Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 107: Eagle Howling

"In this battle, we will definitely lose!"

In the tower of the Eboden city wall, Loren Turin used these words as the opening of the entire pre-war conference.

The voice fell and the entire war room was quiet.

For a full minute, there was no one in front of the map table, and the atmosphere was awkward.

The two mercenary commanders did not dare to speak, the commander of the City Defense Army and the commander of the Imperial Corps looked at each other, Isaac had no idea what was going on, and Eckert, the Earl of the Fury, and the Archon of Corona were expressionless , One keeps smiling.

Gently "slap!" A slap, Lucien patted directly on the face, his mouth twitching.

With such words as the final mobilization before the war, Lord Loren is definitely unprecedented.

Fortunately, this was the final pre-war meeting, and Master Corona also stopped all free aristocrats by virtue of his role as the governor, and prevented them from participating.

Otherwise, if someone outside heard the remarks of their commander, they would be willing to stay in the city and there would be ghosts!

Of course, he is Lord Loren, Loren Turin-a ghost who can believe a deserter, and entered the glacier wasteland alone in search of the Dragon King City, and finally succeeded; so it is not surprising that he does anything.

"Please do n’t get me wrong, this is by no means that we ca n’t stop the enemy ’s soldiers-of course, some kind of meaning ca n’t be stopped-nor that we ca n’t hold the city of Ebden ... well, it ’s really impossible. Hold on; it's not to prepare everyone for retreat in advance, although you do need to prepare for retreat in advance ... "

"Please speak emphatically." Looking at the darker and darker Loren, Earl Eckert quickly stood up to ease the atmosphere for him: "I thought ... all of you present should understand your thoughts."

"In short ... our way of fighting with the enemy must not be limited to conventional city defenses. Passive defense is carried out by the unstoppable walls and a large number of enemies. Such a battle will not have a good result."

Loren had to explain: "We want to turn the passive into the active, entice the enemy to attack the direction we want them to attack, so as to achieve the goal of defending the city of Ebden."

Looking at the still confused expression on the scene, the dark-haired wizard had to sigh.

"To be more specific, we want to use the weak but yet equally complicated city defense system of Ebden City to lure the enemy to deliberately attack it, so as to delay the speed of their seizure."

"We are not going to turn Ebden into a flesh and blood mill, but let them take down the city of Ebden bit by bit; lure the enemy to siege the nodes that we deliberately used as bait, thus reducing the pressure on the entire front; Before we cause heavy casualties, let the bait be given to the enemy, or simply destroy it! "

"Like a prince who saved a princess in a legendary story, each volume has to go through a difficulty; we are the villain who set the prince on a difficulty. All we have to do is delay the time the prince spends on each level; it is best to let him When I saw the princess, both of them were already bent over and dying! "

The commander of the City Defense Army was surprised, and Corona's eyes lit up.

Only the commander of the Imperial Legion frowned: "So, it's not that Ebden will fall, but you are going to abandon Ebden?"

The words fell, and everyone's eyes turned directly to the calm black wizard.

Even the commander of the legion was astonished by the answers he had obtained.

What commander of the city guards in this world has planned how to make the city sink from the beginning of the battle?

Only Isaac remained stunned, as if waiting anxiously.

"Yes, not right."

Facing the eyes of everyone, the black-haired wizard shook his head and leaned forward unconsciously, holding down the map on the table: "First of all thank you for finally understanding my plan, and second ... you seem to have forgotten the most important things."

"What is the purpose of this battle?"

In front of the map table, all faces were stunned.

So Master Corona came forward and announced the answer: "It is necessary to hold the enemy as long as possible, and to gather time for the empire to gather troops and supplies."

"That's right." Loren snapped his fingers and sighed softly: "We have less than 30,000 troops, and if it is spread across the entire city of Ebden, it may only be barely enough. Looks like. "

"In other words, once the enemy launches a full offensive, the seemingly sufficient force here will soon be stretched; and once caught in a battle for an important fortification or fortress, the fight against the enemy will be over."

"I don't know if I can hold Ebden as much as possible in this tragic way; but even if I keep it ... how many of these 30,000 people can survive?"

The expressions of the two mercenary commanders became dignified.

"But it's about the honor of the empire. It's a shame to abandon the city in front of the enemy!" The commander of the legion frowned. "You are a benefactor. I always thought that the benefactors are brave to sacrifice for honor and dignity ..."

"If the city is lost, you can still find a way to take it back ... The big difference will end up, and a new one will be built in the future; when the man is dead, what do you rely on to fight the next battle?" Loren stared at him coldly, interrupting:

"Also you seem to have misunderstood the difference between sacrifice and death-for victory, the Bayerns will never resist sacrifice; but wasting life that could have continued to fight in vain is called deliberate death."

"I think ... Lord Duke is right." Silver Blood, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke: "The Silver Blood Mercenary Corps agrees with the Duke's view and is willing to continue to serve the Duke and the Empire after this battle. . "

The "Black Blade" beside him nodded as well, twitching his throat silently.

The Legion Commander finally stopped talking.

"Let's tell us about your specific plan." Corona glanced at Isaac, who was almost impatient next to him, and smiled at the moment:

"If you want to seduce the enemy, you must have a specific goal."

The dark-haired wizard nodded, groping on the map of Ebden with his right index finger, and stopped on the ancient castle across the Gem River: "This fortress is our first bait."

The solemn words made everyone's expressions serious.

"Once the Azores fleet approached, the first problem they faced was the iron chain that ran directly in front of the coastline-in order to lift the iron chain blockade, one of the two fortresses had to be broken."

"I arranged a lot of temporary fortifications around the circular fortress at the port to turn it into our battlefield completely, just to lure the enemy to turn his main target to this ancient castle hanging on the other side of the river."

