Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 60: Fall into the dark

Feeling the sound of breathing and heartbeat ringing in my ears, the vibrations coming from the ground ... The face of the elf girl sinks like water.

Although they haven't confronted these enemies, the neat steps can be judged from the orderly steps, and the opponent is definitely a very good warrior.

Moreover, there are a hundred.

Fool yourself.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe the other party had a premeditated plan, but there was no doubt that when the Duke Byrne appeared, his ambush had already begun preparations, and he had been delaying the time for everyone to arrive.

The opponent has confronted Midel once. If the opponent actually said that Middel died in his hand ... able to defeat the tricky, shameless imperial court seat, it is enough to prove that Duke Byrne is never under Middel.

Really, the information obtained by Middle did not say that Byrne is a kingdom of knights. The lords here are all the people who are most interested in the honor and spirit of the warrior of the human empire and the most enthusiastic duel?


The elf girl raised her head in surprise, and the sound of the approaching footsteps around her began to move back and forth orderly, but she could still feel the thick murderousness of them, and her icy eyes;

With a radius of twenty steps and a week around, it reminded the elf girl that the Azores kingdom was dedicated to the warrior, death row and royal prison of the royal family.

Such a big fan, is planning ...

"... alive?"

Opposite the elf girl, the joking voice of the dark-haired wizard sounded again: "Otherwise, what else can it be?"

The elf girl with her head down just raised her long knife silently, holding the knife handle in her right hand.

Without a word.

The other party is just using a tactic similar to that of Middler to disrupt their thinking; as long as they ...

"As long as he doesn't listen to a word, he doesn't say a word, this despicable tactic is useless to himself, he will naturally give up ..." Loren smirked with the right hand of the "dawn" sword on the ground. Pick up the "Dragon Tooth" thrown over from the hurrying little wizard:

"No need to answer, all you want to say is written on your face, Miss Lori Zade."

The elf girl didn't answer, just lowered her head a little deeper.

As long as he said yes, he only needs to kill him.

"Yes, anyway, his goal is to catch himself alive. Anyway, he still hides a killer weapon that can hit a deadly one. Anyway, as long as he wants to escape, he can't stop himself." "Dragon Tooth" shook his gun:

"Just let him say, let him continue to say that, sooner or later, there will be flaws ... it will allow him to succumb to a flaw, eh?"

The elf girl with her head down continued to be silent, but the right hand holding the sword had green muscles.

Restraint, restraint ... They are the former chiefs under the throne of the eagle, others ...

"So I'm really curious, Miss Lori Zade, where are you confident?" At a very relaxed pace, the dark-haired wizard approached the elf girl step by step:

"Your friend Middle is dead, his shadow sword has also become my loot, his plots and tricks have been torn apart by me, and the information he has hidden in my heart has also been dug out of his mouth. Come out ... um, one by one. "

"Understood? It was no accident that you appeared here tonight, nor was it a coincidence for me, we already knew that you would show up-so I only arranged two demon hunters outside the palace door, so you go all the way Unimpeded; well, like a rabbit attracted by carrots, step by step into my set ... "

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up ..."

There was a trembling cry in the childish scream.

In an instant, the figure of the elf girl disappeared from the sight of the dark-haired wizard.

So fast!

Han Mao's instinctively tight body warned him that the danger was approaching quickly.


Suddenly stabbed the stalagmite that was in front of the girl from the floor, and was instantly chopped by the sharp blade; the blade that was approaching at the same time flashed like a tracer from the evading dark-haired wizard, and the scratched hair tips Disappeared without a trace.

The first knife has just been cut, and the second knife has arrived.

This is too fast!


The roaring arrows hit the end of the long knife handle extremely accurately, causing a slight deviation in the direction of the chopping.

The angry elf girl didn't notice the suddenness.

The dark-haired wizard who gritted his teeth immediately seized the opportunity, and grabbed the "dragon tooth" at the last second.


The fire burst.

The gray-blue "flame" spear spewed, and it was able to block the blade five inches in front of the neck.

