Shao Song

: A note about the update in the past few days... Normal updates will resume on the 12th

  The autumn wind is rustling, the sun is warm and the setting sun, in the evening, the Mingdao Palace in Weizhen County, Bozhou (Later Luyi), Huainan East Road of the Song Dynasty, is full of light and shadow, and the air is warm and warm.

Not only that, at this moment, in this huge building complex with the attributes of both temples and palaces, you can see heavily armed soldiers and nobles dressed in vermilion everywhere. I don’t know how many great ministers of Song Wenwu are standing there. Stationed here. Among them, the apse hill with the highest position is even more tightly guarded and well-ordered. From a distance, you can see several three dragons waving in the wind.

   Anyone with a little bit of common sense knows that this thing is called Jin Wuzheng, which is dedicated to the emperor's great driver, and the presence of the dragon dragon means that the Zhao Song official family is also here.

Such a situation cannot be said to be rare. After all, the officials of the Song Dynasty have always had a tradition of believing in religion. The former Song Dynasty officials were even known as the emperor of Taoism, and the Mingdao Palace where the Taoist ancestor’s main court is located was also built by Zhenzong. , So it seems that it is common for Da Song officials to come here to make sacrifices in person.

However, unlike the grand occasion when the Emperor Zhenzong came here to worship Daozu, at this moment, the atmosphere in this royal garden is inevitably a little dignified and serious...The number of armed generals and soldiers is too much. And the great Song Wenchens who always like to dance and play ink did not have the slightest pleasure. On the contrary, after meeting in twos and threes, they couldn't hide their worries.

   Of course it's hard to hide!

   Let’s also say that since Jingkang, the Golden Soldiers invaded the South, the Second Saints were hunted in the North, and the rebellions were endless everywhere. The Song Dynasty was actually on the verge of life and death, and the worries of the country’s subjugation were by no means nonsense.

What’s even more worrisome is that at this time of crisis, the Zhao official’s family, who had just ascended the throne for more than two months, also suffered an unprovoked misfortune. The Zhao family has always been serious, so a few days ago, this Zhao official’s family When the guard of honor traveled from here to Huaidian to the south to prepare for the anti-golden war, he had to pay homage to the Taoist ancestor Li Er of Mingdao Palace. However, after the visit, the young Zhao official’s family visited the garden scenery in front of hundreds of civil servants. The face fell headlong into the Jiulong Well near the Mingdao Palace, and then fell into a coma for a while!

   Of course, it was just a faint. Zhao Guan's family woke up after half a day, and the two chief executives had also visited.

But the problem is that after the young and strong Zhao Guanjia, who can ride half-day horses and pull stone and five bows, woke up, he obviously acted as usual, but did not continue south according to the original plan. Recently, he was only accompanied by Kanglu, the superintendent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After showing up in public, he stopped acting.

You know, two months ago, after the official came to the throne in Nanjing (Shangqiu), there was a battle at the top of the court, and even for this, a remonstrative doctor, two students, and a prime minister were dismissed. This is the decision. Southbound Huaidian transfers to Yangzhou's national policy. Moreover, the queen mother had already traveled to Yangzhou this time, and there were also many clan families with them. Several important financial ministers also went to Huaiyang and Jiangnan to raise money and food, and all the former imperial lieutenants and commanders also went to the surrounding areas. Rebellion, in order to find peace on the road, even the large escorts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs walked to the front to clear the way... But the most important and fundamental officials and the imperial civil and military have just set off from Nanjing (Shangqiu). Here, just stop here in Bozhou, what's the matter?

   So he cares, walking here is panicking for a while.

There are rumors that although the official family did not hurt their body that day, they broke their brains, and even Pan Fei and Kang Yaban didn’t remember them, and they might even have become Emperor Song Hui. Of course, the Kangabban of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not dare to leave; there are also rumors that the officials are also believers, so after this incident, he was suspicious that he had fallen into the well because the Taoist ancestors specially warned him not to go south, so he changed his mind for a while, but instead The intention is to stay in the Central Plains to fight against gold, so it is uncertain!

