Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 46: 2 layer

Although the fourth prince Wanyan Wushu's personal military geometry is not good, he did not stop the clamor of his subordinates. Instead, he frowned and waited for the clamor to disappear by himself, and seeing that the coach finally became normal. For a few days, today it was the same expression, Wanyan Ba ​​Lisu and others were not presumptuous, and soon they all rejoined to watch the battle.

   After a short lean, the drums under the city gradually began to sound, and the horns from the city continued to sound. As countless men and horses poured out from the front of the golden army, hundreds of ladders appeared densely in the field of vision, and the war broke out immediately.

In other words, because few people can see what a thousand horses are, few people can understand the momentum of thousands of people charging together...In fact, ordinary people may be afraid of their legs when they encounter hundreds of war horses running together. Soft, let alone the real army of thousands of horses carrying weapons and shouting to charge?

However, facing the first large-scale siege of the city by the Jinren, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty on the city were all silent...On the one hand, many people have been used to these scenes for so many years. The official Zhao’s family who watched the battle from afar was indifferent; the other side was that as the'guardian', there were military orders, and the organizers had to make noises without authorization in the first column of the city!

   Therefore, after the sound of the horn stopped for a while, only the Golden Army drums were blasted, and then tens of thousands of Golden Army men and horses under the leadership of their respective officers shouted and killed in the rear, shaking the sky.

At the forefront, the civilian husbands holding the baskets, their task is to continue to fill the ditch...Unexpectedly, this time they rushed to the front and did not shoot the crossbow, but it made these people overjoyed. The frozen soil was poured into the dry and icy moat and then hurriedly turned around.

Because of the line of sight, Zhao Jiu couldn’t see the sight directly in front of the city’s observation tower, which was actually far away. He could only obliquely observe from the side, not knowing whether it was good or bad. Because of the clear weather, Zhao Guan’s house even I could see the joyful faces of those folk husbands dressed as Song folks after they fell to the ground, and then they naturally frowned.

   "Official family."

   At this moment, someone next to him suddenly spoke. "This kind of thing can't be helped. The minister was like them in the Jinren camp that day, and he was going to fill the ditch with soil."

   Everyone followed the prestige, and it was Yan Xiaozhong, the Shao Yin of Kaifeng Mansion. They all sighed, but they had nothing to say.

   However, Zhao Guan’s family reclining on a chair heard this, and instead asked one more question: "Can I have enough food in Jinying?"

   "It's hard to say that it is not enough to eat or not." Not only the others, but Yan Xiaozhong, who is short and thin and dark as a dwarf, was also startled slightly, and then shook his head again and again. "But there is always something to eat, and the discipline in the Golden Army is fairly strict, and there are very few deceptions... But in the face of this kind of war, you may not be able to eat it."

   "How do you say?" Zhao Jiu was puzzled for a while. "Is it because swords and bows don't have eyes?"

   "No." Yan Xiaozhong replied with a straight face. "When you encounter this kind of thing, death is also the result of helplessness. But even if you return to the camp alive, you will probably be hungry... If the minister remembers well, the golden people must fetch the soil by folding sticks. These civilian husbands receive a basket of soil. You can take a wooden stick with the length of your fingers, insert it into your hair or behind your ears, and wait for the soil to be poured. Go back and hand in the empty basket with the wooden stick. The golden warlord will use a dagger to cut the stick on the bark to form a bachelor. , And people’s husbands can only get a bowl of rice in the evening with this bachelor, and those who don’t have a bachelor deserve to be hungry."

   In the sun, Zhao Jiu squinted his eyes slightly: "A man with a stick, do I think it is a rich man in the Northern Qi Dynasty?"

   "A man with a stick is not easy to do." Yan Xiaozhong, regardless of the darkening of the surrounding ministers, continued to explain to Zhao Guanjia. "The ministers in the Golden Army know clearly... Those who can eat at night are the ruffians and gangsters among the civil servants. Most of their bachelors were robbed after the war, and the golden people are not doing justice to the law. The elders, just slash sticks and distribute grain, what else? So now these folks who fill the ditch have poured a basket of soil and think they are living. In fact, after they go back, the golden people will drive them back again, and it is a fluke for many days. I survived, exhausted at night, but the bachelor in his hand was still to be taken away by groups of bachelors. He was hungry for the night, and was weak the next day, and died faster."

