Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 117: Ice and fire

"It finally started."

The elf prince holding a single telescope stood at the position of the helmsman, personally holding the rudder, and happily stared at every move in the distant port battlefield.

Of course, the moored flagship had already pinned the rudder; even so, the helmsman and first officer on the ship were still nervously standing aside, fearing that the prince was excited and doing something unexpected.

But the royal court warriors headed by the "Zade Brothers", Lori and Anson, are all strange looking, standing silently at a distance of ten steps, so that His Royal Highness Can enjoy the fun of "personal world".

"~ We sing aloud today ~ Drinking old wine ~ Wine glasses pingpong ~ Crying next to friends and relatives ... Dear sweetheart ~ We are going to go to Sacran ~ Sacran ~~~ ......"

He hummed the deck in a leisurely manner, the little prince twirled the rudder and fiddled with the monocular telescope, the corners of the mouth became deeper and deeper.

Under the full-scale offensive of the Azores ’elves, one gap after another has appeared on the walls of Ebden; although there has not been much substantial progress, the enemy ’s weak and unwarranted nature has been fully exposed .

More importantly, the total strength of the Azore elves is twice that of enemies on the front battlefield! When the battle was just started, because of the limitations of the battlefield, this advantage was not obvious enough; but as time passed, the Eboden defenders, who were barely able to fill the entire line of defense, would soon reveal their decline.

Compared with the orderly and warlike elf warriors, the Ebden garrison is simply a group of ants trapped in a cage; the reason why the battle can not be defeated is because there is no way to escape.

Behind him is his own city; no matter how timid and cowardly the defender of Eboden is, no matter how he does not know how to confront the martial arts elves and samurai, he must also stand up and fight.

After paying some casualties, the elf warriors who attacked the city wall gradually found a way to confront the heavy infantry wearing armor and shields.

Instead of blindly advancing, they continued to induce the defending soldiers to take the initiative to attack, or experienced warriors raided from behind, disrupting the defending positions; when they were panicked, they rushed into the fragmented shields from all sides. Wall, slaughtered with a knife.

However, in the view of the little prince, it is still very difficult to break through the walls of Eboden head on-the Azore elf warriors still have a serious lack of experience in facing such heavy armor and forming a close formation of enemies.

There may be a way to deal with it on a small scale. Once in a battlefield that cannot be circumvented and evaded, the battle will become extremely difficult; the reason why it has not yet been felt is purely because of the low popularity of the enemy.

But more than 20,000 morale is low, and the unarmed defenders can block the Azore Elf warrior twice as much with their walls and phalanx ... This is very telling.

The key to the battlefield is still the lonely old castle on the other side of the river ... Only by taking her can the last blockade of Eboden be opened, and the entire city will be besieged on both sides by the elf fleet without any effort.

"The key castle ... Lorren Turin, will this be your trap?" The little prince's mouth gave a meaningful smile:

"Don't be so boring, give me a surprise-let me see your skills, how many steps can I see on the chessboard?"



The castle of the old castle was crumbling in flames and explosions. In the thick smoke, the legionnaires squatted in the front row to raise the shield wall, and the rear row uniformly put the war halberd down and pulled out a gun from behind.

"Prepare--, let go!"

With the command of the legion commander, the roaring black shadow hit the elves climbing the city wall with the sound of tearing air; several elf warriors who could not avoid it were immediately throwing guns through their eyebrows or fell from the top of the city wall by mistake , Turned into a pool of minced meat in the corner mud pits and trenches.

But more of them evaded calmly, hurriedly attacked the walls from other directions, and flew from the corners and corners to the soldiers of the single legion. The blade of the sheath was like a ghost with fangs. Yi luster.


There was another explosion, and countless sounds erupted in the melee castle; the tragic wailing and the unwilling roar, and the sound of swords and shields collided with each other.

In just five minutes, the outer protective walls of the castle have all fallen!

