Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 116: Hooked

Along with panic-stricken footsteps and shouts, rapid horns and alarm bells, and the explosion and roar of the trembling sky, the second Ebden attack and defense began.

This time, the Azores fleet almost came out of the nest; after several attempts to strike the coast and chains with a collision angle and various methods, the twenty warships once again launched the launcher, the golden red "Meteor" Raised side by side, the death rain fell on the walls of Ebden.

But this time the goal was not a wall or a ring fortress—but a defensive position built in front of the ring fort with temporary fortifications.

In the words of a mercenary leader, these long ears are finally no longer stupid, knowing that they have to explore the way before they die.

Without the protection of the ice barrier, the entire beach front on the Ebden coast was ravaged by the projectile weapons of the elf fleet-not only the launcher with magic power, but also a large number of heavy crossbow vehicles for field and siege, The iron-headed crossbow bolt tied to the fire oil tank ... poured out the anger left by the elves' last defeat.

In this stormy baptism, the entire beach head has become a **** where living people can't survive-the flaming tongue dances with the flames of the explosion, the collapsing gravel and the splashing sand and sand against each other, the heat wave and the smoke Swept every corner, even the walls were completely covered.

Earth walls, trenches, passages, traps, refusal of horses ... everything was wiped out in this death rain, turning into rubble and earth pits that are no different from sand and dust; the remaining broken walls and debris were also submerged in the sand Below, there is nothing left except the more rugged and complex battlefield.

Under the wall of Ebden, only a white field remained.

But the Eboden defender had no casualties on the side-in fact, last night, all the city defense troops stationed at the position had been withdrawn into the fortress. Except for a pile of garbage and fortifications, nothing was left to the elves, even the fire in the trench The oil has dried up.

After some sweeping, the blazing fire continued from early morning until noon; until the fire slightly subsided, the elf fleet blew the horn of attack again, and a swarm of small boats poured out from between the battleships, wearing Pass the chain to the port of Ebden.

This time, nothing can stop them from rushing to the fortress and the wall!

This time, the army of the Azores was even stronger and crazier than last time.

The clear landing army alone had more than 40,000 troops, lined up along the coastline, and approached the city of Eboden-this time they were no longer attacking the ring fortress or some stronghold, but instead Fully attack.


At noon, under the projective disturbance from the direction of the city walls and the fortress, the elf warriors in small boats landed on the coast, jumped into the icy waters, stepped on the muddy battlefield, carrying the Azores on their backs The long knife advanced towards the wall.

Because it is a landing operation at the port, no matter how disciplined the army can only advance by scattered formations-conversely, the formation of a square formation under the enemy's city walls can only be a live target.

But for this reason, the enemy's military strength looks far stronger than it should be!

The pale mercenaries and the tense city defense army, led by the Bayern knight who held the black lion gold banner, crouched behind the wall stack and blocked the stack with a shield.

In order to prevent the unreliable mercenaries and the obvious morale of the city defense army, the enemy's first round of charge collapsed across the board. Loren could only split the two thousand Bain knights he brought into countless squads and put them in Each fortress and important city wall nodes.

In this way, on the one hand, the knights can be relied on to inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers, so that they can see the flag of the Duke Byrne anytime, anywhere; on the one hand, they are also the war squadron, ensuring that even if the defending army is defeated, it must be an organized defeat.

Looking at the battle flags standing beside him, the standing Bane knight, the blood of silver clenched his teeth-he was very convinced that once he was no longer "reliable", these truly "reliable" knights would definitely be for his duke, After cutting himself off, he took control of the mercenary regiment.

"Silver Blood--, ready to meet the enemy!"

Even if he knew that the Duke did n’t trust his mercenaries at all, the blood of silver still pulled out his sword and gave his subordinates the command of perseverance ... If the enemy rushed to the front, if it did n’t fight, it would n’t be a matter of trust or not. It's a question of whether you can live.

