Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Yanggu

The weather was hot, and there were also trees along the way. The sick Zhao Guan’s family and Mrs. Wu returned home from Dengfeng, while Yang Yi’s military commander left early, returning to Tokyo first, and then led the two. Qianyu Qianban went straight to Jingdong to help.

Since the main direction of the Puppet Qi's attack was Dongping Mansion, the two thousand classes did not go straight to Nanjing and then turn to the front line. Instead, they went directly along the Yellow River through Huazhou and via Puzhou to Dongping Mansion.

Of course, in addition to the convenience of marching, Yang Yizhong’s move has two military advantages, one public and one private... From a public point of view, the troops passing by the other side of Puyang City under the Daming Mansion can further test and determine the movement of the Jin army. From a selfish point of view, facing the puppet Qi forces, the generals of the Song Army have no psychological pressure on the universality, but he is worried that he will not be able to drink the soup from Nanjing, so it is better to insert directly into the gap between Jinan and Dongping from here. See if you can't help but build a wonderful work.

However, on this day, two thousand straight marching troops entered the territory of Dongping Mansion, and when they arrived in front of Yanggu County in the northwest corner of Dongping in the evening, they suddenly encountered an unexpected incident.

"Why are we not allowed to enter the city for maintenance?"

Yang Yi frowned slightly. "Does the city defense know that we are the imperial masters from Tokyo? Or is it that Yanggu is on the front line, and many encounters with the army but do not know the interests of the military, but when the city's major families are about to fight, they are afraid of me and other harassment?"

"Return to the Taiwei, the guard in the city absolutely knows the origin of the Taiwei." Among the wealthy businessmen who were ordered to leave the city to negotiate, a middle-aged man who was clearly a leader passed the rest of the crowd, with a bitter face and careful confrontation. "And these people like me have experienced the golden army going south for several times. Why don't you know that the military is dangerous? Naturally knowing that under such a battle, it is a good thing to have a king in the city..."

"Then why did you end up in such a situation?"

Yang Yizhong kept asking, but his tone suddenly dropped. Obviously, with his shrewdness, he immediately guessed a possibility.

"Return to Taiwei." The wealthy businessman said bluntly, but it was as expected by Yang Yizhong. "The defender in the city is the job of Liangshanbo Zhang Rong, who has always been wary of the officers and soldiers."

Behind Yang Yizhong, a group of straight officers were angry, and some even drew their swords directly.

In other words, since ancient times, arrogant soldiers and warriors have been dissatisfied with each other. What's more, the Imperial Front is the highest organization in the world, and is the so-called confidant of the emperor? In fact, even Zhao Jiu couldn’t avoid vulgarity on certain issues. He not only gave Ban Zhi the highest treatment, but also took advantage of this major reorganization and stuffed some officers who were familiar with the imperial front. In addition, some elites have been transferred from each department to enrich the class...This makes the Yuqian class still an undoubtedly fast priority channel for promotion.

Besides, from Xiacai to Nanyang to Changsha, the Imperial Front had never pulled the hips in the fight for life and death, but it made this army arrogant to a certain extent from the inside out.

To put it bluntly, they should have bullied and rejected other troops, but they didn't want to be bullied by a group of grass bandits in Yanggu County.

It's no wonder that Zhai Biao was going to attack the city directly with a knife.

"Be quiet!"

Amidst the noise, several wealthy Yanggu businessmen had already shaken like chaff, but unexpectedly, Yang Yizhong suddenly spoke softly, quieting behind him abruptly.

It was shocked that the wealthy businessmen looked at each other while they were panicking...That means it was obvious that although this officer was young, he was so powerful, he was actually someone who could really make the best use of his ideas!

However, this is the limitation of the small local people.

How do they know that this'young lieutenant' is not only a very useful person, but even a key figure in the court of the Song Dynasty...In front of the Zhao official family, Yang Yizhong is becoming more and more cautious and cautious. The faces of Lu Haowen, Han Shizhong and others are also respectful and never make mistakes.

Of course, even so, he was often killed by one yelling and another yelling.

But in the final analysis, how many Zhao official houses are there in the world, and how many Lu Xianggong and Han Taiwei?

Besides, Yang Yizhong himself was the oldest straight leader of the Imperial Front squad. He was the founder of this Imperial Front at the beginning. It was not until Kang Lu was hacked to death by someone and Liu Yan invited the Red Hearted Team to join him.

