Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 68: force

"The purpose of the eagle king?"

In the round table hall, Charlotte blurted out of his seat and stared at the opposite figure.

On both sides of the round table, small wizards with different expressions and Lusien and others were equally confused. Only Harlem van Azamal was thoughtful, and he bowed his head in silence.

"Master Dalton Kander, what does this mean?" Charles standing behind the countess couldn't help but say.

"Literally." Dalton answered coldly without looking up:

"Count Red Blood Castle, and all of you ... please think about it carefully, do we really know?"

Everyone was stunned again.

Did n’t the purpose of the eagle king want to invade the empire from the beginning?

Silence coiled over the round table hall until Dalton nodded slightly, closing his eyes and keeping his mind silent.

"The meaning of Dalton Kander should be why the Eagle King invaded the empire, for what reason, and why." Master Achamai finally said, explaining to everyone: "For this, we are still one today. Ignorant. "

"The alarm of the ancient wood forest, the assassin at midnight in the Red Blood Castle, and the intelligence network lurking all over the empire, even the night watchman could not perceive it ... Yes, we can now conclude that the Kingdom of Azores is about to invade the empire quickly!"

"But why? Why should he do this?"

Around the round table, everyone looked at each other.

This was the question of Loren when he was in the ancient wood forest.

wealth? The wealth that ocean trading can provide to the King of Eagles far exceeds war;

land? Across the ocean, how many colonies can he conquer to his people even if he wins and the empire bows his head to submit?

Conquest? Even if a war madman who does n’t want to die, he would n’t be interested in a war destined for a huge disparity in strength, and the enemy has local combat advantages, right?

If none of the three are, what on earth is urging the King of Eagles to launch such a crazy full-scale war?

"The reason, the reason is the key to all answers." Dalton still looked indifferent, every word said extremely dignified:

"Understanding it, we can control the overall situation in the coming war."

Charlotte frowned, slowly sitting back on his seat.

The surrounding atmosphere became more suppressed.

"Understanding the other party's motives, one can unearth the other party's thoughts and actions at each step, taking the lead in the game everywhere ..."

Lena de Salion from Isaac-because a genius is not interested in this kind of thing-the side branch of the Dragon King family pushed the black-framed glasses with red hair, said.

"This is no longer a competition between the two forces in the past, but the two are equal in size, equal in strength and even slightly higher on one side, a total war between two continents in the two worlds."

Dalton, who had a dignified look, accepted Lena de Salle ’s words and admitted her statement: "Loren Turin, he is the master of Byrne and a key figure to open the next era of the wizarding world, He is the only one who is qualified to fight against the 'Black Cross' Serel. He must control the overall situation. "

"This is not something that you want to think about, this is the authority, strength and position he already has, the responsibility entrusted to him!"

The words fell and the hall became quiet again.

"But ... but does that guy really know?"

The slightly anxious Lucien couldn't help but asked, with a very suspicious expression: "I ... I don't mean Lord Loren can't ask, but that guy is just an adjutant; if it is the chief of the court, it may be known, but it is very An adjutant, it is impossible to understand the idea of ​​King Eagle? "


"... Of course you know, Royal Court Warrior, Lord Rod Il."

The dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes and smiled slowly.

Firelight flashes in the cold dungeon, leaving nothing but silence.

A crazy smile froze on the face of the elf warrior, the stunned pupil suddenly contracted, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Don't want to say, don't want to explain? Okay, let me tell you why." Loren's tone was plain, but still a little bit complacent:

"The imperial warrior is the confidant of His Majesty the Eagle King and is responsible for detecting things outside the palace-in other words, the entire Azores kingdom is absolutely secret to you."

"As the assassination of the empire, and even the mastermind of the ancient wood forest elves, you yourself should be part of the whole plan, of course, you can't know nothing."

"Finally, and the most crucial point ... if you do n’t know the exact reason, if you do n’t know all of this, I really doubt that there will be such a group of brave and fearless guys who can fight for this kind of life. Dead mission. "

"There must be some reason, there must be something that will make you decide to die."

"Even if you are really brave enough to know nothing about it ... I don't believe you never thought about it, and you haven't even thought of it for a moment!"


The elf warrior, who suddenly lowered his head, bumped his forehead against the iron ball falling on his neck. The pain made him start to whisper, gasping violently, his body trembling constantly, trembling violently.

"Tell me what his reason is."

The dark-haired wizard was not squinting, and his expression became slightly excited: "Speak it out ... even if you made it up blindly ... I fulfill a wish."

The elf warrior with his head down still shuddered.

"Tell me! Say!"

Searing eyes stared at him with squinting pressure.

"No! I don't know, I really don't know ..." He murmured in a low voice, like a movement made by the friction of broken copper and iron: "I'm just a small person, an abandoned child, I don't even Knowing such an important thing, I do n’t know ... "

"Because you have been abandoned, it is a child! You no longer need to continue to follow the oath of the past and sell your life for your majesty!"

Loren snorted and interrupted his voice: "In this case, the intelligence is the capital in your hands, the capital you can exchange for-why not change your life while the capital has not depreciated What about it? "

"Because I really don't know, I don't know-!!!!!!"

The elf warrior with his head shouted hysterically, and his voice was mixed with crying cries: "I'm just a small person. The power of life and death of the imperial warrior is in the hands of Sister Zade, and the house affairs and intelligence are controlled by the second-place Middler My chief deputy officer is just a display! "

There was a hint of pleading mixed in the crying cavity.

