Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 128: Wrong person

"Ban --- !!!!!!"

Seeing the thick smoke and the fire in the distance, the astonished Lucien and the demon hunters all changed their colors, and immediately pulled out the sword behind them, glaring at the elf warriors.

Nearly at the same time, the elf warriors behind the little prince took out their sheaths and confronted the demon hunters; the tense atmosphere was like a tight bowstring, which was about to burst.

Eckert, Earl of Fury, who felt the situation in the direction of the gate on the high tower in the distance, had quickly ordered a Bayern Cavaliers to rescue him-but it was too late, and the fire of the explosion had spread to the city walls, and the strong gate gradually Fragmented and collapsed.

Screaming and screaming, one after another in the alarm bell, it was found that Earl Eckert could not contain the fire and ordered the blockade of the city wall, watching the ferry gate broken.

Not far away, six long-awaited elven warships took advantage of the opportunity to sail in, and occupied the Jewel River ferry in front of the Eboden defenders.

The wreckage of the sluice gate was gradually submerged under the bottom of the warship, and there was nothing left.

The winking little prince smiled more and looked innocently at the dark-haired wizard with a look of anticipation in his expression, as if he intended to irritate him deliberately.

Is this deliberately provoking yourself?

Loren narrowed his eyes and lifted tightly with the left hand of the "caster", slowly reaching towards the little prince.

The unaware little prince still stood motionless.


The sharp impact of the blade collision exploded in the middle of the two, and two afterimages flashed from the sides of Loren and the little prince at the same time-Lucien with the double swords, can withstand the long sword waved by the elf girl.

"Last time, because of the tolerance of Lord Loren, let you run away." The gray pupil coldly said, staring at the blindfolded elf girl: "This time will not!"

But the elf girl completely ignored him, and looked up anxiously to Loren: "Master Duke Byrne, please be calm!

Although the act of His Royal Highness is not honorable, it is also a kind of tactics; if you rush into it here, it is likely to cause riots between the two armies, and the consequences ... "

"Luo ~ Li ~" the little prince said with a smile: "You seem to be interfering."

"Why should I be so reckless? It's really reckless; His Excellency Loren Turin just wants to shake my hand, so I don't have to be so nervous."

Feeling the gaze behind him, the dark-haired wizard patted Lucien's shoulder calmly.

The gray-eyed young boy who grasped his grasp clenched his teeth, and reluctantly retreated behind Loren. The elven girl in a sigh of relief also put away the long knife that looked like a cane.

The entourage behind them silently stepped back half a step, but still clenched their sharp blades and tightened their nerves.

"Look, I said that Duke Byrne wouldn't make inappropriate actions when both parties negotiated for peace and friendship." While smiling, the little prince took Loren's hand and smiled. Opening:

"Even if we cannot conclude peace today, but one day ..."

The voice did not fall, the little prince's complexion changed suddenly, and the smiling face twisted to the extreme.

"We will never conclude peace-even if there is, it will be the peace that the empire imposes on you."

Loren said indifferently, his tight left hand continued to increase his strength, as if to crush the little prince's hand: "You think you have caught a good chance, thinking that I was backstab when I was not careful. Can you win with a knife? "

"You think too much!"

"As for Ebden ... I do n’t really care; but now, if you want to continue playing, then I will play with you-as long as you want to fight, until you and the Azores behind you are ashes , Until it's broken! "


At the next moment, the little prince who had lost consciousness in his palm shuddered and collapsed on the beach. The elves and samurai around him hurried forward, waving his knife and watching Loren with vigilance.

The indifferent dark-haired wizard turned suddenly, and Tieqing looked at Lucien and the demon hunters on both sides:

"let's go!"

Holding his left hand, he was lifted up by the elf warriors and stood up. The shocked little prince looked at the back of the dark-haired wizard.

"His Royal Highness, are you all right?"

On the other side, the chief wizard of the imperial court, Anson Zade, asked with "concern", and his face looked very serious: "Do you want to pursue, take revenge?"

