Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 133: Power is in the heart

"Boom ..."

The black dragon bent over and spread its wings to cushion the landing, and the wind rushed across the battlefield, rolling up a flying sand and a rock-centered on the dragon's body, an irregular ring of smoke spread to the entire ruin.

On the dead battlefield, the huge wild beasts turned their bodies at a speed that did not match their body shape, and even large swaths of ruins collapsed, and the roar of earth and stone roared.

Maybe it ’s an inborn fear, maybe it ’s because of the adoration and belief of the dragon by the Empire, maybe it ’s because of the gratitude of the rescued to the rescuer ... All the defenders of Eboden keep the "coincidence" Silent, standing motionless in the shadow, looking up at the dragon's strength and grace.

The imperial people may have different feelings for the dragon because of their different origins, but at least one thing is the same, that is, awe, this power standing on top of the world and uniting the seven kingdoms.

It is precisely because of the ability to control the dragon that the De Salion family can be qualified to rule the empire;

It is precisely because of the awe of the dragon that the empire has survived thirteen generations without division and large-scale rebellion.

This made everyone feel horrified, as if a force like a natural disaster, but maintained the peace of the thirteenth generation of the empire-because today, there is still no force that can compete with it.

The sturdy scales are comparable to the city walls, and the wings that rise from the sky make people look at the sky. The power of terror and the speed beyond imagination make all traps a joke on it-in fact, any of these characteristics One comes out, there are flaws, but when they are combined ...

That is the perfect "existence".

What makes people thoroughly understand how ridiculous their power is, the king at the top of the food chain.

And the dragon that can only be imagined in this way not only appeared in front of them, but also appeared three at once!

Faced with the human being staring at him in front of him, the black dragon Milasis showed a very "obscure" pride. The elegant dragon head hung down slowly, so that the person sitting behind her would not "turn over and under the dragon" "When falling, he fell to his death.

As the dragon leaned over, a red-haired and red-eyed figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes; the wounded legion commander in the defending army was clever, his right hand pounded his chest violently, and he quickly knelt on one knee.

"Empire, pay homage to His Royal Highness Prince Brendon, Prince of East Sackland! Long live Desalion--!"

"Long live de Salion-!!!!!!"

The messy shouting sounded, and the soldiers in front of the Nine-Mounted Star Wizard's Pagoda knelt in a mess, and many injured soldiers fell to the ground on their knees and could no longer stand up.

In spite of this, the present Eboden defenders still expressed their sincere gratitude to the "His Royal Highness" and his life-saving gratitude ... Although he himself was not used to this sudden enthusiasm.

"Uh ... OK, it's almost there, don't be so polite."

Brandon, who was proud of his hips the other day, waved awkwardly in the next second and crawled down the dragon's back without a frame:

"And the Crown Prince ... Hey, it sounds really uncomfortable, kind of weird."

"Will it be stranger than the title of embarrassing prince?"

With the corner of his mouth, a tired, dark-haired wizard looked at Brandon, who had turned down the dragon's back: "If you told you to be His Royal Highness a year ago, would you be happy and crazy?"

"The premise is that I didn't know that Connold became the emperor-and it was my willingness!" Brandon rolled his eyes.

Loren let out a sigh of relief and shook his head with a smile.

Only at this moment, he could laugh so easily.

"Can you still persevere? You look like you are dying now."

Brandon, who was laughing and talking, frowned tightly, looked at the dark-haired wizard with an extremely ugly face, and crossed a corpse of an elf under his feet-where the eyes could see, the remaining soldiers were almost injured without exception Some are more embarrassed than their own wizard advisors.

Twenty days, the disparity of military strength, the disparity of combat strength, the fortifications are just like the paper ... How can this group of people persist?