   Zhao Jiu remained silent, but leaned over and watched the battle with hands together. On the observation platform where there was originally some discussion, after this ‘explanation’, there was no sound.

   "The Enemy Cloud Ladder is a hundred steps away from the "yellow" character!" At this moment, suddenly, the quiet city wall in front of him suddenly sounded a loud report, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Obviously, this is the real reason why the people who fill the ditch are able to survive today. Behind them are countless'strong people who carry the ladder... These people should be the swarms of people who are in charge of the Jinjun and the people's camp. The specially selected ones are a servant army rather than a bachelor in terms of organization. At the very least, many of them have a wooden board or something in their hands to redo wooden shields to cover the sides; and many people still have it on their waists. There is a knife, which is unimaginable for a stickman who is hard to find.

   If not, why should a golden person use a bachelor as a token?

   Back in front of me, there was a sound in the city, followed by a continuous similar report like fried beans:

   "The Enemy Cloud Ladder is a hundred steps away from the introduction of the word'Hong'!"

   "The Enemy Cloud Ladder is a hundred steps away from the introduction of the word "Column"!"

   "The Enemy Cloud Ladder is a hundred steps away from the introduction of the word "Yu"!"

   And following the reports of the commanders on these prosceniums (the wall protruding from the platform), the crossbowmen on the corresponding section of the city wall behind them almost immediately wound up and got ready for battle.

Immediately afterwards, when a large number of Golden Army siege equipment entered the attack range of the city wall, the bows and crossbows on the city wall were launched in an orderly manner towards the specific direction designated by the commander under the command of the issued banner... Zhang Yujun’s majority only has a wooden board, and only a few bosses have leather armor. Therefore, each release is just a round of intensive shooting, and many ladders are directly thrown to the ground, and the strong civilian husbands who have just formed an army quickly fled.

But seeing this shape, Zhang Yubu's soldiers who supervised the war and Meng'an, a direct subordinate of Wanyanba Lisu, who was in charge of the north camp, went forward, using machetes and horseshoes to force these people to come forward again, and demanded to hold their shields and line up. , And with a certain armor rate, the main soldiers of Zhang Yubu don't hesitate anymore, but immediately follow...Because there are still some ladders that rely on their numerical advantages to approach the moat that has become an ice trench, and are preparing to cross this ice trench.

According to the defensive design of most cities, there should be only a one-person high sheep-horse wall behind the trench or moat (the low wall outside the city wall and the low wall inside the moat, named after the livestock stored by residents outside the city during the war. It is a city in Middle East Asia. Standard configuration), as long as you cross this low wall defense line, you can enter the flat area about 30 to 50 steps wide in the last section of the city wall, and try to attack the city with a ladder from here.

Correspondingly speaking, in the face of the heavily equipped enemy main force dispatched, the promulgation on the front of the city was immediately vigilant, and under the command of the generals, the bows and crossbows on the city wall began to concentrate on shooting these equipment. Better soldiers.

   Conquering enemy bows, **** arm bows, and even small bed crossbows, no longer stingy with arrows. Zhang Yubu’s main force quickly suffered massive casualties.

   Not only that, the very fast-paced personal guard Meng'an, but also due to the supervision of the battle, within the distance of the incident, the Song army suddenly shot intensively, shooting dozens of people on the spot.

   Seeing this shape, many people above the watchtower finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Lu Yihao was also a little sad. However, not far to the north of the city, below Wanyan Wushu, dozens of golden generals watched this scene coldly, but were indifferent.

   In fact, almost all of the attention of these golden men is still on those ladders, and they are still paying attention to how many ladders have successfully reached the frozen moat, and how many can successfully climb over the sheep and horse wall? Some people have even begun to estimate how many ladders need to be invested at one time to ensure that the entire sheep and horse wall falls, and then is pushed to the gate, and finally launches the goose cart to drive past and hit the gate?

