Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Sichuan is not overwhelming

Lu Hao asked Lu Xianggong too hard. He was so old, but in such a hot weather, he had to travel back and forth because of Zhao Guan's pretending to be sick.

However, Lu Xianggong’s attitude was still very good, and he recognized the political posture of the Zhao official family. He also believed that the family members of the imperial soldiers should be redeemed uniformly, or directly forcibly pardoned, because doing so can be kind to the soldiers. , To inspire the military... In his words, "tens of millions of money have been scattered out, there is no reason why this kind of thing will not end up badly."

However, the provincial prime minister opposed large-scale unified pardons, and even more opposed to the law in one step, directly abolishing the personal **** sales system.

"I probably understand Lu Xianggong's concerns." Although the Zhao official's house who was ill in Dengfeng still rarely saw redundant expressions, his complexion was ruddy and his language was smooth. "Hundreds of years of systems and customs have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now the country is not in a normal state. Suddenly changing such a vital law will cause chaos in vain. It is better to wait until the situation has stabilized and discuss it in detail... It's just that I don't understand a little bit. , Why can't we give a unified pardon to the refugees in Hebei?"

"Because the war has been for several years, most of the places where the refugees in Hebei sell themselves are not Henan, but Huainan, Nanyang, and even the southeast and Jingxiang areas to the south." In the pavilion under the flowers and trees in the backyard of Dengfeng County, Lu Hao asked calmly answered. "Officials, here in Henan, experienced military disasters, it is also the place where the official yinyuying army is stationed, and it is related to the military. Therefore, the wealthy and wealthy are more considerate, but they are not considerate and dare not to cause any trouble. And those places must be the rear, some people may not know and understand the difficulties of the court..."

The Zhao official's family sitting opposite Lu Xianggong heard this, although his face was still expressionless, but the previous sense of expectation was obviously gone.

Obviously, he was aware of the frankness in Lu Haowen’s words, and realized the practical difficulties of this matter... because according to Zhao Jiu’s poor understanding, this kind of "I do have a concubine who spent five points of money." For issues related to vital interests, resistance has always been huge.

If he can be a peaceful emperor, the country is stable, the finances are prosperous, and he slowly sorts out these things, maybe it's okay. But right now, during the war, the military threats of the Jinmen have always been constant, especially since the imperial court has just added a commercial tax to the southeast and a physical gift to Jingxiang, and then stimulates the rear, it seems extremely untimely.

Moreover, people’s sorrows and joys are not interlinked and not mentioned. One thing that made this traverser alert is that, as early as when he had no choice but to increase taxes, he had already keenly realized that with the long-term anti-golden war The class contradiction will become more and more prominent when the scale is increased.

What makes people even more helpless is that at this time the concept of the nation-state has not yet been formed, and there is likely to be a conflict between class contradictions and national contradictions.

Anti-gold is needed in the front, so taxes have to be increased in the rear.

The people in the rear are miserable, but their pain comes from the oppression of the court. They don't feel the danger of the Jin army personally, so they must choose to rebel...for the traversers, this is undoubtedly an act worthy of sympathy. But this kind of behavior is bound to lead to a lack of resistance to gold in the front, forcing those military forces that should be used to fight gold, and even to maintain the people's Antai in the rear, to suppress the interior.

And this is the reason why Zhao Jiu specially called Zhu Shuaichen to shake his face in public on that day.

Because in his bones he always believed that, regardless of the apparent reason, from the basic motive, the resistance of the people at the bottom was always understandable and even correct.

In addition, as a traverser, Zhao Jiu also had to face another problem derived from this, and that was his own positioning. And this matter is exactly a difficult problem he had to face recently.

First of all, why did he cross over? Putting aside the illusory theory of Dao ancestors, it must be to live well, and to live well is naturally to do meaningful things...then what are meaningful things?


There is no doubt about this.

Then, be a good emperor?

How to be a good emperor?

Incorporate yourself into this role, be a filial grandson of the Zhao Song imperial family, learn from Guangwu to rejuvenate the mountains and rivers, and be a Renzong-like ‘sage emperor’ at the back, and an enterprising emperor’s emperor like a divine sect on the outside?