"It's okay, it won't hang in the next second." Loren himself shrugged carelessly: "If the army ... the army that can continue to fight has 10,000 up and down, but it is the last point; hit Twenty days, the strength comparison with the enemy has not only shrunk, but has also grown. "

"The Azores are not good at fighting the heavy infantry that make up the phalanx, but their combat qualities and the cooperation between the soldiers, the order is far beyond ours-under the premise of equal force confrontation, their scattered line will be positive It ’s twice as wide as ours, so it ’s easy to outflank us. "

"In case of raids, pursuits and retreats, they can also respond quickly, change their formation and change their direction of march, and never collapse; anyway, there is only what you can't imagine, there is no operation they can't do."

"The effective methods of enemy defense that can be found at present are only long-range projectile weapon killing, cavalry assault, and the use of terrain and fortifications to create opportunities for the enemy to not be able to circumvent the enemy-again, it is the elite of the same quantity and quality."

"In my experience, unless you have a strength advantage, a stronger long-range projection ability and cavalry, or occupy a geographical position ... otherwise you must not engage in a large-scale decisive battle with the Azores, otherwise we will suffer."

The black-haired wizard was told in a joke, just as he was talking to a friend about his experience over the past twenty days.

But every time he said something, Brandon felt a heavy heart.

This information is undoubtedly obtained by Loren through **** battles and countless sacrifices-in twenty days, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians have been killed and wounded in exchange for information that is vital to the empire ’s next war. .

He also knows how much he can gain the first to know the information.

Looking at the "Wizard Advisor" who was obviously exhausted but still struggling, some of the unbearable princes pursed their lips and turned their eyes to the direction of the distant elves' retreat.

"It seems that the long ears on the opposite side are frightened by my dear Mirases and her buddies, and it will not be attacked for a while." Brandon tucked his waist and glanced at the dark-haired wizard pretendingly. :

"My resourceful princess, have you thought about the next counterattack plan?"

Loren let out a long sigh of relief, resisting the urge to not vomit him.

"Uh ... there are still basic plans, including if a" His Royal Highness "fails to arrive in time." Loren still couldn't hold back: "In simple words, first let the dragon deter the periphery and drive the enemy back. Outside the city wall defense line, strive for half a day of rest time. "

"Well, very practical, and then."

"Then we need to use this half a day to rectify the whole army, treat the wounded and restore almost one-fifth of the combat power, so that we don't have to worry about the enemy's raid."

"Well, very specific, then ..."

"Following the attack by the three-headed dragon, the remaining troops left the city from the sewer along the south gate and assembled along the Gem River-the enemy controlled the Gem River ferry, but their boat was too deep to enter the inland river, but we can . "

"Well, it makes sense, finally ..."

"Finally, the dragon took cover and the whole army boarded the ship and turned into and evacuated."


Brandon stared motionlessly at Loren with a stiff smile and a "you're kidding" expression.

The black-haired wizard was indifferent and said he was serious.

The two men froze for a minute, and the soldiers kneeling around on the ground had no idea what was happening, neither kneeling nor standing up.

"You know ... are there three dragons on our side?" Brandon resisted the urge to beat Loren against his head, smiling and keeping calm:

"Can you understand the significance of this-the battle of Blood Sculptor Valley in Brandon, the sage, did not involve only three giant dragons."

"We don't have enough troops to counterattack, and the rest of the charge will die clean." Loren shook his head: "The dragon can reverse the situation, but it is not enough to defeat the army of 100,000 elves-not to mention, the enemy still has Specially used for projecting weapons against dragons. "

"... we have three dragons, three heads."

Brandon still didn't want to give up: "Brother Connor's 200,000 army is on the way to come. Do you want to give him the credit for defeating the elves ?!"

"But we have more than 10,000 wounded soldiers who can't fight, and tens of thousands of civilians who haven't had time to evacuate Ebden." The dark-haired wizard said calmly:

"To attack immediately is to let them die in vain-for an indispensable victory, sacrifice tens of thousands of combat power and workers, farmers, wizards and scholars, I think this is not counted ..."

"Wait, wait, wait ..."

