Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 39: consult

"Can Second Officer Feng participate in this matter?"

After the ruling and opposition parties asked to set up a queen, especially the generals of the control officer level in other places, the Zhao official family was stunned for a while, and the first reaction after the stunned was to ask Yang Yizhong, the know-it-all who came to send the sack.

Feng Erguan naturally refers to Feng Yi... In fact, Feng Yi was originally nicknamed Shifuji Lang, but because Zhao Guan’s family was deliberately simplifying the Ministry of Internal Affairs, many well-known internal servants were thrown into Yangzhou. For a long time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was A big guard, Lan Gui, who is in charge of confidential writing, is responsible for connecting with the former dynasty; the other is Feng Yi, who is in charge of all sorts of chores in the harem. And because of these two, the detainee squad has always been called a high official, but Feng Yi also won the title of second official.

As for why he came up to ask Feng Yi, it was naturally because he had a criminal record.

"No, at least the minister didn't know..." Yang Yizhong answered without hesitation.

Zhao Jiu slowly nodded, but couldn't ask: "So, this matter has nothing to do with Yanfu Palace?"

Only then did Yang Yizhong hesitate, and did not directly answer: "Officials, Shuchen said bluntly, the palace has a limited population, limited money and food, and many places have no internal and external income. Feng Erguan suffered another loss and naturally looked clean. But Yanfu Palace is not only a middle official, and it is not just Feng's second official who has financial resources."

Zhao Jiu chuckled and nodded.

In other words, Yang Yizhong’s implication is already obvious. There are only those people in Yanfu Palace. There are not many people with power or money. Except for him, the Zhao official’s family, they are two empresses, two imperial squads under direct control, and two middle schools. An official is considered to have energy, and since he is not a middle official, Yang Yizhong directly mentioned the word “caiyuan”, which is basically equivalent to directly saying that he is the two concubines supported by his own family.

After all, Mrs. Wu’s family was a well-known rich man who monopolized the pearl business in the capital. Once the luxury of pearl reached a monopoly in Tokyo at that time, it basically meant that it monopolized the entire pearl business of the Song Dynasty. So called the pearl Wu family; as for Pan Xianfei, although her family is a little poor, she can't stand the family for generations who have been on the side of the palace. For generations, they have been the characters in the Hanlin Medical Court (that is, the later Tai Hospital, which is under the jurisdiction of the Hanlin Hospital). And in the age of Taiping to Fengheng Yuda for a long time, even if you were not a rich man at the beginning, you will naturally become a top rich man after a few generations.

The two families are now in Tokyo. Mrs. Wu’s father is often called upon. After Pan Xianfei’s father, Pan Yongshou, came back, he directly became the medical officer of the Hanlin Medical Officer Hospital. They have always been able to travel easily to the harem, plus the misery in the palace... Dare to ask how these two rich men are not willing to pay for their daughters?

Do you really think that the self-deprecating joke of Zhao Guan's eating soft rice is water without roots?

But if so, Zhao Jiu didn't want to do more investigations, because he didn't have the kind of feudal emperor's awareness of "I won't give you you, don't take it"...especially Pan Xianfei, wanting this queen is almost human nature.

Not to mention, people are not plants, who can be ruthless? According to Zhao Guan’s simple and straight-man thinking, why don’t you give someone a marriage certificate?

Only Mrs. Wu also took up the body. If there is one without one, it would seem a bit scumbag... But it seems that he is not to be blamed for this situation. At the beginning, both of them were both well-known.

"How does Zhengfu think about this?" After lowering his head and thinking for a long time, Zhao Jiu closed the Zhazi from Wang Yan's subordinate on the case, and asked Yang Yizhong helplessly.

Yang Yizhong obviously did not react at first, but he still thought that the officials wanted to pursue the blame, so he was careful: "The minister thought that this should be because the officials only came and went with Mrs. Wu, and the Wu family had sufficient financial resources. Appearingly apprehensive..."

"I'm asking you... what do you think should be done with this matter? Shouldn't it?" Zhao Jiu said helplessly.

Yang Yizhong was stunned for a while, and only after a long time he replied: "This is a private matter for officials."

"This is a fart private matter!" Zhao Jiu pointed to the books and documents full of cases, speechless. "What the **** are you Yang Yizhong talking with me in person here? This is a private matter, and it is also a private matter that has to be publicly discussed..."

Yang Yizhong also looked helpless.

"Don't worry, I'm not just asking you, let me start with you." Zhao Jiu quickly calmed down.

Yang Yizhong nodded slightly, and then said with a stern tone: "The minister thought that such a movement was not caused by a few people's encouragement, but the golden people were hanging on, and the hearts of the people were turbulent. Therefore, it is understandable to ask for peace for a while... …If you can feel at ease right away, why not do it?"

This is approval.

