Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 61: reptile

The darkness of the solitary dream dissipated, and the suffocating crowd could not wait for the gradually restored vision and hearing, desperately opened their eyes and looked towards the center of the fighting field.

The dark-haired sorcerer covering his chest with one hand holding a sword, standing behind the elf girl, gasping for breath; the girl in a red silk blindfold knelt in front of him on one knee, and the cold and heavy "dawn" sword stood on her The delicate shoulders.

As for the Azore sword that resembled a wooden stick, it lay quietly three steps away from the girl.

The outcome is divided.

"Wings of the sky, press down this elf assassin!"

Charlotte, who had arrived in a hurry, took a sigh of relief after confirming that the dark-haired wizard was still alive; he immediately calmed down, and said to Lussien beside him:

"Put her in the dungeon and send ten elites to look after them carefully; the rest immediately organize a search for castle-sized palaces, and don't let go of any clues!"


Gray pupil focused on his head, raised his hand and waved vigorously towards the sides, and the surrounding demon hunters immediately divided into two teams; the main force spread out to the surroundings; the remaining veterans pulled out their swords together with Lucien, and swarmed up.

"do not come!"

Ok? !

"Everyone, retreat five steps, not allowed to get close!" In the amazed eyes of the gray pupils, the dark-haired wizard who endured the pain hurt his throat and ordered them to: "Keep her five steps away, decide Can't get closer to her within three steps! "

Despite the doubts, Lusien did not hesitate to execute the order, raised his hand to stop the approaching demon hunter, and his eyes kept swinging between Loren and Charlotte behind him.

"Duke, what the **** is going on?" The vigilant Charlotte also immediately ordered to stop the guard knights coming behind him outside the palace gate:

"This assassin, can she still ..."

"She's more dangerous and more important than we can imagine!" Loren glared directly at her with a serious expression: "Don't let anyone get close, and don't let all guards and warriors be concentrated in the same place. ; On the premise of guaranteeing the combat effectiveness of each team, scattered in the city to search. "

"She has at least one or two fellow parties, and may even have a traitor to be bought!"

"Go and invite Master Dalton and Master Ashamai to let them deal with it! Immediately!"

"I see, I will do it."

Charlotte, with a serious expression, nodded his head, no dissatisfaction was intercepted, and looked back to Charles who was on his side: "Notify, the martial law of the whole city, all the defense forces are on alert, all important buildings are sentry, and there are suspected nobles Search one by one! "

"As for the earl staying in the city, tell them not to panic, but they must be vigilant; no one can leave the mansion without the order of the duke!"

The solemn court director bowed to salute, turned around and hurried away.

"Ain, the wizarding union may have trouble you to run over there." Looking back at the little wizard, Charlotte, at the turn of his words, immediately softened a little: "Notify Master Ashamai and the advisor of the wizard. I ’ll leave it to you; ask them to understand the importance of the matter and come as soon as possible. ”

"I know."

Ai Yinzheng, who was still holding the war bow in his hand, nodded his head, and worried eyes also glanced at the black-haired wizard who was seriously wounded from time to time: "They should have been aware of such a strong void reaction."

Seeing that everyone around him had started to move, Loren was finally relieved.

To be fair, the reason why you can win is to calculate the other party's premises-the recruits who died, and the seriously dying Carl Colin provided themselves with extremely important information and calm time to prepare.

And the other party's understanding of himself seems to remain at this level-he is a duke, he is a knight, he is also a wizard-this level.

Only mentally and unintentionally, he barely pulled back a game.

"Master Ashamai ... Is it Harlem Van Ashamai?"

The elf girl kneeling on one knee asked very indifferently.

"Miss Lolly Zade, do you still have the mood to ask this?" With a light smile, Lorren didn't answer her question: "Is it unclear where I am?"

"You have been caught by me, your conspiracy has been exposed, if your fellow party did not die under the sword of a certain soldier, you will definitely be caught with you-believe me, we have one hundred kinds, one thousand kinds Ways to dig out all your information without taking your life. "

"Well ... it's like giving a seat to a royal court, His Excellency Middle."

The elf girl's body shivered slightly.

"It is worthy of the Duke Byrne in the Empire, we really look down upon you."

"Don't think of saying anything from my mouth, Miss Lori Zade." The grinning dark-haired wizard shook his head: "What you should consider now is how to tell me the information you know, or avoid it, or Nine true and one false ... this is your best choice for survival now. "

"Of course, even if you do this, I still have a way to dig out really useful information from the mouth of you and your party; but no way, I am such a person who likes to consider for others; of course, if you don't like me In this case……

Well, then I do n’t like it. "

The elf girl silently lowered her head.

Loren's expression gradually dignified.

Middlel reminded me to kill my sword carefully ...

The question is, why should they kill themselves?

Knight, Wizard, Duke ... Of the three identities, the only one worth this level of warrior is the last one.

In other words, their goal is to kill themselves and then cause turmoil throughout the Principality of Byrne.

But if this is the case, then the question is coming ... Is the goal of the Azores really only one of them?

Elleman, Lotel, Arles, Boye ... will they all have their assassins lurking, and if necessary, do it, causing widespread destruction in the entire empire?

The dark-haired wizard squeezing the corner of his mouth, the palm of his sword was already full of cold sweat.

and also……

The Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, the Port of Ebden and the Wizard ’s Tower, and ... the sky dome?

Loren's heart tightened.

If the entire empire is in chaos, raiding the sky dome, killing the emperor, and causing a fight between the two princes ... would n’t it be the best way?

and also……

Assassination, destruction ... these are just means, and they can never be the end; the Azores are so eager to create chaos, they must want to use the chaos to pave the way for their next plans; just like Middlem encouraged the ancient wood forest elves The same is true of turning against Lothal.

