Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 69: For justice

At the same time, the border between Byrne and Elleman ...


Holding the wound that had turned into a light spot on the chest, the elf teenager with a painful expression kneeled on one knee and his shoulders undulated violently.

Looking up hard, the emerald eyes stared at the guy in front of him who was carrying the knife and smiling.


Duke Byrne did fulfill his promise. From the Red Blood Fort to the Bone border, they did not encounter the intercepted chaser; the only few hunters who followed were also calmed by themselves and their sisters. Shake off, never appear again.

But what the elven boys didn't expect was that their enemies were not only humans, but also elves like themselves ...

"Oh, oh, oh ... Lord Anson Zade, why are you doing this?" The elf narrowed his eyes. "Joke" looked at the elf boy who was kneeling on the ground. The blood-stained long knife stained most of his shoulders. :

"The victory and defeat have been divided, why are you so unwilling to be spared ... Isn't it good to wait for death?"

"I don't want to let go, just because there is no difference ..." Squeezing a chest injury, the elf boy sneered a sneer:

"The well-known second seat of Wei Ting," Blood Sword "His Excellency Sane!"

The next second, "The Bright Sword" bloomed on the elven boy's right hand, and the dazzling light instantly blocked everything around him.

It also obscured the grin of the mouth of "Sarn".


The sound of the sharp blade colliding with the flesh came.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!"

The light dissipated, and the elf teenager desperately holding back the pain, collapsed to the ground.

The injuries left after the battle with Dalton Kander have not been fully recovered, and there is simply no way to confront enemies of this level.

In particular, the other party knows a lot about their spells ...

"Anson-- ?!"

Not far away, a blindfolded elf girl exclaimed.

"Don't come!" Strongly enduring the injury, the elf teenager shouted behind him: "Sister, you are not with the knife now, it can't be this murderous opponent!"

"Just hand him over to me!"

Lifting his head, the eyes of the elven boy were full of unwilling colors.

"Tut tut ... so why bother?" Disgusted teenage wizard looked at, "Zahn": "Really, the blind sister anyway, you have lost even the sword with her for it go do not you get?"

"Shenglu? I think it's the dead end." Lying on the ground painfully, the elf teenager sneered: "The second seat of the guardian's court, not only failed the mission, but also intended to assassinate the warrior of the royal court, His Majesty the Eagle King. Could you know what happened? ? "

But the threatened "Sahn" not only did not panic, but raised his mouth.

"Failure, yes ... It is because I failed in Ellermand that you have to kill you." Sane's eyes were cold and his head was tilted: "Yu Ting and Wei Ting all missed. Whoever bears such a big mistake Starting? His Majesty the King has lost his face, and who should he take responsibility for? "

"So you just want to kill us and put the blame on the two dead people ?!"


The answer to the elven boy was a clear snap of fingers.

"Yeah, otherwise?" The sneer in the corner of Saen's mouth grew more and more fierce: "If it wasn't the Yuting Samurai ... No, it was the Yuting Chief who leaked the information, so how could such a seamless plan fail?"

"Kill both of you, everything will die without proof; Wei Ting ... is not only innocent, but also merited!"

The elven boy who collapsed to the ground squeezed the corner of his mouth and watched the other person holding up the long plasma-drenched knife with his blade pointed at his door.

Then fall!


Sann suddenly waved his knife behind him, and a flying blood blade exploded in the air, making a sound of blade collision.

Plasma splashed, showing the figure of an elf girl waving a wooden stick.

"Very good! You know you won't just watch your brother get killed ... Loli Zade." Sane's face still grinned: "The traitors seek rebellion, and the two-to-one intention is to kill the loyal and guarded warriors. -Thank you for giving me such a good reason to kill you! "

"After all, we are all samurai wielding swords for the sake of righteousness, and it should be‘ helping each other ’!”

Three bloods bloomed at the same time, striking towards the elf girl from three directions, left, center and right.

"Tell me, how do you with me who lost the Sabre ..."

Before he finished speaking, San's face changed.

The elf girl rising from the sky, like a swallow flying across the sky, simultaneously avoided the blood blades from the left and right, and slammed it out with a wooden stick in the waist, breaking the last blood blade.

How can it be? !

But he was too late to be surprised ... In this short span of time, the elf girl had struck him within three steps.

Carrying a wooden stick with an afterimage, he headed off.


Look at the long knives blocking the wooden staff, bursts of wailing, the strength of the resonance almost makes Sahn unable to withstand, half of his body paralyzed.

The wooden stick in the opponent's hand is intact!

This, this ... what a scepter, how could you use your own sword ...


The shattered sound surprised Sann, revealing an incredible light in his eyes.

My own knife, even ...


Just when he confronted the elf girl, the second figure suddenly came from the other side, and the silver light suddenly appeared.

Is that ... a bright light sword? !

Fool yourself!

Thane, who was just too surprised, had fallen into the pool of blood, and the sword in his hand fell aside.

In the center of the chest, there is a complete and regular round blood hole.

"So ... who tells you, the elder sister's" heart-cutting "must be made with a knife?"

The elf boy who had just "severely injured" was now sneeringly and stood up, picking up his saber while saying "jokingly":

"Your excellency, you should really kill that guy."

The expressionless elf girl took the saber from his hand and placed the tip of the knife on the dying Sann ’s throat. There was a trace of intolerance left in the tight mouth:

"Anson, must he be killed?"

"Of course, this is also for the honor of His Majesty the Eagle King." The half-joking elven boy, but his eyes are eerie: "If there is no whistleblower, then why would such a seamless plan fail in the end?"

"There must have been a whistleblower. Are you right, the second seat of the Weiting Court ... H.E.Sarn?"

After hearing his thoughts, the elf girl sighed, and finally no longer attached, turned around and turned her back to the teenager with a stern expression.

