Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 75: Ice Fire 2

At midnight, the silver hook overhangs the dome.

Inside the main hall of the Heavenly Dome, there was silence.

The two standing against each other, looked at each other without moving.

"Why, the emperor emperor's cronies, knowing to speak ruthlessly to the enemy?" Elf assassin-Chief Eugen the Governor-sneered, the long knife in the right hand was still bleeding:

"Aren't you going to kill me, or ... just talking?"

Ruth Infinite, who was standing opposite, seemed completely lost, unmoved.


After five seconds, he just focused his eyes on the elf assassin as if he had just heard it clearly, and said leisurely:

"About this ... please don't get me wrong, I just don't have the habit of starting first."

At that moment, the face of the elven assassin became very ugly.

"It's such a big tone, let me draw the knife first ..." Tie Qing's face fell, and the long knife in the hands of the chief executive officer flicked away. The thick plasma left seven delicate six-petal flowers on the floor:

"Rute Infinite ... in terms of assassins, you are arrogant!"

"Every assassin, dastardly, dare to provoke me!"

"The arrogant generation must be ravaged, crushed, torn ... together with the soul, the smoke will disappear!"

What's going on here?

Looking at the elven assassin who suddenly became irritable, the leader of the night watchman narrowed his eyes vigilantly, and the caster in his right hand had quietly prepared a "force shock".

"Dare to anger the chief of my court, very good, very good!"

The elf assassin's body shuddered abruptly, his forehead was exposed with blue muscles, and his fierce eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes.

"You have to pay for this anger ..."

Ok? !

When Rute Infinite was shocked, Eugen's figure was approaching. He raised the knife in his right hand and swung it suddenly.

The blazing flames spewed out from the tip of the knife, like a torrent of turbulent flow to the leader of the night watchman; the dark hall became bright as day because of the golden red fire!

At that moment, a very familiar memory suddenly poured into his mind.


The flames were gone, and there was no longer a night watchman on the darkened floor.


The angry Eugen's complexion changed suddenly. Just when he looked back suddenly, a cold murderous force had struck his neck!

In a blink of an eye, Sword Sword was approaching the throat!


The fire burst.

Rout Infinite, who was completely hit, emptied like a burnt rag bag and rolled over the ground a few times before stopping; there was almost nothing intact all over him.

"Do you think there is flame only on the tip of the knife, scum?"

Seeing the embarrassed, very reluctant leader of the night watchman standing up, Eugen's face was completely angry and extremely grinning.

There was a wound on the neck, which was the mark that Rut Infinite had just tried his best.

"Let me tell you, now I am completely irritated, but from head to toe, every bone, every drop of blood ..."

"... all burning desperately!"

Is it……

The leader of the night watchman who was struggling to get up was expressionless and coldly dropped the blood on his face; under the burnt ashes, the festered skin was rapidly returning to its original state.

Once injured, the body's recovery function will become extremely rapid ... It is a little reward for taking the Holy Blood Potion by mistake.

"Then I will help you to cool down, Your Excellency Chief Governor." Rut Infinite made a rare joke:

"Lest you wait for me to start, you big candle will burn yourself out!"

Eugen laughed at the words and shook it violently, the long knife in his right hand ignited again:


At that moment, the head of the night watchman who had just been scarred and staggering suddenly burst into shock!

The cold murderous air is like thousands of arrows, striking the elf assassin again.


The flames splashed, but the moment when Rout Infinite's figure had exploded was completed; the swift figure did not stop for a moment, and the moment the sky flew up, the dagger in his hand was already aimed at Eugen's neck.


Another explosion!

The golden-red firelight reflected the faces of the two men at the same time; the irritated eyes and the murderous eyes briefly intersected in the air.

The next second, the two shot at the same time.


The sword and the dagger played intense notes.

The leader of the night watchman who missed once again disappeared from the elven assassin, lurking in the shadows.