At that time, the country’s culture will be prosperous, and it’s clear for a while...presumably it can also be mixed with a relatively high historical evaluation.

After all, he is definitely more ‘saint’ than Song Renzong.

There was a severe drought in the world, Song Renzong was begging for rain, but he could not find an entourage with water on the road, so he resisted drinking, and finally moved to the sky. There was a timely rain in Tokyo, so that only the ordinary people of Yizhou in Jingdong continued to suffer. So hungry, he chose to rebel and kill officials to grab food. What kind of saint is this? If you change to yourself, you must carry a big kettle, and take the initiative to distribute it to others on the road. If you can't say that you can move Dao ancestors, come to an old man in a hurry, and even Jingdong has a few drops of rain!

Then he got up'enterprising', and he was definitely more'aggressive' than Shenzong Song. After Shenzong Song became the throne, the Khitan people came to blackmail and asked the old officials, saying that the Khitan people could not beat them, and they were going to cede the land for five hundred miles... Only cut fifty miles! And it can smash the pot on the head of the minister.

But so sage and enterprising, how hard is it to be in his heart?

Only words have to come back again. The times are like this. He forcibly maintains the mentality of a traverser, and refuses to integrate into the values ​​of the times. It is ridiculous...If that is the case, he will only end up deviant and be regarded by everyone as Shang Zhou. The point of Xia Jie.

What's more important is that blindly conflict and confrontation, nothing can be done, let alone meaningful things.


Under the flowers and trees, the pavilion was full of fragrance. When Lu Haowen saw Zhao Jiu not speaking for a long time, he hesitated for a moment, but he was a little uneasy after all. "Do the officials really want to rescue these refugees from Hebei?"

Zhao Jiu came back to his senses and smiled, but did not answer the question: "Lu Xianggong, my parents, sisters and brothers, and many relatives. When Jingkang changed, they were all Beishou. You should know?"

Can you know this? Lu Haowen bowed his head and said nothing.

"And since ancient times, the so-called hostage-takers should rush to attack regardless of the hostage's life... This truth should also be understood by Lu Xianggong." Zhao Jiu said slowly. "So, don't say that I am not filial, but from the point of view of truth, I should have been colder. Therefore, in the Mingdao Palace in Bozhou that day, after I was determined to fight against the gold, I have kept the two sages and the relatives of Beishou. Treated as dead."

Lu Haowen remembered that when the sunset was very suspicious, he was silent for a moment, and then he sighed with emotion: "The officials are indeed embarrassed...It is because the ministers were too hasty."

"Where did you start?" Zhao Jiu's expression remained unchanged. "I don't mean to complain about you... Your thoughts and practices are mostly considered to be old-fashioned for the country... It's me, sometimes because of my youth and intolerance."

"The minister is ashamed." Lu Hao asked whether he stood up to face each other in an apologetic manner.

"Sit down." Zhao Jiu continued to sigh. "Just now, Lu Xianggong asked me if I really wanted to help these refugees. Of course I want to do it, because since I regarded the relatives of Beishou as the dead, I have faintly thought of the people in the world as my own relatives. Being forced by Zong Zhongwu to swear in person, not pointing to the sky but pointing to the people, this is the heart...Where can anyone see their relatives being pawned and sold as objects without worrying?"

"Guanjia Rennian." Lu Haowen, who had just sat down, leaned back again. "On the other hand, the minister waited, but he seemed a little ignorant... In fact, when the minister asked the official just now, he suddenly thought of a compromise."

"Not to mention this, I still have a question. I want to ask Lu Xianggong face to face today. You must know... Lu Xianggong has been the de facto prime minister since Mingdao Palace. Nanyang, when you go to Tokyo, it's time to sit down and exchange one or two." At this point, Zhao Jiu was silent for a moment before yelling softly. "Lu Xianggong."

"The minister is here." Lu Haowen stood in the pavilion, shocked in his heart, rare to be serious.