"What is the defensive call in the city, and what is its origin?" After Yang Yizhong stopped drinking, he asked several wealthy businessmen seriously.

Several wealthy businessmen became more and more cautious, and then the previous leader stepped forward to oppose him: "The lieutenant Hao Jiao knows that this guard in the city is called Xiao En. It is the local fisherman in Liangshanbo, who is considered Liangshanbona. Wei’s confidant... After the war in Jinan, Liang Shanbo's subordinates used local fishermen to serve as defenses in various places, so he made a random control and county magistrate with him, and only then took control of our Guyang county!"

Yang Yizhong thoughtfully, but then asked: "How many soldiers and horses does he have? How many armored men among them?"

"Five or six hundred people, forty or fifty pairs of iron armors." The man answered immediately.

When Yang Yizhong heard this, he suddenly smiled: "What are you calling? What is the origin?"

"My name is Zhang Maode, I am a native of Yanggu, and a good family for a long time." There was no reason for this person's heart, but there was no reason for expectation. "The Taiwei can call my second official Zhang."

Yang Yizhong didn’t care, but just asked: "You said at the beginning that Xiao En was'the defensive', but you didn’t need to use honorifics. You knew how many soldiers and horses there were, so you came out to take the lead to be the awkward contact person. , And always incited... Is there any hatred with him?"

This second official was startled when he heard the words, but gritted his teeth: "It's not a grudge, but it really can't stand it... Taiwei didn't know that since Xiao En mastered county affairs, he always met lawsuits, regardless of district. Straight, just judge the rich to lose and the poor to win, but for most of the past half a year, the so-called middle class of our Yanggu locals have all gone bankrupt, and the good households such as ours have also been squeezed away by those market rascals. With 80% of the family property, I can’t live anymore if I look at it."

Of course Yang Yizhong knows that the other party is exaggerating. If this is true, just run away, why is it still here?

However, he didn't bother to care, and just continued to inquire: "Is this Xiao En's refusal to enter the army, is it his personal disposal, or is it a special order from Liangshan Bo Zhang Zhenfu?"


"to be frank!"

"It should be specially ordered by Zhang Zhenfu." This second official said carefully. "Because of previous rumors, it is said that Taiwei Yue Taiwei from the south of Jeju has already led a hundred thousand troops to Zhongdu County, south of Wenshui, but suddenly stopped. It was Zhang Zhenfu who spoke through Wenshui, saying that Taiyu Yue When Wei Danfan crossed the river, he lost his loyalty... and said that he had to repay the old grievances that day."

Yang Yizhong was silent for a while, and he knew it was difficult.

It must be known that Zhang Rong was a man of great merit. On that day, Liangshanbo had a great victory. No matter what he said, he was a great contribution. As a confidant of the officials, Yang Yizhong also knew very well that the Zhao officials had the same attitude towards this person. Obviously-friends are not enemies, especially appreciate.

However, at the same time, anyone with a little intention can also notice that Zhang Rong is very wary of the imperial court. Although he had been entrusted by the imperial court, he never did anything at all. He gave out official posts unscrupulously. The imperial palace’s famous artifacts were playthings...that’s fine. The point was that later the official was still in the old capital, and he wrote a letter to summon him. He also turned a deaf ear to it, and even preached in private that he said that he was happy in Liangshan and was not controlled by the official.

To put it bluntly, it's just four words-the thief will not change!

Only, this thief is the thief that the official remembers in his heart.

However, even so, Yang Yizhong only hesitated for a while and made up his mind... After all, he knew on the road that on the other side of Jishui ahead, near Pingyin County, there had been large-scale fighting, and during the war, both Being close to the front line is a matter of military affairs. How can you hesitate?

"Zhang Erguan," Yang Yizhong immediately asked in a soft voice. "Since you are so daring to come and frighten me, then I ask you, can you open the city gate when you go back?"

"You don't have to go through the city gate." This Mao De hurriedly responded. "There is a city wall in the west of the city next to the warehouse of my family's medicinal material point. The capital on that city wall was originally the decent capital of the county who caught thieves in the past. I have always been in good acquaintance with me... Sending a steady stream of heavenly soldiers over the wall, gathering them in my warehouse. But..."

Yang Yizhong nodded without waiting for the other party to imply anything, "I know that such a posture in the city has already angered me. I detained all these people. I only let you return to the city alone to prepare for the replacement of cattle, wine, gold and silver. !"