Tie Qing's face-turned Saen's pupils have begun to spread. Except for constantly reaching out and showing a pleading expression, there is no power to refute.

"So say ... don't blame us, blame ... well, don't blame the world, blame yourself." The elf boy waved his hand and sneered: "Crazy and unaware of convergence, but still wanting to be a loyal clerk under the majesty . "

"Unfortunately, the loyal warrior under the Majesty, the quota is always limited-if there are loyal ministers alive, there must be dead traitors."

"However, you must not care, right, after all, we are all samurai wielding swords for the sake of righteousness."

"Everything ... for the sake of the life and death of Azores--!"



The dark-haired wizard with wide-eyed eyes looked inexplicably at Asreal who was holding his shoulders and sitting in front of him, with a look of "I am so capable but I am not happy to brag about me".

What are you doing?

"That's ... Royle hides in his heart, would rather expose all the information about Azores, and still keep the truth that he refuses to say it?"

"For the sake of the life and death of Azores ..." The blond teenager imitating the expression of the bard's expression, whispered in a long and frustrated voice, gently snapped his fingers:

"Yes, this is the sentence!"

With a sigh, Loren, with a tired expression, slumped in his chair with a helpless look on his chin.

"In order to dig out this sentence from the mouth of the elf warrior, poor Asriel used all his strength to finally get the truth of all this." With a shrug of his shoulder, Asriel shook his face pure and immaculate. big eyes:

"It was really difficult to do at the beginning, because the Elf Warrior is so persevering, and ordinary tricks will not work for him at all."

"So ..." Loren looked at him intently.

"So ... poor Asriel can only find a way from somewhere else, and treats the elf warrior well in the dream world." The blond teenager smiled happily:

"After all ... Asriel is still a **** of deceit and deceit. It ’s better to talk about this kind of work; a deeper understanding * Lord Spirit Warrior finally understands the importance of telling Asriel to the truth and speaks it out. This sentence."

"Well ... of course, taking the initiative to tell this secret hidden in my heart will inevitably cause a certain degree of trauma to his spirit; but this is okay, anyway, he is still alive, as long as he is alive, everything else is just a little bit ! "

Live alive ...

The slanted look of Loren looked at Rod El, who was sitting on the ground in the prison, his mouth slanted and his eyes slanted, and the elf warrior with his body twitching in silence.

If he still had a sense of reason before his madness, then now it is really crazy.

"The most important issue is that he has no use for dear Loren." Asreal raised his head and smiled sincerely:

"An enemy with no use value and threats ... what is still necessary for being soft-hearted?"

Raised his eyebrows, the dark-haired wizard didn't say much.

It would be better to say that from the beginning when Rod Il was handed over to Asriel, he had such an idea.

and so……

For the sake of life and death for Azores ... what is it?

Why did this war determine the survival of a nation race that is comparable to the size of the empire and even victorious?

Could it be that in the kingdom of Azores opposite the misty sea, there is a certain threat to the existence of the Azores elves, forcing them to declare war on the empire?

But if this is the case, why do n’t they just tell the truth and ask for help from the empire—even if they are just pretending to be ceremonial, then at least they can stand up in law and sentiment; even if they fight, they can partly The blame is on the empire.

As soon as he came up, he used the most extreme assassination method to make the empire have to fight against himself ... What benefit would the King of the Eagles do for the Kingdom of Azores?

The blond teenager sitting opposite was not as distressed as he was, and his playful eyes still glanced at the face of the elf warrior from time to time; every unintentional eye contact would make the body of the elf warrior twitch more.

Interestingly, even the soul was torn apart by Asrell, and still recognized people; the spirits of the elves are indeed not comparable to humans in resisting the corrosion of the void.

Well, tell Loren when you are bored.

As for now ... I still have to get my dear Laurent to shift her attention as soon as possible so as not to notice what little pitiful Asriel did.

"Asriel feels, dear Loren, you should not focus too much on things that are not yet known." The blond said youngly:

"Dear Loren, you should pay more attention to certain things that will happen."

The black-haired wizard frowned slightly: "For example ..."

"For example ... a 'Black Cross' Serior who we hate very much." Asriel blinked: "The invasion of the Azores kingdom ... such a big thing, dear Loren thinks this guy will Do you know nothing about this? "

of course not.

Not only will it not even, even if Asriel tells himself directly that "Black Cross" Serel is the behind-the-scenes hand of the Azores invasion, the eagle king has become the apostle and puppet of this guy, Loren will not have The slightest accident.

Because Serel is this kind of existence-Fanesis, Chakal, the dwarf supreme king ... there is no more eagle king, it seems no surprise.

Whether pushing hands behind the scenes or pushing the boat along the river, Serel will not miss such a good opportunity.

"Secondly ..." The smiling Asriel raised his second finger: "If 'Black Cross' Serel is really connected to the Azores invasion, he ... well, how will it use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

"It was in the empire's best efforts to visit the Red Blood Fort ..."

"Or completely destroy the entire empire ~ ~ let a long-awaited Holy Grail of the Nine Stars ... appear in front of it?"

The dark-haired wizard silently bowed his head in contemplation.

"No matter what kind of sounds do not seem to be a good ending; especially the upcoming enemy, some of which are not as inferior as Loren who opened the valve ... is no longer a stage play in the past to determine victory Will it turn into a grand, colorful, especially suitable for changing into a legend of poetry. "

"And a monster hiding in the shadows and under the void, as long as he waits for an opportunity, a dear Loren has to face a destined fiasco.

The exaggerated Asriel gestured and climbed into the chair of the dark-haired wizard, his tone deeper:

"It can take advantage of the void ..."

"one more time……"

"... visit this long-awaited world!"

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