Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 106: Preparation time

The red sun rises.

Ebden harbour.


Luisen, who was right behind Loren, sneezed suddenly, rubbing his nose frowning hard.

"The weather is getting cold, be careful about colds, Lucien." The dark-haired wizard turned his head and smiled at the gray pupil who was wearing only a thin armor: "If you are seriously ill now, then I have to hurry you Sent back. "

"You still worry about yourself, Lord Loren."

The "concerned" Lussin snorted very disrespectfully, and wiped his nose with his thumb: "I used to be a ranger in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain and the glacier wasteland. This kind of weather is just like me. It ’s the same at home. "

"... Bacheng was whispered by the guy again, last time was ..." The gray pupil turned his head and whispered, whispering.

The dark-haired shaman who shook his head shook his head and turned his gaze to the sea level-under the cloudless sunny day, the faint mist wafted on the calm water, like a sapphire wrapped in tulle, pure and elegant.

But on this pure sea, an irresistible storm is gradually brewing.

winter is here.

Ebden is a harbor city in the north. The Gem River, which originated in the Sakland region, passes by the city and merges into the misty sea. The advantage is that she has extremely developed route traffic, and the city is adjacent to the water on both sides. Ocean ports also have embankments for inland river vessels.

The disadvantage is that although the misty sea will not freeze in winter, the Jewel River will; and because the coastal waters diluted by the river of the Jewel River may also freeze.

Once frozen, all ports in Ebden will be frozen for at least three months until the spring of the following year; and this is not finished, because the river water in the spring flood season will not melt, but crush ice cubes-any ship is here At this time, it was moored in the port of Eboden, and the only thing that ended was that the ice that was hit back and forth turned into a pile of broken wood.

Every winter in the past was a big problem that caused Eboden ’s headache; now Loren is eager to freeze the sea quickly-as long as the sea freezes, the Azores ’fleet will not be able to land in Eboden within three months .

For three months ... Lorren did n’t need to do anything, he could defend the city with natural danger, and the army of the Empire would stand by in Ebden and confront the Azores along the coast along the river.

It is a pity that this summer's midsummer is so long that winter comes too late, and there should be no chance to wait until Ebden's port is frozen.

But it is still worth looking forward to.

"It would be better if it could start to freeze in a week." The dark-haired wizard muttered in a low voice.

"What?" Lucien didn't respond, stunned.

"The enemy's movements." Loren changed the subject: "Are the scouts and lighthouses along the coast still getting nothing?"

"Nothing was found; not to mention the fleet, not even a fishing boat ... although there can be no fishing boat this season."

"In addition to the lighthouse in the port, we also sent a few Eboden's surviving small boats to patrol the coast, but still got nothing." Speaking of this, the gray pupils couldn't help saying:

"However, because of this, you can watch the sea stunned here, calmly arrange the defense deployment, and design the next defense plan."

With the corner of his mouth, Luis inadvertently glanced at the wall of Ebden behind him.

Under the city walls, the soldiers of the Empire's legions are collaborating with Eboden's City Defence Forces to build simple fortifications around the fortress towers with refusal horses and wooden boards, and then dig trenches behind the fortifications.

They split each 100-person team into three teams, divide the work and cooperate, stack a layer of wood according to each half-foot, pile up with the standard of tamping of loess and gravel, and build the simplest two-meter high and half-meter thick soil Wall; each wall can stand up and down two rows of people, wide enough to station half a hundred teams.

Not only that, the earth walls are not placed side by side, but in groups of three, one behind and two in front, the earth walls on both sides of the front row have a slightly inward curvature; then the three groups are used as one side, which is also one in front and two in front. After ... and so on.

Unlike the offensive and defensive battles of normal battle frontal confrontation, it is difficult for both the offensive and defensive sides of the harbour landing battle to fight with a uniform front. Once the battle is started, it will definitely evolve into a melee battle; and this small and many small "one-sided fortress" defense The chain will tear the battlefield apart.

In this way, it is difficult for the enemy to quickly pass through the battlefield and gather forces to attack the fortresses and city walls near the harbour; and the defenders on the city walls can use this opportunity to aim trebuchets and heavy crossbows at the "earth wall defense line" and kill a lot. enemy.

Behind each earth wall there is a trench two people deep, slightly narrower than the earth wall, and then barbs are inserted into the asphalt-so that because the width is smaller than the earth wall, the defender can retreat calmly, but the attack can only Not necessarily.

Once the trenches filled with asphalt ignite flames, it can temporarily suppress the enemy's offensive momentum. Not only can the projection troops on the towers be fully utilized, but also the retreating defenders have enough time to complete the reorganization, rather than a brain defeat Down.

As for Ebden ... Although she is a commercial port, it does not mean that there is really no means or preparation for defending foreign enemies ... In fact, as early as the birth of Ebden, she began to have a defense plan against the port and the coast.

"Although there are a lot of coastal fortresses in Ebden, there are only three that really matter." Looking at the wall behind him, the black-haired wizard seemed to speak to himself, raising three fingers:

"First of all, it is naturally a circular fortress that protects the harbour, and it is also our top priority to protect the coast. Because she has a large open area and beaches in front of her, but it is high, so all the temporary work is for her.

"The second is the tower close to the city wall. Once the enemy invades, the lighthouse deep in the harbour must be lost. This tower is the only commanding height in the entire battlefield and will surely become the enemy's target."

"As for the last one ..." the black-haired wizard frowned slightly, his gaze moving from the sea level in front of him to the gem river in the west:

"It's just across the Gem River, the old castle hanging out."

The gray pupil looked down at Loren's eyes and frowned.

While inside the city, the wall of Eboden didn't look so strange, but once stood outside the wall it was very abrupt.

