Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 72: Rush to aid

Chapter 238

Wan Yan Wushu and Han Chang left the baggage to cross the Dragon Gate at night. When they crossed the river, it was already dawn, and this day was the fourth year of Song Jianyan/the eighth year of Jintianhui, May 27.

At noon on this day, not to mention how Wushu led the 20,000 people to set foot on the road every day, and ran the road for two hundred miles for two consecutive days. He only said that he had crossed the river and set off, but he had already passed the sentry. Continuous passing, along the banks of the Yellow River, was the first to be sent to the head coach of the expedition, Wanyan Erriduo in Hezhong Mansion.

In the hot weather, Ruuduo, who had been living in a temple somewhere in the city, was discussing Buddhism with a monk under the shade of a tree. When the officer of the Kingdom of Jin came here with a serious knife, the monk took the initiative to salute and avoid suspicion.

"Have you crossed the river?" Erriduo in a commoner stood up absent-mindedly to see the monk away. He turned around and said something through.

"Yes." The officer was caught off guard, so he could only bow his head and say yes. "The whistle rider only said this."

"It's good to cross the river, it's good to cross the river!" For some reason, he knew that a decisive battle was about to come, but he felt relieved all over, and then fell on the stone bench under the shade of the tree, suddenly stunned.

After all, this battle was really hard...or in other words, this battle really made Jin Jun feel the hardship that he hadn't experienced for a long time.

Moreover, since the change of Jingkang, Zhao Song was like a beheaded person, almost reduced to a state of subjugation, and the Jin army also completely regarded the Song army as nothing.

At that time, they threw down the Central Plains and Guanzhong that they had already succeeded, and turned back, not because they didn’t want to take this world of flowers, but because they had eaten too much, and they hadn’t swallowed the rich land of Hebei. ?

However, who would have thought that after more than half a year, Hebei can easily swallow it, but Zhao Song has already revived, and there are resistance forces everywhere. Huazhou is difficult to cross, Shaanzhou is lost, Huaishang is blocked, a group of refugees, The defeated and fugitive officials just let that Zhao Song come back to life again.

Therefore, after another year, Jin Guo learned the lesson, but only wanted to destroy the Zhao Song center, and then supported the vassals along the Yellow River. He knew that his appetite was limited, and he had the mentality of slowly drawing. But this time However, he simply encountered an unimaginable frontal battlefield defeat. He ran away lazily and lost his military merits in the east and west.

More than a year later, this time because of Lou Shi’s agitation, the Jin army concentrated its forces again, and it was in a menacing state, but Song Jun is not what it used to be... In four years, the emperor is recognized by the inside and outside of the courage. The minister did not dare to say anything. The political structure was kept as stable as possible. Then, with the addition of the wealth and food of Southeast, Lianghuai, Jingxiang, and Bashu, 200,000 imperial troops and tens of thousands of western troops were exchanged. The resurgence of the army.

From the East China Sea to Longshang, the battle line stretches for thousands of miles, and the two sides cross the Yellow River to come and go, and each other advances and retreats... The Golden Army has not fought such a formal war for a long time.

Although all the senior leaders of the Jin Army know that the quality of the soldiers on the opposite side of the Song Army is not as good as theirs, the quality of their armor is not as good as theirs, the number of cavalry is even more ridiculous, and everyone has confidence in the Lou Shi and the West Road Army, but this huge battle situation The momentum of interacting with each other still made Wanyan Erriduo, who had originally thought it only come to take credit, felt tremendous pressure.

In fact, from the beginning of the troop dispatch, from the beginning of the mobilization, Yan Liduo and his brother Wu Shu had chatted a lot in the army... They talked about the political situation of Ningfu and Yanjing, the situation of Song and Jin, and Shanxi. The mass migration of people, talk about the conflict between Meng'an Muke, Hebei and the local Han people, and talk about the young Zhao Song official house to the south.

After the war in Hezhong Mansion, he talked about Han Shizhong, Li Yanxian, Lou Shi and Yin Shu Ke, and talked about Luoyang's successful raid, but what happened next made it difficult for Yan Li Duo to understand.