"At the time Shenzong and Wen Yanbo discussed the new law, Shenzong said, "It is more dissatisfied with scholar-bureaucrats, but why is it inconvenient for the people?" Wen Yanbo confronted: "To rule the world with scholar-bureaucrats, not to rule the world with the people. Also'." Zhao Jiu downplayed, talking about an old public case. "What do you think of Wen Kuanfu's remarks?"

Lu Haowen looked serious and talked openly, but then took the initiative to stop, obviously thinking.

"Say it in advance." Zhao Jiu suddenly laughed. "I know that Emperor Shenzong's use of Wang Shu to reform is not necessarily true for the people. There is a sense of raising money for money. I also know that Wen Kuanfu's remarks are a bit like the Emperor Shenzong's meaning. I know more about the people of the New Party. Starting things, from the scholar-officials to the common people are "unhappy"... But today, only our monarchs and ministers are here, I just want to hear your Lu Xianggong discuss the matter, and talk about your own views on Wen Kuanfu's words. That's it."

Lu Haowen was more serious, but he no longer hesitated: "Return to your Majesty, just to discuss the matter, the minister thought that Lu Gong (title of Wen Yanbo) had lost it!"

"how to say?"

"Lu Gong's remarks must be traced back to the academic theory. It is about the words of "Mencius" "The admiration of a giant room, the admiration of a country". However, since the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, Mencius has been a full 1,450 years. The room is the main body of a country. As for now, the scholars and the people are the main body of the same country. What's more, the scholar-officials have gradually come from the people?" Lu Hao asked seriously. "Therefore, the officials thought that Mencius' words, as of today, meant that the emperor and the people shared the world! As for Lu Gong, he was angry and said a stupid thing; or he was foolish, and fundamentally misunderstood Mencius. The truth... But in short, this is not true after all! The minister thought that the emperor should rule the world with the people! This is where the reason lies!"

Zhao Jiu was relieved and nodded slowly: "Speaking of which, I remember that Lu Xianggong is a master of Taoism. Why has he rarely seen academics recently? Is it because he became prime minister and he is getting busy?"

Lu Haowen became more serious, but respectfully relative: "A good instructor knows that what the minister said in the palace of the day is sincere. The minister relied on the famous Taoist scholars in his early years, but in Jingkang, there is suspicion of being out of touch. Before and after the Mingdao Palace, if not The officials have fallen into the well, their bodies are in poor health, and they almost have the desire to escape from the world, how can they learn more with the face?"

Zhao Jiu shook his head and smiled: "Fortunately, Lu Xianggong did not leave. Otherwise, where did our monarchs and ministers still live in the old capital, so that we are talking about Taoism today? They all talk about learning, Taoism...what is Taoism?"

Lu Haowen was so moved that he wanted to give a detailed account to the officials, but the topic was too big and he was worried that the boring talk would cause dissatisfaction with the officials, but he couldn't help being speechless. Only half a day later he suffocated a sentence:

"Good instructors know that Daoxue is also called Confucianism, which is named for the truth about the world and everything. So far, it has been spread very widely, but it's just a little bit inferior to the new learning..."

"Daoism is Confucianism? Is it also Taoism that Zhang Zai, who used to "set up the mind for the heaven and the earth, set the life for the people, inherit the sage, and open peace for all generations," is also Taoism?" Zhao Jiu's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't ask.

"Zhang Hengqu is naturally a sage of Taoism." Lu Haowen became more excited, and quickly answered. "The Guanxue he created was originally a famous school of Taoism. In the days of Emperor Shenzong, the so-called Guanxue of Zhang Hengqu, the Luoxue of Er Cheng, and the new scholarship of Wang Shu had already assumed a triumphant trend."

"Is the new learning also Neo-Confucianism?" Zhao Jiu, a Neo-Confucianist of Cheng Ercheng, knows naturally, but he is curious about the new learning.

"Can't count." Lu Hao asked seriously shook his head. "Confucianism is about morality, and it needs to be deficient in nature. Although Wang Shu has studied ancient and modern, his innovative learning is only for his new method. It is more utilitarian, but it is lacking in nature and morality..."