He specifically waited until Loren and his party had gone far.

But the little prince was too lazy to pay attention, staring at Loren's back, his eyes glowing strangely, and the corners of his mouth could not help but woke up slightly.

At that moment, he was convinced that the other party was really going to kill himself.

But he refrained-because he saw that this was a trap and knew that he must be prepared to dare to be so provocative; and on the open ground of the beach, the Eboden defender, who was less than one-half of his strength, was not at all. No chance!

Obviously so angry, but this man who killed the chief of the court, Eugen, still can hold the blade in his hand and maintain the calmest judgment in his anger. This is really ...

It's so interesting!

The severe pain distorted the little prince's expression, but he still couldn't control the rise of the corner of his mouth, so that he looked particularly convulsive.

In the distance, the sound of the trumpet sounded on the tower of the wall of Eboden, and the troops gathered under the city began to withdraw into the city in an orderly manner, and calmly armed. Fully armed.

The hussars with long whistle also evacuated to both sides of the city wall, just like the wave that faded away, disappeared without a blink of an eye.

Looking at the Eboden garrison who quickly completed the preparation, the expressions of the elf warriors under the city walls were very complicated.

The arrival of reinforcements not only enhanced the morale of the defending army, but also greatly improved the level of the defending army's fighting ability. At least a few days ago, the defending army of Abbott absolutely could not be so orderly and advancing.

This battle has become more difficult than before.

But the little prince did not change his face.

Even the opposite is true. He is so excited that he needs to contain it desperately so as not to be exposed; such a tough and challenging opponent makes him ecstatic.

"Did you see that, brave warriors; our friends, expressing his anger in this way." The little prince slowly got up and beat the dust on his body:

"He is warning us and provoking us-so confident, so arrogant, that even the proud Azore warrior looks much inferior to him."

The elves and samurai who heard the words knelt on one knee and dared not to speak with their heads down.

"Okay, don't look like this, it looks like I'm particularly brutal." The little prince waved his hands, picking up the paintings on the ground very distressedly: "Take up the battlefield and prepare to attack before midnight."

"Notify the Second Fleet to seize the enemy before blocking the Jewel River ferry again, and use the launcher to shoot indiscriminately into the city of Eboden. Fight the morale of the defenders."

"Our Lord Duke Byrne is very angry now, and it is easy to lose his mind-we have to seize such a good opportunity to lure him out of town to fight us, or make other unreasonable moves."

just now? !

Looking at the red sun behind him, Anson Zade, who wanted to refute, twitched his throat and put back what he wanted to say in his heart. Silently, Bi Gong bowed his head:



"Angry, why are you angry?"

On the high tower of Ebden's city wall, looking at the anxious Earl Eckert, the dark-haired wizard with a chuckle, he turned to look at the busy soldiers at the foot of the city wall.

The arrival of the reinforcements gave Loren the great confidence, and also greatly improved the morale of the defenders-the already desperate City Defense Army, but now glaring scarlet eyes one by one, standing motionlessly on his post Holding a spear in his hand. , Only to be able to stab a fatal blow at the moment the enemy ascends to the city.

Imposing like a rainbow.

"From the beginning, this so-called 'negotiation' was a complete trap." Loren whispered, and he couldn't see a bit of annoyed expression on his face at all: "The presence of reinforcements disrupted the plan of the Prince Rodria. , So he had to find a way to break the stalemate in front of him and induce me to lose my mind. "

"Exactly, I also need to spend some time rectifying Eboden's garrison and reinforcements to complete the next defense plan-so to a certain extent, we have to take what we need."

"Then the gate of the Estuary of the Jewel River?" Earl Eckert frowned.

Loren shook his head, his expression somewhat helpless.

"The gate was captured, which was beyond my expectation-but it was also a matter of no way. We lost the old castle, and we couldn't hold the gate of the estuary at all. It was only a matter of time before we were captured by the enemy." One turn:

"But what about that?"