Luoyang City was broken, and there was just an empty city and a left-behind mate under the dragon. This is nothing. The key is that this successful surprise attack did not cause huge ripples in the battle. The Baoshui Pass has not fallen for a long time, and the ancient road of Qiujiang has been blocked for a long time... It seems that the fall of Luoyang City is just the fall of Luoyang City, the previous situation of breaking a little and breaking the whole line has completely disappeared.

Then, it was the intelligence that Yue Fei led a full 40,000 Song Army to appear in Hebei.

At this time, Ruuduo didn't know if the South Bank Song Army's composure was forced, but he was sure that the East Route Army was really panicked! Every Meng’an, every attempt, every Puliyan is worried about the property, men and women, and houses in his home, even if there are still tens of thousands of troops led by Lazy, Gao Jingshan and others in the Daming Mansion. Rest assured.

In desperation, Guriduo could only agree to the collective petition of these officers and send 40,000 troops to the north to force the Song army to retreat from Huguan... This move is almost equivalent to giving up the plan to force immigration from Shanzhou or the same state. .

Yue Peng made this trip to the north, and the actual strategic goal was achieved at the very beginning.

However, from the moment of answering, the third prince directly recognized his fourth brother Wanyan Wushu’s many views in his heart, and also recognized the latter’s inviting 20,000 troops to wait for the Dragon Gate crossing. Supporting plan... Because Erriduo fully realized that in any case, the relationship between Song and Jin is no longer the simple ruined relationship before.

Even if he won this time and took Guanzhong, it was the same...unless the Zhao Song official family who was regarded as the foundation of the Song Army by his fourth brother and the main force of the Song Army were cut off in this battle.

"Third Prince…"

Seeing the coach lost his senses, he hesitated to report to the officer. "Since the Fourth Prince is crossing the river, shall we do something a little bit here?"

Erriduo suddenly came back to his senses, but immediately nodded. He also felt that it was a bit too much to push all the things and responsibilities to the fourth one. However, although the third prince felt that he had to do something, he had very little experience in battle...After all, since the era of A Gu Da, the four elder princes had their own division of labor, and the boss Wan Yan Wu used to be a guard for A Gu. Er Wuli is not often the commander-in-chief of going abroad; the fourth child was young and was mostly a pioneer; and the third child Errido often stationed at the big camp.

This job, if it sounds good, is called strategizing, if it sounds bad, it's the housekeeper, so Guriduo didn't know how to share it for Wushu for a while.

"You can focus your troops and attack Pinglu, let the Song army focus on this side!" The officer faced each other carefully. "Our current military strength is actually not appropriate. If we force Pujin to cross, I am afraid that it will be self-defeating. On the contrary, it will be Pinglu, a lonely city, which will last for days. It would be fine to hesitate to sneak into Luoyang before, but you don't have to be taboo at this time... "

Uriduo nodded immediately.

It turned out that Pinglu had not yet been captured by the Jin Army.

One day later, May 28th calmly arrived... Early this morning, the Hedong Golden Army, which had already been besieged the city, violently attacked and flattened the land. Li Yanxian personally commanded the troops to cross the river from Shanzhou City to support. The fighting was fierce for a while. As the two most recent theaters and the two most relevant for actual warfare, Li Yanxian did not forget to immediately send a briefing on the battle situation to Han Shizhong to prepare the latter.

At noon, Han Shizhong was notified, but he was hesitant...because Pujin crossing here was calm and calm.

Let’s also say that Han Liangchen, as the highest-level general, is like Li Yanxian, few people who know the whole situation of the battle. Even he and Li Yanxian are probably the two people who know the battle situation most clearly on the entire battlefield... Luoyang fell. He knew clearly that Zhao Jiu didn’t conceal the fact that Yue Fei crossed north to him. He also knew about the fact that the Wei army submerged to Chang'an. Before that, the situation where the Jin army separated a large group of troops and headed north was unknown to others. He is here. It's impossible to be unaware of a river.

Moreover, just yesterday, he had just received an official document from the official regarding the possible decisive battle in the two days, asking him to be careful about the direction of Pujin and the direction of Longmen.

But now, Pu Jindu had gone too calmly, and instead, Pinglu City, which had been irrelevant, was under siege.