After a while, I saw a ladder lightly come ashore from the bottom of the moat under the protection of the river bank and the sheep-horse wall, and was thrown easily over the small sheep-horse wall by Sergeant Zhang Yu, but there was no inside the horse-raising wall. Song Jun showed up to fight, the Jin Jun generals almost looked at the Fourth Prince Wanyan Wushu... Without him, behind the moat and the sheep and horse wall, in front of the city wall, this distance has always been because of the cross fire support above it. The best place to defend behind the city, and sending troops out of the city to fight is a conventional means of defending the city, and even the most effective means.

  Actually, it was the change of Jingkang that day. In Tokyo, soldiers and horses repeatedly attacked from behind the wall of sheep and horses, but Nanyang Mingming had a complete set of soldiers and food, but he did not send soldiers out of the city to fight!

   How can anyone defend the city without leaving the city?

   The fourth prince Wanyan Wushu was obviously startled, and it seemed a bit incomprehensible, but almost immediately, this person pulled away Su Nu's mouth towards Wanyan, who was the first on his left hand.

And Wanyanba Lisu was signaled, and he waved his hand immediately, letting the two Meng'an under his command who were waiting to go forward and join the battle immediately. The two Nuzhen Meng'an lined up in front of the high platform received the military order, without hesitation, and immediately abandoned. The horse launched a foot battle toward the Nanyang city wall with dense bows and crossbows, ready to participate in the city climbing.

   "This Song people’s sheep-horse wall is a bit wrong."

As soon as the two menacing troops left, they saw that a few more ladders were crossed over the Sheep Horse Wall, and the Song Army on the wall still maintained a certain excessive calmness and order. Wan Hu Han Chang was the first to express doubts. .

   "It's really wrong."

   The older Chi Zhanhui also twisted his beards. "But it's not just the Sheep and Horse Wall... there was something wrong at the beginning. The city was prepared so early, there must be artillery, but from the first day to now, no cannonstones have come out."

   "Not bad." Han Chang said with squinting eyes. "I just want to save stone and bullets, or I don’t want to expose the position of the cannon too early in order to make the artillery, but why don’t those artillery cars be used at the place of the city? Over the wall of sheep and horses, there must be other reliances."

   "Why can't it be the civil servant of Song State in the city who is confused again?" Wanyan pulled out a quick smile. "I heard that in Tokyo that day, someone fired a cannon on the Second Prince Barracks, but he was cut off in public... What was wrong in the Song Army, is it still wrong?"

   "That's because the previous Zhao Song officials cringed like a rat, and they wanted to make peace." Wan Yan Wushu finally spoke, but directly rejected the guess of Palisu. "Nanyang, Zhao Song's official family, is not that kind of idiot!"

Wanyanba Lisu neither refuted nor agreed, but immediately shut up... He just wanted to understand that he was unattractive in front of the fourth prince, but he was the fourth prince again, and it was The Marshal Zuo Jianjun of the Metropolitan Marshal's Mansion is worse than non-violent cooperation.

   And since Pa Lisu shut up, the others are so boring, just waiting for the changes in the battle ahead.

   However, the problem lies here. As the Golden Army continues to invest in the troops based on the so-called progress, there is no change in the battle situation ahead...

In order to survive to eat a bite of food tonight, the folks continued to run forward with their lives, or filled the ditch with soil baskets and corpses on their backs, or resisted the ladders with wooden boards, at most because of Zhang Yu’s main force and two The Meng'an Jinren took the initiative to participate in the war and reduced a considerable amount of casualties, but the rest remained the same;

   Zhang Yubu’s soldiers, in order to reward them and avoid the supervising team, mustered up the courage to rush towards the moat, swarmed along the direction where the civilians had successfully set up the ladder, and often walked to the sheep and horse wall and fell in pieces, causing countless deaths and injuries;

The two men of the Jin Army wore iron armor to fight. They were brave and fearless. They even took the initiative to shoot up at the top of the city before the icy moat, and demanded that the Han'er army in their own Meng'an also shoot back under the city. Therefore, although there were frequent deaths and injuries due to the continuous arrows on their heads, they could not prevent them from climbing over the dry and icy moat and over the small sheep-horse wall.

