Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 89: Return to the imperial capital

West Sakland, over the Jewel River.

Brandon de Salleon, who was in a good mood, stood on the edge of the protective wall of the "Clarion Castle" floating city, and continued to stick out the head of the wall and yelled out, making Edward stunned behind him all the way. .

After all, what they are standing at this moment is not land, but a height of two hundred meters! Even with a thick cloak, the night watchman felt the cold wind blowing across his cheeks, ten times colder than on the land, and it was almost like the Boundary Mountain.

Not only that, Edward also found an extremely serious problem-he actually has a fear of heights!

Once near the edge of the protective wall, he would be dizzy, nausea, uncontrollable trembling convulsions ... After a full month of "air travel" finally improved slightly, but still feel cold and numb hands and feet, and a kind of breath Feeling suffocating.

After losing this last restraint, the completely unscrupulous Brandon is like a wild dog, tossing around in the floating city; the dwarf artisans and soldiers who would bow to him at the beginning, also Gradually got used to ignoring the prince, who didn't have anything to do.

This makes Edward very inexplicable-Brandon de Salion, the "dragon rider", reasonably said that there should be no newness to such things as flying; but why when he climbed into the floating city, why? Do you like to yell?

Castle in the Sky? Cloud City? The kingdom floating in the clouds ... No matter how many words popped up in Brandon's mouth, Edward, who struggled to survive in the slums and gutter lanes, was completely incomprehensible.

"Yo, Brandon!"

The hearty and cheerful voice, with a bit of pride like a master, also unceremoniously wrapped his elbows around the crown of the prince: "Why did you get up so early, there will be a sunset!"

"Good afternoon, Isaac!" His Royal Highness smiled as bright as the sun: "Although I still want to wait until sunset ... But I still feel so surprised!"

"Let a castle, a real castle fly into the sky! You know ... actually half a empire knew it a few months ago, but no one believed it to be true!"

"But this is true!" Isaac's eyes widened proudly: "And I can not only let her fly to the sky, but also like a real castle-in six months, you will be able to surround the sky The entire empire, and no need to land! "

"Six months? Really?"

"It's true!" Isaac's expression on his face was serious: "And this is just a small part of my achievements, used to fulfill my dream for a fool-like alchemist! Even my research results One tenth of it is useless! "

"So ... can your theory be used for anything else?" Brandon's eyes lit up immediately.

Isaac snorted, expressing great disdain: "Another use? Let me tell you ... In just a few runes and two lines of text, I can change the entire empire! Give me fifty years and a bunch of real wizards With craftsmen, I can give you a new world! "

"For example, I ’m working on a brand new projecting weapon ready to be mounted on a floating city. Although Loren told me that it ’s better to cut costs, I still think that the oversized thing is still It is necessary to exist ... "

The black-haired wizard standing at the top of the tower shook his head as he yelled at the protective wall and made the soldiers around him dare not come close.

Why haven't they found such a good match before?

"News from the watchman on the top of the tower, Lord Duke." The voice of Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle, sounded like a rock behind him:

"We are almost there."


Loren, who was shining in front of him, then looked in the direction pointed by the other party. Through the sight of the clouds and the cold wind, he could already vaguely see the magnificent and unspeakable walls of the capital of Golovin, and the sky dome towering at the top. Palace is gone.

"Notify the dwarf craftsman at the landing gear to prepare for landing ... Well, by the way, I will prepare for the forced landing of" just in case. "Suddenly remembering the last landing experience, Loren pulled the corner of his mouth and added:

"According to the original plan, directly pass through the city wall to enter the inner city and land in front of the main entrance of the Sky Dome!"

Earl Eckert silently nodded his orders, and a steady and clear voice rang from the top of the tower, each time short and powerful.

It is the most correct choice to let the rich, experienced and stubborn Earl Eckert serve as his lieutenant general.

Although the mission this time was nominally to go to the imperial capital and loyalty to the "new emperor", in fact, it is not necessary or impossible for the 13th Earl to be present at all times. There must be someone left behind who is responsible for the normal operation of the round table council. .

As for why the left-behind is Charlotte instead of Earl Eckert, on the one hand, of course, because Charlotte is better at the interior, and on the other hand ... because Loren did n’t follow the manuscripts she had written in the mobilization ceremony, It was "free play" once.

For his own safety, Loren chose Earl Eckert, who had just lost his heir and desperately needed to rejuvenate—hopefully this trip to the imperial capital would relieve his pain a little.

"Why do you have to land in front of the main entrance of the Sky Dome?"

Earl Eckert, who came again, finally showed a little expression on his still stiff face: "According to your plan, our purpose this time is to show our enemies weak, so as to retreat; if so, should n’t it be more Lower your posture? "

Eckert was confused, because in his impressions Loren Turin may be the most special one of Turin-cautious and confident, no shelf, lack of interest in rituals and grand scenes.

If that is the case, why must he choose such a provocative approach in such occasions where he needs to lower his posture?

"If it's just Connor, of course, it shouldn't be done, and it's not necessary." The black-haired wizard nodded with a chuckle: "But the problem is that we have to face not only him, but also the power and strength behind him. "

"Only when they can really feel the strength of Byrne, the Holy Cross Church, the old royal capital nobles, and the royal family of DeSalesion ... they will put us on an equal position with them, not arrogant to true I think we bowed down and surrendered. "

"And on top of that, we also need to show some hope to His Royal Brandon's supporters in the imperial capital." Earl Eckert took the call and looked at Loren: "Is that true?"

