Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 55: my dream

"Loren, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect this to happen, I ..."

"No need to explain, Webber-I should know, I know."

Byrne Cathedral, looking at the empty surroundings, which seemed to be too "notational" furnishings, Loren sitting in the only chair in the room holding the scriptures, opposite the pale, panic-stricken little priest Weber said.

Er ... Or should it be called Bishop Master?

Looked at the little priest in front of him, and even had wrinkles on his forehead. Loren, who was smooth, said a bit awkwardly, and blocked his mouth with embarrassing hands.

Lifting head pattern, purple eye bags, slightly arched back, slightly swollen fingers covered with calluses ... Compared with a few months ago, he looks at least "mature" by ten years old.

Except for three sets of scriptures, he couldn't see a book on his desk; some were just messy copy scrolls; others had been approved, and some had not.

In addition to two chairs and a coffee table in the room, there is no decent "furnishing".

The wall of the previous bishop ’s oil paintings has been filled with dense scriptures, and it seems that the handwriting was written by the little priest himself; the corners with bonsai, statues and knight armor are placed, except for a few pieces that are as clean as new. Nothing could be seen outside the floor.

Probably ... It became all three meals a day in the orphanage when I came outside the door?

The prices are obviously two to three times higher than the deliberate toss of the United Chamber of Commerce, and the orphanage can still supply malt porridge and eggs ... At the current Red Blood Fort, these two are already equivalent to the newly brewed wine.

As for the little priest himself-although the clean and tidy priest's clothing is of high quality, he can still see the traces of washing to whitening; the wear of the knees and elbows under the clothing is particularly serious, and the marks are obvious.

"The main responsibility for this matter is Little Yoder, and basically because of him." Closing the scripture gently, Loren sighed: "Of course, I don't mean that you are not responsible, but those are what we said. ... I promised to support you, and new reforms are imperative! "

"In any case, a clean, lead by example, a church that promotes justice and friendliness cannot be harmful to the Principality, right?"

Shrugged, the dark-haired wizard explained lightly.

But the young priest obviously misunderstood his thoughts and regarded these words as an excuse for Loren.

"This kind of church cannot be harmful to the Principality ... but I must have acted too hastily." Weber Zhang Huang was at a loss and couldn't sit still: "I ... I'm really too scared! No ... I want to prove myself too, prove me It can change the church and make her a true spiritual guide, not a secular place mixed with politics and money! "

"Maybe you will laugh at me, maybe you think this is ridiculous; but I always have this fear, Loren ... you, or the adults of the Principality of Bayern behind you, and the Bayern Church of the Imperial Capital, will always take back right. My support. "

"It is this inexplicable fear that urges me to realize my dream as soon as possible, so that everything becomes an irretrievable fait accompli." The little priest of Yan Tang looked tired and slumped in his chair:

"Maybe ... I should go to the Count Charlotte and apologize-after all, if it was not for me to get her to agree to my new reforms at first, the resistance of Little Yoder would not be so strong and the consequences would not be so serious."

"If I were you, I wouldn't do it." Thinking of Charlotte's look at Little Yoder before, Loren sighed:

"She's in a very bad mood right now. If you don't want to ask for anger, just wait."

"because I?"

"No, it's because of a stupid man who seeks his own way and doesn't know himself yet."

The black-haired wizard chuckled and raised the corner of his mouth.

"Anyway, congratulations on the success of your mission this time." The little priest who froze before responding dumbfounded smiled, looked up at Loren calmly:

"The rulers of the South and the Dragon King family in the Sky Vault are so intimately trusting each other and working hard together ... Oh, the last time this happened, it would have to be traced back to the tenth generation."

Intimate and collaborative?

The corner of Loren's mouth evoked a trace of sarcasm.

If you send someone to watch, and secretly order Grand Duke Lothal to gather troops to guard against the invasion of ancient wood forests, it is also considered "intimate". If you put a nail in your knight is "cooperation" ...

Norren rather than His Majesty Eckhart II in the Skydome, it is better to defend himself like an anti-thief.

"Webber, you are not the same as before." The smiling black-haired wizard raised his eyes:

"The little priest who confronted me at the trial before Golovin will not consider whether his behavior will cause trouble to others."

"He will do his best to realize his dream, he will also feel painful to hurt others ... but he will continue to do so, and will never stand in front of others with fear and sincerity like now."

The little priest was startled, a bitter smile on his tired and pale face.

"This ... is probably the change of identity? When you are alone, you can be free and free to implement your own ideas; but when a person carries something, everything changes."

"Like Loren yourself, isn't it the same?" He raised his head and calmly looked at the dark-haired wizard. "Although you will lower your posture in the past, you will always stand alone, just for yourself; Today, he is burdened with the rise and fall of a nation, and even the survival of an empire; with power, he can no longer be as free as in the past. "

Smiling Loren looked at him without any change in expression.

"So, now the two of us who were once free, but now bound by ourselves, sit here and understand each other's difficulties." The black-haired wizard took a deep breath: "We all know how difficult it is to realize our dreams, but Now that we have set off, there is no turning back. "

The little priest did not speak, but his eyes were full of approval.

Once taking the first step, there is no turning back.

Reform the church and let the believers of the Holy Cross be completely detached from the empire politics. This will be a shock to the Bain Church and the Holy Cross Church itself!

Because this means that the church regains its faith, it means that the church can no longer interfere in politics; the "monastery" that encroaches on the land and the wealth of the empire will be abolished, and a large number of priests will return to the life of ascetics in the age of the ancient kingdom.

The church itself will become a simple place to provide people with a place to find faith and psychological consolation. In the vision of the young priest Weber, even "social assistance" like an orphanage should be transferred to the local lord for execution.

