The more you look at the body, the more you will be able to see.

Su Chen first knew his own physical data intuitively and asked curiously. "The average attribute of eight points, I don't know what level it is among ordinary people."

In addition, the attributes in the brackets are also a point of curiosity for Su Chen, and he doesn't know what they represent.

But I think that among the attributes in or outside the brackets, there is always a basic attribute.

Su Chen looked at the screen and continued to look at the strategy post.

Soon, a look of realization appeared on his face.

"So that's it, is this the basic attribute?"

The basic attributes were introduced in detail in the post, and Su Chen realized after reading it that the so-called basic attributes are actually the attributes of the player himself.

This attribute can only be permanently improved when the avatar in the game evolves.

And the attributes in the brackets are the avatar attributes.

That's right, the avatar also has attributes, but the avatar attributes can only be reinforced on the basic attributes when the avatar is summoned.

After understanding this, Su Chen understood why it was the best choice to use the treasure directly.

Because the basic attributes represent the strength of the player when the avatar is not summoned in reality. In addition, Su Chen thought of another reason.

The improvement of the basic attributes itself means that the player's body has undergone a transformation, which probably also represents the increase in lifespan. This alone will make people choose the effect of the treasure itself instead of the evolution point.

Never underestimate people's desire for longevity.

Su Chen didn't care much about this aspect, after all, he was still young and had a good time.

But after understanding the basic attributes and avatar attributes, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and he was even more envious of those who randomly got animal avatars.

"Why did I start with a mantis?"

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh helplessly again.

Because the avatar is an insect, his avatar attributes are too low.

The average value is far less than one point.

According to what Su Chen learned from the post, the animal incarnations have at least one attribute with one point or more.

If the incarnation is some powerful animal, such as a tiger or an elephant, it can even be transformed into a real-life version of One Punch Man on the spot.

Well, there are really people who are incarnated as tigers and elephants, which makes Su Chen envious and jealous.

Su Chen continued to read the post.

I have to say that this post is very detailed, at least Su Chen thinks so.

Through the post, Su Chen learned a lot of useful things.

For example, blood map, bounty, secret realm, etc., and there are places in the city where players trade with each other, but not every day, but at fixed times every month.

However, what surprised Su Chen the most was the role of materials and equipment, which are actually used for strengthening and evolution.

When materials and equipment are used as materials for strengthening and evolution, not only will the incarnation become stronger after strengthening, but there is also a probability of obtaining corresponding abilities.

However, not all materials can be used, but it depends on the adaptability of the materials.

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately opened the attribute panel and clicked on Strengthen.

Sure enough, a prompt popped up on the panel:

[Check the materials in your backpack. Do you want to add materials for strengthening? ]

Su Chen chose to confirm, found the sandworm beads in the backpack and selected them.

A probability prompt appeared.

Sandworm beads, adaptability: 11%.

"Too low, it seems not suitable for me."

Su Chen shook his head and turned off the panel.

However, although the sandworm beads are useless to him, other players may need them.

"When I have time, I can trade them. It would be best if I can exchange them for a Piranha digestive fluid." Su Chen thought.

This is also the necessary strengthening material for new players that he just learned from the post. No matter which incarnation has a high adaptability with it, the most important thing is that it can be used for strengthening to give players a "strengthen digestion" ability.

This ability allows players to obtain evolution points without swallowing them. They can achieve the effect of swallowing by touching them directly with their hands, which can well avoid various wastes.

For example, the earthworm monster that Su Chen encountered today, although its body was full of sand, if he really forced it into his stomach, he could still gain evolution points.

It was just that the resistance from the bottom of his heart made him unable to swallow.

If he had this ability, it would not be wasted.

After browsing, Su Chen quickly read the entire novice post and had a preliminary understanding of this extraordinary game.

Next, Su Chen looked at other posts and said thoughtfully. "Five

Is there a night market organized by players in the suburbs of Tianhoujiang City? You can go and have a look then. "

Time passed slowly, and it was already afternoon before you knew it.


Su Chen yawned, turned off the computer and went to lie down on the bed.

He had originally wanted to adjust to the time difference today, but when he thought that he could log in to the game again after 12 o'clock in the evening, he could no longer bear it.

Closing his eyes, Su Chen quickly fell asleep.

In the blink of an eye, night fell.

In the dark room, Su Chen opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep. He immediately picked up the phone next to the pillow, touched the screen, and checked the time.


"It's the second day! "

Su Chen was refreshed and quickly got up from the bed.

There was a rumbling sound in his stomach.

Su Chen was busy for a while, washed up, and made some food as a midnight snack. After a full meal, the time came to half past twelve.

After eating and drinking, Su Chen returned to the room, lay on the bed, and looked at the Shanhaijing mark on the back of his hand. With a thought, the menu emerged.

The originally gray login button has been re-lit, indicating that you can log in and revive.

Su Chen's eyes flashed with expectation, and he immediately clicked to log in.


Darkness came.

With the previous first experience, Su Chen was much more accustomed to it this time, and waited calmly.

[Detection shows that you have died, you can choose to revive again, please choose the location you need to revive.]

A virtual map appeared in front of him.

Su Chen looked up and said in surprise. "Can I choose the resurrection location myself? ”

Unfortunately, there are not many locations to choose from on the map, and only a very small area can be selected.

Su Chen looked carefully and found that this area was the area he had explored in the game yesterday.

"So that's it."

Su Chen suddenly realized and had the answer in his mind.

He no longer hesitated and directly chose the initial location, which was the starting point when he first entered the game.

When he first entered the game, he didn't know how to use the effect of his talent, so he didn't use the "forager" talent to sense at the starting point, so he wanted to see if he could find the existence of opportunities by using the "forager" at the starting point.

With the click to confirm.

The darkness dissipated, and a ray of moonlight fell from the top of his head, shining in front of him.

Su Chen looked up and he logged into Shanhai Jingshi for the second time. The world, just like in reality, at this moment, this boundless world is also shrouded in the night.

Under the night, the world is not silent, but there are roars one after another.

Compared with the daytime, the world of Shanhaijing at night is undoubtedly more dangerous.

Su Chen shrank his neck and looked around hurriedly. After not finding any enemy figures, he immediately closed his eyes and activated the "Forager" talent to sense the four directions.

The next moment, Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes, looking extremely surprised.

He sensed that there was really an opportunity nearby!

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