Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 134: A lot of "surprise"

"Huh? This is ..."

In a temporary cell in the Nine-Man Star Sorcerer's Tower, Alice Sandra, the chief adjutant of the court, opened her eyes, and seemed to hear thunder.

Since the failure of the mission that night, she has become a captive of the defender of Eboden and has been kept here alone; except for the "Little Warrior" (Lusien) who has visited once, there is no human being. Especially the Duke Byrne has been here.

This made Alexandra relieved, but it was also a bit lost-she was originally prepared to face generously when facing the torture of the enemy ... .

In other words, in the eyes of these "empires", they are not very important captives, and there is nothing worth digging for interrogation.

This kind of lost and discouraged thought made Alexandra very tangled.

There was another muffled thunder, and the whole cell was trembling even with the tower; the curious Alexandra struggled to get up and crawled to the only vent on the wall.

Did His Royal Highness Rodria launch the final attack?

With some faint expectation, the curious elf warrior tried to look out.

The next second, she suddenly shivered.


The deafening loud noise made Alishand tremble, vacated in a trance, and fell to the ground.

At the moment of falling to the ground, maybe it just happened ... The elf female warrior who just lifted her head opened her eyes, and her lips opened involuntarily into the shape of a jujube.

Outside the vent, in the blue sky ... a huge figure passed by her sight.

Although it was only for a moment, Alexandra was very sure that she had no dazzle, not even an illusion-yes, she saw it clearly.

That figure ... is the guardian of the human empire, a dragon from the northern ice sheet!

Originally only existed in the imagination and the book, the huge tens of meters, the streamlined body, the crystal-clear crystal-like scales ... lively, displayed in front of yourself.

Curiosity and fear urged Alexandra to scramble to get up, looking desperately.

Then she froze.

Squeezing the fear inside, the elf warrior with her eyes widened twitched her throat hard and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Not one, but three! The black, red and blue dragons hovered in front of their eyes, like the flames pouring from the sky like a flood.

The whole city is burning in this flame!

At this moment, she is still not clear, "surprise" is not only that.


The cold wind roared through the air vents like a sharp blade, curling up Alexandra's long hair; the air flowing across the cheeks was also mixed with small crystal particles.

Although it was so weak that it was almost invisible, the bitter chill made the Elvish Warrior shudder for a while-far away at the end of the line of sight, the cold wind swallowed the flames and "tipped" a "silver white" from the center of the wall Channel.

The stunned Alexandra suddenly shuddered, her pale and trembling, staring incredulously at the abrupt ice—a very “unremarkable” figure stood there.


That's ... Master Eugen? !


"Bahuan ..."

The broken Azores long knife dragged down on the slippery ice, the sparks splattered and continued to make a harsh noise; the ice and snow that appeared with the blade, the "torn" wall of fire, and the flooded Egypt The city of Boden appeared extremely abrupt.

But what really left the battlefield dead, even the sound of breathing, was the figure dragging the long knife.

Azore Elf, Chief Warrior of the Court ... Eugen.

He, he was already cut off by the waist of Duke Byrne in the old castle? !

The same "question mark" appeared in the hearts of every defending soldier at almost the same time-especially the soldiers who had participated in the offensive and defensive battle of the castle and saw Loren kicking Eugen's body from the city wall with his own eyes. Extreme.

Seeing an "enemy" dead in front of him climb again ... I'm afraid there is nothing more terrifying than this in this world.

There was some inexplicable glance beside him, and it was unclear what happened to Brandon. The dark-haired wizard looked back slowly, staring dignifiedly at the staggering figure.

"Um ... ah ... ah ... ahhhh ..."

He tilted his head and dragged his long knife with his white-eyed "Eugen", limping forward, and his mouth that could not be closed made a sound like a broken bellows, and his body was stiff and twitching.

Suddenly, the body of "Eugen" stopped, trembling, dragging the right arm of the long knife like a rope, and the broken long knife waved violently in front of him.


