Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 40: Glimpse

Of course, Zhao Guan's family has a fair mind when visiting the Yellow River.

After all, the central hub has long been sensitive to the current embarrassment... The Golden Man is still hanging on, but Henan has been under serious military control for several months, which has caused an imbalance between the people and the people... Therefore, the plan for this tour is actually early. It was already on the desk of Zhao Guan's house in October.

But why is it this time, why the imperial concubine immediately went on tour after the establishment of the imperial concubine, there are some reasons that are difficult to conceal.

It must be known that the two imperial concubines standing side by side are certainly recognized by the chief executive, and they are proud of the misconduct of the Zhao emperors, especially the frivolousness of a certain Taishang Taoist emperor, so there is always no shortage of precedents. In particular, there is some truth in the seriousness of Zhao's official family persuading Lu Haowen and others-he said that now, after the establishment, where will the emperor's heir come out in the future? It can't be said that there will be a problem.

But let's not mention the future problem. The problem now is that from Pan Xianfei's perspective, she has suffered a great loss in this matter.

Because there are only two concubines in the palace, and compared to the position difference between Pan Xianfei and the queen twice, Mrs. Wu, who started very late, has not had any position in front of Pan Xianfei for a long time.

But the world is fooling people, and suddenly the other party is on an equal footing with him.

Dare to ask Concubine Pan how not annoyed?

But Zhao Guan’s family knew that they would be annoyed, but he escaped in the first place... to inspect the Yellow River defense line, it's a matter of public and private matters.

In late November, the Zhao Guan’s family first left Bianliang to the north, first went to Yangwu (later Yuanyang), then went to Jujube, and then turned to Huazhou... Randomly entered Wubao and Beacon Terrace along the way, and talked face-to-face with the imperial soldiers and asked. demand. The accompanying imperial commander Wang Yuan and deputy Du Tong Quduan also formed a three-person working group with the servants of the palace, Wan Sumeng, and brought a group of privy councils and lower-level bureaucrats in the capital to inspect military expenditures and supplies along the way.

It must be said here that the corruption of the Song Army is really immersed in the bones, and the drinking of soldiers’ blood is even more inevitable. Official Zhao knew well, and did not expect these things to be avoided... But since he came out for inspections, Yu Yu When it arrives, it is impossible to pretend to be ignorant.

Ever since, but after walking on the front line of the Yellow River in Kaifeng Mansion, the Zhao official's family beheaded seven or eight officers along the way, and thirteen or four were deposed.

At the end of November, when the Imperial Front escorted Zhao Guan’s family into the Huazhou area, an officer’s defect occurred in front of him. A commander from Hebei who was stationed in Linghe Town was afraid of him and led several guards to seize him. A small boat went north and cast a golden man.

This incident shocked the central ministers accompanying Zhao Guan’s family a great deal. Many people suggested that Zhao Guan’s family return immediately, because in the front of Huazhou, between Baima, the capital of Huazhou, and Linghe Town, the defensive area along the river within twenty to thirty miles, They all belong to the control of Li Qiong, the commander of the Chinese army in the imperial camp to which this commander belongs.

The Li Qiong Department was a special unit of the Imperial Army...They were all from Hebei.

Only because of Li Qiongzhou’s student background and long stationed in the Qiongzhou prefecture, and this person does have a set of leaders, so when the imperial army was divided, the person was specially assigned to the imperial army, and he was still stationed in Huazhou. In theory, it belongs to Wang De.

Of course, in private, the Zhao official’s family often directly pointed out the various units of the imperial army. At such a close distance, it is not unreasonable to say that it is directly under the Zhao official’s family.

In other words, this is a heterogeneous force of the imperial camp, and it is extremely independent.

At the same time, Huazhou is not far from the Daming Mansion in Hebei and Puyang City. The other side of the river is the main point of the Golden Army's permanent troops stationed in the Yellow River.

So, if Li Qiong also became unwilling, and suddenly colluded with the golden man and released the golden army of the famous mansion, wouldn't it be a big incident?

The ministers' worries are not unreasonable, but Zhao Guanjia disagrees.