"Sound the rally, and the whole army moves back!" The legion commander standing in front of the shield wall shook his flag personally and growled loudly: "All the hundred people gather in place on the spot, pay attention to sneak attacks!"

As soon as the words fell, a flash of silver flashed across him.


At the moment when blood was splattering, the legionnaire rushing by him blocked the knife for him, but the shield was also cut to half.

The elf warrior seizing the gap slammed the blade again, piercing the soldier's throat.

The furious commander of the legion could only watch in vain, and was dragged by the guards behind him into the back of the shield wall.

Although the use of the castle for bait and traps was a plan set by Loren, the legion commander did not think so; he, who had arranged a close defense, originally wanted to let the Eboden defenders know, His Majesty Connor ’s army How to fight.

Ironically, his "elaborate" preparation made the enemy's performance even more brilliant!

Compared with the formations and heavy armor, the legionnaires who retreat to the lineup so that they will not be defeated, the elves on the opposite side not only cooperate closely, but also fight fiercely;

Under their fierce and fierce offensive, any legionary soldier who orders or makes mistakes will become an inescapable prey.

The sharp Azore's long sword, although unable to directly tear down the soldiers' heavy armor and their halberds, made the shields in their hands unreliable and leaked into the tight shield wall.

For the elf warriors who are fierce and tricky with swordsmanship, this is enough.


Along with the sound of tearing flesh and blood, there was another scream—the left-wing commander in charge of the phalanx battle was penetrated by three sharp blades at the same time, and the head full of fright was filled into the sky.

Can't go on like this.

"The whole army retreats and abandons the protective wall!" With the corner of his mouth tightly screaming, the squadron commander of the regiment roared, and his trembling hands clenched the battle flag tightly:

"Retreat to the inner fortress and build up to the central government!"

Abandoning the protective wall means that the castle has basically fallen, and it is necessary to fight against the enemy.

But with the whistle and horn sounds again and again, the well-disciplined legionnaires still executed the order; they gave up the protective wall and assembled with the Chinese army, forming a large square array of fifteen rows in depth in front of the inner fort.

The effect is immediate!

Facing the tight shield wall and the densely punctured war halberd, as well as the shooting guns thrown from time to time, the elf warriors could not find a gap that could break through the array; even if occasionally more successful, someone in the back row will quickly fill .

The elf warriors, who are accustomed to scattered charges, are really not good at dealing with such "iron turtle" enemies.

"Master Eugen, don't you plan to shoot?"

Looking at the stalemate in front of her, Alexandra frowned, "The enemies on the other side don't seem to be the defenders we met on the beach. They should also be the elite of the enemy."

"Because of this, I shouldn't even have shot." Shaking his head, the chief of the court snorted: "Although the little prince hates people, at least he has the right words-we must pay attention to the enemy, even if they are Hordes. "

"Our warriors have no experience fighting the warriors of the empire; it is at this opportunity to fight fiercely, understand how they fight, and gain more experience."

"This is their country, their land, and the troubles they hate when they are encountered earlier are better than when they are encountered later."

The elf warrior nodded and secretly sighed in relief-her thoughts were actually similar to Eugen. The reason for the deliberate inquiry was only to worry that he would be too irrational due to the previous stimulation of Prince Rodria.

"Besides ... I have a hunch."

The corners of his mouth evoked a gruesome arc, and Eugen muttered to himself.


Alexandra turned her head in confusion and looked at the chief prince of the scorching eyes.

"It's a simple truth ... if we can discover the importance of this castle, will the enemy not know?" Eugen sneered and glanced toward the tower of the city wall:

"No, they must know; in this case either the enemy has no extra troops to stand here, or ... this castle is a trap that deliberately lures us to hook."

"Drag our elite main force here, and then concentrate their own elite to annihilate us, so that they can live a few more days in this city!"

When the words fell, the face of the elf warrior changed: "Since that is the case, then we should not eliminate the enemies before us as soon as possible, and then evacuate from here ..."