In just a moment, Han Shizhong, who was stationed on the Yellow River, smelled something that made him nervous, frightened, but excited, and then he immediately sent a messenger to let the troops guarding Liangshan area cross the Liangshan area with thousands of dollars. Man-made scale, divided into several stocks, proceeding forward investigation... The battlefield is so big, there is no reason why Han Shizhong can't remember Longmendu.

Of course, it stands to reason that Han Shizhong's smelling of these things is no longer important at this time, because according to Lou Shi's arrangement, this day should be the time of the decisive battle.

Everything should be too late.

However, as of this day, when Han Shizhong sent an envoy to the north, the entire Yaoshan-Wulongshan-Baishui area was as calm as ever.

Until noon, Lou Shi did not send any soldiers and horses, and the entire Golden Army camp was the same as in previous days.

If there is any difference, it is that the weather is a little dull, but it still hasn't rained.

In the afternoon, Lou Shi still did not send troops, and Han Shizhong's troops arranged on the south side of Liangshan, such as Dong Min's Three Thousand Sects, had begun to rush north.

And at this time, Song Jun’s coach Wu Jie fell into a great self-doubt... Ordinary people have noticed the dullness of the weather, but Jin Jun did not attack, which made him shake and hesitate. , And then doubted all his own judgment.

Although the Zhao official's house on the foothills in the rear did not have the slightest words, Wu Da still had a clear sense of shame.

He lost again and again, but the officials got bigger and bigger. Finally, he won once and got an unprecedented opportunity for this. However, he lost again and again. What strategy, what response, openly and secretly, all have no effect.

In the evening, seeing the Jin Jun still not moving, Wu Jie thought about it for a long time, but after all, it was like yesterday. With the assistance of Kobayashi, the generals were summoned, and the official military order was signed again, asking the whole army to do it in the early morning of the next day. Fan, each battalion inspected weapons and materials... as if they continued their preparatory posture, but also insisted on their own judgment.

He couldn't figure out where he made a mistake.

However, after the military order was issued and the sun hadn’t set, Wu Jie locked himself in the army’s tent. You should not hesitate to receive the favor of the official, but who can know this pressure?

"The war will start tomorrow."

After sunset, just after having dinner in various places of the Jin Army camp, Lou Shi summoned all the senior officers of the army and quietly announced the fact. "It was supposed to be today, but the Fourth Prince and his 20,000 reinforcements were difficult to march, and it was difficult to lose time... No blame, the Fourth Prince, it was my problem. I estimated based on the speed of our march along the Beiluo River, but it was I underestimated the difficulty of marching for large units, and I never thought that the East Route Army had never marched in such a plateau."

Below the speed of pull, the generals of the Jin army are not worried but happy, because 20,000 reinforcements, even if they are rushing to help, are enough to change the overall situation.

"But beware of the additional reinforcements of the Song Army." Lou Shiduan sat in the tent and continued to explain the situation calmly. "The Fourth Prince was originally scheduled to go to the North Luoshui River last night, and then led the cavalry to rush south today, but in fact, the chaos hit Fangzhou this morning, and the location was a lot to the north, and There are a lot of lost soldiers... Fangzhou, Fangzhou City can’t hold many soldiers. Qu Duan must be stationed in the south of Yijun area. The two sides are separated by a mountainous land. I can’t say they will be aware of it. If he is aware of it, he Tomorrow may also go to the south to provide support."

"It's also possible that they will rush northward, join forces with Wu Lin in Fangzhou City, attack Hekou Camp, and cut off our back." Pulling Lisu interjected and reminded him expressionlessly. "It's also possible that she didn't notice it, but the living woman moved, and she can't say it will disturb him!"

Lou Shi glanced at Ba Lisu and nodded slightly: "I know, so the living girl will guard the Hekou Camp tomorrow and won't take risks rashly..."

Pull away speed shut up immediately.

"Everyone!" At this point, Lou Shi suddenly stood up and looked around with the knife on his waist. "If Quduan does not help tomorrow, it will be 50,000 to 80,000. If Quduan comes to help, it will only be the end of the crossbow. Except for a few cavalry, it will not be of great use... In any case, the fighter has already appeared, so there is no need to hesitate... But there is still a little more words, I promise you guys to talk about it now!"

