Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 108: The elves attack!

The sharp eagle howling sounded in the distant sea level line.

Piercing and bright.

Just a few seconds later, more sounds seemed to respond to it, one after another, echoing one after another on the sea, whistling along with the cold sea breeze, and swept towards the wall of Ebden.

The screams continued and the shock continued.

And it became more and more obvious, more and more clear, like a magnificent raging wave with troubling movements, rolling up and down.

The eagle roared thinly. On the sea level where the sea and the sky passed, under the blood-red sunset, a golden light and shadow suddenly jumped out.

Immediately after the second, the third, the fourth ... The continuous appearance of successive dots of light filled the entire sea level continuously.

But when the reflected light dissipated, the true face of the light and shadow was only revealed-Bai Fan.

White as snow, rolling like waves, countless sails, as if packed with the sea, came to Eboden with the sound of stirring the ocean.

Unstoppable, even more unstoppable.

"Dang! Dang Dang Dang Dang ..."

The rapid alarm bells sounded in the city of Eboden, from the furthest coastal lighthouse to every fortress, almost every signalman was frantically beating the bell in front of him.

The entire Ebden was almost in a mess, and the enemy appeared faster than everyone expected; many mercenaries and city defense soldiers were even frightened and stood motionless.

Some of the recruits even cried out in panic after seeing the number of enemies; the officers who desperately urged and cursed at the soldiers were all pale, only knowing that they slapped to the ground with a wooden stick in their hands. Soldier.

The anxious look of the demon hunter had to shoulder the task of heralding soldiers, the aisles and stairs of the city walls, the sound of iron boots hitting bricks under the observation tower of the tower, and the screams of some soldiers who were knocked down. And exclamation.

"Almost a hundred warships are approaching the port of Eboden at full speed."

Staring at the far-reaching "white line" where he could not see the border at all, the commander of the City Defense Army squeezed the intelligence just sent in his hand and looked at the people in front of the map table:

"The size and specifications of battleships are similar to those of ocean-going fleets-if this is the case, then the enemy's strength may not be less than one hundred thousand!"

The meeting room was quiet.

One hundred thousand?

No ... no, according to the elf warrior, the army mobilized by the Azores should be more than 100,000.

The opposite is a powerful force comparable to the empire. If it really reaches the point of "life and death", it can mobilize at least six times the army.

Groping for the map, the dark-haired wizard said silently in his heart.

But once a hundred thousand people cross the misty sea, it can also be called a miracle in itself-even if the warship itself can carry so much, if you want a hundred warships to sail together from one end of the sea to the other, it is the same. Difficulties.

The commander of the city defense army on the side continued: "Several mercenaries in the harbour found several floating corpses and two empire flags-they must have ambushed our patrol boat while the fog was dawning, so they did not Send an alert! "

"The defenders at the lighthouse are retreating. They have seen the enemy's ship carrying weapons similar to catapults and ballistas. Judging from the enemy's movements, the attack distance may not be less than two hundred meters!"

"The defenders outside the circular fortress sent information, asking if they should immediately prepare for the war and beware of enemy raids!"

"A group of former mercenary mercenary mercenaries rebelled in front of the line, looted supplies in an attempt to flee, and was promptly suppressed by the side Byrne Knight, requesting disposal!"

"The enemy has a small boat passing through the lighthouse, holding a flag is approaching our port, it is suspected that there are plans to negotiate!"

Now not only the heads of the two mercenary regiments, but even the commander of the regiment who had just calmed down, he also looked anxiously at the black-haired wizard and waited for the order.


Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle said with a deep voice: "The enemy is attacking, please order!"

The alarm bells are getting more and more rapid, and even the messy footsteps can be heard even outside the room door.

