Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 56: listen to me

When the dark-haired wizard filled with emotion left the Byern Cathedral, it was dark.

Watching the bustling crowd around the church ... No need to wait until the next day when the Duke of Byrne returns, the news of the first visit to the Bairn Cathedral will spread throughout the Red Blood Fort and then to the entire Byrne.

As mentor Dalton said, he is no longer three years ago; the master of the Bain in the south will be noticeable in every move.

This visit to the cathedral will become a strong signal that will make the nobles and subjects of Byrne think that the Duke of Byrne is on the side of the bishop and support his "new reform" plan.

Loren certainly knew this.

So he must preemptively make this matter a reality, just like the little priests did before-it is to take the initiative to stand up for the church, rather than the church persuaded themselves and approved the little priest's reform plan.

The difference between active and passive is the difference between who has the dominant power and who is the more powerful party.

In this way, regardless of whether the Bayern Church is willing or not, they owe themselves a favor; even if the young priest Weber wants to keep the church "pure and independent", he has to accept the fact that the formal church is under the management of the Round Table Parliament and its level is lower than his own.

Yes, this set of practices is exactly the same as in the imperial capital, Eckhart II deliberately brought the conflict between the church and the wizards to the pre-imperial trial, and the method of personal arbitration ...

People, really will have to become the most hated look.

Sighed again with emotion, the dark-haired wizard was back to the palace surrounded by the accompanying guard knights; before he entered the main entrance, a slim figure was already in front of him.

"You are late, again."

Tall chest, Charlotte said coldly: "We made an appointment to meet before evening, and then at dinner to talk about the administrative issues during your departure-this is a very formal handover of power, do not feel late and let one Is it too rude to wait for women, my lord? ”

"Sorry, but it takes a lot of time to convince our bishop." Loren smiled. "You know, it's not easier to persuade a stubborn girl than to persuade a devout Holy Cross. "

"Then ... Our esteemed Countess, did you take away some disobedient servant and make him honest?"

Facing the dark-haired wizard with a little sarcasm, the countess raised her head with a sneer.

"At the latest tomorrow afternoon, the price of the Red Blood Fort will return to normal and stable-it will be announced to the outsider that you have personally interviewed and conducted the results of detailed consultations with the merchants; the crisis has been lifted, and the Turin family has won again Many hearts. "

"It is worthy of us the Countess of the Red Blood Castle, and indeed it is the descendant of the Turin family!" The grinning Loren showed two rows of white teeth neatly, and thumbs up:

"I know that guys like Little Yoder are definitely not your opponents; as long as you come in person, you can say a few words ..."


Answered him, Charlotte, who turned away, pumped the long hair "seriously" on his face; leaving him with a face full of fragrance, and a back that hurriedly left.

There was only a dark-haired wizard with a smile on his face, standing stiffly.

"Please allow me to sympathize with your experience, Your Excellency the Duke." Charles, the head of the court standing on the side of the journey, carried his hands on his back and turned with a smile:

"But you must also understand-the countess has just fought a beautiful victory, she continues to get your encouragement and recognition; but you are not only late, but also in the kind of full of ... friends teasing tone, so ..."

"So I deserve it, right?" The dark-haired wizard rolled his eyes.

Charles with a desperate smile, bowed his head, only his shoulders were trembling.

"Come with me, Lord Duke ... You are already late to meet, don't you want to even be late for dinner?" The court director gave way and greeted: "According to the arrangement of the count, this is just a simple family feast-but Even so, when it comes to the principal of the principality and important members of his family, there should still be some form. "

"So if you are happy, we can walk along and explain all the procedures and steps in the next dinner; of course, you don't want me to say that ... The count has told you that you may not like it very much."

Loren nodded helplessly, resisting the urge to roll his eyes for the second time.

So since I have no choice, why do you explain it to me?

This is probably the most difficult place for him to accept ... No matter what kind of event, Charlotte always likes to be very formal and ceremonial; from a simple banquet to a round table council called the Earl of the Thirteen Lords, at It may well be equally important in her eyes.

Let's get along for a few years, Loren probably can understand her reason, but it does not mean that he is willing to suffer.

"This morning's meeting ..." interrupted the surging Charles, and Loren quickly changed the subject: "A certain financial officer, must you have a hard time?"

"Of course not." The court director shook his head decisively, but then nodded his head with a grin: "The count treated him in the palace garden with great enthusiasm, and explained to him in the calmest and most euphemistic tone. The consequences of not cooperating with yourself. "

Calm and very gentle tone ... Lorren raised his eyebrows.

Coercion? Intimidation? Threat to life? Don't be unpredictable?

"To sum up, the Honorable Treasurer quickly realized that if he did not make a certain compromise as soon as possible, the Principality would hand over the title of Treasurer to Earl Gareth of Rainbow Bridge, and then divide the United Chamber of Commerce." Charles whispered, with a hint of admiration in his tone:

"For Byrne three years later, the Union Chamber of Commerce is no longer necessary, but the Union Chamber of Commerce must be attached to the Principality; otherwise, the roads, minerals and shops they control will soon become the eyes of the rest of the Chamber of Commerce Fatty. "

"Uh ... I remember the Principality owed a lot of money to the United Chamber of Commerce, and it seems difficult to pay it back?" Loren could not help saying.

"Because of this, the United Chamber of Commerce must not leave the Principality; otherwise all debts cannot be fulfilled, and the preferential and support of the Principality's finances will be lost.

Charles nodded lightly: "The count told me that this is the" shameless trick "she learned from you-the borrower is the grandson, and the one who owes the money is the master-Duke Your original words, I just repeat it again. "

"..." Loren Turin.

