Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 115: Temporary rest

"Admiral of the Governor's Court ... well, there are others, and their expressions seem to be a bit depressed."

The smiling little prince was holding a wine glass, looking at the elf warriors on both sides of the table curiously: "Isn't it very comfortable, or is the dish tonight unsatisfactory?"

Not fit?

The embarrassed Eugen frowned, and the knife held in his left hand was stuck on the dining table, revealing the green bars.

Alexandra, who was also disgraced-the chief adjutant of the court-bowed her head, holding the wine glass in her hand without saying a word.

Faced with a table full of delicacies, the elf warriors with different expressions squeezed their mouths tightly, without a sound.

Fiasco ... This vocabulary with terrifying power, turned into a terrifying ghost in the elven flagship restaurant, makes the atmosphere dull and dead.

After Eugen issued the order to "retreat", thousands of elven troops on the port still did not lose their fighting spirit, but relied on the positions they had previously captured to keep their order and retreat in an orderly manner.

After several charges were intercepted by the brave and elf warriors, the Eboden defender finally gave up the plan to pursue the defeated soldiers, and instead continued to drive and harass with ballistas and catapults, trying to sink the retreating boat .

The elf fleet immediately dispatched and responded to the retreating troops in a very orderly manner; the launchers on the twenty warships opened fire at the same time, and once again turned the fortified positions of the fire into ruins of burning flames.

The Ebden side did not have any obstruction this time, and let the enemy "exhaust" ... anyway, it was only a temporary construction. It was destroyed and it did not hurt at all, or even better-because the terrain became more complicated and rugged.

Two thousand elf warriors, in order to cover the remaining robe, safely evacuated from the battlefield, and stayed on the coast of Ebden forever.

They died, and then they were able to survive ... This kind of thought tortured all the retired elf warriors, especially the guys sitting at this table.

After paying such a big sacrifice, I watched one after another the robe tragically died, and fell ... Only myself survived the sea of ​​hell and felt the defeat and humiliation.

"All the blame for the defeat of this battle is on me, His Royal Highness Rodria!"

Unable to hold back, Alexandra got up from the chair and knelt on one knee: "It was all I hesitated during the charge, which caused the front line to lose support and cause the enemy to ambush successfully! In short ..."

"Get up." The little prince looked at her with a smile.


"I said, get up." The little prince smiled and held the elf warrior's shoulders: "Chief adjutant of the court ... you, do I need to repeat it again?"

The elf warrior twitched her throat and stood up honestly, bowing her head and daring not to speak.

"Okay, okay, the defeat in this battle was not because you were not brave enough, but because our enemies had already prepared ... In a sense, the heavy casualties were expected."

The little prince shrugged and couldn't help smiling: "It would be better to say that the guy who can capture Ebden with a positive attack is really stupid enough, stupid enough!"

On the side, Eugen's face was somber, Tie Qing's complexion was unsightly.

"You, we can no longer continue to look down on our opponents; they are also long-term and outstanding warriors; we must put them in an equal position with us in order to save the defeat."

"What's more, today's fiasco is not meaningless-your bravery has fully exposed the enemy's weakness and incompetence. You can only guard the port by virtue of various city defense measures and traps, and you dare not confront the brave elf warriors. "Lightly sipping alcohol, the little prince remarked:

"But it also proves that it is extremely unwise to attack the port of Ebden from the front, and it will fall into the trap set by the enemy ... am I right, Miss Alexandra?"

"... Yes." The elf warrior with her head down said difficultly.

The Eugen side was darker.

As the commander-in-chief of this raid war, he was naturally the chief person responsible for the defeat as the chief of the court; the little prince's remarks were no longer referring to Sang and cursing Huai, but a naked face.

And it's a shame to let your adjutant and apprentice admit it yourself!

But Eugen was helpless ... the other party is the son of the eagle king, and is currently the most promising one to succeed to the throne; as the chief of the court, he cannot refute a prince.

No matter how painful, humiliating ... he, too, must endure!

The left hand of the clenched knife had oozed blood, and Eugen with his head still motionless, said nothing.

"Is there any news from the rear fleet?" The pretend little prince waved his hand, beckoning Arishadra to retreat, turning his gaze to the always silent chief of the court, Lori Zade: "How long will it take To meet us? "

"No information has been received yet, Your Royal Highness!"

Anson Zade, who was sitting behind the elf girl—Loli ’s younger brother and chief wizard—had quickly got up and replied: "When the last contact was made, the fleet of the second echelon was still preparing for Yingxiao Island and wanted to come. The meeting will take at least two or three months! "

"Two or three months ..."

A little disappointment flashed in the little prince's face, this time was definitely too late.

"Uh! For example, if your Highness hopes, my sister ... Chief Master Yu Ting can go as a messenger and urge them to speed up ..."

"No, it's not necessary, it's better to say that." The little prince shook his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth:

"I think you guys, shouldn't you want to be taken away by the guys behind you?

The elf warriors present nodded and said yes.

Anson Zade lowered his head, disguising his disappointment in the blink of an eye.

In following the matter of His Royal Highness Rodría, his view is the same as that of his sister Lori-in any case, keep the distance and avoid becoming a chess piece and victim of the other party's random play.

The little prince picked up the glass and slowly stood up: "Since such a strong attack cannot work, then we must change our attack strategy and turn to attack the weakest link of the enemy's defense line and crack their defense."

Facing a pair of gathered eyes in front of the dining table, the little prince in front of the dining table shook the glass in his hand like a chess piece:

"The enemy was able to block our soldiers' fronts because they blocked the port with chains; and the easiest of the two forts connecting the chains was the small fortress on the other side of the river."

