Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 127: negotiation

The red sun sags and the brilliant sunset shines on the whole sea, staining the cold sea with a touch of blood red.

In front of the port of Ebden, twenty warships were moored side by side like a giant Titan. The high-lifted bow and towering mast overlooked most of the city.

In the distant sea level, there are several times more elven warships moored, threatening and surrounding the entire Ebden.

The retreating Azores army formed six neat square arrays, assembled at the port, standing motionless, staring at the opposite wall of Ebden and the circular fortress, and they were very unwilling to glare.

If it were not the order of His Royal Highness Rodria, or the cavalry who appeared suddenly ... The city in front of him is already in their pocket!

The arrogant elf warriors could not understand the decision of His Royal Highness to withdraw their troops—the thousands of cavalry in their eyes could only cause some harassment at most; they did not know that such a tough mobile power was in the city Foreign assistance will greatly increase the morale of Eboden ’s defenders and how much damage it will cause to the siege troops.

It can be said that even Lothal and Elleman, followed by a total of 14,000 reinforcements, were followed by Poi ’s 5,000 hussars.

When such an army of cavalry, known for endurance and mobility, appeared outside the city of Ebden and wanted to continue to attack the city, the Azores had to be prepared to pay two or three times the casualties.

On the other side of the harbour, the Poi Hach cavalry who rushed back and forth in front of the beach came back together, and assembled under the gates of the circular fortress with the Elleran swordsmen, Byrne, and the Knights of Rotel.

Unlike the serious knights, the hussars on horseback stared arrogantly at the opposite elf, almost provoking all kinds of provocations;

They laughed loudly, spitting, and dismissively threw several elven triangle war flags in the muddy pit, trampled by horseshoes; or exposed the spoils robbed from the elves of their bodies. .

The two armies confronted each other under the wall of Eboden, with a distance of less than two hundred steps; in two hundred steps, both sides were within the threat range of their respective weapons, but exceeded the shortest charge distance.

Looking at the Azore Elf formations on the opposite side, as well as the battleships in the port, the black-haired wizard could not help but sigh—it was really enthusiastic and solemn to mobilize tens of thousands of troops as an “audience” for a negotiation.

Of course, he is not incomprehensible to the opponent ’s purpose and reasons. Apart from threatening and intimidating Eboden ’s defenders, there is no second reason.

A team of elf warriors carried a long-triangle-shaped flag with purple and gold edges, and walked from the opposite lineup to the center of the battlefield; Loren took a deep breath and only had to look at Lusien behind him, taking the Bain Knights to take the initiative Welcome up.

As the two teams approached, two familiar figures came into Loren ’s eyes, the blindfolded elf girl, still as he did when he first met, with both hands holding a cane-like Azores long knife against his chest. ; A arrogant face, and some indifferent teenagers, are very alert and have been staring at themselves.

The chief samurai and warrior of the imperial court, great-grandson of Harlem van Ashamah, sisters of the elf Zade family, Lori and Anson, surrounded by a wizard-like elf in a purple gold cloak, the stars are like the moon Stand in the middle of the elf warriors.

The dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes and looked at him calmly; he also blinked curiously and looked at Loren up and down.

The two sides stood vigilantly at a distance of ten steps, so they had been dumbfounded for five minutes; each held the weapon in their hands tightly, tensing their nerves as if they would fight each other in the next moment.

And the big boy-like elf was still standing there, looking back curiously with his hands, his pure and flawless eyes blinked and blinked as if he didn't feel the atmosphere becoming particularly tense.

Who invited who came?

After a brief embarrassment, Loren had to take the initiative to go forward and coughed gently:

"Excuse me, are you His Royal Highness Rodria Azores?"


Gently pushing away the elf warrior who wanted to protect himself, the little prince stepped forward alone and smiled with interest: "As for you ... oh, I will see the legendary Mithril Sword."

"Lord Loren, Turin, I have been admired for a long time; it is an honour to be named by you, you should have learned it from Alexandra, right?"

The black-haired wizard raised a brow.

Unexpectedly, so quickly ... the game began.

The message implied by the prince's words is-"I know Alexandra is in your hands, and I know you are reluctant to kill her."

Although it is true.

"Yeah." Loren said with a chuckle, and looked at the little prince meaningfully: "Of course, she told me more than just your name."

The little prince shrugged and smiled indifferently, his eyes never leaving Loren's expression.

"That's right, so that you and I can save a lot of time and talk about more useful things without a condom."

"What are you talking about?"

"Withdraw troops." The little prince's answer was extremely direct, with a smile on his face:

"Eboden's defenders all withdrew from the city, and your civilians. I assure you, with the credibility of the son of the eagle king and the warrior, that you will never attack when you leave."

"In this way, this war can also be completed, and both sides will no longer have the ending of sacrifice." While saying, the little prince looked at the sunset of Xicui very exaggeratedly, and nodded: "Well, I Give you three days, should it be enough? "

Looking at the little prince who looked like a "good boy don't fight", Loren was suddenly a little speechless.

The other party's natural appearance of playing rogues reminds him of another similar guy.

Could it be that the youngest son of the royal family is carved out of a mold?

But since the other party intends to play rogue, there is no need to be too serious.

"I heard that negotiation is the art of compromise-the two sides come up with the results they want, and then give back to each other one step." Loren said very earnestly, with her lips slightly raised:

"So if I do not make a request from our side, the so-called negotiation conditions will not be established."

"That's right, it should be so."

The little prince smiled and nodded: "So, what are your requirements and conditions?"

