The road ahead was long and narrow.

"In that direction."

Su Chen looked up and saw an area he had never explored before.

Under the forager's induction, he did not sense any danger, only instinctive desire and passion, so Su Chen immediately set out in that direction.

After yesterday's attempt, he was very clear about the effect of the forager.

It can detect nearby opportunities and dangers.

But when there are only opportunities and no danger, it does not mean that there are no enemies on this road.

It's just that under normal circumstances, his ability can solve the enemy, so the forager will not give a reminder.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, Su Chen opened the backpack, found the spirit core juice inside, took it out, and swallowed it into his stomach.

[You have swallowed the treasure. Please choose to use the treasure or swallow the treasure to obtain evolution points? ]

The prompt appeared in front of him, and Su Chen chose to use the treasure without hesitation.

The next moment, a warm current rushed into his body, sweeping through his limbs and bones.


Su Chen immediately felt a warm and comfortable feeling, as if he was soaked in a hot spring the next second after being blown by the cold wind, which was extremely refreshing.

The effect of the spirit core juice is very strong.

Not long after swallowing it, Su Chen felt that his physical attributes began to increase. This feeling was particularly obvious and lasted for a minute before disappearing.

Waving the mantis knife, feeling the increased power, the sound of breaking through the air sounded sharply.

Su Chen showed a satisfied smile and clicked on the attribute panel to check.

[Player: Su Chen. ]

[Incarnation: Green Mantis. ]

[Attributes: Body: 8.4 (0.2); Strength: 8.7 (0.3); Speed: 8.5 (0.3); Essence: 9 (0.1). ]

[Evolution Points: 1. ]

[Strength: Weak insect. ]

[Body: Head, chest, abdomen, feet (1), internal organs, hind wings, carapace. ]

[Talent: Forager. ]

"It's a treasure indeed, the effect is powerful."

Su Chen exclaimed.

Just the juice in a fruit core actually increased all his attributes by 0.3. It may not seem like much, but if an ordinary person increases it through exercise, it will take at least several months.

The panel also shows his remaining evolution points.

Originally, Su Chen planned to strengthen himself a second time, but after learning that materials and equipment could be added, Su Chen gave up the idea of ​​strengthening and decided to explore first.

If he could get the right materials, it would be best. If not, it would be fine to strengthen himself later.

After turning off the panel, Su Chen continued to run.

But at this moment, the soil under his feet cracked, and a bright red color broke out of the ground, as if a big mouth was about to swallow Su Chen in one gulp.

Su Chen was startled and quickly jumped back to avoid it.

After standing firm, Su Chen looked at it carefully. A trace of fear flashed across his face, but also a trace of joy.

"Is this... a man-eating plant?"

The one that attacked Su Chen was a scarlet flower, with its petals blooming, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth inside.

Su Chen, who had been browsing the zoo forum for half a day before, recognized it at a glance. It was a man-eating plant.

There are many kinds of man-eating plants in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. This one is a small man-eating plant that specializes in catching flies and insects. It looks only about 30 to 40 centimeters long. Compared with Su Chen's size, it is a behemoth.

But Su Chen's eyes were shining with a fiery light at this moment.

He learned from the forum that the man-eating plant, like the earthworm monster he killed before, has a chance to produce materials in its body, that is, the man-eating plant digestive fluid.

This is exactly the material Su Chen needs at the moment. If he can get it, he can immediately carry out the second strengthening.

I didn't expect to encounter such a surprise before I arrived at the place where the "forager" was looking for opportunities.

Although the piranha plant in front of me looked huge, since the "forager" did not detect the danger, it meant that I could handle it with my own strength.

Thinking of this, Su Chen took a deep breath and immediately prepared to go.

At the same time, the piranha plant that broke out of the ground seemed to shrink its body because it had not caught any food, and was ready to return to the underground to ambush.

Su Chen never missed this opportunity, and immediately rushed out, quickly approached, and swung his two knives at the root of the piranha plant.

With a wheezing sound, a scar was immediately left on the root.

The body of the piranha plant immediately began to shake, and I didn't expect the food to dare to turn back on its own initiative. Its body twisted like a vine, and its head was used as a weapon to hit Su Chen.

Although Su Chen was not as big as the piranha plant, he had more than the piranha plant.

What stood out more was his speed.

With a light leap, Su Chen dodged the attack. Just as he was about to continue his attack, he saw a stream of acid gushing out of the fanged mouth of the Piranha Plant.

A deadly sense of crisis surged in his heart, and Su Chen hurriedly turned around to avoid it.

With a sizzling sound, the acid fell to the ground and corroded the soil.

"Hiss, fortunately I dodged it quickly."

Su Chen took a deep breath. If he was hit, wouldn't he melt on the spot?

Shaking his head, Su Chen was more alert than before, approaching the Piranha Plant at a very fast speed, and swung his two swords again to slash it.

One attack might only leave a scar, but two hits hit the same place, causing a gap in the root of the Piranha Plant.

The Piranha Plant shook more violently, as if it was trapped in an exposed beast, and began to sweep around wildly.

Su Chen grinned and retreated without any hurry to distance himself.

Anyway, the Piranha Plant is also a plant and cannot leave the spot. He has enough patience to wait for the Piranha Plant to run out of energy.

Sure enough, after just two minutes, the Piranha Plant's wild dance stopped and its movements became slow.

A series of large-scale sweeps like a big pendulum made it run out of energy.

Su Chen no longer wasted time. Like a flash of green light, he approached and swung his two knives at the wound on the root of the Piranha Plant. With a puff, the Piranha Plant's body immediately broke, and its upper body fell heavily on the ground. Juice gushed out of the wound like blood.

After taking two steps back, Su Chen waited quietly for a while. After confirming that the Piranha Plant was really dead, he approached the head full of fangs and serrations.

According to the post strategy in the forum, the digestive fluid of the Piranha Plant is generally located at the receptacle.

Use a sharp mantis knife to find the right position to cut it open, and the corrosive liquid immediately flows out.

"It really exists, haha, it seems I'm lucky."

Su Chen said with surprise on his face, and quickly chose to pick it up.

[You picked up the digestive fluid of the Piranha Plant. ]

[Digestive fluid of the Piranha Plant: Material, there is a probability that a special mucus will be born in the body of the Piranha Plant, which contains strong corrosiveness. ]

Looking at the introduction, Su Chen nodded, which was similar to some pictures he had seen on the forum before.

Although the Piranha Plant is not as bad as the sandworm, it is really not delicious.

Although Su Chen has not tasted it, some players in the forum have expressed that it is like eating slippery and bitter sugarcane without moisture.

A horrible taste and taste that Su Chen can't imagine.

If it was before, he would probably give up because of this description, but now that he has the digestive fluid, it will be easy.

Clicking on the properties, Su Chen rubbed his hands in anticipation. "Finally, I can start the second strengthening."

Su Chen glanced at the remaining six parts that can be strengthened, and clicked on the abdomen without hesitation. This is where the digestive organs of the mantis are located.

[Do you want to strengthen the abdomen? ]


[Check that you have available materials. Do you want to select materials to invest in strengthening? ]

Su Chen clicked yes, opened his backpack, selected the digestive fluid of the Piranha Plant he had just obtained, and confirmed it.

Strengthening began.

A white light emerged from the abdomen.

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