"According to the pre-war deployment, let the mercenaries withdraw into the city wall; all the city defense soldiers immediately entered the temporary position in front of the circular fortress;"

The dark-haired wizard who looked at the map did not lift his head, but his voice was powerful: "A thousand legionnaires immediately went to the castle to station, and sent several demon hunters from the wings of the sky to help, beware of the enemy with small stocks. Steal the city. "

"The patrol is the back line, assisting the wizards of the wizard tower to load projectile weapons, and anyone who fires ahead of time before I give the order will kill without amnesty;"

"Two thousand bain knights, with the flags of the Turin family and the empire, stationed at all strongholds and all commanding heights; let all people-especially those who are still shaking and the residents of the city-see that the bain and the empire are guarding Boden, the city has not fallen. "

"Everywhere I am away, Count Eckert is in charge of all battles, and everyone must obey." The black-haired wizard said, turning his head to look at Corona:

"Master Corona, please take Isaac and all the wizards who are not ready to fight to take refuge in the Nine Stars Wizard Tower until the end of the battle or the city wall falls."

"What? You want me to hide ?!"

Isaac's eyes widened: "What are you talking about, Loren, I'm here to guard Eboden, how to guard in the wizard tower? I still have a lot of information to tell you, for example ..."

"You may as well tell me first, Lord Isaac Grantham." Corona stopped Isaac quietly, and even let him leave the war room bit by bit: "So important The matter should be discussed by the wizards before being passed to Duke Loren. "

"Well, it sounds unreasonable to hear you say this, and it is indeed the leader of the wizarding tower ... I think you are much prettier than the old man of Harlem Fan."

"No, no, it's you who praised ..."

Watching Isaac and the rest of the group leave, the dark-haired wizard finally breathed a sigh of relief and patted Lucien's shoulder: "Take the flag and go and see our enemies."

"Follow your orders!" The gray pupil nodded vigorously.

A quarter of an hour later, the black lion and the three dragons held the banner of the iron crown and erected on the walls of Eboden and the fortress at the same time, hunting in the cold wind.

After the various commanders hurried to the army they belonged to, the commotion was finally suppressed. The soldiers who had just been scared by the enemy and panicked, also began to reorganize the order in the officers' orders and cries.

At this moment ...


"The Duke is coming here ?!"

Shouts rang out one after another on the walls of Ebden, and a pair of startled eyes were thrown at the figure that was walking down the tall building and approaching the forefront of the line of defense along the wall stack.

On the side walls, the soldiers standing on both sides of the aisle stared at the figure stunned, and hurried past behind them.

Dark hair and black eyes, wearing only a leather armor and a large cloak; the figure was still a bit thin against the exaggerated "Dawn" sword.

But when the "skinny" figure passed by, all the soldiers who had just panicked had quieted down and stood there daringly, watching him pass by.

Lusien, who was right behind the dark-haired wizard, and the black lion flag held high in his hand; instantly became the focus of attention under the city wall.

Just under the watch of the soldiers, he took Lushen's dark-haired wizard down the city wall, through the iron-clad gate of the ring fortress, through the defensive position where he was waiting, and headed towards the harbor of Ebden.

The chief of the Eboden City Defense Army on the tower was stunned, watching the figure through the gate and out of the wall, as if stunned, no matter how the guards behind him shouted, there was no response.

The commander of the empire's legion stopped at the same place, but his eyes on his serious face were extremely complicated; as if he had guessed something vaguely, he pressed his right hand on the wall stack to the gap between the bricks.

"Hey, this Duke, what is he trying to do?"

The head of the Black Blade, hiding behind the wall stack, was dumbfounded, and it looked unclear: "I said, wouldn't he really plan to negotiate with the elves?"

"Or ... he wants to swim past, one person and the entire elf fleet heads-up ?!"

"Maybe ..." Silver Blood's brow furrowed, and he glanced at Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle.

But he was shocked to find that the Count of the Castle of Fury, which had always been steady and rocky, was squinting at the moment, and a proud expression appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Gentlemen, you should be honored." Eckert's thick voice sounded: "Because of this war, you will have the opportunity to see Lord of Bain, Lord of Turin ..."

"How to lead!"

When the words fell, Eckert stopped talking and looked at Loren Turin's back as he moved with the crowd on the city wall.

At this time, the dark-haired wizard and Lusien had already passed through the defensive position directly in front of the ring fortress; everyone in the entire Ebden defense line could already see him.

