The five secret runes, like the skill books in other online games, appeared in reality at this moment, emitting a faint glow.

It was just a flat stone, but it looked as precious as a luxury item.

For the secret runes, no matter which player, they would be very interested.

Even if the player is very strong.

After all, the secret runes are equivalent to skills, and no one would think that there are not enough skills.

Tang Wei stepped on the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, and immediately took the runes one by one to check.

After reading the information of the runes, she couldn't help but flash a trace of surprise in her eyes. "Is this... a basic combat rune?"


Su Chen nodded. Because he had used it before, he explained the effects of these secret runes to Tang Wei in more detail.

Hearing this, Tang Wei's eyes suddenly brightened.

"If it's the same as you said, then this secret rune is quite powerful."

People in modern society actually lack combat experience. In addition to not having fought before, it is also related to the environment. No one knows how to fight at all.

It's like a young man fighting. When he encounters an enemy, he will only swing his fists hard.

It's okay for ordinary people, but it's not feasible for fierce beasts and powerful players.

Therefore, this kind of secret rune can allow players to have a clear combat routine, know how to fight the enemy in battle, what kind of posture, what kind of strength, and what part of the enemy's body to attack to kill the enemy.

So after just thinking about the effect of these runes on the combat effectiveness of official members in her mind, Tang Wei said with joy. "Yes, the abilities of these secret runes are very good. Although they are not extraordinary abilities, they can greatly improve the actual combat ability of players. I want them. You name a price."

Su Chen waved his hand quickly. "I need cash. I sell them to you in exchange for points."



Su Chen smiled faintly. "After all, no one wants to have too many points."

"That's right."

Tang Wei smiled, but did not refuse. Instead, she pondered for a moment and replied. "As for points, I can make the decision to agree to it, but the price may not be as much as you think."

"Basic swordsmanship and swordsmanship runes are 100 points each."

"How about 300 points for swordsmanship proficiency?"

"Total 700 points?" Su Chen smiled and nodded without hesitation.

It seems that these points are not much, but as a bounty hunter, killing a level 1 beast is only between 1 and 5 points.

The number of level 2 beasts is also between 10 and 50.

Taking the lowest calculation, the points exchanged for this secret realm rune are equivalent to killing 100 sawtooth rats.

After all, it is just the most basic combat points, which has nothing to do with extraordinary abilities. Su Chen is very satisfied with this price.

"As long as you have no objection, I will have someone give you the points after arriving at the base."

Tang Wei said with a smile, put away the secret realm rune, and then drove on.

Not long after, the zoo base in Jiangcheng arrived.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Su Chen was surprised after getting off the car. "I didn't expect your base to be here."

Looking around, it was basically mountains, and the front was the entrance to the Jiangcheng base. It looked like it was newly built. The scale was so large that Su Chen was shocked just by looking at it from the outside.

It seemed that the entire mountain was hollowed out, and buildings were built from the inside to the outside.

There is only one way to enter, and the rest of the place is surrounded by high walls and camouflaged. There are soldiers patrolling and many cameras.

It looks like a military base.

After getting off the car, Tang Wei heard Su Chen's words and shook her head. "There is no way. Shanhaijing is special after all. Before informing the public, it must be kept away from the public and cannot be known by outsiders."

"In addition, there are all kinds of in-game information, treasures, etc. stored in it, so we must find a safe, unmanned place."

"But as a member of the zoo, we cannot stay away from the public. At critical moments, we also need to deal with extraordinary monsters in the city, so this is the most suitable place."

Speaking, Tang Wei took Su Chen to the base.

Along the way, Su Chen saw many armed guards in the base.

He also saw some people coming and going.

for the hurried clerk.

There was a serious atmosphere everywhere.

Su Chen saw the zoo base for the first time, and couldn't help but look around curiously, and unknowingly followed Tang Wei to her office.

"Well, fill it out, and I'll take you to the treasure house after you fill it out." Tang Wei handed over a document and said.