   However, whether it is the difference in combat power or the difference in battlefield status, there is only one result, that is, it is finally difficult for someone to successfully climb the narrow wall of sheep and horses, but they all disappear without a trace...

At the beginning, the generals of the Jin army didn’t pay much attention to this phenomenon, because even if the Song army did not have the courage to send troops to fight against the city, they would definitely use the advantage of the introduction and the city wall to make a close-range bow and arrow strike against the sheep and horse wall and cross firepower. Under the bow and crossbow that Song people are most proud of, this section was originally the section with the most casualties, and it would have been nine deaths.

   But for a long time, it is a little absurd that there is not a ladder that has been successfully erected on the wall after crossing the sheep and horse wall.

   "Lu Chai or a trap?" Wan Yan pulls away thoughtfully. "It can't be covered with tribulus terrestris like the former Liao people at Yuguan (Shanhaiguan) in the past?"

   "The strewing of iron brier that day did not prevent us from capturing Yuguan on the 15th." The veteran Chi Zhanhui became more and more frustrated, but he actually stood up. "On that day, Yuguan was able to go down quickly, relying on the Emperor Taizu's pro-Baoshishi, and proactively exploring the details of the Liao people, to succeed in the first battle... I will go and see what the Song people hide!"

   "The old general sit down."

   Wan Yan Wushu spoke immediately, but went to see Yan Ba ​​Lisu again.

But Pulling Speed ​​didn’t dare to neglect. He quickly got up and stopped Chi Zhanhui with his own hands... What a joke, General Jurchen always pays attention to a pro-fighting arrow, but he is the head of the north camp. Today’s battle is him. How can I let people do their own things?

   If Chi Zhanhui were to go and return to the army in the future, I was afraid that Yan Jing would laugh at him.

   Therefore, as soon as he stopped Chi Zhanhui, Wanyanba Lisu furiously called out one person's life on the stage: "Where is Huying?!"

   A Meng An, who was only in his twenties, quickly flashed out and bowed his head. His age was in sharp contrast with the surrounding generals, but it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

   "Take your knight behind the wall of sheep and horses, figure out what's going on, otherwise don't come back!" Pulling Lisu sternly ordered, and then drew his sword and threw it in front of the person.

   Hearing this, he just knocked his head on the ground, then picked up the knife, turned around and left quickly.

Seeing this young general lead the crowd to dismount and set off, Han Chang was thoughtful and asked, "This is the nephew of Dutong? The original name is Lazy, because the same name as the deputy marshal changed to Xiaoying. ?"

   "Not bad." Pulling Lisu sat down again, without delaying his answer. "It's my nephew!"

   "I remember that your brother gave him a soldier armor when he fought against the Liao Dynasty. At that time, we laughed at the deputy marshal, saying that he was lazy and lazy, and we may not remember it in the future." Chi Zhanhui, who sat down again, smiled. "Sure enough, in a blink of an eye it has become Meng'an... but the deputy marshal has also become the deputy marshal."

   "The name is meaningless, and it depends on his ability." Pulling Lisu continued to speak boldly, even Wanyan Wushu also slightly nodded.

Moreover, the nephew of Pulling Speed ​​is naturally the son of Wanyan Yinshu Ke, who was left behind in Taiyuan, and so dear, he personally led hundreds of cavalry to dismount to the most dangerous area under the enemy's city to investigate the military situation and put it on the side of the Great Song Dynasty. It's hard to imagine, but it's a matter of course for Jinren.

   can only say that this is the Jurchen.

   Regardless of whether they started to fall, or to what extent, at this moment, it is still East Asia, and even the world's most powerful army of cold weapons.

   This is not an exaggeration, it is a fact.

At the beginning of the twelfth century AD, the Holy Roman Empire had no name, Byzantium collapsed, West Asia and North Africa were scattered, the Crusades were in full swing, the Ghazni dynasty of Central Asia and India was falling apart, and Saladin, who was somewhat accomplished later, was not yet born. At this moment, the civilization of East Asia still dominates...So, with the demise of the Liao Kingdom and the westward movement of the Yelu Dashi, it is natural that the Song Dynasty has overwhelmed everything in this world politically, culturally, and economically. The East Asian military hegemon, Jin Guo, is also invincible in the true sense of the world.