"Too stupid, extremely arrogant!" Eugen roared, and the long knife in his right hand again waved flames in the direction of the escape of the nightwatch leader:

"Don't I tell you all, dross, debris ?!"

"I thought you could beat me before the flames explode by speed, beat me ?!"

"My anger is a fire-and now I am irritated from head to toe!"

"Dare to touch me and irritate me in the end, it was burned out by my anger and wiped out!"


The evasive moment, feeling the heat of the flames around him, the indifferent leader of the night watchman remained calm.

The wound on the other person's neck is a perfect proof ... If he really turned into flames all over his body, why would there be a wound?

The two raids, one fast and one slow, are to confirm the opponent's ability.

The opponent's blade can indeed spit flames that are not inferior to that of a certain wizard's "Fire of Turin". Its powerful range is very wide. From the point of view of the opponent's continuous wave of flames chasing himself, this is not a heavy load on him.

Secondly, there should be a circle of "armor" -like abilities around the opponent's body; once it detects that there is contact with the target, it will automatically trigger an explosion ... this is the most tricky.

He must take off his armor and let him appear naked to himself before this battle can turn around.


It was another blaze, coming with a rolling heat wave.

Ruth Infiniti dodged quickly, without thinking; the embers of the explosion flew past him and lifted his sleeve slightly.

The head of the night watchman who never looked back kept avoiding the explosion while continually exploring the elven assassin time and time again, madly testing.

Blaze, bursting around next to the leader of the night watch again and again, roaring, roaring!

"Come on, miscellaneous!" The irritable elf assassin's voice was hoarse, and flames had spread from his blade to his entire body:

"Aren't you going to kill me, come! Try it!"


The long sword waved, and the two flames left and right, striking the leader of the night watchman.

Rout Infinite's eyes changed suddenly, and his nonstop silhouette suddenly emptied, almost passing through the center of two fires; the dagger of his right hand suddenly fell and threw out suddenly, leaving no room for the other party to breathe. .


Unsurprisingly ... just before touching Eugen's body, the flames of explosion exploded the dagger.

The dark dagger rolled in the air, and the expressionless night watch assassin did not shy away, waiting leisurely for the falling dagger to "automatically" return to his hands.

And with the dagger, there is a dazzling golden red!


The burning flame was torn apart from the center!

The angered Eugen's complexion suddenly changed and his eyes widened.

Dragging the body burned by the flames, the unavoidable leader of the night watch rushed out of the center of the flame, and the dagger in his hand went straight to the face of the elf assassin.


The long knife slashing down barely caught the stab dagger and stopped the deadly blade less than five inches in front of the tip of the nose.

"Ha ... ha ... ha ..." gasping for breath, the startled elf assassin first shuddered, and then became more angry: "Crazy, madman ... you madman! I don't all tell you that this weapon is fundamental to me Is it useless ?! "

"Useless?" Rut Infiniti sneered: "If it's useless, why do you want to parry?"


"You know, the wizard you and I mentioned ... is also a guy who likes to use fire." The voice of the night watchman's leader, as always indifferent:

"Because of fighting him, I learned a very useful trick ..."

"The arrogant force of flame, the more powerful the outer layer is, but the internal is not very powerful;"

"It's a ... absolutely capable ability."

Eugen with a fierce expression, his cheeks twitching constantly.

"Speaking of anger, the little **** wizard once mentioned a very interesting theory with me." With a slight gasp, Rout Infinite continued to hold the dagger's right hand constantly:

"He said ... anger is the result of fear reaching the extreme."

"In other words, you, who are so angry with me now ... Chief Superintendent, His Excellency Eugen ... also reached the apex of my fear."

"Want to take this opportunity ... to confirm?"

"The arrogant-!!!!!!"

The furious expression of Eugen was distorted to the extreme, and the long knife stuck in the dagger ignited flames again:

"No matter what moves you have, it's useless to me-!!!!!!"

Within three steps, flames have struck.

Unavoidable ...

But you don't need to avoid it anymore.