"That's the case, but isn't there such a sentence... Why did the Xiongnu not die?" Zhao Jiu nodded first, then shook his head. "In the current situation, it is impossible to organize the ceremony, and I am unwilling to expend manpower for this kind of thing."

"It's okay to be simple." Yang Yizhong smiled wryly. "It's okay to have only one purpose... Even in Tokyo, the minister thought that as long as the frozen pigs stored in the cellar were released, no one would object to coming to Tokyo.

Zhao Jiu, who was refuted to be speechless, was silent for a moment, and finally said the truth: "I think Pan and Wu are enough for this life. At the very least, I am not going to add a harem before the Jin Ren is destroyed... Therefore, if Concubine Pan Xianxian becomes queen, Wu What about Madam? On the other hand, if Madam Wu is the queen, what about Madam Pan?"

Yang Yizhong was slightly startled, but it was also silent.

"What about you..." Zhao Jiu urged. "Do you want me to ask the prime minister if you don't ask me about this kind of thing?"

Yang Yizhong still said nothing.

Zhao Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Yizhong, you just say it is not feasible...Can you have two concubines together?"

Reluctantly, Yang Yizhong finally bit his head and said: "The minister thinks it's okay."

"That's all right." Zhao Jiu was relieved for a while. "Just according to Qing's words, I will go to Chongwen Academy to talk to the chief executive."

With that said, the official family ignored him and got up.

On this side, Yang Yizhong was dumbfounded and completely panicked... He was just a Zhazi who had come to send an imperial commanding officer on a routine basis. How did he become ‘just according to Qing’s words’?

But seeing that the official Zhao’s house had already gone out, this one had fought many battles, and even his subordinates had someone to lead him, but he was still a commanding official’s confidant and hurried to catch up with him.

"The official family must explain to the ruling and opposition parties that one thing is that they miss Queen Xing and do not want to establish a queen; the other is why the Xiongnu did not destroy the family, and the Jinren did not plan to add a harem before the fall..."

"This is natural." Zhao Jiu walked out of the hall without looking back.

Yang Yizhong was in a panic, and hurried to catch up, regardless of the fact that Lan Gui and the others, who had come out to avoid before, were right in front of him, and he said sincerely: "It's just a royal concubine, and the official must also send out frozen pork..."

Zhao Jiu nodded repeatedly.

Lan Gui and the others greeted him, Yang Yizhong completely stopped...but he was helpless for a while...He didn't know, this official must have already had a deal in his heart, but he came here to make him feel better. Can everyone be bullied?

After all, in the sky and the sun, everyone saw that they were alone with the official for a while, and the official who was still ‘bewildered’ suddenly made a decision. Where did he defend himself?

What's more, in the past, when Mrs. Pan did not arrive, the Wu family went to Tokyo first. At that time, he had more dealings with the Wu family for official business... This is not clean, it is motivated!

Will Pan Guifei still have a good face on her own in the future?

Maybe Mrs. Wu would be grateful? But what's the use of asking Mrs. Wu to be grateful?

The most important thing is, how does the foreign minister think of himself?

At this point, Yang Yizhong almost had a bit of resentment... but he was helpless.

After all, how did he not know that since he became the leader of the imperial squad, he was destined to be a lone minister, not to mention that he knew very well that at this time there was also a Lu Xianggong at the Chongwen Academy. It's unavoidable to say "just according to the Qing"... Can you and the prime minister of the country be the envious of others?

Let’s also say In late November of the 3rd year of Jianyan, the Jinjun hadn’t moved for a long time, and Tokyo was idle. Therefore, the government and the public persuaded the people to set up a queen to invigorate people. However, the Zhao official family said that they thought about Empress Xing, and that the Jinren did not want to be home... Only Pan Wu was the concubine. He also invented the decree, vowing that the golden man will not be destroyed or increase the harem, and that the war has not disappeared, and the ceremony will not be performed, and only 60,000 catties of pork will be given to Tokyo.

Licheng, the consensus was settled, and the officials left Tokyo to patrol the Yellow River.

However, since the Zhao official’s family was out of the city, the Tokyo city government and the opposition suddenly continued to rumors that it was the Zhao official’s desire to follow the public, and the second concubine Pan Wu was distinguished from the humble and inferior. Once established, only the Pan family was the only one to dominate. The prime minister Lu Haowen had a grudge with Concubine Pan Xian, and Yang Yizhong, the imperial secretary of the imperial squad, was close to Mrs. Wu's family. They were quite uneasy, so they made comments on the two noble concubine forces. Officials were attacked from the front and back, and their hearts became unbalanced.

After the rumors came out, supervise the impeachment of Yu Shi Li Jing Shang to interfere in the family affairs of the heavens, please cut Yang Yizhong.

After the sparseness, the official family is already facing the Yellow River, and there is no such thing.

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