"I beg you, please beg me ... I want to know what I say, as long as I know; but this kind of thing I do n’t know at all, I do n’t even dare to ask, what should I do I ’m telling you, I really do n’t know — !!!!!! "


"he knows."

Slowly closing his eyes, Dalton said incredulously.

The picture in sight goes back three days ago.

The first thing that caused Dalton to notice was the timing of the appearance of Anson Zade, the enemy wizard.

Not at the moment when you are fighting with the elf warrior, not when you are fully absorbed, digging intelligence from his mouth, nor when you are acting to kill him;

He appeared because he decided to capture the elf warrior alive.

The second act is the last moment of confrontation with the wizard wizard, his own misjudgment.

At that time, the wizard ’s performance was very reckless and rude, and Dalton made a misjudgment-he believed that the enemy rushed to himself for at most two reasons, either killing himself or getting rid of himself as soon as possible to rescue Lolly · Zade.

He was wrong, and wrong.

At that moment, the wizard wizard still focused all his attention on killing the wizard warrior;

Realizing that he had misjudged Dalton Kant, he could only do his best to save the life of the elf warrior, and gave up the opportunity of self-preservation and continued pursuit, only to keep this important piece.

Good use, this worthless "abandoned child" ... may be able to pry the opponent's board slightly, changing the situation to the favor of Loren Turin.

But so far, it has only been hypothetical.

"Even if he knew it, he wouldn't say it easily ... No, it should never be said."

Charlotte's expression began to become complicated, especially when he thought that in order to catch the captive, Yoron Eckert paid his life: "He said everything he could say, just to cover up the final truth. Will he still speak? "

"He can."

Frowning frowning, Dalton's words paused for a second: "He must speak."

"Otherwise letting go of Zade's brother ... will become Loren Turin's most failing choice."

Charlotte looked pale, and grunted his anger.

The Halinfan Achamai next to him was extremely embarrassed and kept silent throughout the journey.

Whoever has such a pair of great-grandsons who are worthy of "proud" can only remain silent ...

"It didn't fail that way ... after all, there is still a year left." Pushing the spectacle frame, Lena de Salion shrugged her shoulders and made a round:

"And our Lord Duke is probably the best miracle guy in the Empire!"

Luisen nodded vigorously, showing his hands in favor.

"It won't be that simple, it won't be." The little wizard muttered to himself, his blue eyes gleamed with luster: "He put up his life, endured so much pain, and even preferred to tell us all the information he knew. , Just to cover up the only truth ... "

"This kind of perseverance can't be easily shaken." Charlotte, who was in a daze, involuntarily took Ain's words:

"What should we do to make a person give up his only persistence?"

Dalton said nothing, looking at the ceiling above his head meaningfully, his gaze stopped at the cavalier king who was crowned Lord of Byrne.


"I'm really curious, really."

In the dim light, Loren blinked and focused on the elf warrior who was still shaking.

The other's flesh and spirit were almost torn and tortured by Dalton's mentor; both the willpower and reason have already reached the limit. It seems logical that even if he is now mentally collapsed, it is completely strange that Loren is crazy.

"So what is it that supports your willpower that has not been completely wiped out yet, and can you firmly protect this last secret?"

"Loyalty, commitment, faith ... I don't believe it, it doesn't mean irony, but you don't behave like a brave person." With a sigh, the dark-haired wizard's tone became a bit hesitant:

"I can only determine one thing, that is, the method we are using is not new enough for you, the pattern is not enough, the degree of fear is not deep enough to shake your powerful and tried-and-tested spiritual hall. "

"Next, I want to ask you something, to determine your level of fear, and then give you a" tailor-made "set of the most suitable means to force confessions."

"So ... Lord Rod El, what do you think about the craniotomy-open the brain completely and expose the brain to the air, can you accept it?"

"Oh, in addition, our alchemist has a very interesting set of surgical tools, which can completely remove your eyeballs from the eye sockets, and still complete, you can still see it, are you interested?"

"There is also about bloodletting and bone extraction, which is safe and healthy. If you have the will in this regard, I can arrange one for you now ..."


The trembling elf warrior pulled out the nail that pierced his wrist ... or let the nail penetrate the wrist completely and hit the iron fence.

The loud noise of the fence shaking, the movement of the steel nails tearing the muscles, the sound of the dying torso falling to the ground ... mixed together, breaking the cell's death.

"Let me go, let me go! I beg you!"

The elf warrior's voice was filled with pleading, just like the dying beast was praying for the hunter to give it a fatal blow: "I really don't know, I really don't know anything-!!!!!!"

But Loren was unmoved, and his indifferent eyes began to calm down.

"So it's more terrifying than just to betray King Eagle, right?"

The elf warrior who collapsed to the ground trembles continually ~ ~ The hands pierced by steel nails twitched and bleed at the same time.

"Understood, Lord Rod El, the elf warrior, I admire your courage and perseverance, and I also admire your determination to persevere until now."

While talking, the dark-haired wizard slowly rose.

"Because of this ..." He said sharply:

"I have to make you aware of another thing ... that is not to cooperate with me, it is a 10,000 times more tragic ending than betrayal of the eagle king."

The elf warrior's body shuddered obviously ... From the corner of his gaze, he suddenly saw a figure in the corner of the cell.

A young man with blonde hair, red eyes, a handsome and delicate dress.

When did he show up?

"So ... the next job is for you." Loren, who didn't look back, said lightly:


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