Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 88: Retreat

We are the Bayern.

We are still Lotel, Eboden, Sacran, Lottel, Elman, Poi, Arles ... is a proud and ancient people living in this land.

We are so proud and proud of our nation.

But we have another name ... the Empire.

The ancestors of DeSalines before twelve generations, Eckhart II before eleven generations united us under this brand new name and title, creating a centuries ago A dream that I never thought about.

A dream called "Empire", a dream that allows different people and different ethnic groups to live under the same glory-let a traveler from Lotel Deep Forest Fort walk all the way to the green sea of ​​Poi At the same time, there is the same sun at the top of the head and the same flag at the foot.

This is a beautiful dream, so beautiful that even the people of the empire have forgotten how terrible the ancient kingdom was before the twelfth generation, and how it was between war and invasion between the hostile but opposing states. Between struggling to survive.

I once said that there is an enemy within the empire that we cannot imagine;

Today's enemy is a thousand times more dangerous than him.

The name of this enemy is called "split."

It makes us hate each other, and makes us forget how we used to rely on the strength of our companions in order to overcome difficulties one after another and overcome one strong enemy after another.

It allows us to destroy ourselves without the enemy's sword.

And we are not only destroying ourselves, but also the glorious cause created by our ancestors of the twelfth generation with all our efforts;

Will be wiped out in our hands ............

The "Manifesto of the Empire" with more than a thousand words spreads like an empire as it did last time.

Once again shocked by the nobles of the empire, they were shocked, and by the way, this empire declaration, which was more "horrible" than last time, was organized from beginning to end, and probably found such content;

First of all, Baine and the two principalities of Boe resolutely oppose the civil war and are willing to use any means to prevent the civil war from happening; anyone who attempts to provoke war will become the enemy of the two principalities;

Secondly, the enemies of the empire are not inside, but outside; the threat from Azores and Fanesis is far beyond everyone's imagination, and this cannot be shaken;

Third, the dukes of the two principalities of Byrne and Poi will soon lead "a small army" to the Imperial Capital. While maintaining peace, they are also preparing to submit information about the Azore elf assassin to the Sky Dome, because Byrne seized An elf warrior;

And Loren Turin also welcomed other dukes to the Imperial Capital together, leading the most trusted army to maintain "empire stability."

Fourth, in order to show his sincerity, Loren Turin and his own team will travel from the East Sacran territory to the Imperial Capital to show their sincerity; if His Royal Highness opposes him, he can intercept himself at any time;

Finally ... and the most critical one, Loren Turin took the initiative to appeal, and urged His Royal Highness Connold de Salion to temporarily lay down the responsibility of the guardian of the Boundary Mountain and went to the imperial capital of Golovin, especially in the empire ) Under the common witness, crowned as the thirteenth generation of emperor emperors.


As of today, no one from the top of the empire may know who the Duke of Loren and Turin, and the Principality of Bayern, who has risen behind him, are standing; he is now immediately declared neutral and no longer participates The battle for the throne may sound practical.

But giving up His Highness Brandon and supporting Crown Prince Connolly ... is too subversive.

In any case, Byrne is the strongest principality under the empire, and there is no one; and the relations with the surrounding principalities are very good. Loren Turin's attitude will also affect the choices of the other principalities.

Loren Turin ... what did he want to do with the newly-appointed Duke, who had shined in the Centaur War before the imperial trial;

His Highness Brandon De Salion ... have really given up the throne, and let his greatest supporters turn to support His Royal Highness?

"How can it be."

Throwing the "Empire Manifesto" on the table coldly, Connold raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of disdain in his expression: "Just by retreating."

"Rejecting civil war, supporting peace, and resisting foreign enemies together ... The purpose of his statement is to prevent me from starting against Brandon, or even against him and the Bayern behind him."

Dracis, who was standing next to the crown prince, nodded, but his expression was still blank.

His Highness Brandon, who gave up his support, turned to the Crown Prince, who was hostile to both Bain and the wizarding class, and refused civil war ...

Once His Royal Highness Connold is crowned Emperor of the Empire and holds the Sky Dome and the Supreme Authority, what about a Bayern?

Instead, the imperial princess sitting opposite Connor, Fitronai de Salion, showed a little clear expression in the corner of his indifferent eyes.

"Da Yi?"

"It's a very refined vocabulary, it's Aunt Fitroney." Connold sighed softly, with a gentle smile on his face: "Lorren Turin and my favorite nonsense brother ... are using 'Da Yi' crushes me. "


Dayi, what "dayi" can reverse the current strength comparison between the two sides?

Dracis, with her head down, was still thinking hard.

Connold, who looked like his lieutenant, shook his head, his disappointed eyes flashed.

No wonder his father placed Dresis on the Boundary Mountain before his death ... This general may be an excellent commander and a rock fortress in front of the enemy; but in the sky, he is a target for anyone to beat.

But he is at least loyal enough-to the father and emperor, to the empire, to himself ... that is enough; such a loyal general, he does not need to have too much luxury.

"The reason is very simple, Dresis." Connor explained patiently to his lieutenant: "I am the crown prince of the empire and the prince of East Sacran ... Under this premise, you think I need a worship Duke Eun stood up and supported my coronation? "

Does Dracis shake her head, of course it is not necessary.

"Reject the civil war, maintain peace, and unite with the outside world ..." As he said, Connold even laughed himself: "Do you think these should be a" duke "?"

"If not, who should it be?"

After a moment's pause, Dressis's stunned head widened his eyes, just in front of his Crown Prince looking at him.

"Yes, that's what happened." Connor coldly said: "Lorren Turin ... he took what I should have said and robbed him."

