Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 77: Mean poison

Desirable sky phenomenon ...

When he heard the name, Ruth Infinite, who was so submerged, raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

Is it some kind of ability to manipulate temperature.

Judging from the other party's words and performance, this ability seems to have nothing to do with his emotions; but this is only a one-sided word, and the credibility is very low. It cannot be ruled out that the other party intentionally set a trap ...


The trembling sound of the blade in the middle interrupted the thought of the night watchman's leader.

The next second, the ice vapor that could only be seen faintly came like a transparent blade.

Rout Infinit did not hesitate; the moment he dodged, the floor under his feet was already covered with ice ... Even if it was only a slow first half shot, he could no longer walk on his feet in his life.

But the gap in the blink of an eye is the gap that can never be touched!

In an instant, the figure of the night watchman's leader flashed onto a frozen pillar; the violent right hand pulled out the Mithril dagger from the ice, and flew directly to the chief of the court who just swung the first knife.

High-level magic spell, the original impact.

In addition to the three steps that the two figures had not yet touched, the dark Mithril Dagger began to tremble, and the "primary force impact" poured into the sword spine was like an arrow, slamming out.

The sneer elf assassin Eugen stood in place, as if deliberately waiting for Rut Infiniti to take the first shot.


Just before approaching, the transparent air wave had frozen and frozen into ice, and with a click, it shattered into countless ice crystals in the air.

"The same trick, I dare to use it a second time in front of me." Eugen's face showed a trace of disappointment, and the frost-covered long knife hung in front of him:

"Lord Infinite, you almost confused me ... Did you just kill me, or did I take the initiative to seek death because I was too impatient?"

The next second, the long knife danced out of thin air in front of him.


A huge sound oscillated throughout the main hall of the Sky Dome. The frozen ice vapor centered on the elven assassin, like a ring, pouring out in all directions and bursting apart.

Amazing momentum!


There was another loud noise, and the tyrannical ice vapor ravaged everything; the ice crystals exuding the cold were everywhere, turning the entire hall into a snow-covered world.

Standing in the middle of this "Ice World", the only Chief Justice Eugen on the intact floor, looked around.

No figure ...

ran away? Hiding? died?


The smiling elf assassin has a slightly stiff expression.

The next second, the long knife in his right hand waved behind him without hesitation.

But late!

The moment the ice burst, Ruth Infinite's right index finger and **** held his breath and pressed against his shoulder.


The blast of air from the fingertips penetrated Eugen's right arm, and the plasma oozed like arrows.

The skewed blade waved out the ice vapor, and it was able to pass the side of the night watchman's leader; the sleeved sword protruding from the left arm had hit his neck.

Eugen's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately dodges backwards. At the same time, his left hand forcibly holds his right arm and raises a long knife to parry.

But Ruth Infinite did not seem to have the idea of ​​chasing after the victory; after confirming the first hit, he quickly retreated and hid about five steps away from Eugen.

Not far away, just right.

The right arm, soaked in blood, hung on Eugen ’s shoulder, completely twisted into shape—the “force impact” that penetrated the arm not only broke the bone, but also destroyed it along with the muscle tissue inside.

It's just relying on a thin layer of skin, and fixed with the urgently frozen ice.

"It's hard ice and fire, and it looks very lively ... but it's just a trick that the ordinary flesh and blood flesh transforms, it makes no difference at all."

Ruth Infinite sneered raised his dagger, his eyes flared like a solar flare full of unabashed ridicule: "Similar tricks dare to be used in front of me a second time, Your Excellency Chief, you Confused me. "

"Just can't wait ... Want to die under my sword?"

The smile on the corner of Eugen's mouth was a little more grim.

"It's awesome, great ... Your Excellency, the night watchman, keep working hard, don't let my joy just get up so quickly." The elf assassin's voice shivered with an unstoppable excitement. :

"Don't finish it so soon, come and continue-only one arm, you haven't killed me yet!"