"I think that utilitarianism is better than morality." Zhao Jiu responded immediately. "Of course, it is necessary to be poor."

Lu Haowen was first instinctively stagnant, and then slightly moved.

"Which faction are you Lu Xianggong?" Zhao Jiu continued to ask.

"Chen..." Lu Haowen became more serious, but he replied in a straightforward manner after taking a rest. "Chen is a family study, as early as when his grandfather Xian Shen Gong (by Lu Gong), he was already known as Lu Xue. The so-called Lu Xue, although there is a theory of'heart-to-heart', and a Buddhist language, but It is similar to Zhang Hengqu's Guanxue, and it is also known to the world... In the past, Mr. Hengqu's entry into Beijing, Guanxue, Luoxue, and Xinxue were all done by the grandfather Shen Gong."

Zhao Jiu's face remained as usual, and he nodded slightly: "So it is so, but it is also a pity... I often think that Wang Shu's new learning is the foundation of the country and cannot be thrown lightly, but it is indeed lacking in the theory of heaven and cannot be compared with Taoism. No, the emptiness of Buddhism is comparable. If Taoism and new learning can coexist, wouldn't it be right? But the dispute between these schools seems to be deeper than the enmity between Song and Jin, forcing me to stick to the new learning! Don't bother!"

Lu Haowen hesitated a little, but after all, he was silent.

"Lu Xianggong just said that there is a compromise?" Zhao Jiufu returned to the previous topic. "What way?"

"Although the officials are not comfortable at this time to force the wealthy families in the south to release the refugees they bought from Hebei, they can encourage the wealthy families in the south to voluntarily release them, and reward the best of them with officials." Lu Haowen hurriedly dropped that just now. The discussion in the mist in the clouds, directly facing each other in the pavilion. "At the same time, Enke can be opened up to win the hearts of the southerners."

Zhao Jiu couldn't help but laugh: "The first one is not the same, but the latter one is bullying me and forgetting the story when the Mingdao Palace fell into the well? Even if I am confused, I now know it. When Cai Jing was in power, the imperial examination system was already in place. Changed to a three-level academic system of county, state, and Taixue, and then directly obtained scholarships in Taixue... For example, Wan Tuyu and Hu Hongxiu are all Taixue students, and Li Qiong is a state student... If you want to open Enke, do you have to abolish it first? This three-level school system?"

Lu Haowen hesitated for a moment, and still tried his best to suggest: "Officials, the three-level education system is unfair, and it is often taken advantage of by the children of the rich and powerful. When it comes to the local area, it is almost ridiculous to the inspection and examination system. The minister still thinks that it will be restored to the previous imperial examination system..."

"Is there no enlightenment officer in this dynasty?" Zhao Jiu shook his head. "But what you said also makes sense. That's fine. Let's make a compromise and divide into two. On the one hand, let the students from all over the world come to Beijing first, and take the name test as the standard. The admission must be too students, and then the students will go to the palace to participate. The palace exam is a big opening for Enke; then, there are more people who are released this time, and they are directly granted the status of state students and Tai students. Among them, state students are allowed to directly take the exam, and Tai students are allowed to go directly to the temple and participate in the palace exam..."

At this point, Zhao Jiu thoughtfully added: “There are scholars who have made merits in the military, and local officials with special achievements. They can all follow this example and bestow them on state students or Tai students. They are born...this matter can be a wartime rule, and this year's will be handled before the Mid-Autumn Festival, how about?"

Lu Haowen hesitated again, but finally nodded reluctantly: "Just as the official said, the minister went back and tried his best to talk to Xu Xianggong."

Zhao Jiu slowly nodded.

Having said this, the monarch and the minister finally settled in the pavilion again, and they were just drinking tea and chatting, no longer talking about superfluous political affairs.

However, just as the two were talking some gossip, Yang Yizhong, dressed in silk satin uniforms, suddenly came from the front yard, and did not stop until the pavilion, and bowed his hands solemnly.