Not only that, for example, Kang Lu took the opportunity to imprison the officials and practiced the strategy of the raccoon to change the official family; another example is the Taoist dream, instructing the gods to go down to the world to help each other... all kinds of absurd sayings, as they stop at the Mingdao Palace in Bozhou. Movement is becoming more and more bizarre.

   It can only be said that after the loss of Jingkang, the orthodoxy of the Song Dynasty imperial family is the one, otherwise it may be possible to make a moth.

   "Hello everyone!"

Just when people were panicking, the apse with the highest terrain was also the center of the vortex. Seeing that the official bends his bow under the dragon bow and set up a target before sunset, shooting two barrels of arrows in succession before stopping, waiting. Ban Kanglu, the chief **** of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, hurried forward to flatter and inquire. "Are you going to have dinner with Zhu Banzhi today?"

   "What can't you do?"

   The so-called official wore a red round-necked arrow shirt, and he was only about two years old, but he was born tall and handsome, as if it was passed down by the Zhao family. At this time, he just smiled slightly when he heard the word, and he seemed to be indifferent. "Or is there something going on here?"

"What can we do in our family?" The senior official Kang, who was about thirty years old this year, is currently the only major inmate in the Ministry of Internal Attendance. He has always mastered the forbidden and confidential text, which is equivalent to the **** of the later generation Bingbi. General important existence, can't help but sigh. "It's just that Mrs. Pan came to our family to ask, saying that she hadn't seen the official family for many days, and she missed it very much. Our family thought..."

   After hearing this, the Zhao official squeezed the hard bow in his hand and smiled awkwardly. Instead of answering, he turned his head away.

   "Besides, didn't everyone say they wanted to eat ice cream after being injured?" Kang Lu hurriedly walked around in front of the other party and continued to say. "This lady Pan made a special cooking today and made it for everyone. You might as well go and see the emperor heir by the way!"

"is it?"

   The young official was slightly startled, but he hesitated for a moment, but soon he recovered and sighed slightly. "Forget it. Then just bring any ice cream. I will use it with Ban Zhi who was eating today..."


  Kang Lu was in a hurry, and he even changed the "everyone" that said intimacy and walks in the middle of the day. He was the only one available. "It was made by Mrs. Pan herself. How can it be used by the Banzhis? What kind of style is this? You are the official, and you can no longer have meals with Zhu Banzhi. If it is spread out, I am afraid that it will be used by the ministers of foreign dynasties. Dissatisfied, saying that officials despise scholars and value martial arts."

   "Since Jingkang, is there really any style in this Song Dynasty?" The young official didn't change his mind after hearing this, but sneered in public. "But there is a semi-divided system, how come to this point? As for the scholars, what dissatisfaction, and they do not see their dissatisfaction with the golden horse, but how dissatisfied with me?"

After saying that, the official Zhao stopped paying attention to the other party, and instead walked out of the apse, and Na Kang Lu was about to follow, but unexpectedly, several Sabre squads who had stood by stood up to follow, directly blocking the University of Hong Kong. The official way.

Kang Lu was uncommonly lost in a panic, and hurriedly signaled to a light-armored officer by the gate of the palace, and when the tall, majestic young officer saw this, he bowed his head slightly, and at the end he got up to follow the emperor Song official's house. , That is, their nominal lord.

   Let’s also say that those Sabre squads seem to be able to hold on to Kang Lu, but they obviously show respect for this person. Instead of blocking them, they just gave way. While walking in the front and glancing at this scene from the corner of his eye, Zhao Jiu, an official of the Song Dynasty, did not change his face at all, but continued to calmly outwards.