For one thing, in terms of personal relationship, Zhao Jiu does not feel that Li Qiong, who served as his own army in the battle of Yanling in the past, and maintains daily communication with him, will rebel because of this kind of thing;

Secondly, as far as the matter is concerned, Zhao Jiu asked himself that the handling of corruption in the army along the way was fair and relative, and the accountability was only to the command level. There is no need for Li Qiong to worry about corruption in the army;

Three things, in terms of the situation, from the fact that the commander flees with only his personal guards, the behavior of continuing to do his best to support the troops for six months is still effective, and this person can't mobilize the grassroots troops at all.

Even on the contrary, the Zhao official family communicated frequently with these commanding-level military officers through the control official Zhazi system, and knew Li Qiong to a certain extent... This man has the arrogance of a scholar and a bit of arrogance, put together. It is excess self-esteem.

If you turn back in a hurry at this time, it will stimulate him instead.

But if he can show his sincerity, his scholar's mentality will prompt him to persuade him.

"Li Qiong should live up to me." Zhao Guanjia made up his mind only for a moment, and then said this in public, and still ordered the eastward trip, while censoring the same with Wang Yuan, Qu Duan, and Wan Tuan along the way.

However, once the journey continued, the Zhao official’s family and the accompanying imperial soldiers and horses did not enter the dock again to sympathize with the soldiers. Instead, they galloped along the river, leading the central officials to abandon their carts and ride horses to Tiantai Mountain next to Huazhou Baimajin. .

There, it is the main camp where Li Qiong himself and his troops are stationed.

At the same time, Zhao Guan's family sent a messenger to take the initiative to go to Tiantai Mountain to inform Li Qiong of his itinerary in advance.

The reason is simple... In the situation where there are two thousand imperial squads directly accompanying, and the surrounding imperial camp is full of soldiers and horses, the real theoretical danger is actually that Li Qiong mobilizes the whole army, connects with the golden people, and releases the money. The army crossed the river. And it takes time to connect up and down, so as long as the Zhao official's family goes fast, the other party will never make the trip.

This is called taking it backwards.

Relatively speaking, releasing the messenger in advance means showing a posture of trust without regard to the overall situation...this is a scheming.

Since the trip, accompanied by ministers, quite a few people are unaware, but what is interesting is that some of them are just as dissatisfied as the Zhao officials... Most of these people are from Huai Shang and Nanyang who have been with the Yujia for a long time. It is about the same as Zhao Guan’s family. After seeing many battles on the battlefield, they are fully adapted to this kind of thing, even familiar with the road, and they also know Zhao Guan’s family, know that this official family likes to play tricks to find someone to blame, but military affairs have always been involved. Responsible; there are some people, but the young officials who have just been appointed this time, faintly some newborn calves are not afraid of tigers and are eager to try.

For example, Hu Quan, the editor of the Privy Council, volunteered and acted as a messenger to go to Tiantai Mountain... After being shocked by the Zhao official's consent, he proactively urged him not to speak out or make unreasonable incidents, just tell him that he is about to go.

Of course, Hu Quan, a small messenger who went to spread the word according to the system, would not do anything to push against the general. On November 28, Zhao Guan’s family came to Tiantai Mountain and went straight to Li Qiong’s military camp. Li was informed in advance. Joan also went out of the camp alone and went straight to the imperial front.

The suspicions and fears before have only turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

After all, as Wang De's subordinate, Li Qiong, who is actually directly under the Zhao official family, has no reason to rebel in the current situation... and Zhao official family entered the Tiantai Mountain camp, but did not deliberately avoid this topic, but a little bit. He was reprimanded, lowered to the rank of the army, and fined one month, and immediately sent another messenger across the river to ask the Jin army to return the defected commander.

This time, it was Yu Yunwen's turn to volunteer for another new veteran.

In this regard, Zhao Guan’s family naturally followed goodwill, and after this matter, he also ordered to call the eastern part of Huazhou area (actually the Henan part of the original Kaide Mansion, and Song Jin was placed under Huazhou after the confrontation across the river) guards and imperial camps. Former army commander Li Bao, former army commander Fu Xuan of the southern defender imperial camp, and Fu Qing, former army commander of the defender imperial camp in Baimacheng, Huazhou Prefecture, went to Tiantai Mountain together to discuss the military.