Zhang Maode couldn't help being overjoyed. He secretly praised that although the officer was young, he was a man of patience, so he only said a few more words, and then dropped a group of stunned big family members from the same county, and then hurriedly changed a crying face, and hurriedly left.

However, Zhang Maode was weeping and turned back to the city alone. After a short while, he turned around again with a weeping face. There were dozens of soldiers with him, the first one, and the dress was weird. When he approached, it was difficult to get a glance. Let people forget.

It turned out that this man had a dark and red complexion and a short stature. At first glance, he was a poor man who begs for life on the water. However, he was wearing an improper green robe of the prefect, with a stiff winged head, and he was only tied with a hemp rope at his waist. With a step, a pair of open-toed bast shoes... just like a duck on the shore, swaying.

The generals behind Yang Yizhong looked into the distance and couldn't help laughing out loud, but Yang Yizhong was the only one who looked serious.

"How do you bird officers from Tokyo dare to detain our envoys in Yanggu County?" This person came dozens of steps away, gesticulating and yelling. "It has been several years, but it is still the arrogant appearance of the Taoist emperor? The people of the family and the country are all your scourges. You are the scourge of the Jinren and Qiren. Now you are not allowed to enter the city, what will you do? "

Behind them, Zhai Biao and others began to have their own personality, but Yang Yizhong's complexion remained unchanged, and he gave up his hands far away: "But Xiaozhixian? I am the imperial squad, and I came to Dongping to fight against the puppet Qi by imperial decree. Dare to ask Xiaozhixian, The military situation is serious. I knew on the road that the puppet Qi soldiers and horses seemed to be fighting with Zhang Zhenfu in the neighborhood of Pingyin County, which was only a few dozen miles away. If the cavalry came, they would arrive overnight. How can we expose us to the wild? ?"

That person, Xiao En, the leader of Liangshanbo, was still sluggish when he heard the words, but he gritted his teeth: "If you say that, you retreat from the army, and I will send someone to **** you back to Puzhou to settle down!"

"I'm here in the imperial decree!" Yang Yizhong put down his hands and confronted coldly. "The official family ordered the two thousand squads to help out. How can they retreat without a fight?"

"You are an official, do you know that the Zhao official family let my brother be the town solicitor, so that Xu Dongping mansion will be with him?" When Xiao En heard this, he also took the hat on his head and grabbed it in his hand, simply facing each other. "And today, my brother is trying his best to be ashamed, and even Yue Zhenfu is not allowed to go to help out. You are sent by the official, how can I tolerate you? Today is that I have insufficient troops and cannot stop him. , Otherwise you won’t even be allowed to cross the road, why talk about entering the city?!

"Surely you are not allowed to enter the city?" Yang Yizhong was slightly impatient.


"What if the Jin Army or the Puppet Qi Soldiers and Horses really come?" Yang Yizhong couldn't ask.

"If you do not retreat forcibly, I will go out of town to help you by then!" Xiao En replied simply. "But you must return the messenger in my city first...Although they are all written as unkind dogs, they should not be seized by your group of birds from Tokyo!"

Yang Yizhong nodded, but calmly turned his head back and ordered: "Just use the city wall as your to set up camp under the city, and then release these people back."

As soon as the words came out, the princes were all upset, and Xiao En was also stunned. As for the wealthy merchants who were sold by the second official Zhang, they were naturally ecstatic, but Zhang Maode, who was opposite, was stunned—the officer of sentiment. It's just a fancy, I'm still betting wrong.

But at this time, Yang Yizhong, who knew what these people were thinking, turned around again, held the knife with one hand, and pointed at Xiao En with the other, awe-inspiring:

"Xiao Zhixian, Xiao Tongzhi! Although I let you take a step today, I still want you to know that it is not me that Yang Yizhong is afraid of you. Your three or five hundred soldiers are not in my eyes. I respect you today because of what you are wearing. Official robe, come to seek justice for the people under my family’s rule, and since I am the imperial official, I look down on you as a water-borne rogue, but I must respect you as a dignified minister of Yanggu, that's all!"

PS: Push the book "Ask the Red Dust"...For Ji Cha, come on!

Then report another letter, Xiao Jiu ran away, this is a grenade afraid of water ghostwriting...I searched for one night, I don't know if I can find...I was still trying to record the easter egg chapter with him a few days ago.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction website mobile version reading URL:

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