The old man was very happy.

"Thunder attribute? And treasures related to weapons?"

Tang Wei's eyes flashed with doubt, but she didn't ask any more questions. She nodded and led the way.

After a while, Su Chen followed Tang Wei to two new rows of shelves.

One row was filled with blue treasures flashing with lightning.

One row was strange and bizarre, with stones that looked ancient and broken equipment.

Su Chen took a look and first walked to the shelf where the thunder attribute treasures were placed to observe them one by one.

Here he saw the thunder stone. After taking it into his backpack and putting it in as an evolution material, Su Chen sensed it and a touch of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough."

Using the ability of the forager, he did not sense danger, but instead felt a little excited.

However, compared to the time with the fangs of the Wind Wolf King, this little excitement disappeared in an instant.

"As an evolution material, it only needs to have a wind attribute. This may be related to the wind mantis bloodline that has not yet awakened in my body, but the selection of other treasures and evolutionary places does not need to be based on this aspect."

"And it can be determined from other aspects, such as one's own abilities, other talents, etc."

"If a material with thunder attribute is chosen as an evolution material, then the treasure can be selected with wind attribute."

Su Chen murmured in his heart. Of course, this is not absolute, but just a guess of his.

But at present, it is roughly the case.

While happy, Su Chen also felt a little puzzled. As the same evolution material, why did the fangs of the Wind Wolf King bring much stronger excitement than the thunder-struck stone?

"Could it be that this represents the difference in the benefits brought by the evolution of the materials?"

The more excited you are, the more benefits you will get after evolution?

"It's not impossible."

Su Chen touched his chin, thinking secretly, and at the same time took out the thunder stone from his backpack, put it back on the shelf, and looked at the row of other thunder-attributed treasures next to it.

Picking them up one by one, Su Chen soon understood the properties of these treasures.

[Thunder Horse's Horn: A horn that falls naturally from the forehead of a thunder horse. It is an edible treasure that can enhance the thunder attribute affinity of living beings. The points required for exchange are: 500. ]

[Storm Feather: A feather containing pure thunder attribute power. It can absorb the power in it and gain thunder attribute ability. The points required for exchange are: 1,000. ]

[Sky Thunder: After countless thunders fall in the Storm Land, a trace of thunder power is naturally born. It is the purest thunder and lightning, with a very low probability of people gaining thunder attribute talent. The points required for exchange are: 5,000. 】

Compared to the wind attribute treasures, the points required to exchange for thunder attribute treasures are obviously much higher.

Think about it, the thunder attribute is a powerful attribute in the eyes of most people, so it is normal to be expensive.

And some of the good things make Su Chen hot.

Especially the treasure called Tianlei, which is quietly placed in an insulating box at this moment. Under the naked eye, it can be clearly seen that this is a trace of pure lightning element. The blue arc keeps flashing, which has a strong attraction for any player, including Su Chen.

It's the price that makes people discouraged.

"Can't afford it? Can't afford it?"

Su Chen muttered in his heart, silently put it in his backpack, and then put it into the random evolution as a treasure, and then used the forager to sense it.

A sense of joy arises spontaneously.

Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking surprised. "Such a strong sense of joy, this thing..."


This is definitely the most suitable treasure for himself.

Su Chen looked at Tianlei with a fiery look.

But the high price made him feel like he was poured with a basin of cold water. His heart instantly turned cold. He had to put it back in its place and looked away with great willpower.

"Good things are good things, but I really can't afford it!"

Although he sold some runes obtained in the secret realm, which increased his points a lot, it was only a little over a thousand. This kind of treasure with a direct five-digit value would be difficult to collect in a short period of time even if he continued to hunt fierce beasts for a period of time.

So Su Chen could only pick up the Feather of Storm again and sense it again.

This time, Su Chen's eyes flashed with surprise again. He couldn't help but look at the pure blue feather with flashing thunder flowers in his backpack and said in surprise. "It feels exactly the same as the thunder."

"Is this suitable for me too?"

The same as the Feather of Storm

He felt a kind of joy from the bottom of his heart, and his joy was as strong as the thunder.

This surprised Su Chen, but also made him feel a little confused.

He didn't understand what was going on.