The astonished prince hurriedly waved his hand and unbelievably stopped Loren who wanted to continue: "You mean ... there are civilians in this city now ?!"

"Yeah." Loren nodded and frowned slightly. "There are at least tens of thousands of people. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I mean ... are they safe now ?!"

"At least for now."

"And on the premise of protecting these civilians while guarding the city, you persisted for twenty days ?!" Brandon's brows were almost frowning together.

"……if not?"

"From the beginning to the end, you didn't throw these civilians as cannon fodder to the elves ... I mean, arm them to form a militia, as long as possible to prolong the offensive of the ears?"

"It was indeed tried-but in front of the elf warriors, the armed citizens with no combat experience could not hurt the enemy except for closing the gap with corpses; twenty civilians are not opponents of an elf warrior."

Loren shrugged: "So after putting in four or five thousand people, I gave up-the only chance to delay the enemy by them is to let the elf warrior on the opposite side cut the blade and wear it, exhausting."

"The unnecessary casualties must be reduced as much as possible; not to mention that the strategic objectives have been achieved, and there is no need to let these tens of thousands of people be buried with Eboden."

Hearing this explanation, Brandon was speechless.

The next second, His Royal Highness, "Slap!" Pressed Loren's shoulder and looked at him with a very meaningful expression.

"What's wrong?" The black-haired wizard was a little inexplicable.

"Nothing, just some emotion ... maybe it's because I'm not young anymore?" It's obviously still with a baby face, but Brandon began to sigh in an old-fashioned way:

"Loren Turin ... Although I always knew that you were good at creating miracles, you really surprise me every time!"

When the words fell, Brandon turned to look at the soldiers who had not stood up, and lifted his chest with a big wave;

"Since there are still civilians unable to evacuate, and the strategic goal of delaying the enemy's attack has been reached, then immediately change the original tactical deployment-Ebden up and down, from now on the whole army will cover the injured and sick civilians in Ebden and evacuate the battlefield! "

"I, Brandon de Salleon, in the name of the Dragon King family, assure you that all those who are still alive will be brought back safely-all the soldiers who persisted to the present, you have completed your mission, you are all empire The hero, the empire will never forget you! "

"I--, Brandon de Salion ... take you home!"

Thunderous words echoed in the ears of everyone.

There was a sudden silence, then cheers like a torrent of eruption.

"Long live His Highness Brandon ———— !!!!!!"

The burst of cheers burst like waves, and Brandon almost fell unprepared; Loren, who didn't change his face, took the opportunity to help him behind his back.

Or weeping in hiding, or excited-from the knight of the Bain to the wizard in the wizard tower, the warriors who have just decided to generously go to justice, now cry one by one like a child, dumbfounded Stand still.

They survived.

They can leave here alive.

These "disabled people" and soldiers of Eboden have been Brandon's first supporters from today, and they are absolutely loyal to him.

With the help of their "mouth", to give up the fighting and choose to protect the civilians and soldiers, "His Royal Highness" will re-establish an image within the empire-becoming an emperor who is very different from Connor in the hearts of people.

One is an emperor who is unscrupulous for victory, and the other is an emperor who can give up his honor to protect his soldiers and people.

Although it is still small, it will eventually become an opportunity; an opportunity for Brandon to "inherit" Connold as the fourteenth generation emperor at the right time, without being hindered by Connold's supporters ~ ~ However, there has never been a time in this world where anyone can sail smoothly ...


A icy cold wind swept through suddenly, leaving the newly excited Eboden defenders and civilians to lie down quickly, or hide behind the shield and the wall.

After dozens of days of fighting, these have become their instincts.

Is it sea breeze?

The dark-haired wizard raised his hand and stopped in front of him, his heart moved.

No, this is not sea breeze, this is ... eh? !

Moving his palm away, the dark-haired wizard who raised his eyes stared at the scene in front of him, and he suddenly froze.

The burning fire wall was separated from the center by a "crack", that crack ...

White as snow!

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