Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 21: Goyama

There was no word for a night, and there was no movement. Xiao En went back to the city. Yang Yizhong started from the camp. Zhang Maode didn't know what method he used to shut up the big households in the county that he once mortgaged... And as the city specially sent out some wine, meat, melons and fruits, the inside and outside of the city are safe and sound.

Not only that, early the next morning, Yang Yizhong continued to raise troops to march eastward, and there was no more words in the city.

In the next two days, the two thousand imperial troops marched cautiously, but they passed through Jingdezhen to Guanshan Town, and then to Wushan, they came to the bank of Jishui, and they were going to cross Jishui from Beixin Bridge behind Wushan to the support river. Pingyin front line downstream on the opposite bank.

However, Yang Tongzhi’s flank insertion ends here, because Zhang Rong, the guardian envoy of Dongping Mansion and the leader of Liangshanbo, who was in the fierce battle in front, finally sent someone to send a'military order', asking Yang Yizhong to stop the fish that slipped through On the bank of Jishui, no further advances were allowed, otherwise he would treat it as the enemy's disposal regardless of any straight bends, officers, officers, and thieves.

Although Yang Yizhong was completely helpless, he was still irritated and half to death.

In other words, when he came to Jishui at this time, he had already probed clearly and knew that the fighting ahead was fierce... Zhang Rong had almost concentrated all the power of Shuibo Liangshan and Dongping Mansion, and he led no less than 20,000 people, relying on Pingyin. With the convenience of the city, fighting with the puppet Qi in the surrounding area of ​​Pingyin ceaselessly; and for the puppet Qi, Liu Yu’s eldest son Liu Lin led more than 20,000 Jinan soldiers, and the puppet marshal Kong Yanzhou led more than 10,000 Yanzhou soldiers. great.

And to be honest, among these three, Zhang Rong and Kong Yanzhou are really capable people regardless of their morality and standpoint, and Liu Lin is not a sloppy boy... What's more, it's just like that day, Wang Boyan. As said, there is no way to retreat where the pseudo-qi heads and brains are, so they will never be half careless in the military.

As for Zhang Rong, not to mention that he was recognized as an invincible person on the inland waters these years. He was also on land. He was also a famous figure in Not to mention that this person has always been the result of Kong Yanzhou’s reversal. The big defeat is regarded as a great humiliation in his life... And once such an emotional character in the arena, once launched, how fierce is it?

Therefore, although these three people fought on the front line, although they only had less than ten days of effort, it was you who came and went, set up ambushes, set up a walled city to control the city, and burned the earth.

But I have to say it again. It's so lively, in another way to see, the two sides have been in a fierce confrontation.

So logically speaking, at this time, as long as Zhang Rong let go of some of the knots in his heart and let Yue Fei draw a considerable number of troops over Wenshui, it was almost a natural victory, and it could achieve the kind of clean victory that Zhao Guanjia expected. .

Just let Yang Yizhong's two thousand elite fighters go to the front line to participate in the war, which can bring some surprises.

However, isn't this the Liangshan thief leader who has always had a great prejudice against officers and soldiers? Isn't it that he regarded that big defeat as a great hatred of his life, so that even the defeated soldiers in the past felt ashamed to meet Yue Fei?

So, returning to the front, the two thousand imperial guards said that they can work and play a big role in the battle of tens of thousands of people, but it really angered Zhang Rong. After he bit his neck, he was afraid that he might be in the battle. There was a dead end in the millstone of his. As the imperial commander, Yang Yizhong led the most basic armed force of the Zhao official family. He only came to participate in the battle to sharpen the troops, but he did not want to take the risk of throwing out the whole troops unprincipled.

In other words, the army can be thrown away, but it must be valuable...As the confidant of the imperial confidant, Yang Yizhong is very clear about the Zhao official family's certain concept of the army.

Since then, Yang Yizhong chose to stay in Wushan, staying in the southwest-northeast to the northwest side of Jishui. At the foot of Wushan, the permanent pontoon that is convenient for marching, which is the famous Beixin Bridge, set up camp... And sent a military information document to Yue Fei, the capital of Zhongdu further south (across Jishui and Wenshui), for liaison and reporting.

However, after braving the scorching heat for three days, instead of waiting for the messenger who originally thought it would be able to return in three days, there was a torrential rain, and unexpected guests suddenly came during the torrential rain.

Besides, the weather changed abruptly on this day, heavy rain, and dim weather. When it was noon, suddenly a team of soldiers marched from the north of Jishui River, passing through Wushan and Nanshan, straight to Beixin Bridge, and then hit the camp of Yuqianban straight. Above.

The two sides met suddenly in the rain, shaking each other, and then a fierce battle broke out quickly.

For the incoming troops, if they encounter the defenders at this critical pass, they can naturally take action. For Yang Yizhong, he almost immediately realized the purpose of the incoming troops-Zhang Rong was already at this point. Exhausted, so the coming army must be the Puppet Qi or the Jin army, and this trip will inevitably take advantage of the heavy rain to cross the river, and outflank Pingyin after circling around, in order to wipe out Zhang Rong's main force.

