and refined flour are up to five times ... passing the shop Lorren glanced, and the price of fresh eggs was almost the same as the equivalent weight of aged wine.

Prices are artificially high, public resentment is rising, there is no vitality, and the atmosphere is heavy ...

I made up my mind to return early ... I did it right!

"It must have been done by Little Yode of the United Chamber of Commerce." Glancing at the pawnshop and the bakery with few people across the street, Lucien said bitterly:

"I remember having had similar things in Elmans before ... vainly raising prices and hoarding goods, this group of profiteers can do anything for money!"

The black wizard smiled and did not answer.

"Why didn't anyone stop him?" The little wizard's expression was equally confused and blinked: "The Round Table Council can't ignore this situation, wouldn't it make Byrne dangerous?"

Behind her, Harlem Van Ashamal stopped talking, but looked at his proud pupil silently, confused, and gave no explanation.

Some things are still not explained ...

A quarter of an hour later, the guards of the court came to greet the returning team of envoys; after a short meeting, Master Ashamai led Ain to the wizarding union, and Lusien had to go to the "wings of the sky" as soon as possible. Military camp, and hand over the work with the acting head of delegation during this time.

Only Loren, followed the guards to the round table council.

Holding down the court herald who wanted to be notified when entering the door, the lone black wizard walked straight into the gate, walked through the garden of the vestibule, and walked towards the hall.

Before ascending the stairs, Charles Grunwell, the serious-looking chief of the court, appeared to him first, and quickly stepped forward to greet him, with a little panic in his expression:

"Your Excellency, why did you come back so quickly? And ... why didn't you hear the announcement from outside ..."


A muffled noise came from inside the hall.

The inexplicable black wizard and pale-faced Charles turned back at the same time, turning in the direction of the sound from the hall, and the countess, who clapped her hands on the table, swiftly stood up, glaring at the little Jord sitting in front of him.

Charlotte, who blushed, was probably too excited, his shoulders were undulating, and his pupils were murderous;

The little Yode sitting opposite her was very quiet, and his indifferent expression seemed as if there were no guardian knights in the hall behind him, and he was calm in his seat.

This is really ... a rare sight.

"Dear Honorable Treasurer, you are the duke's most trusted cronies, the president of the Union Chamber of Commerce, in the whole Principality ... No! Among the merchants of the half empire, there is a reputation that echoes everything." 'S cheeks looked very cold:

"And you have to tell me that you can't do anything about the current situation of the Red Blood Fort ... helpless ?!"

There were only two people in front of the empty round table, obviously without arms, but the atmosphere was tense as if the two sides would pull the sword out of the sheath at any time, and the blood splashed like five steps.

"Accurately, there is no effective solution." Ten fingers crossed his hands on the table. Little Yod looked up and looked at the angry countess, surprisingly calm:

"I must remind you, Your Excellency the Countess; I am the tax official of the Principality, but those businessmen and caravans are not my vassals; I am the president of the United Chamber of Commerce, and they are also behind the dignitaries and tycoons of the Empire ; They are our partners and customers, and I do n’t have the power to order them to stay or control the price of the goods. "

"In fact, to maintain the price stability of the inner city at the moment and to ensure that the principality's finances will not collapse, you and the humble servant of the Duke have done their best."

With that, the little expression of Yood also showed a meaningful smile deliberately.

Unfortunately, Charlotte didn't even notice.

"The price is stable. You want to tell me that the bakery is closed. Is the price of salt doubled? Is the price stable?"

The countess sneered, and her excited expression was slightly grim: "This is Byrne, the most fertile, prosperous, and fertile land in the whole empire!"

"Sorry, but the price of the goods is only related to market supply and demand and cost. It is not something that a small tax officer can control." Little Yoder shook his head again and shrugged indifferently:

"If I force them to lower their prices, the merchants who fled from Red Blood Fort will only close more shops because it will make them unprofitable."

"So you and your joint chamber of commerce will take the opportunity to raise prices first and make a fortune at the most critical moment in Red Blood Castle ?!"

"This is a very common business tactic. When the increase reaches a certain level, it will stabilize. Everyone can earn money and they will no longer consider the issue of price increases. As for why it is the United Chamber of Commerce, it is of course for the Principality's sake; After all, if you think about the result of the price increase of others, the savings of the people of the Principality will be lost and robbed by others! "

The righteous words of Little Yodd said: "Instead of letting foreign businessmen search for the wealth of our people, it is better for us to search for ourselves; so in any case, this wealth is still in the principality's wallet!"

The countess with tight cheeks took a deep breath.

"Then the merchants in the country, the grain merchants, the bakery owners and the vineyard owners, do you have to tell me that you can do nothing about them?"

"Of course there is nothing we can do ... this is also following the policy of support for the church before His Excellency the Duke!" After a slight pause, Little Jorde nodded his head:

"They took the initiative to follow the orders of Bishop Lord Byrne, not to carry out any loan business, not to conduct business activities on weekends and afternoons, and refused to make too much profit. So they decided to close the door. This is a manifestation of their piety. How should I reprimand them?"