"This castle is the key to our entrance to Eboden-take her, and Eboden will be enemies on both sides and become our possession!"

The words fell, and a confident smile gradually appeared in the corner of the little prince's mouth.



As night fell, the golden-red "pillar of light" was still bombarding Eboden's walls without interruption; the golden-red sparks burst in the sky, against a flash of gray-blue barrier.

The mercenaries on the city wall huddled behind the wall stack, either yawning or chatting with each other, waiting for a hot dinner; after experiencing the panic on the first day and the restlessness of the next few days, no more People take this "beam of light" for a while seriously.

Unless the enemy concentrates bombardment, or breaks the chains that block the port, the only function of these flying "beams of light" is to let the soldiers standing on the walls watch the fireworks show and pass the time.

Compared with the leisurely on the city wall, the Jiumanxing Wizard Tower at this time is busy.

The empty gardens and teachers and halls have been transformed into medical offices and wards; all herbalists, pharmacists, alchemists and their apprentices are like a group of ants on a hot pot, running back and forth, even directly in front of the bed Start the test bed and cook the medicine.

Treat injuries, boil potions, maintain ice barriers, make pyrotechnics and various alchemy products used, measure wind direction and weather, and assist engineers to repair damaged walls and fortifications ...

Even in the city with the highest proportion of wizards in the entire empire, the wizards of Eboden, even with apprentices, are stretched to face the needs of an army and a city.

Passing through the garden full of injuries, the dark-haired wizard with a slightly mixed mood walked to Lusien's ward.

During the daytime battle, Lusien “defended” his orders, instead of retreating with the City Defense Army in time, he chose to stay and contain the Chief Eugen of the “Four Courts” in the Central Court; Fortunately, the City Defense Army responded promptly and rescued him when he counterattacked.

Before entering the door, you can hear the quarrel between the gray pupil and Isaac.

"Isaac, I'm fine, how many more times do you want me to repeat?"

"You're okay, fart! Two severe frostbites on the arm, three broken ribs, four broken tendons ... I also told you that it's okay, you're going to have nothing to do with it!"

"But I'm fine now, all recovered!"

"Yes, but the void response on your body is severely high, far beyond the normal threshold-you are now a goblin with tentacles, and I'm not surprised at all!"


"What are you? If you go on like this, the spiritual hall will be completely eroded. Do you know ?! Do you really want to become a fleshy, unceasingly growing monster ?!"

Isaac, who was almost mad, rolled his eyes and turned to look at the dark-haired wizard who had just walked in: "Ah! Loren, you're just here, ready to welcome the new gesture of our Lusien children-full of Smell of dung, rotten meat with pus everywhere! "

The gray pupil on the bed saw Loren's gaze and scratched his head in embarrassment.

In an atmosphere of stalemate, Loren can only change the subject: "How about the wizards of the Wizard Tower?"

"What's the matter, it didn't surprise me anyway-except for Corona and the other two old men, it's the same." Isaac rolled his eyes and shrugged, looking helpless:

"The only thing that is worth the surprise is that I found more information about the Azores. There is a small part about the samurai way that is very interesting ..."

"For example?" Loren frowned.

"There is a documentary record about the negotiations between the ocean fleet and the Azores in the sixth generation. It was a long time ago." Isaac pouted:

"The" Warrior's Way "mentioned in that document ... is known as the practice path of the Azores, but it is the only way for a warrior to sharpen his mind and shape his character."

"Hone your mind and shape your morals ... that is to say, at least at the time, the so-called" Warrior's Way "should be very different from the current gadgets mixed with weird abilities!"

Loren began to understand a little bit: "You mean ..."

"You said that the elves invaded the empire for the purpose of 'life and death' ... but at least in the literature at the time, there was no sign that it would be related to 'life and death'." Hair tips:

"In other words, whether it is the danger that causes the elves to live or die, or the current" transfiguration "samurai way ... all happened after the sixth generation."

"Otherwise, why did the royal family and church, who were so 'concerned' with the wizards, not care about the power of the void held by the elves across the misty sea?"

"Will it be because these problems did not exist at that time?"

Following Isaac's thoughts, Loren's expression fell into deep thought.

And the expression of a arrogant man does not matter: "In short, this may be a very important clue. I will continue to dig along this line, maybe I will find other secrets ... and give it to me."

"You, Loren Turin, you are responsible for watching this **** who wants to turn into a sloppy meat-anyway, I have told him what the consequences are, if he still sees me like this, I will ask you!"

"Remember, Loren, there aren't many of my friends." He snorted angrily, and Isaac walked out of the ward with a little depression:

"And I don't want to lose any of them!"

After talking, the chic Isaac walked out of the room, leaving his back behind without closing the door.

The complex-looking Loren turned his head and looked at the gray pupil who had been evading his eyes.

"Master Loren, I ..."

"I know what you want to say ~ ~ Lusien." The dark-haired wizard sighed and looked at him silently: "But Isaac just said, you should hear it too."

"Do n’t be fooled by Asrell, he ’s using you to make you a slave of power; do n’t let yourself fall to the same end as Fanesis and Chakal ... this is my only request to you . "

Lucien was silent, biting his lower lip tightly and bowing his head.

Of course he knew what it would be like, and he had seen for himself what Fanesis and Chakal became.

But if you don't use this power, how should you keep up with Lord Loren?

How can he protect him and become a sword in his hands?

Especially after knowing that his enemy is such a terrible existence ... Do you have to watch Loren face yourself, but you can't do anything?

I need strength ... Gently stroking the rune on the back of the neck, Lucien's head lowered deeper.

More power.

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