After a whole day, on the last day of November, Yu Yunwen unexpectedly did not return. The so-called life and death were unknown, but Zhao Guanjia had no time to think too much. He only climbed Tiantai Mountain with the three guards who arrived in a hurry and Li Qiong, and looked at the north bank of the Yellow River. , Ready to listen to the military opinions of front-line generals.

In addition, there are definitely no fewer than dozens of Tiantai Mountains on the land of China, mainly referring to the fact that the tops of the mountains are rocky and shaped like towers.... In the future, it will naturally be the most famous Tiantai Mountain in Zhejiang, but at this time, this is no more than a few high. One hundred meters, it is possible that Tiantai Mountain, which disappeared with the change of the Yellow River in later generations, is the most famous Tiantai Mountain in the world.

It belongs to the king's position in Tiantai Mountain.

No way, one is that this mountain is very close to the capital of the Song Dynasty, Tokyo, and the surrounding economy is developed; the other is that this mountain is located on the side of Baimadu, the main passage from Damingfu, Hebei to Tokyo, Henan, and Nanjing, with a lot of people coming and going; the third is the Yellow River at this time. Different from later generations, the main road happened to pass by the side of this mountain, climbing Tiantai Mountain, looking at both sides of the Yellow River, the fertile soil of Hebei in the Central Plains, and the open scenery is also called a place of interest.

Talk less gossip, come back to the front.

On this day, the sky was clear and clear, and there was even a slight southerly breeze, which seemed a bit warm. Zhao Guanjia took the initiative to accompany the ministers and the Huazhou four-member guards to ascend the roof together, and only felt that he looked far away from his eyes, as far as he could see. It's open and flat, naturally it feels comfortable... But after he looked at the Yellow River and turned to the northeast, he didn't say anything for a long time.

The reason is simple, as stupid as the official Zhao’s family. After climbing up and looking into the distance, I can’t help but think of a strange thing about the Yellow River...that is, the Yellow River channels on the respective military maps are too wrong, although at the moment I can’t see dozens of miles downstream on Tiantai Mountain. The situation outside, but on the military map that was only seen yesterday, three bifurcated rivers were clearly marked before and after the downstream town of Puyang.

"I remember that the Yellow River diverged three ways downstream on the map...Why does this happen?" Zhao Guanjia watched for a long time and thought about it for a long time, but finally turned around and asked with confidence.

However, it is not just the master Yang Yizhong Yang who is accompanying today. At this time, behind Zhao Jiu, except for the imperial capital ruler Wang Yuan, the deputy capital ruler Quduan, and the servants of the palace, the Yushi Wanzuo is still in the rear of Chawubao. There are countless accompanying civil and military, as well as the Huazhou generals...that is, there is no ruler and commander to accompany.

Therefore, when I heard the inquiry at this time, it was Fan Zongyin from Zhongshu She who took the lead and replied in a serious manner: "The good instructor knows that the lower part is not the fork of the river, but the war that has been in danger since Jingkang, and the Yellow River dam has been in disrepair. In addition, there was a lot of rain this summer, and the river took the opportunity to flood all over the old road."

"That's it..." Zhao Jiu still frowned, but he held his belt with one hand and continued to question the lower reaches of the Yellow River. "It's just why there are three old ways?"

Fan Zongyin was startled, and did not say a word for a while.

And Zhao Guan’s family knowing this must be something everyone knows, but at this time, he is not too lazy to cover up those things, so he directly asked: "You can just clarify the source of these three diversions!"

Fan Zongyin was wary in his heart, but he dared not say nothing: "Officials, this is caused by returning to the river several times in this dynasty..."

"What is Huihe?"

"The Yellow River is flooding, and it has been repeatedly blocked... In order to correct the natural disasters of the Yellow River, many ways to change the course."

"If you change your route, you will change your route. Why is it called "Huihe"?"

"Return to the officials, because the Yellow River has been heading north since the original dynasty, and several changes of course are all efforts to move the river to the south. From the perspective of Henan where Kaifeng is located, it is ‘back’..."