"The Earl knows very well that the United Chamber of Commerce is an important tool that the Duke uses to control the various territories of the Thirteen Kingdoms; there is only one who can balance the Round Table Parliament and hold the principality's financial power firmly."

Charles blinked, and said meaningfully: "And this is why the Earl was helpless to him before, and it is also the reason why you can easily play with him in costume after you return."

"The Earl has always placed his position under you, and would rather bear the grievances and have to take into account your prestige first-even if Jorde is just a businessman, even if he is only the lowest-ranking financial officer;

But as long as it is yours, the earl will surely win your acquiescence before using his own wrists-Earl ’s emotions towards you can be described by more than ‘loyalty’. "

"What do you mean?" Loren raised his eyebrows.

"Literally." Charles humbly nodded his salute: "I'm just your humble court manager, execute your orders, elaborate my opinion-judgment is your authority."

The black-haired wizard smiled: "Is it?"

"The banquet has been prepared, and you have another quarter of an hour to prepare for the table." Charles did not answer his question, and said abruptly:

"We have prepared the dresses and decorations for you. You have five minutes to take a bath, three minutes to clean up and take care of your grooming, and one minute to choose clothing-do you have any other questions? "

"Just one, can I not all of these?"

"No, because you are the Duke of Byrne." Humorously bowed to salute, the court director turned and left.

Dropped Loren again, standing alone outside the main hall door.

"My prince, is there a conflict with Count Charlotte again?"

A slightly humorous word came, causing the dark-haired wizard to turn his head subconsciously, with a strange expression.

"Karl Colin, I always thought you were a very serious guy. I didn't expect you to be such a demon hunter."

The "Tucha" Hunter smirked a little, and he was very disappointed: "No way, Captain Lucien is too serious on weekdays; if our subordinates can't look away a little, they can easily suffocate themselves. of."

Karl Colin-Rut Infiniti's night watchman installed in Byrne; was successfully "rebelled" when forming the Demon Hunter Legion in Loren, becoming a "double-sided spy" that both sides knew ".

On the one hand, he collected information about Byrne and the hunters and Loren for the Sky Dome; on the other hand, he also handed the latest news from the Vault of Heaven to Loren, while serving the Demon Hunter Legion.

Because of this relationship, in the past three years, Lucien has been restricting Carl Colin ’s actions, and he often handed him almost the task of dying to death. It was not until the battle of the cloud peak that he began to trust this "night watch bug". running dog.

"Captain Lucien just came back, there are a lot of things to deal with in the legion, so it is my turn tonight, who has just completed the task and returned from the capital of Golovin," Bug "to take office."

With a bit of ridicule and self-deprecation, Karl Colin explained: "Of course, it is only one night tonight-our captain, dare not worry about giving this important work to others."

"Everyone knows that as long as the captain is not around you, he is 'unusually' uneasy, almost like losing his soul."

"Then ... what kind of information did you, a" bug "who just returned from the imperial capital, bring back?"

Ignored the other person's ridicule, and Loren asked, with his lips raised.

Cal Colin gradually smiled.

"After hearing the news of the success of your mission, the nobles of the imperial capital all cheered and praised you as a loyal empire and a blood of Turin." The devil hunter calmly said: "But such information, you better don't believe in comparison it is good."

"As far as I know, there are more than one Imperial Nobles who wrote to the Cabinet of the Heavenly Dome. In the name of your successful mission and deserving of the award, 'invite' you to the Imperial Capital; its real purpose is to put you under house arrest in the Imperial Capital to control it And to threaten the Principality of Byrne. "

"Oh?" Loren raised his eyebrows: "So what about the attitude of His Majesty the Emperor himself?"

"I'm just a demon hunter, and can't spy on the affairs inside the court." Carl Colin shrugged: "I only know that the Justice and the Royal Wizard counselor are struggling to oppose this plan, thinking that you must be seated as the master of Byrne The South is the only way to maintain the stability of the empire. "


Loren's expression was a little surprised.

It is not surprising that Master Albert, the Royal Wizard's adviser, supported him, but Justice Victor ... he could not wait to strip himself away?

Still said that in his eyes, the duty to maintain the stability of the empire and the justice of the law far exceeded his hatred-it is possible, if so, it would be really thankful.

So the most crucial thing is the attitude of Eckhart II ...

"Loren Turin-!"

Charlotte's angry roar sounded behind the door, and the two guys who just talked and laughed suddenly shocked!

"When will you wait, my Duke --- ?!"

The words fell, and Karl Colin turned around without hesitation, holding his neck high, standing motionless as if pretending to be a sculpture, madly hinting to Loren with his eyes.

The Earl is in a hurry, what are you waiting for?

Loren returned his eyes.

Take a deep breath ~ ~ There is no escape route "The black-haired wizard stepped up the stairs, generously and magnificently, as if striding to the execution ground.

Only Karl Colin and another fellow rookie hunter left behind.

"Master Duke, what's the matter?" The newcomer with a blank expression, or an inexplicable look: "What's going on, isn't it just a dinner, why is there such a big fanfare?"

"I ask you ..." Looking at the newcomers who hadn't responded yet, Carl Colin sighed: "What is the purpose of loyalizing the Duke when you join the Wings of the Firmament?"


"Want to honor the family, get the title, get to the peak of life, and one day be able to stand beside the Duke and become his most trusted cronies, am I right?"

"Uh ... this, of course, if possible ..."

"I also hope to please the Earl and say that one day I will be able to hook up with a noble lady and marry my favorite girl, right?"

"This, of course, is only one thing ..."

"Then listen to me, rookie." Carl Colin also rolled his eyes and said in the tone of "coming people":

"As long as you can pass tonight in peace, don't make a little noise, pretend that you didn't hear anything, if you are not sure, everything will be there!" ...

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