Only a few centimeters.


There was a cry of excitement from the little wizard behind the wall.

"do not worry!"

Clenching his teeth and holding the force from the gunpoint, the dark-haired wizard pretended to smile easily: "This elf came to me not far away, then I had to communicate with her in depth."

"This is the hospitality, Miss Lori Zade, what do you say?"

"Go to hell!"

The elf girl's reply was simple and clear, and Xueliang's long knife stabbed again sharply.

She started to mess.

Although the pressure was more than twice as great as before, her knife had obviously lost her calmness at the beginning, and her attack style became monotonous stab and dagger.

What a ... a little girl who is simple to the extreme.

"Say ... I haven't really thought about what I said before, don't you even have a hint?"

The tip of the gun was lighter to counteract the stabbing blade; Loren, who tried his best to dodge, did not forget to continue to say: "Obviously you are the chief of the court, and Middel's guy is only a second seat."

"Then why the task of countering the ancient wood forest elf was given to him by the eagle king, but the task of killing me was given to you?"

"Obviously, the cunning guy, his" Folded Sword "is the most suitable knife for assassination, isn't it?"

"Or ... In the eyes of the eagle king, Middle's guy needs to be protected, it is important; and you, the chief of the royal court, can be sacrificed, and it is insignificant ... just abandoning the child?"

"Go to hell!"

The elf girl screamed in pain, and the knife in her hand grew faster and sharper, desperate.

"Don't be angry, just talk about it, I don't know the truth."

After flashing a head-on strike, the black-haired wizard with side flashes put away the bright silver in his left hand and pulled out the "dawn" from the ground-the left-handed spear and the right-handed sword.

"Don't parry, it's just a possible thing, maybe it's maybe not ... But don't you really haven't thought about it, is this a game set by Middlel?"

"Ah, after all, if you, the chief court officer, unfortunately sacrificed, which one would be the successor warrior?"

"Wouldn't it be ... a certain court seat?"

The figure of the elf girl shook suddenly, as if the heart was hit hard, and the slightly distorted expression seemed to endure a certain pain.

"Shut up! Shut up! Don't, stop talking!"

There was already a cry in his voice: "Don't force me!"

"Forcing you?" Loren smiled more happily: "Look at there are a hundred people around, and there are my army outside the city, tens of thousands; you can't escape if you kill me, you hide in the city. The party has also been exposed ... you are the abandoned son who was sent to die, understand?

Oh, sorry, I forgot ... you can't see it.

Are you blind? "

Loren smiled slightly.

"Ah ah ah--!!!!"

The heartbreaking scream sounded, the elf girl lowered her head, bowed her waist, and her teeth were clenched; the right arm holding the long sword in the sheath was trembling violently; under the moonlight, the blue tendons of the neck and forehead were exposed to blowing Bouncable skin.

Obviously motionless, but the elf girl's body, like a real murderous, made the surrounding demon hunters back half a step and subconsciously pressed the sword on the right shoulder.

Lucien, who wanted to rush forward, was forcibly pressed; looking back, he found that the person who stopped him was a small wizard who was equally nervous and frightened.

Quite a terrible void reaction ... even if her knife is still in the sheath, even if there is a five-step distance between the two sides, the dark-haired wizard has the illusion that he has been cut off twice.

Loren narrowed his eyes and stepped back slightly.

The other party has already been stimulated by his own mental disorder, and he is almost losing his mind.

When people are stimulated, they always want to show their pride on one side, and use "proof" to regain their confidence.

This is the case, and the elves should be similar.

Therefore, Your Excellency Lolly Zade, do n’t hesitate and do n’t hesitate to express your favorite “Samurai Way” to your heart ’s content. Let me have a good understanding.

After all, after taking out this, you will have no more cards to play.

I also know how to clean you up.

"Lorry ... but under the throne of the eagle, the chief of the court;" the elven girl who gritted her teeth, lowered her head and whispered:

"Lori's predecessors are all noble and noble, with one warrior against one hundred;"

"Those with crooked gates and evil ways ... have no qualification to covet this position!"