Earl Eckert showed a confused expression.

"Yes, the gate was captured. The enemy can indeed attack Eboden from both directions at the same time-but I guess that His Royal Highness should have done better, allowing his army to land from the Jewel River ferry, siege from all sides, sleepy Die us. "

"But the cost of doing this is that he scored soldiers." Loren shook his head with a smile, staring at the setting sun on the sea level: "As a result, the Eboden defenders can easily withdraw from the city wall defenses and enter the inner city to defend. . "

"The only thing he can do is to bomb the houses and fortresses in the city with heavy ballistas on the battleship; but the sewer network is underground in the city, and even the evil **** puppets can't break through, then he is even more impossible!"

Earl Eckert finally realized: "So ... the reason why you deliberately expressed anger is to deceive the elven prince?"

"Yes, I want to make him think that I've been fooled by him, and I can't hold my anger to the point where I can barely remain sensible." The dark-haired wizard wriggled his lips:

"Only in this way, he will not hesitate to seize the opportunity and launch an offensive before the sun sets-in a hurry, the elf army is absolutely too late to launch across the board, and it is probably only a small part of the elite that can enter the battle. Mostly used to surround the city. "

"Take this opportunity, we can use the night to withdraw most of the power into the fortress in the city and hold him; let him outweigh the gains!"

After a moment of silence, Earl Eckert, watching Loren's back, was a little fascinated.

Obviously it is a battle against the water, the enemy is clearly twice as much as himself, and he is clearly surrounded by the whole line, entering and leaving the valley ...

But as long as you look at the thin, very young figure in front of you, you don't have the slightest endless experience; even the contrary, there is an illusion of "maybe you can win".

It has been a long, long time ... I have not experienced this illusion.

In memory, the tall figure that Earl Eckert saw when he was a child is gradually overlapping with the dark-haired wizard in front of him, unable to distinguish between memory and reality.

"Okay, seeing their posture will not be able to attack for a while." Turning to look at the somewhat stunned Earl Eckert, smiling Loren patted his shoulder:

"Take this opportunity to see our reinforcements first!"

The silent Count of the Fury Castle followed his duke and followed suit.

Inside the tower, the reinforcement commanders of the three principalities had already waited at the map table. When they saw the dark-haired wizard coming, they took the initiative to swarm around with a very confident smile.

It seems that it is not Ebden that is surrounded by the four sides, but the opposite fleet of elves.

"Everyone's expressions look good ... well, I don't need to worry about it and make you cheer up." Loren shrugged and said very relaxedly:

"Since that ... do you know what we are doing?"

"Keep on Eboden until His Majesty Connor's reinforcements arrive!"

The commander of the Alleman Legion was the first to speak, but his expression was not high, but he was very determined: "As long as there is a soldier in the city, the flag of the empire cannot fall!"

"Please be assured that Duke Byrne, before coming, seven thousand people of the Elmans have sworn to the Duke that unless the whole army is killed, an enemy will not step into the city half a step!"

Sure enough ~ ~ There are one Elmans, all of them are stubborn brains.

"Not so serious, you think too much." With a smile, the dark-haired wizard quickly waved his hand: "In fact, what we have to do is very simple-the winter is coming, and the elves on the opposite side can't wait to enter the city for the winter."

"And those of us who are already in the city have to do everything possible to keep them out-or even let them in, they will have to lose a lot of money and cannot stand on their feet."

"They have 100,000 people, and we only have less than 40,000, but the control of the city is in our hands; they think we will confront them on the city walls and the battlefield at all costs, but we won't do that because of that Is where they have the advantage. "

Loren looked around and looked at the gradually brightened eyes: "The prince Rodría Azore, he thought I would be angry, and then lost his reason and obediently went in the direction he had planned. ; He thought he would irritate me, and then prevail. "

"He succeeded ... but he is not yet clear what the consequences of angering me."

"We have to let the innocent prince understand that he is the wrong person!"

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