Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 114: Broken edge

When the shadows descended from the sky, the chief aide-in-chief of the rear court, Alexandra, suddenly raised his head, and the Azore sword in his hand instantly became a bow without a string.

Samurai way, guerrilla arrow!


The fire oil tank cracked in the air, and the collision caused by the impact of the arrows turned the entire pottery jar into a blooming golden-red spark instantly.

"All dispersed, keep scattered, and quickly pass through enemy positions!" The elf warrior shouted again, throwing his hand at the stone stray ammunition that hit him:

"Go to Lord Eugen quickly and let him lead the lead to open the channel for the whole army and continue to attack!"

"Master Eugen is intercepted by the enemy's leader and is fighting!" An elf warrior who rushed back from the front shouted loudly: "Now the enemy's first defense line has been defeated in the front, and he continues to want to advance in the circular fortress!"

So fast?

Alexandra's face flashed a bit of consternation, less than an quarter of an hour had passed since she landed on the beach. The enemy couldn't support it so quickly and began to retreat.

Is it a trap?

But the war situation has not allowed her to think more about it-the former army has already dealt with the enemy, and if the rear army does not increase reinforcement in time, it is likely to fall into the siege of the enemy.

Moreover, the ladder and siege hammer of the siege are here. If you do not keep up with it in time, the results of the fighters ’charge in the front will be wasted by sacrifice.

Since Master Eugen is entangled by the enemy, let me be the apprentice to open the situation!

"Rectify the array, the target is the circular fortress!" Shouted loudly, and the elf warrior raised the Azore sword in his hand: "Follow me to charge!"

Almost at the same time, numerous black shadows struck from above the city walls.

"Pay attention to dodge ..." Alexandra hadn't finished speaking, and the heavy roar and screams had completely covered her voice: "Quick, keep up with the previous ..."

The next second, a sudden change!

While the beach was crushed by stone **** and the entire defensive position was torn apart, the fire oil tanks mixed with it continuously exploded in the sky and countless Mars, and the sprites spattered were all screaming hysterically , Howling more than falling down.

The screams of the broken heart, the wailing of pain and falling on the ground in a messy battlefield, continued to sound.

The panicked elf warrior suddenly felt a scorching heat behind him, and the surrounding air seemed to be boiling hot, and there was a burning smell of burning, and choking smoke.

She looked back suddenly, then opened her mouth in surprise.

The golden red tongue is dancing wildly in front of her!

The earth wall and the back row that were just captured were filled with trenches of elf warriors and city defense soldiers ... burning.

And it is not just a certain place, but all positions are engulfed in flames-where the line of sight is, the golden red "fire wall" is raging wildly at the speed visible to the naked eye, burning the entire defense line .

The corpses of the enemy, the robe, and the friends have all become the fuel of this flame!

The elf warriors who were blocked by the flame in the back row stared blankly at the flame in front of him, wondering what to do.

The astonished Alexandra stared at the "fire wall" in front of her, and finally understood the enemy's "good intentions"-they were not retreating, but to use the gap between the retreat to separate the front and rear troops.

Then annihilate one by one!



The short sword crossed the long knife overflowing with ice vapor, and the sparks splashed, and the gray pupil who successfully deflected the enemy's blade evaded sideways, avoiding the subsequent ice vapor.


Almost at the same time, the earth wall behind him was completely covered by frost.

The cold-faced Lusien backhanded his sword and tried to take the opportunity to approach the elf's body; but the other party seemed to have seen through his routine, and after each attack he deliberately stepped back half a step, evading his attack.

The gap in height, the length of the weapon, the scope of the attack ... let Eugen almost take the advantage in this battle, and the gray pupil who keeps parrying and dodges seems to have completely fallen into the situation of passive defense.

Let anyone slaughter.

"Go to hell!"

Without giving Lusien a little breathing room, the grinning Eugen was approaching again, and the ice vapor of the blade was like a stream of water, blasting out with the moment the blade slashed.