Rute Infinite, holding the handle tightly, applied a little force to his right hand, and raised the tip of the blade slightly, changing the direction of alignment from the tip of his nose to his forehead.

High-level magic spell, the original impact.


The leader of the night watchman was blown up again, and the smelly and charred smoke spread all over his body.

But the next second, his figure rushed into the smoke from the explosion again; the dagger in his right hand held back, and he threw it directly at the figure in the center of the explosion.


The dagger was flicked by a long knife and was firmly inserted into a pillar next to the hall.

The leader of the night watchman who dodged at a fast speed gave way to the long knife that fell, and the fingers of his right hand were aimed at Eugen's chest.

High-level magic spell, the original impact.


Another collision, the blasting gas wave, was calmly resolved at the moment of the explosion.


The roaring elven assassin raised his long sword, and the moment the sharp blades of the two met together fell again:

"Do you think……"

"Just by this trick ..."

"Can kill me— ?!"


The blade hit Ruth Infinit's right arm armor, and the steel armor forged with Mithril forged a crack.

But it also stuck his blade!

"I don't think ..."

Ruth Infinit's cold and emotionless tone, sounded in the ear of Eugen's ear in the chief court.

"I'm pretty sure ..."

"You ... are going to die!"


With the sound of a machine, the Mithril Sleeve Sword under the left arm's wrist darted out.

The face of the elven assassin changed suddenly!

At that moment, the leader of the night watchman was like a fierce beast that suddenly opened his eyes, revealing its minions.

The blade is stuck, so the blade that can blaze flames, there is nothing to do ...

The explosion just ended, so that the armor that was able to shelter him at the end was temporarily useless.

Looking across, Rut Infinite pierced the left-handed sword.

Ok? !

At that moment, he suddenly felt that Hanmao stood upright from head to toe.

His movements also slowed down.

Is it because of the murderousness of the other party, or is this a trap that the enemy has prepared for? !

Do not.

this is……

The stunned Rute Infinite's eyes widened, and with the help of "beyond perception", his eyes saw what he should not have seen.

His sleeved sword in his left hand, actually ... Is it frozen?

And as you get closer to the elven assassin's body, the thicker the ice above it!


The long knife pulled from the plate fell head-on, and the slate at the foot of Eugen turned into gravel rubble; in the last second, Rout Infinite flashed out of five steps.

"It's not a good skill, but it runs very quickly ..."

The grinning Eugen raised his head, his hoarse voice with unabashed sarcasm: "It's a secret agent hidden in the dark, only the ability to escape is more powerful."

The leader of Tie Qing's face was kneeling on one knee, and his body was still in the last offensive posture.

The left hand prosthesis and right armor dropped to the ground and turned into ice crystal fragments, which were completely scrapped.

There is still a little frost on the debris ...

Rout Infinite frowned tightly.

"Looking at your expression, it seems that you understand it?" The arc of joy hangs in the corner of your mouth. The chief of the court ... Eugen raised the frost-filled blade, and the cold tip pointed at the face of the night watch leader:

"Yes, this is my" Samurai Way "... not very popular."

"When I am angry, it will turn into fire and burn everything;"

"When I am full of joy ~ ~ will turn into frost again and take away the temperature."

"I ’m so happy today ... Ruth Infinite; among all the opponents I have met, there are only a handful of people who can show me two abilities at the same time-usually like you. I will not be happy about the provocative scum. "

Eugen stepped closer, and with his footsteps, the entire hall began to fill with ice and mist:

"But for a moment, I ... really had the illusion that you were almost killed."

"Awesome! To my surprise, I was so surprised!"

"So, in order to reward you, I will tell you the name of my samurai way ..." But seeing the long sword in the hands of the elf assassin, in a blink of an eye, the pillars beyond five steps have been frozen:

"Thank you sincerely ... You can die under the sword of the" Wonderful Vision "which has been passed down for 400 years."

"Usually I like to call it another name;"

"Ice Fire Double!"

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