"So that's the case, but why must I move south?" Zhao Jiu was still ignorant. "The water flows down on its own. If she goes north, she should follow the water flow and let her go. Why must she move south?"

"Because I am worried that the Yellow River will continue to the north and enter the territory of Khitan." Li Qiong, who was frowning for a long time behind him, suddenly said more and more. "The imperial court was afraid that the Khitan would cross the river directly within its borders. At that time, the iron cavalry would go south and use the Yellow River waterway as a food channel, going upstream and sweeping the Central Plains. Therefore, it was determined to return to the river in order not to lose the natural dangers of the Yellow River..."

Zhao Jiu fully awakened, but immediately lost a smile... What he realized was that this was indeed a characteristic of the Song Dynasty. In order to seek psychological comfort, he changed the Yellow River water course against the sky, and it seemed that he changed it more than once, and I don’t know how much it was abolished. What's ridiculous is that when the Jinjun went south, the natural danger of the Yellow River was not even useful.

At this point, Zhao Guanjia laughed and shook his head: "The lower reaches of the Yellow River are more than a thousand miles away. How much money do you get when you return to the river? With this manpower and material resources, the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun can be recovered... But the three rivers should be returned twice. Times?"

"I don't know how many times..." Li Qiong thought for a while, but she kept shaking her head. "The minister only remembers that there were four times in the Shenzong dynasty, and there was a big one in the Zhezong dynasty... The minister heard that it was that time when Taiwei Yue's house was hit by a disaster and lost his property, so he became a tenant for Meihuahan."


"Don’t hide from the officials, it seems that there have been several times in the Renzong Dynasty Yingying Chuochuo, but it’s not big. Adding one piece will have to be seven or eight times, right? If the Renzong Dynasty did not have it, it would take at least five or six times." Fu Xuan who has not said a word Take the initiative. "The main reason is that once the Yellow River floods, the people in Hebei below don’t know if it rains a lot or the court is changing its route again. Let’s not lie to the officials, the three roads on the official map are still rough, in fact, there should be five roads downstream. , And there are crossings... the ministers have all walked through."

Zhao Jiu was dumbfounded, and then woke up again, fearing that these people from Hebei were all grieving about this matter, otherwise they wouldn't rush to talk about it.

So, after a long while, the official just constricted his face and asked: "That said, the Yellow River goes back and forth among the five rivers, and the flooding of the Yellow River is so high, wouldn’t it be that all the land between the three rivers has been turned into Yellow flooding area?"

"Returning to the officials, I want to say that the Yellow River often floods the area, and Hebei is certainly suffering from the disaster, but it is not uncommon for us to suffer from this disaster in Henan. Henan is also the flooded area." Li Qiong and Fu Xuangang are about to answer, and another person puts his hands together, but It is Li San Li Bao from Beijing Dongxi Road. "I heard the middle-aged man in the village say that there was once a return to the river in the past when the court broke up, and the Yellow River rushed all the way to the Huaihe...The six states of Jingdong and Huai were all yellowed, aren't they also flooded areas?"

Zhao Jiu was completely speechless...Well, according to this statement, the yellow flooding area this year actually went all the way from the Bohai Bay to the Huai River.

In fact, this official didn’t know, that is, after he came, he was stubbornly fighting against gold and never went south to the edge of the Yangtze River. Otherwise, in another time and space, Du Chong defended the cavalry of the Golden Army and rescued the Emperor of Yangzhou. , But it was the traditional art of the Song Dynasty on the Yellow River, and once again opened the Yellow River South Pass, which was out of control since then.

Of course, the other man-made calamity problem is the same as it is now, that is, under the chaos of war, especially after the Yellow River has become a frontline confrontation, no one has the mind and ability to repair the river, otherwise there will be no three waterways at every turn. Weird look.

"Where is the serious main path right now?" At this point, Zhao Guanjia simply pressed the extra thoughts for a while, and just asked the downstream situation in accordance with the memory. "The host or the north?"