However, when he turned out of the hall, Zhao Jiu was not in a hurry to find someone to eat with him. Instead, he stood on the **** where the apse was located and looked at the surrounding area for a long time. After Kang Lu had already dealt with the confidential text, he suddenly turned around. , Gave an order to the young officer behind him:

   "Thank Yang Sheren for a while, take down Pan Fei's ice cream for me, and then do the hard work for me."

   The so-called Yang Sheren was caught off guard, so he could only respond in public and turned and leave, and Zhao Jiu and Zhao's official family also voluntarily went to the barracks where the horses were coming from under Xiaopo.

   That's right!

   It is Zhao Jiu instead of Zhao Jiu. This emperor and Song Dynasty official family was really taken away like a rumor! The senior official Kang and the young officer, that is, Yang Yizhong is the only one in the family. The two banned figures of real power in this article and Wu are really not concerned about this'healing from a serious injury' official family. Overstepping, on the contrary, is truly loyal and commendable!

   If Zhao Gou's soul is still on something, I am afraid that I will be moved to tears.

   Of course, the only problem is that the evildoer who robbed Zhao Song's official clan was not a raccoon cat, but a mortal who thought he was innocent, a mortal 900 years later!

I thought that this guy was just going home after graduating from college to do an account, and by the way, I played in the Taozu Temple. Just because I helped an old Taoist go down to the cement to save the dog in the Jiulongjing, I became Zhao Zhao after he recovered. Song Guanjia...who should I go with?

   Talk to Mr. Taishang?

  Will Taishang Laojun mock him: What happened to you in Li Ermiao, what does it have to do with my Taishang Laojun?

In fact, to be fair, a traverser, traversing becomes the emperor, or the emperor who has just ascended the throne at the age of twenty-one. If there really is a behind-the-scenes man, he can be considered worthy of the traverser...Sit for sixty years and spend twenty. Save money every year, build a steam engine in 20 years, and colonize the world for another 20 years, marrying a bunch of harems, having dozens of children, raising hundreds of cats and dogs, and designing a zoo. Isn’t it good?

   Isn't it fragrant?

  The fragrance is of course, and Fei Pan is also very fragrance, but the problem is that this emperor is called Zhao Gou, ranked ninth, and later generations have always called it Zhao Laojiu. However, this year's name was called Jianyan, but it was changed two months ago after Zhao Laojiu had just ascended the throne. The previous half year was called Jingkang for two years.

In other words, the extremely humiliating Jingkang shame at this time has ended, the Northern Song Dynasty has completely subjugated, and Hebei and Hedong have completely fallen. As for the Southern Song Dynasty, it has been established in theory, but in fact it has not succeeded... Fleeing south with Zhao Laojiu, he tried to find a foothold in Yangzhou.

In this regard, our traverser, Mr. Zhao Jiu, saw thousands of soldiers and horses and the Huaixi Plain with no electrified facilities, and used the fairly smooth Central Plains accent to ask and verify that he was traversing, and that he traversed successfully. After Zhao Gou was correct, his mood has been awkward for the past few days.

   Without him, Zhao Gou and Zhao Laojiu's reputation is too bad to mention, the point is that the timing is worse now! In Zhao Jiu's view, is it not good to make a Xuanwu Sect second two years before Jingkang when crossing? Or will it be uncomfortable to cross to Lin'an and stabilize directly in the next two years?

   have to be on the way to escape this knot?

   The Jin Wushu who led a hundred thousand army to search the mountains and seas is not a fictional character!

Of course, Zhao Jiu is historically blind and ignorant. In the past two years, he will definitely not have time to engage in the Xuanwu School and not to mention it. If he crosses over again in the next two years, then this body will be a eunuch, and that's how life is worse. dead.

   All in all, since I came across, this Zhao official family, Zhao Gou, Zhao Jiu, or Zhao Jiu, did not have a good day.