Little Yoder ’s expression is a matter of course, and he is full of grievances: "You know how terrible the price of the goods outside is now, but the United Chamber of Commerce still endures high prices and supplies the Red Blood Fort with the past parity. Army supplies and everything needed in the court. "

"Why? Because the United Chamber of Commerce and your humble servants see this as a dedication and obligation to the Principality, and would rather bear the losses themselves, but also to ensure that the Principality's finances will not collapse. We have done our best to do just that ! "

"Even the extortion of the high-blooded Red Blood Castle subjects, is it your risk to the Principality ?!" Charlotte gritted his teeth.

"Of course it is!" Little Yoder nodded solemnly: "As you know, Bishop Lord Byrne has stopped all high-value lending business, and our Chamber of Commerce is also very supportive."

"But this also raises another question, both the lack of financial resources and you know that the exhibition of the Principality in the past few years has relied on the large low interest rate or even interest-free debt of the Union Chamber of Commerce; if the Chamber of Commerce has no money, how to subsidize the principality What about finances? "

When the words fell, Little Yode saw the little Yoode in front of him slightly, his body instinctively shivered.

This expression ... means she was really angry.

"Of course ... it's not absolutely impossible to do." Little Yoder, who noticed the mistake, immediately turned around and smiled slightly flatteringly: "If the Round Table Council can provide some help and collaboration, the Joint Chamber of Commerce can still think of a way. "

"Speak." Charlotte didn't mean anything to him at all.

"The cause of all this is very simple, that is, the merchants' fear of the Bayern Church ... mainly the bishop ’s recent new reforms." Little Yode Chan smiled:

"Actually, we are not afraid of the new reform of the church itself, but the degree and progress of the bishop's master is too fast and too sudden; everyone will inevitably have some fear of this sudden change."

"We are also just ordinary people. We don't like to see too many different changes from the past; when we appear, it is inevitable that fear, and those who fear ... tend to do things that are not sensible."

"So ..." Charlotte endured his inner anger and said as calmly as possible: "How can you make the 'honorable' businessmen less fearful?"

"It's very simple, that is to make the Round Table Parliament and the court no longer support Bishop Byrne. I mean, it is no longer so clear-cut to assist the bishop to implement his new reform."

"The affairs of the church should be given to the church, and the Round Table Council should not be involved. This is also the wish of Bishop ... Do you think?"

"Of course, these are just words on the next side. It is not necessary to succeed or not; maybe, maybe not ... But if the Round Table Council refuses to make a statement, I think those businessmen are probably very difficult to be under. Sentences persuade. "

He is extorting himself, forcing himself to make a price ...

The Countess, who was furious, had more and more intent in her chest.

No, you can't be angry; be calm and don't be affected by his words.

You have to think of a way to reach a compromise with the joint chamber of commerce behind Little Yoder, without making the Round Table Parliament weak in front of a group of businessmen.

What should I do?

Is there any good way to end this dilemma ...


A guard knight standing outside the door accidentally touched the scabbard against the door; just a slight slam, the harsh metal sound spread throughout the hall.

The two confronting each other almost raised their heads instinctively, and the black wizard and Charles, who also went back and forth outside the door, collided with each other's eyes and looked at each other.

For a time, all four were stunned.

In the end, it was Charles, the head of the court, who still reacted first.

"Lord, Lord of the Thirteen Lords of Byron, Duke of Loren!"

A loud and clear voice broke the momentary silence; the expressionless Loren crossed the door and entered the empty hall.

After only a moment's stun, the expression of Little Yoder who reacted instantly instantly saw the extreme.

He was just outside, that is to say ... himself, he had just forced the countess to blackmail ...

All, all he saw? !

Suddenly, Little Yoder suddenly recalled the fear that the sailor on the returning ship was slaughtered many years ago, and he was completely controlled by the spell of Loren Turin ...

That blood-stained, smiling look at himself sitting on the deck sun ... so far I remember!

He came, he came towards himself!

He, he will kill me, right; he will definitely kill me, he and the countess have not long ago ...


Little Yoder opened his eyes violently, but he saw the figure of the black wizard passing by.

I didn't even look at myself!

When he came back to the **** again, the dark wizard was already standing in front of the countess.

Charlotte, who stood tall, stared at some reddish eyes, nibbling his lower lip, with some stubbornness in his eyes, and some inexplicable fear.

The expressionless Loren raised his right hand and held down her slightly shivering right shoulder.

"I remember ... an Countess said that when I returned, I would return the intact Byrne to me." Looking at the Countess with a stiff expression, Loren raised his eyebrows narrowly:

"But what I heard seems to be a bit different from what she said."

"It's just a little bit ~ ~ It's no big deal." Charlotte, who didn't look down, squeezed the palm of her shoulder slenderly, and her long fingers pinched Loren's pulse:

"Give me another half day and I will restore everything to its original state."

"... Can I think you refuse to admit defeat?"

"As you think, punish me despite the punishment is good, willing to gamble to lose."

With a slight hum, proud Charlotte turned his cheeks and froze his gaze to a stunned presidential president:

"Before that, I have to deal with the evil servant of a Torino family!" ...

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