"It's the middle way." Li Qiong casually pointed to the northeast. "The road that separates the Daming Mansion and Puyang from Hebei... but it is also meaningless, because as you can see on the official map, the water is flooded and there is no one to renovate, and the three rivers downstream have flowing water, all of which are hanging rivers. , It’s just that the serious river in the middle is deeper and wider, so it’s easier to navigate... But the Jinren occupies the entire north of Dongliu, and controls the south bank of the lower reaches with a pseudo-qi, so no matter how you count it, the land of Hebei is all in Under the control of the Golden Man."

"So the Jinren really wants to cross the river from the lower reaches, but we can't actually stop it?" Zhao Jiu said.

"The reason is so, but the Jinren may not be willing to cross the river from there." Fu Xuan suddenly interrupted again. "Especially at this time."

"Why is this?"

"A good instructor knows that the minister is a member of the Yongjing Army and knows the situation downstream..." Fu Xuan gave a slight salute before continuing to speak. "The lower Yellow River has been in disrepair for a long time. Although the river is out of control and the bifurcation water is shallow, there is also a lot of siltation and sand, and there is no good crossing. Therefore, if the golden people cross the river from one to the other, the depth is not said, sometimes the water is below. It was full of mud. Once the horses and men got stuck in, it was a dead end... But in such a situation, the Golden Army cavalry had to go through three or four times before they could succeed. How could it be possible to cross the river calmly and comfortably from the white horse here? Why did the Jinren hold onto the Daming Mansion intently before and repeatedly take a serious boat to cross the river from around Puyang."

Zhao Jiu nodded slightly, and then moved his heart: "Therefore, the golden man has not gone south so far, and some of you have said in Zhazi, this winter is warm, although there is ice, but the Yellow River is vast, and it has not been frozen."

"The minister thought that was the case." It must be Li Qiong among the "several people" who answered calmly. "The celestial phenomenon is here. It is convenient for the golden army to cross the river from here and upstream if the army wants to cross. However, the 200,000 imperial camps of the Yellow River are already tightly arranged. Where can they easily cross?"

"Speaking of which, wouldn't it be God Bless Emperor Song this year?" Someone couldn't help but say with joy.

"You can also say the same." Li Qiong was startled slightly, although she felt awkward, she nodded.

However, the official Zhao’s family who continued to look back at the river disapproved: "After the dishes are done, the guests are not there. This is not necessarily a good thing... They do not come, we cannot fight for the time being. We have been fighting for four or five years, and I don’t know where in Hebei. Will it recover every day?"

The people around were thoughtful, but Liu Ziyu finally couldn't bear it, and stepped forward and said, "Officials, Hebei’s revival of Fei is a matter of one day, and we have to wait for the emperor and Song Dynasty to have hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers to cross the river and hundreds of thousands of people in field warfare. It can be achieved, but you don't have to worry about it for a while... if it goes on for a long time, our army will surely be able to win."

"The ministers think so too." Hu Quan, the editor of the new Privy Council, couldn't help but support his boss, or his argument.

The rest of the civil and military, including several generals from Hebei, also gave their hands to agree.

But Zhao Jiu still shook his head, but didn't say a word.

The civil and military people didn't know the meaning, so they didn't have much to say.

In fact, Zhao Guanjia was very confused at this time...because he always felt that after four or five years of war, the Jinren who still maintained a considerable military advantage had no reason to give up this advantage.

Because that is unreasonable!

Zhao Jiu does not believe that the decision-making level of the Jinren, who has only risen for more than two decades, will degenerate to the point that no heroes can see the situation thoroughly. He does not believe that the Jinren does not know that Song Jun will become stronger and stronger, and he does not believe that the Jinren does not. I realize that my army is degenerating day by day...So in this case, replacing him as the decision-making member of the golden man, not only will not avoid the war, but will definitely take advantage of the current gap in military strength, and launch as much as possible. A large-scale act of aggression in order to establish a strategic advantage.

In other words, the Zhao official family firmly believes that the golden man will come, and this time will inevitably be an unprecedented battle, a battle that cannot be avoided!

Therefore, even if there are many reasons before the case, why this year is a warm winter, the Yellow River has not been frozen, and the Jinren has no idea of ​​crossing the river; what has been the Yanling defeat and the defeat of Dongping, the Jinren and the puppets have lost their intent to fight; what is the strong defense line along the river , Jinren retired when he knew it was difficult; what kind of high-level Jin Guo vying for reserves, the struggle is fierce, and there is no time to go south...