Loren quietly raised the corner of his mouth: "As long as the castle does not fall for a day, the enemy's fleet does not say the Jewel River, and even Ebden's harbour cannot be approached, so they must come."

"The next battle will become a battle for the old castle; once confined here, the width of the battlefield and the size of the old castle will make the scale of the battle have to be reduced, and the enemy will not Stopping the offensive in the circular fort, let us lose sight of each other, but the real battlefield is still here in the old castle. "

"What's next?" The commander of the City Defense Army began to be a little curious: "In the end, the enemy will take the old castle for nothing."

"Yes, so we have to calculate the time and abandon the city and retreat." Loren smiled with an expression of "finally awakening": "To destroy all city defense weapons and weight, but also not too much, otherwise the enemy will Not fooled. "

"The castle fell, and the enemy's army was able to successfully launch a full-line offensive-but they still faced the circular fortress of the harbour, the high tower at our feet, and the wall of Ebden."

"They still can only attack from one direction; the width and depth of the battlefield still determine the strength of the enemy can still be limited-so at this time, what will they do?"

Lusien's eyes lit up: "They attacked the floodgate ?!"


Loren gave him a thumbs-up: "Two possibilities-first, attack from the castle wall to the inner city wall, and directly attack the inner city wall; this is not good for us, so we must first destroy the passage, Lock the sluice. "

"The second is to use the impulse of the water to catch several warships and hang chains to drag at the downstream estuary to destroy the sluice; this possibility is also very high."

The dark-haired wizard's finger moved away from the castle and moved up the fairway of the Jewel River: "And all we have to do is grab in front of them and block the estuary from the upper stream-don't block it all, just let it The enemy ’s warships will not come in. "

"Destroyed houses, sinking warships, domestic garbage ... whatever you want, as long as you can block the port of the Jewel River in one month, you will be victorious!"

"Then they understood that they were fooled; then they would understand that they had wasted half of a month on such meaningless things." Taking a deep breath, smiling Loren closed his eyes:

"Then they will find ... winter is coming."

"The sea is about to freeze and freeze soon."

"The first batch of reinforcements and supplies for the empire have also arrived in Ebden. This city is no longer a fragile port that can be easily captured, but a strong military fortress with tens of thousands of troops stationed in it."

"They will launch unprecedented attacks, with three to one, five to one and even ten to one or even more troops to sacrifice and consume, to capture Eboden, and exchange the blood of the corpses for the port of Eboden!"

"And we have enough materials to deal with them; they will withdraw from the inner city when the city wall is breached, using the fortress as a stronghold, and the underground passage for the network to delay the enemy's time to seize the city and cause them a lot of damage;"

"Until the severe winter came, withdrew from the city with the help of the imperial army, leaving the Azores with a ruin and a frozen port for three months, and waiting for the spring of the following year, then with this hungry enemy ..."

"decisive battle!"

The screaming words echoed in front of the map table.

The dark-haired wizard opened his eyes and stared at the map of Ebden in front of him.

"How do you entice the enemy to hook?"

In front of the quiet map table, only the Legion Commander said coldly: "This is the key to the whole plan, right?"

"Yes, the first step can be successful, it can be said that it is the top priority." Loren nodded and said calmly: "So I will trouble you a thousand legionnaires under your command, stationed in the old castle."

"In this way, you can let the enemy realize the importance here, but also mistakenly believe that there is a contradiction inside the defending army-when the battle is tight and the enemy starts to attack, the two mercenary regiments will help you and let them Be more confident in your judgment. "

"As for how to fight the Azores ..." the dark-haired wizard sighed with a smile, and turned his eyes to the side of Isaac who was already able to kill himself with his gaze: "It is our talented wizard Isaac Ge Ransom, let us report on his latest findings! "

The words fell, and everyone's eyes turned to a certain "genius".

"Let me wait for so long, are you deliberate, right?"

Glancing fiercely, the exaggerated Isaac squeezed Loren aside and stood in front of the map table; he coughed twice before straightening his waist:

"Gentlemen, after six hours of careful research, I have reviewed all the foreign trade and transaction records of Ebden, and I have found a lot of information about the Azores."

"Yes, this is not the first time in the history of Ebden that we have had contact with this race, although it is almost unilateral ..."

"Six hours?"

The blood of silver frowned, his expression very unbelievable: "I don't know how much of those" records "actually are, but in six hours ... you have all read it?"

"Yes, after so many years, I can roughly understand your thoughts; after six hours in the eyes of mortals, I read a total of 1,062 books, 576,666 pages, Four hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty-four words are indeed impossible. "

"But I can, because I am a genius ... It takes only one day to read all the geniuses in the library of the Imperial College of Wizarding Wizards."

In front of the map table, everyone's expressions were more shocked than just now.

Only Loren, Lucien and Corona are still used to it.

"Is there any other problem ~ ~ If not, I will continue." The pretending Isaac is flat, and even the tail is cocked: "According to my careful search, I found some Important information about the army of Azore elves. "

"For example ... they are accustomed to wearing light armor, and the weapons used are mainly swords and spears. They rarely wear shields or armour-type weapons; there are many weapons for long-range projection, but they are not They are also dominated by crossbows. "

"Oh, there is one of the most important-the Azores have a very special tradition, which is to play a flute-like horn before the war to announce the beginning of the war to the enemy."

"The sound of this horn is said to be very similar to the sound of an eagle chirping ..."

At this moment, a faint eagle roar came from the port of Ebden;

Everyone was stunned.

The startled Isaac looked at the crowd, nodded silently, and pointed his finger out the window:

"Well ... this is it."

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