"No, you seem to have misunderstood." Rut Infinite interrupted: "It wasn't just to kill you just now."


Eugen's expression was startled.

"Just that moment, it was really just to make you break a hand." As he said, Ruth Infinite raised his left arm with a smile in the corner of his mouth, shaking the broken prosthesis in front of his eyes. :

"Look, fair competition."

"go to hell--!!!!"

The right arm was cut with a knife, and Eugen, who sealed the wound with ice, waved the knife. The two ices were vaporized into sharp blades. They had taken a step ahead, one left and one right.

Not to hit, but to block the escape route of the night watchman's leader.


The moment the ice steam raged, the Azore's long knife that was heading down split the ice mist; but in front of it was empty, nothing.

Missed ... not good!


Eugen, who suddenly turned around, was hit with a long knife; the leader of the night watchman who appeared behind him out of nowhere, sneered and flicked a flying knife.

The forged blade of stainless steel was cracked by ice, but still left a hole in the elf's armor.

When did he show up? !

"Don't be surprised, Your Excellency, Chief Superintendent." Rut Infinite's consistent "gentle" tone sounded: "Why, are you surprised that you cannot catch up with me?"

"With so much intelligence, is it not clear that we‘ not worth mentioning ’miscellaneous night watchman, is the best at running and hiding?”

"Or did you think ... that your speed can catch up with me?"

"Don't make me laugh."

The knife flashes!

Even if it had been dodged as much as possible, and there was still invisible ice vapor protection, there was still a trace of a sharp cut on Eugen's robe.

"Scum, stop me!"

The long sword waved, and a large piece of ice steam rushed towards Rut Infinite like a wave.


The frozen water vapor gathered an ice wall in front of the sky, and the violent leader of the night watchman, like a flashing shadow, calmly avoided;

Despite the long sword waving and the ice steam roaring, he can't keep up with his pace.


The sound of ice crystals bursting behind his head, the stunned Eugen turned back suddenly, seeing only the ice crystals fragmented in the air, and the flashing, indifferent eyes of the night watchman.

That trick again!

It's that invisible air arrow again!

Eugen, who had a stiff expression, gritted his teeth, and even the long knife in his hand began to become messy.


Why can't his knife catch up with him? !

It should n’t be like this, it ’s him who is being passively beaten, it ’s the dross ...

Why is it that he has no power to fight back? !

"Miscellaneous! Stop me! Miscellaneous!"

Eugen hysterically screamed as if he had returned to that irresistible beast. The more violent ice vapor waved with his long knife and kept surging around him, ravaging the hall that had become the world of ice and snow.

The indifferent Ruth Infinite dodges in the ice and steam dancing in the air, approaching Eugen as if he has lost his reason as quickly as a residual image;

The dark dagger flipped over in his hand, and the spine of the "primary force" was poured into the spine again to whine like it was about to collapse.

Ten steps ... eight steps ... five steps ... three steps ...

Seeing the last ice vapor flash away, the furious Eugen stepped straight forward and waved his last knife.

just now!

At this moment, the invisible air waves gathered at the tip of the dagger, stab like arrows.

At this moment, Eugen hysterical, a grin appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then ... he took a step back a little later.

The Azore's long knife in his hand stabs straight out-then, he waited for the long-awaited scene.

That's right, while Rut Infinite kept testing him, he was also testing the lord of the night watchman.

Although the "primary force impact" poured into the sword body is powerful, after all, it is only the airflow and it is compressed, and the effective attack range is extremely short;

The farthest, only two steps.

But his Azores long knife with wingspan can attack three steps ... Even if the speed of the nightwatch leader dodges is counted, within four steps, he can never escape the ice vapor that comes out of the blade.

So ... go to death, scum!

It is exciting to feel that the enemies that can threaten your life and death, but to be able to see the unhappy death of your opponent who is not comparable to yourself ... that is another level of pleasure.