Zhao Guanjia knew that these reasons were all reasonable, and knew that these things actually existed. Even the fact that the Jinren hadn't moved around was right in front of him, and he couldn't accept it.

Because, setting aside these fascinating details, from the perspective of Song and Jin’s overall strategy, from the perspective of the two countries, it is illogical that the Jinren will not come.

The times are calling for a big battle, an unprecedented battle, a battle that determines whether the Song Dynasty can settle down in the Yellow River Basin.

Zhao Jiu has always believed in this.

In fact, when Zhao Jiu came to the front line this time, he was naturally avoiding troubles in the harem and calming anxious hearts, but why didn't he want to soothe the most anxious heart...that is, his own heart?

This time I came to Tiantai Mountain to gather the generals. To a large extent, the official wanted these front-line generals to give him a word... Will the Jin Jun come?

Obviously, there is no need to ask at all. Based on their own observations, these people have drawn very clear conclusions-they all feel that if the Yellow River is not frozen, the golden people should not come.

But obviously, Zhao Guan's house was not comforted. He didn't say anything on the surface, but in his heart he was forcibly suppressing the restlessness and anxiety.

But no matter what, in this way, the climbing seemed to be complete that day, but it was fruitless for the Zhao official family... Several local generals in Huazhou only thought that the official’s trip was just a routine summons, and they were speechless. Bachelor Kobayashi, Yang Yizhong and other close figures vaguely guessed a little bit of official thoughts, but they couldn't say much.

And on the second day, the first day of the twelfth lunar month, Zhao Guanjia, who was just getting up early and impatient, got up early to shoot arrows at the shooting range... Archery is something that can suppress his impetuous mood, and a barrel of arrows is finished. The official had already thought about it, and when he returned to wipe his face after shooting the arrow, he gathered four general officers to have breakfast together, then sent them away, and went back to Luang... After all, his own judgment belongs to his own judgment. As an official, you always have to keep calm on the surface.

After three shots of the second tube of arrows, Yang Yizhong came to report, and Yu Yunwen returned from the other side of the river.

The messenger worked hard, and Zhao Jiu summoned him directly at the shooting range without hesitation.

"What did the golden man say?" As soon as the other party came to the front, Zhao Guanjia, who was wiping his face with a hot towel, took the initiative to inquire.

"The Jinren didn't take it so, they didn't let the minister into the big name mansion, and he sent the minister directly in Puyang. The minister was ashamed and humiliated." He was ashamed, but Yu Yunwen, who was standing at the shooting range, had a ruddy face and was quite excited.

Of course, no one expected to bring the rebel generals over. The golden guys will only hand them over unless they are crazy, they just go to demonstrate. Therefore, Yu Yunwen, who is ‘humiliating the mission’, can’t actually be really ‘humiliating the mission’... His return alive is a successful mission.

"Unexpectedly." Of course, Zhao Guanjia didn't care.

And when Zhao Guanjia put down the hot towel and prepared to continue to praise and encourage the other party, the new jinshi couldn't help it for a moment, and said: "Officials, Jinren carelessly, secret military information from the minister! "

Zhao Jiu was stunned, he couldn't help standing upright at the shooting range with his bow, "Speaking of which."

"The minister was in Puyang and did not see the Jinjun ship. He was puzzled and thought about it. So when he returned, he was in the name of seasickness. I implore the Jinjun who accompanied him to send the minister to try his best to let the minister cross the river from the upper ferry... the minister will follow him. Twenty miles west of Puyang, at the old crossing of the Yellow River North Road, Xiao Wu Xun only boarded the ship, but after Xiao Wu Xun saw countless inland vessels!" Yu Yunwen was excited for a moment.

Xun is something made up of stalks and wrapped in stone and wood. There are long ropes on the left and right. They are used to treat the river. As soon as you hear the name, you will know that this place is too close to the old crossing of the Yellow River.

After Xiao Wuxun was able to gather boats, it was obvious that the Yellow River was flooding and rushed into the old road. Xiao Wuxun naturally formed a port with an old embankment as a shelter.