"Simple, withdraw troops." Loren raised his lips and said more directly than he:

"Let your troops and fleets leave Eboden and go back and forth; I assure you, in the name of Lord Byrne and a member of the Knights of the Royal Swordsman, President Eboden, that you will never attack you when you return home. "

"In this way, the war will end, the two great powers will strike and truce, and they will shake hands again; revert to the peaceful scene of dealing with their own affairs and visiting each other occasionally in the past hundreds of years."

As the words fell, the smile on the corner of the little prince's mouth froze a little, and he froze.

After a full minute, he shook his head:

"Sorry, but this is impossible-IMHO, Lord Loren Turin, although I respect you very much, you now seem not to be qualified to put forward such conditions."

"What's more, you are doing this to make me confess that the Azores lost the battle of Eboden-even in terms of the dignity of the kingdom, I cannot accept such a result."

"But they didn't win, did they?" Loren retorted, gradually narrowing the smile on his lips. "You played fifteen days, and the wall of Eboden still stands behind me."

The little prince smiled silently: "So how long can I stay? Counting how many troops you still have in reinforcements, it's less than half of mine, right ... I don't know how your combat readiness is, but the strength and supplies, I have all the chips in my hands. It's as many as yours. "

Loren slowly shook his head:

"War is not addition and subtraction, otherwise it is the mathematicians who rule the world."

"It's a good statement, there is reason and evidence." The little prince nodded gently: "But now I can look at it for up to half a month, and I will be able to win Eboden-in fact, I have control of Eboden's port now."

"Yes, but there is only a beachhead port, you can't keep it at all." The dark-haired wizard said lightly: "And I only need to keep it for half a month at most."

"After half a month, you are not faced with me, but the majesty of the emperor's 200,000 army-I don't know if the elf warriors who were exhausted under the city of Eboden at that time can still face twice as many elites. division?"

The little prince frowned and pouted slightly like a troubled child, staring straight at Loren: "Master Duke Byrne, you don't really think that the army of the Azores is the only one behind me?"

"I can tell you now that up to a month, there will be two or three times the army appearing outside this port! By then, even if your emperor, His Majesty, can really recapture Ebden, you can only endure watching her destroy ! "

Facing the threat of the little prince, the dark-haired wizard was silent.

He closed his eyes and exhaled a "white steam", then gently squeezed his right index finger, pointed the fingertip in the direction of the sea breeze, and rubbed it a few times.

Slightly startled, the little prince understood what Loren meant.

Winter is here.

The weather is getting colder and colder. In less than a month, the port of Eboden will be frozen-when the elf's fleet must be evacuated, otherwise it will be completely destroyed by ice in the port; Before the ice melts in the coming year, it is impossible to get assistance from the next army.

Waiting for them, only the whole army was wiped out.

"Since you think so, it seems that it is impossible for us to reach a mutually beneficial agreement." After pursing his lips, the little prince said softly, with a sad expression:

"It's so unfortunate that we could have been friends."

Similarly, Loren has really heard countless times.

"We can still be friends." Loren said with a chuckle: "But war is war, you can't talk about feelings."

"That's right, but the warriors on the battlefield all have feelings and all fight for their own beliefs and justice." The little prince chuckled lightly: "The wisdom and bravery displayed on the battlefield will make each other Pay more respect to each other. "

He snorted and beckoned behind him; the elf warriors crowded behind immediately dispersed, and an older elf came forward with a painting.

"This is a gift I gave you," Friends of Ebden "... well, right here, you can go down." While talking, the cheerful little prince took the picture and put it in front of the black-haired wizard:

"Just use this souvenir as a testimony to our friendship."

Slightly stunned, Loren looked at the "souvenir" in front of him-the dazzling red sun dispelled the haze, and he shook hands with the little prince standing on the beach in front of him, each behind him was a towering fleet of elves. The walls that stood proudly in the flames of war.

Sunlight and haze, war and peace ... on a frame less than two feet wide, it is most vividly displayed.

"how is it?"

The little prince suddenly asked: "This painting was ordered by me to start making it from a few days ago until it was finally completed. After all, it is difficult to draw Shen Yun without seeing your face in person, so ... Like it?"

"I really like it-as a painting, because art likes to modify, only show the side you want to see." Loren looked up and looked at him calmly:

"There is no **** smell or corpse smell in the paint."

"That's right, but I still hope you can like it, so that we can at least have a happy ending to our meeting today." The little prince smiled slightly: "Because of my next gift, you will never like it. "

The next gift?


At this moment, a loud thunder suddenly came, and the exquisite painting was directly knocked down on the beach.

The defenders on the side of Eboden turned their heads, looking at the direction of the explosion sounded with horror-the raging fire was rising on the other side of the river bank.

It is a barricade!

"As I just said ~ ~ The wisdom and bravery displayed on the battlefield can lead each other to respect each other more." Under the blood-red sunset, the little prince smiled more:

"Sir Loren Turin, you have demonstrated superb command art and judgment like a prophet in the battles of the past few days-in return, of course I can't neglect."

"So, I will take advantage of your rectification of the army's neutral position and quietly dispatch a battleship filled with kerosene to explode the iron gate blocking the Jewel River's estuary together with the blockage behind it into ashes."

"In this way, my fleet can attack Ebden from both sides at the same time. The launcher on my ship can directly bomb the inner city from the estuary; I do n’t know if your army has enough troops to stand on both walls?"

As the words fell, the little prince raised his head, contentedly admiring the face of the dark-haired wizard Tie Qing, plus the exclamation and alarm bells of the defender of Eboden in the far wall.

That's right, this is the charm of surprise-whether it is brought by the other party or imposed on the other party, it is always pleasant.

Surprise is the core charm of all games.

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