If this is true, then the day of the massive invasion of the Azores is probably ...


There was a loud noise in the distance, the stunned Loren slipped his palm, and the big sword almost got out!

In the dark night, the dumb crowd looked at the place where the smoke rose, and an incredible expression was written on everyone's face.

That direction ... Could it be Byrne Cathedral? !


"You still have five minutes."

The darkened Bayern Cathedral, Dalton Kant coldly said.

The scarred elf warrior collapsed in the pool of blood, struggling with a hard gasp, his right hand clutching only the remaining half of the knife handle, and the rest was trampled by Dalton.

On the other hand, Dalton Kander was intact from head to toe, and no dust could be seen on the wizard's robe.

Why is this happening?

According to the information, the wizards of the empire are all a group of scholars who can not kill them easily, as long as they are close, they can easily kill them;

Obviously, these people have no combat experience at all, and only have theoretical knowledge. Although the level is very high, they are not afraid at all.

Not to be afraid ...

Why ... Why is this wizard different from what intelligence says!

Not only did I find myself, but I could keep up with my own speed ... No, I could almost predict all my attacks and ideas.

Speed, skill, strength ... and his own samurai way, all in his anticipation, playing with himself between his applause!

Even looking at the cold eyes without a touch of emotion makes the elf warrior feel horrified. It is the fear that he is not even under his control even his own life and death.

It ’s useless, it ’s useless even if you want to commit suicide ... this wizard will definitely break his wrist just before he starts his hands, and crush his teeth the next second after biting his tongue, as in ...

"You are in fear."

Dalton spoke again, stepping closer: "Very good."

"You should be afraid."

The elf's body trembled, and the stiff even courageous "courage" dissipated.

"Necessary things in the face of danger ... fear." Standing in front of the elf warrior lying in the pool of blood, Dalton's eyes dropped suddenly, like a sharp sword:

"For you, I am dangerous."

"Your so-called" Warrior's Way "-hurt yourself while hurting the enemy twice-ridiculously, once the power of the void with strong targeting and twisting rules is exposed, it is easy to counterattack."

"Ignorance and arrogance make you tell me the answer directly, but you don't know anything about my hole card; so I can calmly deal with it and devastate." Dalton shook his head:

"Mistakenly thinking that power is the existence of power, why is it foolish; there is no difference between the monsters and beasts that are equal to low intelligence."

"Not only that, your arrogance and ignorance, but also revealed more important information; for example, the Azore sword is also rare among the Azore elves. ; For example, the imperial warriors are better at assassination, lurking and spying intelligence ... "

"With your intelligence, can you understand what I'm talking about? You are an open book for me. I want to read as much as I want, as much as I want."

"Sir Samurai, you are the only one, and within a quarter of an hour, most of the top intelligence of the Azores Kingdom is revealed; as a reader, I respect you and look forward to your next performance to make this reading game even more Easy. "

"Because if your book becomes obscure ... I am hungry for knowledge, and there is no guarantee that the book will be intact."

The trembling elf warrior looked at his wand, and his unrestrained expression was like a prey forced to a dead end, shrinking and trembling.

As a warrior, I can't stand up to meet the enemy, what a shame!

"The chat is over, continue the topic just now." The cold, bitter voice interrupted his thinking:

"You claim to be the adjutant of the imperial court and assist the chief of the imperial court ... I assume that it was your" Master Zade "who attacked the castle."

The elf warrior's eyes widened.

"You, you know ?! Hahaha ... Haha, afraid, Lord Zadeh claims to be the first warrior in the imperial court for three hundred years. The soul of the adult is dead! "

"I'm just a **** that was sent out to disturb your sight and make it easy for Master Zade; I didn't expect it! Be fooled! Haha ... hahaha ... hahahahaha ..."

"Haha ... hahahahaha ... haha ​​... ha ..."

Dalton Kander's expressionless, indifferent to stiffness made the elf warrior laugh and panic.

Why, why is he not nervous at all, not afraid at all? !

That's his lord, who he serves!

Does he really care nothing about the life and death of his lord? !

"No, you are lying." Dalton interrupted his anxious smile:

"You, trying to divert my attention."

The elf warrior froze with a smile.

"There is no insult to your thoughts, but it is very obvious ... You, Samurai, you don't have the wisdom to" attract attention and pretend to be sideways "; the only thing you are good at is provocation and smirk to be heroic." Dalton said politely:

"Therefore, this plan has nothing to do with you."

"So, so I said, I'm just a little person, Master Zade's chess piece, a chess piece controlled by her!" The panicked elf warrior shouted anxiously:

"Understood? This is all her plan, I am just the executor, just to kill your Duke Byrne!"

Very good, and revealed a piece of information, this "Zad Lord" is a woman.

But Dalton was too lazy to remind him ~ ~ He had been impatient with this kind of "innate obstacle" before-only because of the information on the other party, he made him say a few more nonsense .

And Dalton hates nonsense.

"No, there should be a third person."

Dalton Kant snorted: "With your intelligence, it may be possible to attract attention, but it is impossible to think of a raid on Bayern Cathedral;"

"Two assassins, one out of one ... there should be a third, am I right?"

Throbbing his throat fiercely, the elf warrior was so scared that he didn't dare to say a word, lying on the ground, twitching nonstop, pursing his mouth to death, only breathing with his nose.

As it happens, Dalton has also lost patience with this "miscellaneous" squeezed intelligence.

He turned around and pointed the wand in his right hand toward the empty door behind him, his sharp eyes locked on the faint cold moonlight.

"So ... are you going to prepare yourself, or let me pull you out, reptile?"

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