The cold wind burst!

The silver-white ice and snow were like poison, bit by bit, but very quickly engulfed the wall of fire around the wizard tower; the icy, piercing air rushed towards the defending soldiers under the tower, trembling.

"The whole army, withdraw the defense--!"

The airflow was still increasing, and the soldiers who were standing unsteadily withdrew into the fortifications and walls of the wizard tower in the roar of the governor next to him; Loren held down Brandon, who had not responded, and squatted to hide After the wings of the dragon Milasis spread out.

Countless flying sand and rocks, snowflakes and ice grains are like wind with arrows.

No matter whether Eugen is dead or alive, this is so huge that it can't be concealed, or even the power of the void that is comparable to the evil god, it can never be forged!

What the **** is this ...


A dragon roar interrupted his thoughts; Loren raised his head in amazement, and saw that the dragon, which was gleaming with dark blue gloss, had spread its wings and roared at the figure of Eugen.

"Aioliite, come back--!"

In the strong wind, Brandon, who was held by Loren, shouted in shock: "I haven't let you go yet!"

The dragon Milasis on the side let out a dissatisfied roar, but it was clearly too late-the blue dragon that had swooped down had opened its blood basin, and the golden-red flame blazed like a beam of light.

Eugen, who was twitching, raised his knife without lifting his head, and waved to the sky. The ice and snow rushed to the pillar of fire that fell from the sky. In an instant, the waves of air and smoke swallowed his figure.

This shocking scene, whether it is the elf warrior or the Eboden defender, is the same dumbfounded, helpless.

On the defending side of Eboden, Earl Eckert, the Earl of Fury, who first recovered his senses from consternation, immediately rushed to the black-haired wizard and knelt on one knee excitedly:

"Duke, do you want to organize a counterattack immediately-under chaos, the enemy is likely to collapse morale, and we can do it with the cover of the dragon ..."

boom----! ! ! !

Before he finished, another explosion suddenly sounded, and even the whole of Ebden shook with it.

The blue dragon named "Aioliite" is obviously not a very patient guy. He can't wait to dive right away and swoop down directly. The huge body crashes to the ground.

The white air waves scattered around, like a beautiful mushroom cloud.

"No, keep the original plan unchanged."

Looking at the "thrilling" scene in the distance, the dark-haired wizard thought for a moment and shook his head: "The situation is very delicate and dangerous-but in any case, the appearance of the dragon really made the elves have to retreat temporarily."

"You must make good use of this short period of time to organize the retreat of the remaining civilians and troops in the city as soon as possible-otherwise, until the little prince reacts, the three-headed dragon alone cannot stop the 100,000 troops!"

Earl Eckert, without hesitation, immediately implemented Loren's decision-as a lieutenant, he had the obligation to remind and advise, but the more important task was to resolutely obey and execute the command of the commander.

The military order fell downhill and could not be changed once it was decided.

Looking at the soldiers who had begun to move behind him, Loren, who frowned, raised his head again and turned his eyes to the distant battle.

Although the most cautious decision was made, Loren actually had a little bit of vague expectation.

From the Boundary Mountain to the Great Green Sea, Brandon ’s giant dragon, Milassis, reversed the universe more than once, turning the originally collapsed battle situation into his own counterattack instantly; as strong as the body of the evil god, it was only a slap in front of the dragon Sandbags of meat sacs that will be hammered.

This time, they have three dragons on their side, three!

Even if Eugen "resurrected" can be invincible enough to be one-on-one with the dragon, he can still defeat the three-headed dragon in one breath? !

As for the one hundred warships and the launcher above ... It's awful, unless the dragon hovered in mid-air to target the elves, otherwise it's really just a good-looking display.

In appearance, the dragon's tens of meters is burly and some "bulky" body is very confusing, it is easy to let people forget that they are really terrible, is completely inconsistent with the body's sensitivity and speed.