"So ... Loli's" Samurai Way "is also the easiest one in the" Four Courts. "

"There is no evil way, no poisoning or bloodletting, no faster self ... only" cut ";"

"Loli's knife only needs to complete this mission."

"Within three feet, everything is cut." The elf girl slowly looked up, obviously wearing an eye mask, but it made people feel that she was staring at her:

"Heart-cutting ... is Lori's warrior way."

The voice fell.

Without waiting for the dark-haired wizard to react, the elven girl's figure had disappeared from his eyes again.


Loren's heart tightened, and only a strong wind hit the center of his chest.

At that moment, he no longer had the time to "joke" the young girl, while the big sword was raised in his right hand, the "dragon tooth" in his left hand had swept away in front of him.


Loren felt only a shock in his hand, and the left hand's dragon tooth suddenly became lighter.

No, it is not lighter.

The gunpoint was cut off!

The dark-haired wizard who had no time to retreat, abandoned the left-handed gun barrel without hesitation, dragging the "Dawn" sword sideways to dodge sideways.

But the elf girl didn't give him this opportunity, and once again withdrew the knife in the sheath, it was once again glowing with silver light.

Loren backhanded a "primitive force shock", trying to push back the girl's offensive.


In the violent loud noise, the elf girl dexterously avoided the point, and the roaring air wave was split in front of the long knife in her hand, and was ripped from the middle!

The fierce blade waved towards his torso.


The sturdy armor shattered in front of the sharp blade.


The black-haired wizard with a painful look knelt down on the ground, pale and sweaty, barely supporting his body with his sword.

In the flashlight, the elf girl who had flashed to the back of Loren had slowly retracted the knife into the sheath, without expression.

The outcome is divided.

The elf girl thought lightly.

"You don't have to struggle anymore, Lord Duke Byrne, you are dead." Facing the dark-haired wizard, the calm elven girl finally recovered and said softly:

"The enemy hit by the heart, from the moment the blade touches him, the result has been decided-even if it is only a light touch, even if it does not penetrate the body; as long as within three feet, all will die. "

"Within three feet, everything is cut ... It's the interpretation of the samurai's way."

"Go with peace of mind. As you said, I may not be able to leave your castle alive today; the killer is always killing, which is the essence of the samurai way; for this ending, people have already ... ?! "

The heavy "dawn" sword fell on her shoulder.

The thin and delicate body shook slightly, and the shock completely covered the face of the elf girl.

"How, how could this be, you ... you ...

Why are you still alive? ! "

With a big mouthful of gasps, the embarrassed dark-haired wizard covered his chest wound and barely squeezed a smile.

"Amazed, there is nothing to be surprised." Loren's expression was calm: "If you just kept calm, or your eyes can still see, this trick is probably useless."

Eyes can see ...

"The dream of solitude, a very strange, but very useful spell in special circumstances." Holding the wound, the corner of the dark-haired wizard's mouth could not help twitching.

That's right, no matter how special the "Samurai Way" is, it must rely on the power of the void in order to play its role;

And the characteristic of "Dream of Dream" ~ ~ is the power of shielding all the emptiness around everyone at the same time.

This trick was actually very impractical against elf warriors-because this group of guys are superb in swordsmanship, and from Midel, they can see that they are very good at fighting in bad or adversity;

Even if they deprived them of the "Samurai Way", swordsmanship and combat instinct alone are very terrifying opponents.

Facing them if they lose the power of the void, Loren will be an absolute disadvantage, not to mention that the "Dream of Dreams" will block the sight itself, which will make them wary and not at all sudden.

But the only disadvantage is that it becomes an "advantage" in the face of Lori Zade, who has lost his mind at this time.

Because she can't see.

Looking at the panicked girl, Loren finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"A guy in the dark who has no fear of the enemy ..."

"When you fell into the real darkness, you probably didn't even notice it."

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