The generals looked at each other, of course speechless.

"Are you sure?" In the middle of the night, because of daytime suspicion, Han Shizhong, who took the initiative to lead his troops to Siqian Town in the middle of Tongzhou, was awakened by his subordinates, and then he received a news that did not unexpectedly come to him.

"It's true!" The subordinate who reported the letter panted again and again, but hurriedly repeated it again. "We have three thousand people going north, and we have detected the military situation before we separate. The large group of the Jin Army passed through the north of Liangshan yesterday. The local mountain people can see clearly, saying that there are many more people than ours... Dong Zhizhi asked his subordinates to report the incident without hesitation."

There are more than three thousand troops, that is, tens of thousands of troops, and what you saw yesterday, it may not have arrived in Beiluoshui or even Baishui long ago.

Regarding this, Han Shizhong, who had an instant judgment in his heart, remained silent, and could only remain silent...because he had no one to discuss, his troops and his capable subordinates were distributed in several cities and several positions along the river at this time. .

Moreover, he doesn't need to think about any extra words, there are only two choices at the moment, or not.

Once aided, the soldiers and horses at the positions along the river and Pujindu could not move, and there was no time to move, and if some cities, such as the northwest defense Loushi invaded Chengcheng and other places in Tongzhou, it was because they were in the sentry of Loushi camp. Within the scope of the investigation, once dispatched, it is likely to be immediately noticed by the Jin Jun, and then self-defeating.

Therefore, at this time, he can dispatch Han Shizhong and ensure that he can rush to the Yaoshan battlefield tomorrow. In fact, there is only a Beiwei army and Changle Xu Shian, a total of seven or eight thousand people.

Seven or eight thousand people rushed to the battlefield. It is very likely that they will not be able to catch up with the decisive battle. It is still unknown how much combat power will remain after catching up. This is by no means worthwhile.

But after only a few breaths of silence, Han Shizhong has already made a decision... After all, the officials are so kind to him, how could he not help if he splashed Han Wu? In other words, between these few breaths, Han Shizhong did not consider the issue of aid or not, he was just thinking about the issue of military strength.

After all, he splashed Han Wu is not the kind of **** like Qu Da!

When the time came in the early morning, I missed a full day and was destined to have a huge and unknowable impact on the battle. Under the pressure of huge non-combat attrition, he still followed Wu Shu and Han Chang. Started to move south along Beiluoshui. However, I have to say that this time because of the river channel, the speed of the Jinjun was much faster than the previous two days.

At almost the same time, Han Shizhong from the same state, after making some preparations, also officially led his troops westward. At the same time, his messenger went to Changle Town, which was already on the North Luoshui River, to inform Xu Shian who was stationed there.

Almost at the same time, the Jinjun camp took the lead to raise conspicuous cooking smoke.

Immediately, the Shanxi Army Commander, the actual commander-in-chief of the march to Kanxi, Wanyanlou, issued the first military order of the day—the entire army of 30,000, with the exception of the two Hezha Meng’an, each of them led each. One pocket, filled with dirt, can receive the meal.

In this way, after daybreak, the golden army who had a meal led the war horse and guarded the cart, and almost exhausted all kinds of methods to carry a bag of soil belonging to him, UU read www.uukā and then poured out.

The sentry cavalry reported that the Song army camp received the news, and the whole line was shaken, as if it were an enemy.

But afterwards, the Sentry Cavalry reported again that although most of the Golden Army had more cavalry, they were slow to move, and depending on the direction of action, they did not come straight to the Song Army camp, but to the Song Army camp Zhengdong and the Jin Army camp Just south of Jinsu Mountain.

At this time, it was considered a serious day, and Song Army commander Wu Jie hesitated for a moment, only sent a small group of two thousand troops, rushed forward, and made a symbolic preemptive gesture to Jinsu Mountain.

No matter what, so far, both the Song and Jin armies have formally sent troops, and Zhao Jiu has begun to put on armour and bow with the assistance of Yang Yizhong.

This day was May 29th, the fourth year of Jianyan. The weather was a little dull, but there were no rain clouds.

PS: Continue to sacrifice the new book-the historical text "The New Order of the Water Margin" in the Water Margin!

Interested students can go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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