Of course, Zhao Guan’s family has a low level of education, and he doesn’t know what the word ‘sao’ is, but this does not delay him from guessing the other party’s meaning from the other’s words and knowing where there is a large number of ships of the Jin Army.

"It's really a secret military situation, do you mean that the Jin Army will attack on a large scale southward after this method?" After thinking for a while, the official Zhao's face remained unchanged, and he continued to inquire.

Yu Yunwen was startled, but slightly at a loss, and shook his head again and again: "The officials did not mean this... Officials, before the Golden Army controlled both banks of the Yellow River, and all the ships on the Yellow River were taken by the Golden Army. There should have been so many ferry boats. ."

"Then what do you mean?" Zhao Jiu was also puzzled when he heard this... he still couldn't let go of the golden man to attack this problem.

"Officials, the ministers meant...Why don't you act first and burn Xiao Wu Yun?" Yu Yunwen returned to his senses and continued his eagerness to try.

Zhao Guan's family also recovered with this sentence, and then was heart-stricken... That's right, instead of guessing whether the golden man will come or when, why not burn the other ship on fire first and take the initiative to master the Yellow River. What about the control of the midstream?

As the saying goes, if Kou doesn't come, I can go!

At this point, Zhao Jiu suddenly turned around and looked at Yang Yizhong: "I remember Li Bao was originally an outstanding figure on the water of the Yellow River?"


"Call him."

Yang Yizhong left without saying a word. Only half an hour later, he arrived with Li Bao who was a little dazed. And Zhao Guan's family also asked Yu Yunwen to re-narrate the matter.

"How?" Zhao Jiu looked forward to it.

"I don't lie to the officials, it's absolutely difficult at this time!" Li Bao hesitated for a moment, but still handed his hands together.

"Why?" Zhao Jiu was puzzled for a while. "Golden men should not be good at water warfare, and I have many gunpowder bags in Tokyo, and there is no shortage of igniting objects..."

Li Bao still shook his head: "The official...I have been to the river and the sea. I want to say that the battle on the water is better than the water and experience of the man, but in the final analysis, it is better than the boat. The big boat is better than the boat, and the boat is better than the boat. Less... The gunpowder bag is a good thing, but how can you sneak attack on Xiao Wu Yun without a ship? And Xiao Wu Yun's local minister also knows that if he wants to attack at this time, he must have a big ship, because there is only Only the big ship can install a small stone thrower like the one that the official rehabilitated in Nanyang, and launch the gunpowder bag to shoot into the port through the embankment, and a small boat must rush into the port to fight to prevent the enemy ship from dispersing and avoiding."

Zhao Jiu calmed down for a while...he just remembered that, just now, Yu Yunwen also said that after Jingkang and Jianyan, the Jinren gradually controlled the Yellow River channels, and most of the Yellow River ferry boats were controlled by the Jinren.

Since the Jinren controlled most of the ferry boats, on the other hand, Song Jun didn't have many boats.

"Besides, there are no boats, you have to have good sailors...According to this tall jinshi, there are no less than hundreds of thousands of ferry boats in Xiao Wuxun's place, but there are only one or two thousand good sailors here, no boats. No one, what do you take to attack Xiao Wu Yun?"

Zhao Jiu calmed down.

And just as the official was about to give up, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the "tall Jinshi" from the corner of his eye, and he seemed to be eager to try again.

"Do you want to talk?" Zhao Guanjia's expression remained unchanged, but he looked forward to it again in his heart.

"Officials, ministers know where there are ships, and where there are sailors..." Yu Yunwen couldn't wait. "The official family now has 20,000 imperial naval forces, and there are countless ships available in Liangshan Park!"

Zhao Jiu didn't show up on his face, and was disappointed in his heart, but Li Bao simply laughed.

"You Jinshi don't know anything." Li Bao sneered. "My Li San is from Puzhou, and I know Liang Shanbo's strength better than you... but Liangshan heroes come here, and at most there are sailors, but there is still no ship..."

"Liangshan has a boat at anchor." Yu Yunwen interrupted the opponent earnestly. "There are big boats and small boats. Chief Zhang told me that he would add a block to hundreds of them."