A gray pupil with a sudden pupil contraction, his body dodges instinctively; only half a step away, his feet will be frozen into ice sculptures.

On the battlefield of the beach head swallowed by the blazing flames, the two people in the confrontation almost became the only "alien"-the flames are close at hand, but the ice is still overflowing beside them; , Almost covered by frost.

Feeling almost frozen body, Lucien gritted his teeth tightly, and his pupils, immersed in the power of the void, dared not move away from the other person for a moment.

Sure enough ... the elves that could kill Rut Infinit are not so easy to defeat.

"Why, just these two things?" Eugen's expression was sullen and dangerous: "It's disappointing, what originally thought I should be a serious opponent."

The next second, taking advantage of the gray pupil's nervousness, Eugen's long knife cut forward without warning!

At the moment of the electro-optical stone fire, the body strengthened by the mark of the evil spirit has completed evasion, but the ice blade still leaves a wound on Lucien's left arm.

The gray-eyed boy who didn't blink his eyebrows immediately stuck the blade in the opposite direction with his left-handed dagger, and the sharp blade in his right took the door straight!

"Boring trick."

With a disappointed sneer, the short sword was blocked by the ice curtain just before approaching Eugen's face door, and the sword body was instantly covered with frost.


Eugen didn't pull out the stuck blade, but knocked it **** the chest of the gray pupil with the backhand.

A severe throbbing pain came from the middle of the chest, and the twisted expression of Lucien was too late to retreat and lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Eugen still did not chase, but enjoyed the ugly state of the gray pupil's embarrassment.

Appreciate the last miserable appearance before he died.

"Wings of the sky ... Lusien, right?" Looking at the gray-eyed boy who climbed from the ground with endurance and pain, Eugen sneered contemptuously again: "Sorry, the previous judgment seems to have been wrong. "

"I mistake you and Rut Infinite for the same kind of opponent. In fact, you are far worse than that."


He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the gray pupil with a cold expression stood up. Humming: "Rute Infinite ... you call that guy a mess?"

"Why ... get angry?"

"How come." Luisen suddenly laughed: "Just unexpectedly, I have the same opinion as you at this point."

"Yeah, then treat this as my end-of-life gift to you-because you are about to die!"

The long sword was raised, and Eugen attacked like a wild beast; the three ice blades took the first step, and at the same time approached from the top, left, and right, blocking all retreats of Lu Sien.

It's like hunting a flying bird.


The sharp dagger swung forward and the first ice blade was smashed.

In an instant, the gray pupil with only one residual image evaded the second and third ice blades; the short sword in his right hand was thrown, straight to the elf's neck.

The short sword was flicked away by the long sword, and the elf lost Lucien's figure.


A crisp note sounded behind the elf, it was the sound of the ice curtain being torn.

not good!

Eugen looked back sharply, and the image of the gray pupil stood behind him as if out of thin air, caught the right hand of the dropped dagger and pressed his shoulder.

So fast ... no, it's not like Rut Infinite, at least not fast enough to be caught.

Lucien in the wings of the sky, he predicted his every move!

"Will I die? I don't know." Lucien's indifferent voice sounded: "But one thing is certain ..."

"The one who killed me will not be you."


Eugen, who had a sudden change in his face, took a backhand, and while the blades collided, he turned to dodge backwards, trying to avoid Luisen's attack range.

The blasting ice vapor crossed the front, and the unavoidable gray pupils let the ice blade leave blood on the shoulders and stomped under their feet, just like a cheetah rushing to their "prey"!

"Afraid, are you?"

"You die for me--!"

Eugen started to panic and tried his best to parry with a knife, but Lucien ’s attack was more tricky than he thought. It was because Rout Infinite lost his right arm after World War I. As flexible as before.

Not only that, for a samurai to lose his right arm will not only damage his strength, but also make his body appear very delicate, unbalanced "vulnerabilities".

In the eyes of Lucien who opened the "Evil God Mark", this flaw was magnified infinitely, almost full of flaws!