   In the beginning, it was lost and irritable... Isn’t it better to have air conditioners, computers, mobile phones, and Haidilao than an escaped emperor? Or an emperor so unbearable in history? In fact, although this body is very healthy and young, he still feels a bit of disgust and discomfort as a descendant with normal three views.

   And as an ordinary person, don't you want to be home?

   So, the next night after crossing, this Zhao official family tried to jump again in the Jiulong Well in Taozu Temple, in order to ask Taozu to help the old man, but it failed.

After    and determined that I can't go back, then naturally I feel sorry for myself!

   A young man who was also 21 years old before crossing, just graduated from university and didn't even enter a job. How mature can he be? So he started crying secretly in the middle of the night, began to say something about wanting to eat ice cream, and started to lose his temper and curse... and made him feel aggrieved like a metamorphosis scheme.

   And probably because of these persistent abnormalities, this traverser naturally aroused the vigilance of Kang Lu and Yang Yizhong.

   After waiting for a few days, finally confessing his fate and preparing to change his identity to live, the freshman of Song Zhao had to face an embarrassing and tense situation:

Those officials of the Song Dynasty who wore hard winged heads and round-necked purple robes, red robes, and green robes did not mention, the few main figures around him were forbidden to be Bankang from the Ministry of Internal Servant, who was roughly equivalent to the great **** of Bingbi in later generations. What is the so-called only, it is actually Yang Yizhong, who is the chief of the personal guard; two princes, Huang Qianshan, the prime minister of the East Fuzhong Shumen; Wang Boyan, the prince of the Privy Council in the west; plus one equivalent to the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army The imperial capital controls Wang Yuan...he doesn't know anyone! Never heard of that!

   However, considering that this is Zhao Gou's cronies, and these people helped Zhao Gou start and dominate the south escape, then it must be the persecution of Jin Zhongliang, and the surrender stubbornly fled!

   Not only that, these people are obviously a little skeptical because of his early gaffe of the traverser. Regardless of whether it is concerned or vigilant, under the leadership of Kang Lu these days, there are always people who have been staring at him, the official Zhao, and Zhao Jiu has not been comprehensive except for the soothing appearance on the second day of his arrival. Get in touch with Zou Shu and courtiers.

   Obviously, he was consciously cut off.

In addition, Zhao Laojiu left Zhao Jiu with a Concubine Pan, and a baby who was just full moon...well...this matter is a bit but it is only embarrassing. , I can’t say who has the advantage, because Zhao Laojiu himself is no longer in this world, and the newcomer is obviously pure soul wear, without burden at all!

In fact, when Zhao Jiu learned that the body’s wife and two concubines were all captured by the golden man, he didn’t feel the same thing except for mocking Zhao Gou for not being a man (actually all died at this time, but in history, Zhao Gou) It took more than ten years to find out, and on the other hand, he is really not a man), because he can't remember anything, and there is no memory fusion.

In other words, in Zhao Jiu's view, this Pan Fei and that baby were so good that he was thrown into Jiangnan to raise, and Zhao Gou's captured family would have the opportunity to pick them up in the future and throw Jiangnan to raise, so that he would be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth... This one presented by Zhao Gou is still a kind of civil and military body.

Besides, if you have a leisurely mind about this, it is better to seize the time to build a good relationship with the grassroots soldiers and buy people's hearts, so that someone can help with the knife when necessary; secondly, it can resolve the soft control of Kang Lu and Yang Yizhong; 3. You can also use this to learn and seek some necessary information...

As for maintaining the mystery of official status in order to maintain authority, it is not that it is wrong, but that as Zhao Jiu said when he said to Kang Lv's yin and yang strangeness, since Jingkang, can this Zhao Song official family be even more embarrassing? ?

   And in the end, there is still a big thing in front of the Zhao official's fresh out of the well-crossing into Zhao Gou, isn't it necessary to resist gold? !

  PS: The new book is here... However, only 10,000 words have been saved and half of it has been posted... The old rules, I will write slowly, and everyone will read it slowly...


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