Su Chen took it and took a look. It was a document to fill in the identity.

Picking up a ballpoint pen from the table, Su Chen quickly filled it out, and then followed Tang Wei out of the office and into an elevator.

Pressing the button, Tang Wei explained. "The treasure house is located underground, and there are some training grounds underground for us to train, entertain, etc. in our spare time every day."

"Tsk, the conditions are so good?" Su Chen was a little envious.

Tang Wei smiled. "There's no way, it's a profession on the front line of life and death, and people will be injured and killed from time to time, so we have to prepare some relaxing entertainment projects."

"If you're interested, you can also join."

Tang Wei's eyes flashed with expectation.

Su Chen spread his hands. "Forget it, I still prefer freedom."


Knowing this would be the result, Tang Wei felt a flash of disappointment.

At this time, the elevator arrived.

As the door opened, soldiers holding hot weapons immediately stared at her. After seeing Tang Wei, they looked away and continued to be alert.

Following Tang Wei, Su Chen came to a metal door.

Inside the door was the official treasure house.

Su Chen inexplicably felt a sense of expectation.

After a series of identity checks, the metal door opened.

Tang Wei took Su Chen into the treasure house.

For a moment, the glittering light everywhere came into view, making Su Chen dazzled and almost drooling.

"Hiss, it is worthy of being an official, it is really rich."

Su Chen couldn't help but exclaimed.

The entire treasure house is huge, and it looks like it is thousands of square meters. It is filled with shelves, and on the shelves are all kinds of precious resources and treasures brought out from the game.

From ordinary to rare to precious, it can be said that everything is available.

And this is the treasure house of a zoo branch base.

I really can't imagine what the treasure house of the headquarters looks like.

"Are you dazzled?" Tang Wei noticed Su Chen's strangeness and couldn't help laughing. "I was exactly the same as you when I first came here."

"I can't help it. This is the first time I've seen so many treasures."

Su Chen did not deny it and sighed truthfully. "It's worthy of being an official, with a deep foundation."

He didn't waste any words and asked Tang Wei to take him to the place where the wind attribute treasures were.

Soon, the destination was reached.

Looking at the row of shelves in front of him, they were basically filled with wind attribute treasures.

Su Chen saw the wind dust that he had initially selected before, and turned to Tang Wei and asked. "Can I try it?"

"Whatever you want." Tang Wei shrugged.

Su Chen didn't hesitate, and directly put it in his backpack, then opened the attributes, selected random evolution, and used the forager to sense it after putting it in as a material.

A palpitation came to his mind.

Su Chen opened his eyes and frowned.


"Why not?"

Originally thought that the material of wind attribute was suitable for him, and the treasure should also be a treasure of wind attribute.

But I didn't expect that it wouldn't work after getting it now!

Is it a problem with this treasure?

Su Chen thought about it, took out the wind dust and put it back in place, then picked up the wind crystal next to it and tried again.

After a while, Su Chen put the wind crystal back in place again, and frowned even more deeply.

"Still not working."

"Could it be... the treasure suitable for my random evolution is not wind attribute?"

But if it's not wind attribute, what attribute would it be?

Su Chen felt a little confused.

Tang Wei beside him asked curiously. "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Su Chen came back to his senses, and shook his head while clicking on the attributes to check. "No, nothing, just thought of something..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Chen stared at his incarnation on the panel.

Flashing cold light, like an extremely sharp mantis knife.

Mysterious patterns on his body like lightning.

As if a blessing came to his mind, a thunder exploded in his heart!

Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had thought of something, and his frown suddenly relaxed, revealing a smile from the heart.

"So that's it..."

"Maybe there is really no need for treasures with wind attributes."

Turning his head to look at Tang Wei, Su Chen asked hurriedly. "Captain Tang, can you take me to the location of treasures related to thunder attributes and weapons?



The update is complete. It has been five days in a row. It is another draining day. Please support me~

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