There is also a black lion flag flying in the sea breeze and hunting.

The alarm bells became thinner, and the cry of exclamation and confusion gradually disappeared; under the walls of the port of Ebden, only the sound of the sea breeze could be heard.

"Do you really want to negotiate with them?"

The nervous Lusien looked at the small boat near the port in the distance: "I think this is probably a trap for the enemy to let us relax and take advantage of the opportunity to attack the city."

"Of course it's a trap, so I'm not going to talk about it." Sighing softly, the dark-haired wizard twitched his lips. "But in order to keep Ebden, this is still necessary."

"Now the main force of Eboden's defense is not the indestructible Sakran" black wall ", nor the invincible Bayern knight; but the mercenaries and the civilian city defense troops who are scared by the enemy at any time.

"Only by arousing morale and making them believe that they can win, they can really fight to the last moment-remember this, maybe you will be able to use it someday."


Lucien froze for a moment, not because of Loren's explanation, but ... Why should I know this?

At this moment, the Azore's boat stopped at the port.

Gray pupil immediately tense up, staring at the figure walking off the boat without squinting.

It was an elf warrior wearing a red robe and carrying an Azore sword.

"In Lower Sirte, it is the 'four courts' under the throne of the eagle, and the samurai warriors.' The samurai warrior from the ship stood on the spot alertly, gazing up and down at a distance of twenty steps. With a dark-haired wizard, his head proudly raised:

"In the name of the eagle king, come and negotiate with the defending commander of this city-it seems that you should be ..."

"Standing so far away, I dare not even come close ... this is the sincerity of the eagle king." Loren said coldly, his eyes mixed with contempt:

"Why, are you still worried that the guard holding the flag behind me will stab you with a flag gun?"

Looking at the contemptuous expression of the dark-haired wizard, the proud red-robed warrior gritted his teeth and exhaled, holding back his dissatisfaction: "Ok ... if you insist."

He strode closer to the meteor with the Azore sword in his waist.

However, at the moment when he stepped closer, the expression of the red robe warrior suddenly froze, and the right hand instinctively pressed the knife handle.

For myself, I can't feel the power of "state of mind" and can't call the way of samurai!

How is this ...

The startled red robe warrior raised his head violently, only to find the darkness in front of him.

The air is extremely cold.

"Why ... what's going on?" The smile on Loren's face grew stronger: "Isn't it a discovery that I can't use the power of the samurai way?"

"Don't your midfield chief Midel tell you that Loren Turin's" Dream of Solitude "can be launched without a magic circle."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Middlele is dead ... right?"

"The one killed by me."

The red-robed warrior looked furious, and instinctively pressed the Azore sword in his waist with his right hand: "You ...?!"

"I'm here, what do you want?" Loren said slowly. "Why, don't you plan to try to avenge your leader?"


Sparks splashed.

The moment the blade came out of the sheath, Lucien had already grabbed the black-haired wizard in one step and pressed the tip of the knife with the flagpole.

The blade was caught by the gray pupil with the sleeve sword.

The red robe warrior, who was too late to be shocked, immediately pulled out the second knife from his arms-judging by the smooth speed of his movements, he was clearly prepared.


Just the second time he drew his sword, the dazzling light shot into his pupils, causing the black warrior in the dark before him to stun for a moment; then there was a burst of ecstasy ~ ~ flew over the ground and flew to Lusien The dark-haired wizard behind him.

Then, when he was empty, he saw a smirk in the corner of Loren's mouth, and a flash of flash in his left hand.

"Slap!" Snapped his fingers.

boom------! ! ! !

The golden-red fire burst in the port, obscuring everyone's sight.

Ten seconds later, the flames dissipated; the figure of the dark-haired wizard raised his sword and the black lion flag flying against the wind.

"Long live the Duke ----- !!!!!!"

First, the Bayern knight who waved the battle flag, and then the entire wall below Ebden turned into a sea of ​​passion and excitement; one by one, his eyes squinting scarlet, and his arms were striking the shield and the wall stack desperately. .

The storm of elves' invasion ...

The curtain officially opened.

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