Back in front of me, although it was daylight, in the rain, the weather was dim, the roads were muddy, and the flags were not displayed, so the battle started from the fiercest and most brutal chaos.

The royal squad suddenly took the battle, but because they failed to put on the armor in time, they encountered hundreds of battle attritions. But the sacrifice of these troops and Yang Yizhong's decisiveness undoubtedly bought precious time for the follow-up troops. So when the follow-up troops were armored and prepared, the hundred and ten teams rushed out of the barracks, but the battle quickly turned around.

Sophisticated armor, high-quality and complete weapons, selected soldiers, the protection of the camp, the advantage of terrain information brought by being stationed here for a few days, and more importantly, the chaos brought by the rain, plus Yang Yizhong’s command if determined, Let the queen squad who reacted to exert his fighting power to the extreme. On the contrary, countless incoming troops were blocked under my mountain, facing the small but exquisite camp, the terrain of the southern hills of my mountain blocked them, but it caused them to lose the largest number of advantages.

At the same time, the rain and chaotic battles caused serious command chaos, making the incoming troops completely unclear about the battle ahead, and they just kept throwing their troops into the battle.

Ever since, in the summer rain, on the banks of the water, on the side of the bridge, the sound of iron interaction, the sound of wailing and crying, the sound of screaming, and the sound of wind, cloud and thunder and lightning that take the initiative anyway, a mixture is produced. The sound of battle sonnets that make people feel sore.

Cooperating with the **** atmosphere that the rain can't cover, the Song army camp guarding Beixinqiao instantly turned into a flesh-and-blood mill.

Throughout the afternoon, the rain was pouring non-stop, and amidst the thunder and lightning, the corpses piled up, and they began to gradually block traffic. In the end, it became the most important factor in slowing the intensity of the fighting.

The sky dimmed, and the attacking troops finally had to give up fighting due to line-of-sight problems, and Yuqian Sang Zhi could only light a torch in the camp, and shouted hard, hoping that his injured robe could take the initiative to call for help... but that's all. After a period of subsequent chaos, I don't know how many people were rescued. In the rainy night when my fingers were invisible, coupled with the exhaustion of the violent attack, cleaning the battlefield was undoubtedly a luxury.

However, because of this, the next morning, the rain continued to patter, and as soon as sunlight appeared through the clouds, Song Jun, who had gained a little mobility, immediately took action and began to clean the battlefield quickly.

Yang Yizhong also early returned to the camp where the fighting was the most intense yesterday to conduct inspections.

However, under the dim light in the early morning, he was shocked to find that in the camp where the rain was constantly raining, the water gathered under the pile of corpses, forming a gurgling waterway, which returned to Jishui, but there was not much blood in it.

Not that there is no blood.

In fact, the princes, who are cleaning the battlefield roughly and trying to find their own casualties, almost every time they open a corpse, there will be obvious blood stains merged into the rain on the ground, but they will soon be diluted and muddy by more water. , And then disappeared.

In other words, if the corpses are still piled up in the camp, if the wounded are still wailing, if the broken camp and the messy ordnance are in front of you, the heavy rain that has not stopped this night has already completely wiped out the traces of the fierce battle yesterday. Covered up.

While Yang Yizhong was staring at the water flowing under his feet in a daze, suddenly, a terrifying scream sounded not far away, but it made the prince squad straight around who were roughing the battlefield stunned, but soon, These people returned to normal.

As for Yang Yizhong, who had not been disarmed overnight, he stood still and ignored him, just staring at the water under his feet in a daze.


In the slightly smaller rain, Zhai Biao, carrying a knife with a slit, appeared from the wailing place before, and approached him with a hideous face. "It's clear, although it is mixed with a lot of gold costumes, it is not a gold person, nor a person from Jinan Prefecture, let alone a person from Yanzhou Kong Yanzhou, but a person from Qingzhou Li Cheng, the total number is no less than 20,000! And it is not He came along Jishui, but after the war, he followed Li Cheng's Mizhou leader Du Yan directly to Liaocheng, Hebei, where he changed the golden flag, and then found some old golden clothes from the Daming Mansion, and then the day before yesterday. Suddenly cross the river, come here."

The Yang Yi Center woke up and thought: "The Mingxiu plank road is dark in the dark... Li Cheng did not go to Yizhou, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Instead, he had negotiated and came to be this amazing soldier, but happened to meet us. ... and someone will immediately send the matter to Pingyin Zhang Zhenfu and Zhongdu Yue Taiwei!"

"Here!" Zhai Biao responded, but did not move.

In the rain, Yang Yizhong took a step forward, and then he helped his knife to look at his head again: "What else?"

"The culprit was in pain and said a lot." Zhai Biao still looked hideous. "This time, Li Cheng's army, at least 20,000 people, and they came from the Yellow River..."

"I already know." Yang Yizhong's face was as usual. "Didn't you just say it?"