Fitronai leaned against the back of the chair with a thoughtful expression.

"Empire Declaration, a total of five ... is Brandon and the Principality of Byrne behind him, the biggest amulet." His Royal Highness the Crown Prince gently stroked the map on the table, his right index finger stopped at the location of the Red Blood Fort on the map point:

"As a reasonable and legal heir to the empire, whatever I say now, it seems to be attached to him, Loren Turin; in other words, if I want to do the same as him, I have to shelter him ... even Support him. "

"Conversely, if I attack Bayern at this time, or take measures against Loren Turin that are against him, it will send a very bad signal to the entire empire-I Connord Saarion, build my dynasty on the ruins. "

"And the thirteenth generation of the empire is an emperor who only knows how to bully his subjects at home, and can even ignore external humiliation; as a result, his heart must be lost."

Shen Rushui under the crown prince hall.

This ... is the so-called "chain reaction".

Because Loren Turin once issued an "Empire Declaration"-although not many people believed at the time, the aftermath and the empire's approach happened to confirm that he was right.

In addition, the other side won the Centaur War, which made Baine rise again and gained great popularity ... So when he issued the "Empire Declaration" for the second time, no one would be strange or uncomfortable, and began to think. The authenticity of the content in the declaration.

Three years ... not long or short, but also gradually polished Loren Turin and Brandon into qualified rulers.

"But you can still deal with him and Brandon." Her Royal Highness princess raised his eyes, his crimson pupil exuded a strange emotion:

"If they are really as they promised, then Brandon and Loren must go to the Vault of Heaven and swear allegiance to you-let Loren Turin become the Minister of the Great Seal and Brandon become East Sacran Prince and former adviser. "

House arrest? !

The word immediately appeared in Dracis's mind.

That ’s right, this is indeed a very good way-it can control His Highness Brandon and the Duke Byrne, and it can make the supporters and responders behind them have nothing to say and minimize their exposure. Threats.

What a great wrist ... It is because of this that Her Royal Highness will let the Princess Princess manage the night watch?

"No, you can't do this." Connold's eyes clearly showed a hint of approval, but he immediately gave up the proposal:

"The latter one can be considered, but the controversy in the previous one is really too great-letting a duke of power, or the most powerful duke, be the minister of the empire of the empire, will have very bad consequences."

Fitrona froze slightly, and immediately understood what he meant.

In the twelfth generation of the Empire, there is a reason why no duke ever became a minister of the seal of the seal; backing their own duchy, they have sufficient power and authority to own the seat of the head of the imperial cabinet. .

The most immediate consequence is that it will increase the influence of the Yuqian Cabinet, but it will weaken the authority of the emperor himself and destroy the tradition since the twelfth generation; this kind of thing Brandon may do, but Connor will definitely not.

"More importantly, the current empire does not have any civil wars. I also need Brandon and his supporters to stand on my side and the empire side without reservation." Connor said in a deep voice:

"Because ... the Azores are coming."

As soon as he had finished speaking, Dressis, who had been pondering for a long time, suddenly remembered someone.

The leader of the wizarding tower, the governor of Ebden ... Corona.

"... when we have to face a strong enemy, an enemy who has probably killed your father and will soon invade your country; unity is a must ..."

"... The last thing the empire can show up is infighting and division ..."

It turned out to be the case, it turned out that this was his sudden "replacement of the court", running to support His Royal Highness and provide information, was it to cover His Highness Brandon's plan? !

His Highness Connold, who is about to face the invasion of the Azores, has no choice at all-he can only make compromises while avoiding the threats of His Highness Brandon as much as possible.

This is the plan they have negotiated for a long time, but they still have to pretend to be an empire and think about the Crown Prince ...

Wizards ... Sure enough, they are a group of mean villains!

"However, in the chaos of the imperial capital, I can still get information on the death of my father and emperor in front of me ... Is the golden lion of the Turin family, has his claws reached the imperial capital?"

Connor frowned slightly: "Aunt Fitronay, please trouble you to mobilize the night watchman we have gathered to see if you can find Byrne's intelligence network near the imperial capital."

"By the way ... I suspect that there are also Brandon's nails in these night watchmen. Be sure to check them thoroughly."

The indifferent princess did not respond, but just raised her eyes and asked, "What are you going to do next? The intelligence says that their team has arrived at the border of East Sakland."

"The Brian Knights, a total of almost 2,000 people, entered from East Sackland; the other way was the floating city that had recently captured the Dwarf Kingdom, passing through the Allerman territory and heading straight to the Imperial Capital."

"Information speculates that Loren Turin should be in that floating city."

"Then let them in without any obstruction." Connold gently waved his hand, and the index finger stopped on the red blood castle on the map slowly moved to the emperor capital:

"It takes a month from Red Blood Fort to Golovin ~ ~ and I only need one week at the fastest-I will arrive in the Imperial Capital early and welcome my Duke in the Sky Dome ..."

"Also, my lovely younger brother who likes to trouble people!"

Connold's expression was indifferent, but the other two believed that he had made a decision.

"So, are you going to follow the meaning of Brandon and Loren Turin, and ask yourself to owe them an adult please?" Fitronai glanced sideways, her long, flaming hair hanging down the table:

"With such a compromise, there really is no such thing as a" De Salon style "."

"No ... I want them to think that they are happy-not only they, but also the nobles of the imperial capital, the leaders of the six principalities, I want to make them feel that Connor de Salion is a person willing to compromise. "

Connor, who snorted, looked meaningfully at Her Royal Highness:

"After all, it's only up to you ..."

"In order to fall them hard!"

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