Whatever you look at, it's a winning situation.

So even if Brandon's face was written with impatience and dissatisfaction, it was only because the other party did not obey his orders, rather than worrying that the wild beast would lose to a long-eared elf.

"Ah ... that's true, this problem boy is really disobedient as always!"

With his waist tucked in, Brandon's expression of "old father looks at the mischievous son", there he sighed and sighed: "If you knew it, you wouldn't take him, just pull Milasis and Grum."

Wen Yan's black hair turned around and looked inexplicably to His Royal Highness who sighed, staring at him for more than ten seconds.

"What, what?"

"Nothing, just curiosity." Loren shrugged, but couldn't help but express a very puzzling expression:

"What on earth did you say to subdue the dragon clan of Jufeng Mountain and make the three-headed dragon willing to obey you-if you remember correctly, did the dragon-controllers of the Dessarian family only make a contract with one dragon at a time? "

As the words fell, Brandon's expression became strange.

"Ah, this." His Royal Highness's eyes shifted, and his subconscious index finger scratched his face:

"This is a long story."


"Actually, it's not that complicated. Simply put, it was my task of persuading the Dragon Clan of Jufeng Mountain to fail from the beginning."

Spreading his hands, Brandon sighed: "The oldest dragons gave me the answer: they will join the necessary battles in the necessary places at the necessary time ... As for what is" necessary ", this They have the final say. "

"..." Loren Turin.

"You also know that this generation of dragon-controllers is only me-this is a signal in itself. After fourteen generations, the relationship between the dragon family of Jufeng Mountain and the Desalien family has never been so intimate; The reason why I am still willing to carry out the agreement is probably due to the blood of Queen Brunnhillde. "

This is understandable ... Loren nodded thoughtfully: "Then ... how did you persuade the three dragons?"

"This is even simpler-as I just said, they are not reluctant to fulfill the agreement, but they are too lazy to fulfill." Shaking his index finger, Brandon said with pride:

"So I changed my policy quickly, and I no longer came forward by myself, but let our distinguished Her Majesty Queen Mirases go to persuade her compatriots."

"It is well known that the respectable Mirases is a graceful and luxurious girl who is very lovely; she has many suitors in the young generation of the dragon, so ... well, you have already seen it."

"The red one is Grum, the blue one is Aioliite, they are the two strongest two of the youngest dragons ... Of course, they are throwing out the vast majority of them still in their infancy, flying After the Dragon Clan who ca n’t fly. "


Loren was completely speechless.

As for Brandon's ability to get Mirasis to agree to this kind of thing, what price did he pay and even betray hue ... he also had no interest in understanding it further.


The trembling dragon roared, and this short "elf and dragon" battle finally came to an end-the proudly standing Elliot screamed in the sky, and the dark blue scales shone like crystals in the sun. .

"Well ... it seems to be over, Ioolite is a problem boy with a very high efficiency!" Holding his shoulder, Brandon glanced with pride at the dark-haired wizard:

"How about, do you want him to work harder and burn the elf fleet to cover the military and civilian retreat in Eboden?"

"Or, let's just let the guy Grum play together-let the two race and see which passionate teenager is better qualified to win the hearts of our beautiful and noble Milassis?"

But Loren did not answer him. UU reading

Loren clenched his teeth, staring at the water vapor that had not dispersed.


This is definitely not the case, the little prince on the opposite ... There can never be such a simple trap.

The next second, a "beam of light" suddenly rose from the direction of the port, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky-under the lead gray sky, it looked very gorgeous.

The dark-haired wizard's pupils shrank suddenly, and the cold touch spread from head to toe.

As the beam of light "raised up", followed by the second, third, fourth ...

Dozens of light beams lined up one by one from the direction of the port and the Jewel River ferry, one by one straight into the air, and flew towards the same target as the first light beam.

The goal is ...

"Aiolet —? !!!"

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