"I know, but I can't make it through. I can't drag hundreds of large and small boats across the Yellow River from the ground, right?" Li Baoyu became angry. "Could it be that you want to dig a river tens of miles long, from the Yellow River to dig up the water, and then to Liangshanbo? If you do that, I am afraid that the river will be changed again."

"You don't need to dig dozens of miles, just two miles will allow Liangshan to pass through to the Yellow River!" Yu Yunwen didn't know what Yihe Road was, but he obviously had his own ideas. "And there is no shortage of manpower when it comes to digging, and it will not be discovered by the Jinren!"

Li Bao was still smiling, but he didn't bother to pay attention to this tall young jinshi who could only talk about military affairs.

But at the same time, Zhao Guan's family was suddenly stunned, because he woke up almost instantly to Yu Yunwen's meaning-you know, part of the Hua Shi Gang came from Liang Shanpo that day! It's Guangji River! That is Wuzhang River!

And the Bianhe River, which directly reaches the Yellow River, also passes through the city from Tokyo...

Isn’t the nearest place Lianglidi?

At this point, Zhao Guan's complexion remained unchanged, but his chest thumped.

"You have just heard about Li Commander's words. A big ship is necessary for combat. Can the building ship of Liangshan moor pass from there?" Zhao Jiu's expression remained unchanged, and he asked carefully.

Both Li Bao and Yang Yizhong were puzzled for a while, but it did not prevent them from gaining some understanding from Zhao Guan's words. Therefore, as soon as this remark came out, Yang Yizhong, who had been expressionless, was slightly moved and did not mention it. Li Bao was also completely serious. stand up.

"The new widening of the river is definitely enough, but the water gate needs to be removed." Under Zhao Guanjia's encouraging gaze, Yu Yunwen reluctantly said.

Yang Yizhong, who is familiar with the structure of Tokyo City, immediately verified his conjecture after hearing the word "Shuimen", but he became a little uneasy: "Officials, the water gate is naturally demolished quickly, but it may not be easy to rebuild... If it doesn't work, The Jinren crossed the river instead, fearing that they would leave the city defenses short of regret."

"It will be better if you dismantle it soon." Zhao Jiu's face was calm. "How can a war be a pity for the bottles and cans? But I still have a worry... If the Liangshanbo warship passes through Tokyo, as long as I lock the water gate, hundreds of warships will not be owned by Liangshanbo. Why should Taiwei Zhang believe me?"

At this time, Li Bao just woke up, but he was agitated and rubbed his hands for a while: "Officials, if the army of Liang Shanbo can come to the Yellow River by surprise, this matter will have become 80%! The minister is willing to be the pioneer for the leader of Zhang!"

But Yang Yizhong and Yu Yunwen each wanted to talk.

"I know what you are trying to say, and Li Tongji should be safe and restless." Zhao Jiu raised his hand to stop the three of them, then leaned forward with the bow and arrow around his waist and continued to speak. "It was Taiwei Zhang who trusted me, but Liang Shanbo was not the family of Taiwei Zhang alone. How could he make the people below trust the court? Send all the ships that rely on it to Tokyo City?"

"The minister is willing to go to Liangshanbo and his Yizhong handed over to each other. "The minister had a relationship with Xiao En, the leader of Liangshanbo. This person is a loyal person and can be used..."

Yu Yunwen trembled his lips, and suddenly said in a stern face: "For the sake of the country, the minister is willing to go on mission again and follow Yang Tongzhi to Liangshanbo!"

"For the country." Zhao Jiu said this and drew an arrow, then stared at Yu Yunwen, broke it on the spot, and threw the broken arrow on the ground. "Regardless of whether this matter can be done or not, I will marry you first! Don't refuse!"

Yu Yunwen gritted his teeth and spoke to each other, lowered his head, but was facing the broken arrow, and then he was almost excited: "The officials have returned to Tokyo to prepare, and the ministers will die!"

Li Bao was puzzled for a while: "Isn't it a good thing to give a marriage? How can a jinshi be like going to the execution ground?"

Yu Yunwen was embarrassed for a while and hurried to the end again: "The officials thanked the officials for their grace."

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