The entire Ebden can be said to be built along the coast, but only at the estuary of the gem river, a fortress was built on the other side of the river, and she was forcibly connected with the north and west walls. Like an extra triangle.

In order to connect this fortress to the city wall, Eboden also painstakingly built two huge steel gates under the city wall. The wall at the junction was also made very thin. It is said that the city wall is more like two bridges. Later, the estuary of the Jewel River was blocked.

Why make such a thing ... Lucien scratched his head in trouble.

Not to mention that the Ebdens knew that they would be attacked by the Azores someday soon, hundreds of years ago?

"When the old castle was built, of course, it was not used to guard against the Azores." Squinting, the dark-haired wizard's mouth had a sneer sneer:

"On the contrary, she is used to guard against the empire."


"Yes, it is more accurately the Imperial City-or any merchant ship from the upper reaches of the Gem River." Loren nodded when he saw the gray pupil's puzzled eyes.

"Two walls or gates sealed the best berthing port along the river and the only deepwater port on the Gem River ... Eboden used this method to firmly control the control of the ocean trade and the inland river. Trade dominance. "

"But now, we can also use her in turn to deal with the Azores."

Lusien's eyes narrowed and he immediately understood the key.

That's right, as long as you make good use of this fortress, you can block the enemy's fleet from the Jewel River-so that the rear can send supplies and reinforcements without considering the security issues.

And Eboden does not have to worry about being enemies on both sides, just lay all the troops on the coast.

At the same time, because the lower reaches of the Jewel River are estuaries, the water is relatively turbulent, and enemy ships cannot be moored or counter-current, attacking a relatively thin gate, and only aiming at the ancient castle and the walls on both sides.

But this means that the enemy will be exposed to the attack range of the projected weapons on the city wall. At the same time, because the large ship cannot be moored, only a small boat can carry the small army to land and attack at a time.

"It's not just that." The black-haired wizard suddenly shook his head, glancing meaningfully at the circular fortress in the harbor behind him, his right index finger gesturing back and forth between the two castles:

"Pay attention to the position of the two of them. Did you find anything wrong?"


Lucien raised his eyebrows and looked back and forth for a long time without finding out what the dark-haired wizard said.

The dark-haired wizard just looked at him with a smirk.

"Not found yet?"

"No, there is nothing." The frowned gray pupil, scratching his head a little embarrassedly: "What the **** are you talking about ... the location, what's wrong with the location?"

"Look again, try again. You're about to find out!" Loren with a smirk "encouraged": "Come on, I believe you!"

Lussien's face was black, and his brows were more severe.

Looking at his incredible eyes, Loren had to sigh and pointed left and right: "Did you find that the two castles are almost parallel, and both are close to the coast, and there is a distance from the inner city walls?"

The gray pupil shrugged his shoulders and then looked at him with his head tilted.

Loren had to sigh again and looked at the sun above his eyes and the flags on the two castles: "Well, there is another minute."

"One minute, one minute?"

The dark-haired wizard ignored him, but looked up at the sun and counted down silently.

A minute later, Lucien, who hadn't understood it, heard a loud noise.


Intensely played notes, accompanied by huge waves rolled up on a flat bottom!

The moment when the sound burst was not only Lucien, but even the soldiers on the walls and under the walls of the city were surprised to grow their mouths.

Loren opened his arms, facing the sea, and the corner of his grin opened a very proud arc.

The gray-eyed boy with his eyes widened took half a minute to figure out what was going on from the "rumbling" voice.

A chain ... or a "curtain" made of steel, is gradually rising from below the sea level, just so abruptly in front of him.

Across the front of the entire coastline!

The two ends of the iron chain are on the two fortresses!

The bursting waves were tumbling, falling like rain on the coast, and the dark-haired wizard and Lusien standing on the shore were beaten wet from head to toe.

But Loren still smiled.

"Iron rope blocking the sea-very shameless, but also very useful tactics." Loren took a deep breath, his eyes scorched: "As long as the two fortresses have not fallen, as long as this chain is still across the sea ... Azores The fleet will never be able to approach the coast of Ebden! "

"Of course, they can wait until the sea is frozen. Let's say ... Such a long chain must be extremely fragile in the cold and winter weather; but once frozen, their fleet is even less likely to come close."

"You don't have to watch for a month, we just insist on the cold winter coming!"

This time, Lucien was completely stunned.

"There is one thing, Lucien, you are right-that is, I am not unprepared, I promised Connold to become the commander of Ebden." Loren looked back, watching the gray pupil slowly said:

"Similarly, after the crash of the ocean-going fleet, Ebden was not really not thinking about a little precautions-this is Ebden, a city of wealth and wisdom; with the top technology and mind of the entire empire, And a group of the best craftsmen. "

"Here, the problem that money can solve ... neither is a problem."

Lucien froze for a minute, then woke up.

"Here, say so ... you and Emperor Connold, and the Duke said that you can only keep Ebden for a month, you deliberately ...

"I said this deliberately ~ ~ Of course, to a certain extent it is also true-after all, we don't know what method the enemy will use to attack the city." Loren nodded and looked at him for granted:

"How can I conclude something I don't know?"

"..." Lucien.

Looking at the morning fog gradually disappearing, the sea level covered by the golden light of the morning light, and the cheerful Loren raised his mouth: "All in all, this battle will be difficult, but it is by no means a little win. Opportunity."

But the gray pupils don't want to hear him say anything now.

The messenger who hurried over took the letterhead. Pouting Lucian said in a very cold tone: "Corona governor, as well as the corps commander and generals sent by the empire have arrived Gaota, I want to discuss with you as soon as possible about the next deployment issue. "

"Then let's hurry up and go." Loren smiled innocently:

"It's time to give them a little confidence to see victory."

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