In fact, he absorbed a large amount of advanced cultural knowledge of the Liao and Song states, and acquired the Dajin Kingdom, which is the rich and prosperous land in the east of Liaoning, Youyan, Hebei. At this time, it is likely to be the second cultural and economic power in the world, and it almost died a year ago. Da Song is still the second largest military power in the world...the kind of undoubtedly.

if not?

   At this moment, no one on this planet can mock the economic and cultural backwardness of the Jurchens, except for the Song people, no one can mock the military incompetence of the Song people, except for the Jurchens.

   Yelu Dashi?

  Did the Liao Dynasty die or the Song Dynasty?

Wanyan Yuying’s participation in the battle immediately attracted the attention of the Song Army at the head of Nanyang City, because this unit was obviously temporarily deployed, and the cavalry came directly, and was placed in front of the enemy’s command platform with the short soldiers and bow arrows. A Meng'an is not the same thing at all.

And soon, the intentions of this unit were also detected. They rushed into the Song Army’s range in the form of skirmishers, but dismounted before the moat that had been filled for most of them, and then scattered across the trenches, climbing sheep and horses. The wall... Obviously, it is necessary to understand the story behind the sheep and horse wall.

   Of course, there is no story, just a simple trench! There is a trench inside and outside the Sheep and Horse Wall in Nanyang City!

   And this inner trench behind the sheep-horse wall was obviously dug temporarily. It was not deep or wide outside, and the ice at the bottom of the trench was not as spectacular as outside, but it was enough to cause huge trouble for the siege gold men!

   The trench outside can be regarded as an authentic moat.

   the moat, fill it in. After four or five days of filling, plus the hard ice formation today, the golden man finally turned over, but fell into another trench covered with ice ridges!

so what should I do now?

   In fact, as soon as Wanyan Yuyingfu turned over and slipped to the bottom of the ditch, he was thinking about this simple question, and he quickly came up with the most direct answer-crawl back.

  Climb back from the thick wall of sheep and horses, anyway, as long as there are no more than a dozen conquering bows, god-arm bows and so on aiming at him, his double-layered iron armor is enough to deal with.

   However, after finally climbing up the trench with a lot of corpses in the rain of arrows, to the bottom of the narrow wall, Wan Yan Yuying was surprised to find that this wall actually grew taller? !

   This sheep-horse wall that leaped easily from the outside, stepped on several corpses from the inside, but was far away from the place where the force could be applied?


   "There is such a miraculous effect!"

It’s different from the angrily in the Seeing that everyone is upset. Seeing that hundreds of elite golden soldiers are trapped in this trap by themselves, although I don’t know what is going on. The young general in the clan was caught in it, but Lu Yihao, who had been holding back for a whole morning, was still seldom in a good mood. He even stood up and looked at it and stroked his beard smoothly. "This method of low inside and high outside is also Chen Shangshu's thinking?"

   "No." Yan Xiaozhong blurted out, standing on the chair with his feet on his feet. "Inner moats are something Chen Shangshu has always liked, but the difference in height between the inside and outside of the sheep and horse wall is beyond his imagination."

   "Whoever it is, deserve a reward!" Lu Shuxiang waved his hand, very generous. "Although it's a small skill for carving insects, and not enough, but it is also a bit cunning. It is a great reward for winning the first battle."

The black and thin Yan Xiaozhong looked at Lu Yihao who had stood up on his chair, and then at the person beside him, but he bluntly told each other: "It is good to teach Lu Xianggong to know, and he knows a lot about it. , It’s the person beside you who got this two-point cunning attitude."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lu Yihao instinctively. Lu Yihao also instinctively looked at the person next to him. However, when everyone looked together, they found that Lu Yihao's left was another one who probed his brain and was speechless in recent days. , They shook their heads, and then looked to Lu Shuxiang's right... and there was the Zhao official's family who still kept their hands together and turned a deaf ear.

  PS: The morning chapter of re-being is here.

  :. :

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