"Evacuation ... Why evacuation?"

Eugen looked at his adjutant, his expression more and more terrifying: "We are righteous men fighting for righteousness, aren't we? In the face of the mean tricks of sly villains, shouldn't they be more proud of themselves and think of themselves When they are successful, will they be alive? "

"The treacherous villains, the mean and shameless villains ... Is n’t it the time when they are the most arrogant, they should use the most direct means to blow them up, crush the hope of victory in front of them, and make them feel that he is an ordinary thing Weakness and helplessness ... otherwise, why should we extend our own, true justice ?! "

The stunned Alexandra fell silent.

Although she has always adhered to the same concept as Master Eugen, and recognized that she belongs to the righteous side; but only this time, it seems that there is something wrong with Master Eugen's words.

At the moment when the elf warrior fell into contemplation, dazzling light suddenly came from the corner of her eyes ...


At the moment when the golden-red fire burst, Eugen had already taken the lead in front of Alexandra, the long knife wrapped in ice steam slammed out, and the flames dissipated instantly.

"Sure enough!"

Eugene ecstatically raised his head, and in front of his sight, there was a faintly familiar figure.

The thin figure, black hair and black eyes, carrying an exaggerated two-handed sword on his shoulders, the same playful expression looked at himself up and down.

"Are you ... Lorren Turin, that Duke Byrne?"

Eugen's voice trembled slightly, with a hint of excitement.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time-it's really curious, what kind of person can make the blind doll of Yuting willing to worship the wind ?!"

The chief court's expression was terrifying, and the long knife in his right hand had been raised instinctively: "I heard that you and the doll have a duel agreement ... I don't know what expression she will make after killing you?"

"Probably mocking?"

With a smirk and shaking his head, Loren raised his eyebrows, and Yixing looked at Eugen: "After all, the call of the mad dog, no one should be serious."

"Mad dog?"

"Otherwise, do you still think of yourself as a human being?" The black-haired wizard froze for a moment, then smiled and quickly changed his mouth: "Oh, I almost forgot that you are not a human, but have long ears."

No, he is deliberately provoking Master Eugen!

Astonished, Alexandra quickly stepped forward and pointed his sword at the black-haired wizard: "Master Chief, please go and command the warriors to fight, and the enemy will be handed over to ..."


With a thud, Eugen glared a pair of beastly eyes: "He is mine!"

The slightly trembling elf warrior hesitated for a moment and then retreated silently.

"You said I was a mad dog, Loren Turin ..." Eugen sneered raised his head again, squinting his eyes: "What about you who will be killed by a mad dog?"

"First of all, you have to kill me." The indifferent black-haired wizard turned his right hand and inserted the sword of "Dawn" upside down on the wall of the city wall: "Second, you will die."

"Oh ... do you think you can kill me?"

Eugen grinned, and the long knife in his hand had formed a thick layer of ice crystals.

"No." Loren raised an eyebrow. "I think I can cut off your limbs, and then scream with iron hooks on the wall for three days and three nights, and finally beg me to cut off your head."

"And I will never satisfy your wishes."

"go to hell--!!!!"

The long knife flicked ~ ~ Eugen, with his gruesome expression, has already taken the lead; the ice vapor wrapped around his body is like a tentacle of a beast, scrolling and attacking the black-haired wizard.


With Lorenzo's hand, the "dawn" sword with the tip of the sword falling to the ground draws a semicircle around the body of the black-haired wizard, and the left hand wearing the "caster" presses the tail of the hilt.

The next second, the golden-red firelight covered the entire body of the sword like a flowing liquid; aiming at the oncoming ice and snow, Loren waved his hands tightly against the hilt and stepped forward.

Raise a sword

Raise the sword


High-order spell, the fire of Turin.


In an instant, snow white and gold-red collided together; first a loud noise, followed by a white mist of explosion and transpiration, swallowing the two figures at the same time.

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