"That's what happened." Loren nodded and couldn't help raising his mouth:

"In addition, a long time ago, an elder once told me that the hidden treasure is worthless, and the talent that is not attracted attention is the same; no matter what you want to show, you must have fun in a place with many people!"


"……finally come."

Squinting slightly, Connor de Salion raised his head slightly, looking at the castle floating in the sky in the sky.

The Imperial City is already a masterpiece of alarm bells; from the furthest edge of the city wall to the tower of the Sky Dome, all bell towers are rushing;

In the Sky Dome, the soldiers of the legion that had just been transferred to the station by the Secretary of State stood nervously on the wall. Neither the shield in their hands nor the wall under their feet could bring them any sense of security in front of the floating city.

"So, the rumors are true-Duke Loren Turin used his floating city to capture the capital of the dwarf kingdom in just one day, the peak of the cloud that is said to never fall?"

The Minister of Seals standing side by side with His Royal Highness Crown Prince Metternich Leopold whispered softly: "It's an amazing achievement ... I thought that by this age, nothing in this world would shock me. . "

"His Royal Highness, why do you think that Duke Byrne, who has always been cautious and cautious, chose to use such a publicity to come to the Imperial Capital?"

The Minister of the Palm Seal, who looked sideways, looked at Connold with an expressive expression.

"I think you are asking for some reason, Master Metternich Leopold." Connold snorted, apparently not interested in accompaniment with the old man:

"In addition, if your information is so well-informed, you should know that it is not only such a floating city, but also the rebels of the Dwarf Kingdom and thousands of corrupting demons.

"These ... are the real reasons for the collapse of Yunfeng Peak."

As soon as the words fell, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince regretted it-a hint of cunning smile appeared on Metternich's face.

"It turns out that the original cloud peak, which never claimed to fall, will still fall under the double attack of rebels and monsters." Minister Zhang Xi's appearance of a sudden enlightenment:

"So ... no matter how strong the fortress, no matter how powerful the country, if you face both internal and external troubles, can you not be spared ... I really learned it, and it seems that my life is far from stopping learning."

The lower part of the crown prince ’s cheated house did n’t change color, but just turned around silently and left, along with Princess Fetrorone who came with him, and walked towards the sky dome.

Looking at Connor's back, the old man with a laugh in the corner of his eyes sighed and shook his head gently.

It seems that no matter how similar it is to the first emperor, His Royal Highness is still His Royal Highness, still far below the level of His Majesty.

Of course, if it is His Majesty, Metternich will not have the guts to deliberately attack the machine ... Of course, this kind of thing is not within the scope of the elderly.

"Why, even if you are willing to persuade, this kid will not be grateful to you." Severin de Salion, the secretary of the military-a brawny, bearded brave man-came forward, lazy Yang Yang said:

"He will soon be the emperor of the empire, and then you will have to act in his eyes ... are you worried about being removed?"

"In that case, I would be glad I didn't have to serve a tyrant and lament the future of the empire." Metternich still joked: "But at least for now, His Royal Highness Connold can't live without me."

Severin de Salion nodded as he heard it, because it was.

Connor is a reasonable and legal prince, and there are countless old forces and camps behind him; but conversely, these people also hope to see a monarch who "fits their expectations"; and wants to be among these forces and camps Mediation balance, the existence of Metternich is extremely important.

Compete for the throne in the Highness of the two, and maintain superficial stability and peace at the moment of the turmoil of the empire.

This is probably the only reason for His Majesty Eckhart II, wishing he was alive?

There was a bitter smile in the corner of Minister Palmetto's mouth.

Can I really do it myself?

His Royal Highness Brandon retired, His Highness Connor first ... Because of the invasion of the Azores, the Empire finally avoided a civil war; but this was not because of the unity and understanding of the two sides, but for Respective interests.

Cooperation is not for stability, but to block third parties from the door.

This is His Majesty's strategy-interests and threats, even after he left the world, the Sakran Empire still operates according to his ideas, and can thus explode far more than that.

Because whether it is His Highness Connold or His Highness Brandon, for the benefit and prestige of their respective camps, they must resist all incursions and threats from the enemy, and even have to abandon each other ’s prejudices because they all need each other ’s support.

The death of the first emperor did not split the empire, but became more united ... It was really ironic.

"But I still have some questions ... Lorren Turin, what means did he use to convince His Highness Brandon?" Severin looked up at the floating city in the sky while wondering:

"According to the character of the boy, I had planned to lead the army to rebellion."

"Who knows? Perhaps it was the wisdom inherited from the previous emperor that made this prince a little convergent, and finally realized the importance of hiding the sword in the sheath." With a smile, the minister of the seal of the palm shook his head very leisurely. :

"Anyway, this dispute can be put on hold in this way for a while, it really can't be better."

at this time……


Among the distant clouds ~ ~ A thunder suddenly sounded, shaking the sky!

The startled two did not have time to stand still, and they looked up subconsciously; the black shadow, like a sharp blade, roared out of the dense cloud, and the elegant and greasy figure circled the floating city above the imperial capital.

Dragon ... Milasis!

"It seems that even with tolerance, things like nature are still not so easy to change." Severin de Salion was surprised, and then laughed out loud: "Today's Sky Dome should not be It will be too quiet. "

"Or ... the sky dome palace, it has never been really quiet." With a meaningful expression, the minister with some emotions looked at the floating city that was slowly landing in the sky and couldn't help but sigh:

"But no matter how noisy those people who are keen to break the status quo and break the rules, the emperor still stands here, and the heavenly palace still stands here."

"The restless voice will eventually dissipate, and the palace will live forever!"

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