"Or are these two treasures, although they have the same properties, representing two completely different evolutionary branches?"

Su Chen guessed secretly.

But no matter what the reason is, the result is already doomed.

The thunder is good, but in comparison, the feather of the storm is more suitable for him.

Thinking of this, Su Chen directly picked up the feather of the storm, without even looking at the treasure shelf related to equipment next to him.

"Captain Tang, this is it, I want it." Su Chen said to Tang Wei.

Hearing this, Tang Wei glanced at the introduction and price of the feather of the storm, nodded, and said. "Okay, in that case, you can redeem it on the Bounty Hunter app. The points will be deducted directly, so there is no need to send someone to deliver it to you."


Su Chen nodded, took out his mobile phone, entered the Bounty Hunter app, found the Feather of Storm, and chose to redeem it.

Points were deducted, and the 700 points just received were spent before they were even warm.

Following Tang Wei's butt, Su Chen returned to her office.

Tang Wei naturally had to send him back the way he came, after all, there was no taxi around this place.

Leaving the zoo base and driving on the way home.

Su Chen sat in the co-pilot seat, remembered something, turned his head and asked. "Captain Tang, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"The secret realm."


Tang Wei turned her head and looked at him with a smile.

"What do you want to ask?"

Su Chen said, choosing his words. "I entered a secret realm in the game, the secret realm where I got the secret realm runes I sold to you. In the secret realm, I found..."

"I found that there was a supernatural game similar to Shan Hai Jing in that secret realm world, right?"

Before Su Chen finished speaking, Tang Wei took the initiative to speak.

Hearing this, Su Chen nodded. "That's right."

As expected, it seems that the official has already known about this news.

Tang Wei said calmly while driving the car. "Generally speaking, this question is not disclosed to the public, but since you have come into contact with it yourself, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"I can only say that what you think in your heart is indeed correct."

"Our world is just like those secret worlds, or we are on the road that those secret worlds once took."

"We don't know much about the details at present, but the supernatural game is the same. In all the secret worlds discovered so far, nearly 80% of them have a supernatural game with a different name but roughly the same content!"

Although he had expected it in his heart, the 80% ratio made Su Chen tremble in his heart.

He couldn't help but ask. "So, will the world under our feet fall into the same state as those secret worlds in the future?"

Tang Wei shook her head. "I don't know, maybe, maybe not. In short, the information discovered so far has not shown that those secret worlds have fallen to that level because of supernatural games."

"But no matter what, there is no need to think about it now."

Tang Wei turned her head and smiled. "In comparison, continuing to become stronger is the only thing to consider at the moment. After all, only when you are strong can you have the confidence to face problems when you encounter them."

"That's true."

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded. To be honest, he did think too much. It was probably because he suddenly thought that the world under his feet would die completely, so he had to fall into a passive panic.

However, Tang Wei's words also made him understand that it was a waste of time to think too much about these messy things.

It is better to improve your strength with this time.

As long as the strength is strong enough, the broken world and death are all nothingness!

Whoever wants to destroy the world under his feet will be killed with a knife!

Thinking about this, Su Chen felt much more relaxed in an instant, and felt that his thoughts were clear.

After thinking about it, only strength is the most important.

"By the way, since you have learned some information in the game, there is one thing you can pay attention to."

At this time, Tang Wei beside him suddenly spoke.

Su Chen turned his head and looked at her, with a puzzled look. "What?"

"There are humans in the game."


Su Chen's expression moved, but he was not too surprised.

After all, he had always speculated that the world of Shanhaijing was like this.

This vast land cannot be home to only animals and beasts. Do humans also live there?

I just haven't seen them, so I can't confirm it.

Now it seems that there are indeed humans.

Tang Wei reminded. "There are indeed humans in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but I haven't seen them. It's just that the official people made a judgment based on the news found in some secret realms."

"And even if you meet humans in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, you'd better be careful and don't contact them easily."

"Because they are not of my kind?" Su Chen asked.

"There are reasons in this regard, but there is also a piece of news that an official person got in a secret realm before."

Su Chen's eyes flashed with curiosity. "What news?"

Tang Wei said. "People are not people, and beasts are not beasts."

"Both are products of gods and will!"

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