At the same time that the waves of gas flowed from the tip of the blade, the ice vapor had also swept along the blade to Rout Infinite's face; Eugen, who smiled in the corner of his mouth, could not wait to see the other person at the last minute, unwilling and desperate Eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the air waves frozen by the ice vapor have turned into icicles, approaching step by step ... three steps, two steps, one step ...

step? !

How could his air arrow not only be ...

"Just three steps."

Rutter Infinite ’s voice blew softly:

"Because of more than three steps, there is no lethality ... it was originally like this."

"But when the air condenses into ice, it is quite another matter."

what? !

So, to say that ... he ... he used my ability to come ... kill me? !

Dying fear and joy, two diametrically opposed emotions, simultaneously poured into the mind of the elven assassin.


The ice crystals condensed into a sword and exploded into countless fragments.

There was only a blood stain on Eugen's neck.


I'm not dead?

That's right, the other party is just a small, scum that can slightly threaten his life; how could he have the power and luck to kill himself!

But why ... why am I feeling the edge of life and death ... would be so, so angry?

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!

The Eugen hysterical waved his long knife, and the ice around him suddenly dissipated.

In an instant, the dazzling golden red flames spewed around him and burst!

"Go to hell! Miscellaneous-!!!!!!"

The blades of flames swelled and waved toward the afterimage of Rout Infinite.

"Does the threat of death make you so angry?" Sliding away from the raging flames, Rout Infinite's right-handed sword protruded:

"It seems that the hypothesis of a little **** wizard has been confirmed by you here, Your Excellency Chief Governor ... really thank you very much."

"The culmination of anger is fear."

But Eugen, furious, could not hear what he was saying.

"Go to die! Go to die! Go to die ah ah ah !!!!!!"

"Yeah, why can't you catch up with me? The one who forced me to death several times at the beginning ... was you, Lord Chief of the Court." Indifferent Ruth Infinite Whispering, like talking to yourself:

"Why didn't you catch up with me when you came to the back?"


The spitting Eugen was about to wave his sword, and suddenly his body trembled as if he was out of control; his twitching legs collapsed on his knees to the ground.

Dang ---

The long sword attached to the flame fell to the ground, and the fierce firelight was scattered.

"Amazed, there is nothing to be surprised." Looking down at the dying elf assassin, Rute Infinite said coldly: "The night watchman is the empire's spy, the assassin, the executioner and eyes hidden in the shadows ... … "

"Miscellaneous like us, poisoning weapons ... isn't it for granted?"

While speaking, the Mithril Sleeve Sword had already resisted Eugen's throat.

In the next second ...


Violent shaking came from outside the hall, and the unsuspecting night watchman stumbled, almost falling.

But the shock was not the reason for his loss, what really surprised him was ...

"Ice barrier ... was it broken ?!"

In the violent shock, Ruth Infinite looked at him still frightened, like the chief of the court who was completely scared, and whispered to himself.

The enemies are warriors who use the power of the void to condense the ice barrier that remains of the strong void. It is simply a natural nemesis of all such existence. How could it be broken so quickly?

But Rout Infinite was too late to be surprised.


A roar of explosion came from behind him.

Location, distance, and this time ... is your majesty's palace? !


There was another loud noise, but no longer an explosion, but the roar of the air being torn.


The leader of the absent-minded night watchman was too late to dodge ~ ~ was punctured by an arrow through his right shoulder blade; his body trembled so he could not fall down.

The congested pupils inadvertently glanced to the side, suddenly widening.

The bodies of the four elf warriors that had fallen to the ground, somehow became three!

In other words, one of the four at that time was intentional ...


Another arrow pierced the calf of the night watchman's leader; Rut Infinit knelt on one knee with a "pop".

"This ... well, Your Excellency Night Watcher, would you please stay away from my loyal Chief Superintendent?"

A full tone of justice came from behind the leader of the night watchman.

"You're so close to him will make me a lieutenant and apprentice very upset."

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