"Yes, I know how difficult it is to realize my dream." The contemplative little priest whispered softly: "Then ... How about you, Loren?"

"What is your dream?"

The soft voice rang in the silent church.

Is as soft as a breeze, like a cicada.

The black-haired wizard raised his eyebrows, and it was a little unexpected that he would ask this.

"Maybe you will be surprised, no ... you must have noticed for a long time, I have been observing you." The little priest's expression is sincere: "I always want to know, what are you trying so far?"

"In the beginning, I always thought you were unwaveringly standing on the position of Eboden; but then it seems that this is not the case; you will cooperate with the wizarding class because they can draw their power to His Royal Highness Brandon. In the camp; "

"Later I think you have been working hard for His Royal Highness Brandon to defeat Crown Prince Connor, but this should only be one of your purposes; because if you are really loyal, you will not take Byrne from his hands. Take away. "

"Later, I think you may want to create a world driven by money and interests; but in my contradiction with the Union Chamber of Commerce, the Round Table Parliament stood on my side with a clear banner, making His Excellency Little Yode the Principality Of all the targets. "

"So I'm really confused and confused ... Loren, what exactly do you want, what's your dream Bain, what is the world in your dream?" The little priest raised his eyes and asked as if he was tentative. :

"What is your goal?"

Lorren pressed his hands to his abdomen and did not answer him immediately.

The words of Master Harlem Van Ashamai are still in my ears.

"... Your fear comes from too powerful enemies; your busyness is because all this is far beyond your ability, so you have to increase your strength; you are behind bars, all around ..."

"... Anyone who wants to save the world by himself, will eventually find himself trusted by himself, all betrayed by faith, and reduced to the point of confrontation with the whole world ..."

"... Your subjects, your friends are desperate to help you, but they cannot understand what you are doing ..."

Incomprehensible confusion ...

Lorren saw this emotion in the eyes of the young priest.

Should I tell him?

Weber's belief in the Holy Cross is absolutely beyond doubt; he firmly believes that spiritual guidance can save the world, and believes that the Holy Cross is the future of the empire, and can do so at all costs.

If he knew the "so-called truth", he knew that the Holy Cross was actually created by the wizards of the dragon kingdom, used to control the heart and balance the "weapon" of evil spirits, a useful tool in the hands of the ruler, what would he think ?

Was it like "Logan wearing a hat" to completely abandon faith and commit to turning the power of the void into a weapon of mankind, against the rule of the Holy Cross; or like the Bishop of Fanesis, a complete spiritual breakdown and reduced to evil spirits running dog?

Either way, the collapse of faith brings about the collapse of the spiritual world ... the most important thing is that although it is a bit cold to say so, the little priest is not a member of his "core circle". Even if he is a friend, Loren You can't trust him like you did to Lucien.

The two are still able to cooperate at the moment, but maybe one day ... they will become enemies again.

But on the other hand, if you can defy the young priest, let him be his supporter in the church system ...

Er ... would it be too unrealistic?

"What I want ... is a free Principality of Bayern."

After hesitating for a while, Loren still decided to be safe, temporarily to stabilize the little priest and let him continue to cooperate with himself.

But the little priest obviously misunderstood his meaning.

"Freedom?" Weber was stunned, his expression very stunned: "Like ... Eboden?"

"Eboden ... No, no, of course not; before the Wizard Tower and the Sky Vault were reorganized, Eboden was completely controlled by the free aristocracy and the chamber of commerce with a lot of wealth."

Putting his index finger, Loren chuckled: "To a certain extent ... I just knew that Bjorn would strongly oppose and still support you because I didn't want Byrne to fall into that ending."

Seemed to understand Webber nodded, but still the expression of "stupid".

"Freedom I speak of is freedom of choice-what I want to create is a freedom that follows order and allows the subjects of the Principality to have more choices without being affected by family background, descent and origin." Loren's expression Gradually dignified:

"A common house of knights, the eldest son inherits his father's armor and sword; the second son can join the church and pursue faith; the third son is a family livelihood and becomes an apprentice of the Wizarding College or the Union Chamber of Commerce, proving himself with knowledge or wealth. "

"The three children can each walk towards their own path, parallel and equal, and there will be no difference in status due to choice; the eldest son's military pension can support the elderly father, and the second son often does good deeds, earning a good reputation for the family. ; The youngest son sent a letter from a distance, telling his father and his brothers where he is traveling, everything is safe, let them rest assured; "

"When the youngest sister of a family finally wants to marry, the three elder brothers can come up with a rich dowry and let the younger sister marry beautifully, instead of saving their parents' frugality;"

"The eldest son who travels with the army all year round ~ ~ may be admired by a noble girl in a castle; the young son with extensive knowledge may be at first sight for an elf or other strangers and strangers; The son received good news and would send blessings to both brothers at the same time instead of treating each other differently; "

"Their wealth and status will be different, but all choices are free to them, there is no difference."

The black-haired wizard took a brief pause, and his voice was steady: "This is my dream, this is what the world in my dream looks like-and in order to realize this dream, I need power, and it is a great power."

"A person who wants to realize his dream and truly make a difference must have more supporters, more wealth, power and popular support; only with these can he be qualified to talk about" changing the world "!"

"So ... you will support Brandon." The little priest murmured, his voice trembling: "Because only he became the thirteenth generation ... Lorren, you can have a chance to realize your dreams, right?"

"Power, wealth, hearts ... the three are indispensable." Loren nodded without hesitation:

"So ... Weber, my bishop; I will do my best to help you complete the church reform plan."

"How about you, will you help me realize my dream?" ...

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