The long sword waved, and the waves of ice rushed to the gray pupil's figure.

Frowning frowning, Lusien had no choice but to dodge and retreat from the enemy.

"Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ..." Looking at the gray panic boy's "panic escape" embarrassment, Eugen's trembling voice grinned reluctantly: "Why don't you want to kill me, come!"

Even if you can see my movements, you dare not get close to me!

And I can be more than ten steps away, little by little ... slowly kill you.


But at this moment, Lusien, who was standing opposite him, did not continue to attack, but looked up at the direction of the wall, his mouth slightly raised.

This disgusting expression made Eugen very uncomfortable.

"Miscellaneous, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing. It's just that you can finally breathe a sigh of relief after the task is completed." Lucien's expression returned to indifference, but the corner of his mouth was still a little arc:

"If you want to know why, just look around."


Eugen sneered and raised his sword with a distorted expression: "Miscellaneous, if you think this boring trick can distract my attention, then it's wrong ..."

"Sir Eugen--!" A quick cry came from behind: "The backline is urgent, please ask for support!"

what? !

The elf's expression was stunned to the extreme, his eyes turned involuntarily, and the blazing fire almost occupied his entire sight.

The battlefield was divided into two by the enemy using the "fire wall"!

There were constant wailing and screaming of elf warriors in the ears-the rear army blocked by the fire wall kept trying to break through, but it was the ballistas and trebuchets that "greeted" them;

The burning elf warrior screamed to use his body to extinguish the flames; but the trenches filled with fire oil were not so easily filled; even the opposite was true-their bodies and their clothing had also become Burning "sauce".

After the rear army was divided, the soldiers of the city defense army finally stopped retreating in the face of the isolated front army, relying on the earth walls and trenches, and even began to "encircle" and actively attack the enemy in reverse.

The brave and brave elf warriors soon discovered that they not only faced the enemies in front of them, but also threatened from the wall-mercenaries who had "waited for a long time" appeared from the wall and used the bow and heavy crossbow Threats between the two walls of the city.

be cheated!

This is the only thought of Eugen at the moment.

The front and rear armies are divided. Once the enemy has harvested the elf warriors in the front row, the isolated rear army rushes up again to queue up to die, and it will be dead and dead before waiting for the wall!

And the miscellaneous pieces in front of you are used to contain your own props!

"Did you finally understand, very good." Lucien's expression was indifferent:

"Then I can kill you without any care."

"You ..." A trace of terror finally appeared on Eugen's face: "Even if the whole army is defeated, the elf warriors at the back line rushed up, you are still dead!"

"Yeah, I'm just staying without permission, using my own to contain your bait." Gray pupil narrowed his eyes: "But again, you are dead."

"Can use his own life to get rid of a tough enemy for Lord Loren and get a big victory ..."

"I'm willing to do it."

Why this ...

Why is he not afraid of death? Why would he willingly become a tool and a murderous knife in the hands of others?


Why am I making such a low-level mistake? !

"Ah ah ah--!!!!"

Eugen hysterical, heartbreaking roaring ~ ~ Not only behind him, the overflowing ice vapor spreads around Eugen as the center, the whole "fire wall" was blasted out The ice vapor submerged and dissipated.

Lucien didn't mean to stop him ... At this moment in the battle, the outcome is already doomed.

Staring at the opposite side motionlessly, as if waiting for the “miscellaneous” of his first shot, Eugen suddenly felt an inexplicable nausea and humiliation, as if forced to eat something disgusting.

I've been fooled ... like a fool, so obsessed with the other party, so obediently jumped into the trap set;

"Lucien ... Lucien in the Wings of the Sky, good, good. I remember you, I will kill you, no! I will catch you alive, and then ask you to give me a death!"

"Remember for me! I said it!"

With trembling lips, Eugen, who was humiliated, said the sentence he never thought he would say:

"The whole army ... retreat-!!!!!!"

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