Despite the paleness of the mercenaries hiding behind the shield wall, they still took out their personal weapons-throwing guns, choppers, hatchets, chain hammers, high-priced Baien knight swords and even Azores ... No guarantee, but absolutely practical.

Only the most stupid mercenaries will think that it is a wise move to fight against the water; in most cases, they will only face the anger of friendly forces while exposing their backs to the enemy, and they will be jointly killed by both parties!

"Stone cannon, let go!"

There was another command, a jagged sound from the city walls, the rotation of the wheel axis, all the ballistas simultaneously ejected the stone ammunition and the kerosene tank, and poured them down on the elf army on the beach head.


In the deafening sound, golden-red sparks bloomed on the beach, and many landing boats were ignited or smashed into fragments before the beach, leaving a pool of blood red on the sea.

As the army of the rear line gradually landed, the entire port and coast of Eboden had been covered with the army of the Azores, just like the high tide water.

In two hundred steps, all the ballistas and the projected weapons on the city wall all began to tilt fire, and the direct shot at close range almost swept the vanguard army of the Azores elves;

In fifty steps, the crossbowmen and archers walked to the shield wall, gathered on the tower, and swept the advancing Azore warriors with uniform rockets and cold arrows; superb martial arts and flexible body Attitude made them avoid a lot of arrows, but there were still a lot of elves in the arrows that fell on the road of charge.

Not only did the Azore elf warriors who swept through the almost stormy baptism did not appear to be declining, but they were stirred up with endless fighting spirit, even regardless of the formation, and rushed to the wall.

The last landing battle had made them understand that the more fierce the firepower of Eboden ’s garrison, the stronger the resistance, the more it shows that this group of enemies has one count, all cowards and vulnerable cowards, rushing up the wall Won!

In their eyes, the city of Eboden has become a frightened cat in their eyes, and their fangs and claws are desperately showing "I am fierce"; in fact, they have been scared to hide in the corner of the wall, and they dare not move.


With a muffled noise, the first siege ladder hit the shield wall and got stuck between the wall stacks of the city wall.

"Shield wall, push it down!" The knight of Byrne holding up the battle flag roared and waved his sword to stop a few crossbowmen who obviously wanted to escape.

The pale-faced mercenaries regrouped to block the gap; others picked up the fire oil tank and tried to light the cloud ladder.

But late ... Almost at the same time, the Azore samurai who was biting the knife had climbed the city wall, leaping from the wall stack like a gust of wind and falling into the center of the dense square.

The moment the long sword waved, the elf warrior rushing to the line was penetrated by dozens of spears at the same time, but a large gap appeared in the city wall.

"For Your Highness Rodria, kill!"

Blood spewed, and the roaring elf warrior fell to the ground.


Through the gap that was opened, the elf warriors in the back row rushed up the city wall and engaged the panicked mercenaries.

More than just one place, from the circular fortress to the inner city wall, almost all the defensive strongholds are in a state of engagement; like a grand drama, the climax of the track is played.

The Azores almost took out the full-scale offensive of "winning the city in World War I" and squandered their huge and unmatched army at all; the city wall was originally a "barely enough" defender, and immediately Fall into a stretched situation!

Relying on the city walls and various defensive fortifications, Eboden ’s defenders can still barely maintain the last advantage of "local advantage"; the battleship is blocked by chains, and it is impossible to put large siege weapons into battle; in only the ladder and hook Under the premise of the cable, the strength of the troops that can be put into combat at one time is extremely limited.

Fortunately, this is so. The frightened Eboden defender was not frightened by the elves who rushed to the wall, and he was able to fight against the enemy.

As for how long such a state can last, then only God knows.

Roaring and howling, sandwiched between the whistle of arrows and the impact of blades, facing the attacking momentum of the Azore elves who spared time and death, the Eboden defenders on the city wall could only barely maintain the front line from collapse. It is no longer possible to push the enemy down.