"Control, what I mean..." Zhai Biao opened his eyes wide. "If Li Chengbing came to cross the Yellow River from Liaocheng, the most convenient place to cross Jishui recently is Beixin Bridge. He has no reason to divide his troops from the lower reaches of Huajiakou to cross the Jishui River. It is close to Pingyin. It was discovered by Pingyin's army...but on the other hand, if it is blocked today, a sneak attack is inevitable. Then Li Cheng also said that he would split his troops and cross the water from multiple places to forcibly surround Pingyin."

"I know this too." Yang Yizhong still looked the same.

"Control," Zhai Biao gritted his teeth again. "Even though we won yesterday, but after all, there were few soldiers. At the first meeting, we lost two or three hundred brothers. This is only the scale of Li Cheng’s former army, Du Yan, of six to seven thousand people, and most of Li Cheng will rush to see it. But today’s rain looks no better than yesterday..."

"Zhai Laojiu, what are you trying to say?!" Yang Yizhong was finally impatient. "In the army, it should be straightforward."

"Controlling, I'm not talking about withdrawing troops and then selling Pingyin's back to Li Cheng for nothing. Even though Xiao En of Yanggu is a rammer, he can't do such things...I want to say, can we withdraw? On the other side of the river, defending across the river?" Zhai Biao's words evoked the actions of several leaders and Dutou around him.

In fact, it was not just these officers, but Yang Yizhong also fell silent for a while.

Defending across the river is not only as simple as effectively reducing the impact of the disadvantages of troops, but more importantly, it can effectively avoid fighting. The front squad is so elite. If you have the advantage of crossing the river and guard the bridge with peace of mind, you can almost do it. In an invincible place.

In addition to this, there is another one that is, when it is necessary, that is, when Zhang Rong is surrounded by Pingyin, or the whole army is defeated, the remaining 1,000 classes can withdraw from the south. , Go over Wenshui to meet Yue Fei.

Therefore, this seems to be the most appropriate, because he can protect the entire team to the greatest extent.

But soon, Yang Yizhong made up his mind, then shook his head and said, "No!"

Everyone stagnated.

But Yang Yizhong did not cover up, but made the truth clear:

"The rain is small, but it is not clear. The river is difficult to monitor clearly, and once we cross the river to defend... If I am Li Cheng, I know that this soldier and horse are all armed and exceptionally talented, and the storm is sad, so I only leave a little bit. The small army used it as a suspicious soldier, and then the army sneaked downstream and forced to cross from Huajiakou... By then, our two thousand classes would be vacant? And if we stayed here by the river, Li Cheng would at least score the army’s surveillance, or even say that we could not survive. Let us do our best to swallow our meaning in the daytime. In this way, although we are in a crisis for a while, we can play a big role in the overall situation!"

All the officers were startled, and then they awakened one after another, but after waking up, many of them became hesitant again.

"I know what you are thinking." The rain dripped from the edge of the armor, and Yang Yizhong continued to hold the knife and looked around, speaking in public. "You thought I was betting all the two thousand official classes on the bank of Jishui and Wushan, but in fact I didn't lose that value...because you must not forget the reason why the puppet soldiers did it. In this offensive, it was thought that Taiwei Yue's department was being reorganized and was caught in civil strife, so he dared to take a brazen attempt to take Dongping Mansion. In other words, this pseudo-qi attitude did not include Yue Taiwei's department into it. , Didn’t even count us, otherwise, why would we suddenly meet yesterday? But you and I all know that Prince Yue’s clan can go to war, and we are here too! In other words, the overall situation of the war in Dongping Palace is in the Song Dynasty! As long as we can last two or three days, please Yue Taiwei no longer worry about Zhang Zhenfu's situation and send troops directly. The Pingyin side will inevitably be the winner, there must be reinforcements here, and Li Cheng will leave! Instead, it is us. Retreating to the other side of the river at this time may ruin the overall situation! And if that is the case, how will you face the official after you go back?"

At this point, Yang Yizhong drew his sword and said coldly to the surrounding officers: "After the truth is said, from this point onwards, it is not allowed to talk about crossing the river again, stay at the camp and protect the bridge with peace of mind, and those who violate the order will be cut!"

After all, it has been a few **** battles is also a proud soldier. At this time, he heard the words, but he didn't say much, just bowed his head.

However, Yang Yizhong had just conveyed his determination here, and before everyone had a break, sure enough, in the slightly lighter rain, a large number of soldiers and horses in gold armor came and attacked quickly, and they were mumbled in the rain. The darkness is overwhelming, and it casts a shadow on people's hearts...

In addition, although it is summer, the impact of rain is still too great. At this time, the Song army who owns the camp have just made preparations, but the puppet soldiers and horses camping outside have already launched an attack. It can be seen that they should have gotten from the most The pressure from above is a last resort.

Therefore, they have to pay for it.

PS: Starting from today, start to be a new person and write a book with peace of mind. Last month, 140,000 words will be updated, and 150,000 words will be updated this month...

Then I will ask again, am I really too old? Or are you too young? Anyway, no one hasn't watched "Fishing Fishing" and "Jin Ping Mei"? Xiao En and Zhang Maode...

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