Zhao Jiu and Lu Haowen looked at each other, each sinking in their hearts.

"Officials, Xianggong...Jingdong Lu Taiwei Army reported to the Privy Council in Tokyo, saying that it was a big move by the puppet Qi. Jinan Prefecture and Yanzhou soldiers and horses went out to Dongping Prefecture, and Qingzhou soldiers and horses seemed to also go to Yizhou. Go." Yang Yizhong kept reporting. "The Privy Council guessed that it was Taiwei Yue, who was puppeteer, to eliminate the troops, thinking it had a chance. At this time, Taiwei Yue should have dispatched troops."

When Zhao Jiu heard that it was the direction of Jingdong, he was completely relieved... What he worried about was that Dongting Lake Zhongxiang was in trouble at this time, and he really didn't care about Jinan.

This is not to say that Zhong is stronger than Liu Yu, Li Cheng, and Kong Yanzhou. In fact, according to Zhao Jiu’s judgment and understanding, compared with the traitors and careerists of Qi Qi, who have no personal ability at least, they will be king of Qin. For a while, King Chu’s Zhong Xiang was basically a mediocre person, but the current situation determined that once Zhong Xiang rebelled, he would be the most harmful to the overall situation. Side can be compared.

Therefore, after listening to the report, Zhao Jiu didn't move at all, just casually right: "I see."

Whether it’s Yang Yizhong or Lu Haowen, each was surprised, but there was nothing to say. So, the three of them said a few more details, and they decided about it. Lu Haowen continued to return to Paling to participate in the sacrifice, and Zhao official’s Self-return to Tokyo, to rest assured.

In addition, with the mentality of training the Yuqian squad to speed up the battle, Zhao Guanjiafu dispatched Yang Yi Zhongyin Yuqian squad to assist in Jingdong.

In this way, the three agreed that the Zhao official's house was still sitting in the pavilion, but the other two got up one after another.

However, Lu Haowen hesitated again and again, and he was a dozen or so steps outside the pavilion. Instead, he stopped, turned around and asked: "What kind of courtier does the official think Lu Gong is?"

Zhao Jiu was stunned for a long time before he realized who Lu Gong was, and then immediately laughed again: "Although I disagree with Wen Yanbo's point of view, I still think that he has told the truth and pointed out the problem. He is a sincere man with the ability. …After all, the officials are literati. If you don’t let the literati share the world, how can you share the world with the people? As for Lu Xianggong asking me what I think Wen Yanbo himself, I can also reply directly, although this person is not as good as Wang Shu Wang Zhi has the courage to work, and he can still be the prime minister if he knows the difficulties! Relatively speaking, Feng Jing and Ma Liang's belonging are not enough."

Lu Haowen said nothing, and said goodbye.

That day was speechless, after a day, Lu Haowen hurried hard, crossed the Shaoshi Mountain to Xiaoyi Town, and greeted the Kobayashi scholar who came to meet him. When he was about to go further north into the hills where the Eight Tombs are, he saw Xin Zan, the county magistrate of Dengfeng, came after him personally as an envoy.

"Let me transfer the text written by the official family before returning to Beijing?" Lu Haowen, sweaty, took the scroll. UU Reading at just listened to this Xinzhi County for a moment. Be solemn.

Because not only Lu Haowen, but also the Xiaolin scholar who came to the side to respond instinctively thought of the text that Zhao Guanjia asked Xu Xianggong to transfer to Zhang Xiangzhang.

Ever since, Lu Haowen didn't have any scruples, opened it directly, and then he was stunned on the spot. When Mr. Kobayashi looked at it, he saw that there was only one little poem that he didn't recognize, and it seemed to be only half of it.

As the saying goes:

The peaks and ridges are like gathering, the waves are like fury, and the mountains and rivers travel westward.

Looking at the old capital, hesitated.

In the sad Han and Tang dynasties, thousands of palaces have made soil.

Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer.

PS: Thank you, classmate 69, Meng Tian Yan, again. The weather is so good. Did you stay at home to watch the game today?

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction website mobile version reading URL:

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