Under the wall, as the elf army gradually attacked the wall, the effect of the defender's projected weapons was gradually reduced-there were constantly elves and warriors using hooks or even climbing up the tower with their bare hands to raid the defender's projected weapon positions.

Although almost all armies using ballistas and catapults are auxiliary soldiers in the city of Eboden; but the fighting spirit of holding on to their homeland cannot make up for the difference in strength between the two sides; often the auxiliary soldiers at the top of the tower were slaughtered before the reinforcements came Empty, only corpses left.

Of course, it is more often that the elf warriors have been noticed by the defenders before they climbed up; either they were shot into a sieve on the wall, or they were cut off from the hook, from a height of more than ten meters. A free fall.

Either the offensive or defensive side has been stretched to the limit; at this time, either side will add another weight to the scale of the war, and the situation will immediately overturn and fall to the advantageous side.

But neither side seems to be aware of this; it is still continuing to perform the "drama" in front of it-if the defending army and the wizards and the knights are in the battle, in the camp of the elven army, You can't even see the figure of a "four courts" warriors.


The dull roar came from a distance, like the thunder of the sky;

The blood of silver, who commanded the mercenaries, raised his head subconsciously, put down the sword in his hand in amazement, and turned his gaze to the direction from which the sound came.

It was not the explosion that surprised him, but the location—the sound came from the ancient castle across the Jewel River.

Finally ... is it beginning?


"... finally hooked."

Looking at the thick smoke from the old castle, the dark-haired wizard took a sigh of relief, and a relaxed smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When he saw the enemy attacking across the board, he was really worried that the Azore elves were planning to use a strong attack to seize the city—although they could defend themselves, the casualties would be unbearably heavy.

Especially on the enemy side, there are many "four courts" warriors-on a flat battlefield, these people may not play a big role, but in the narrow environment of siege warfare, almost no army can Stop them!

Fortunately, he won by betting ... The frontal battlefield is just a feint, and the enemy is also unwilling to sacrifice too much troops in the siege battle. He intends to grab the old castle first, lift the blockade on the coast, and then the army will press the city and win the city in one fell swoop.

It is conceivable that the army that the enemy put into the battle of the castle is absolutely elite. I am afraid that the "four courts" warriors will fall out and even use long-range firepower to completely destroy the castle.

The battle is proceeding steadily according to the route and plot arranged by yourself.

At least for now ...


The dark-haired wizard looked back slowly, looking at the gray pupil behind him: "Are you ready?"

"Of course!" Luis raised the corner of his mouth, and his dark blue hair showed a pair of fierce eyes: "One hundred and thirty-six demon hunters under the wings of the sky, waiting for your command, you can invest at any time. fighting!"

Loren raised his gaze to look behind Lusien, who had 136 pairs of eyes that were the same as him.

These demon hunters are the elite that Loren brought from the Red Blood Castle. Many of the guys are veterans who have experienced the battle of centaurs. The most experienced ones even once had the experience of hunting ogres and ice werewolves alone.

According to the evaluation of Dalton Kant ’s instructor ~ ~ compared with close combat fighting, the demon hunter is still slightly inferior to the "four court" samurai-this is not training to compensate, but It is determined by talent.

The slender and flexible bodies of the elves are destined to do more actions that humans cannot do, and they are faster, have more flexible responses, and have stronger endurance.

This is also a touch of Loren-even if he is himself, he can only learn a little bit of fur for the combat skills of ancient wood forest elves and dancers; the difference will be even more if he is replaced by a Azore elf with a significantly higher civilization level. obvious.

It will be their elite first battle with the enemy, and the heavy casualties are almost doomed.

Of the 136 people, half of them can leave Ebden alive, which is enough to thank God.

But there is no way ... if they do n’t, they will be replaced by Eboden ’s defenders and mercenaries.

In war, it was impossible for everything to go smoothly; the dark-haired wizard turned slowly, his sharp eyes fixed on the spitting fire in the distance:

"let's go!"

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