Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 73: Military order

Chapter 239

Moreover, since the two sides have sent troops, they have to fight.

The Song Army's small group of troops, that is, two thousand people led by Qiao Ze on Qinfeng Road, were ordered to make a preemptive posture to Jinsu Mountain, but they were discovered by the Jinjun Sentry not long after they left the camp. Immediately, Wanyan Shensi, the five striker of the Jinjun Wanhu Yelvma (real name Yelv Shensi, given the surname by King Taizu) was ordered to lead ten Khitan tactics, accumulated thousands of horses, dropped the cloth bags, left the brigade, and rushed towards Qiaoze's department.

On the local battlefield, cavalry came and went like wind. Therefore, in the morning, the dew had not dried up, and Qiao Ze had just led his troops out of the camp for ten miles, five or six miles away from Jinsu Mountain, and hit Wanyan Shensi head-on, and then started fighting.

The battle process is simple, fast, and intense.

Among them, although Wanyan Shensi's troops are all Khitan cavalry, the troops organized according to the Meng'anmuke system still have special characteristics of the Golden Army... And as Wu Jie concluded, the main force of the Golden Army has always had the advantages of cavalry and heavyweight. Arrow superiority, armor superiority, and the most important advantage of the soldiers' resistance to combat and strong execution.

On the other hand, Qin Fenglu's soldiers and horses led by Qiao Ze inevitably lacked horses and armor, and the quality of the soldiers themselves was also worrying.

Therefore, although Qiao Ze had dealt with it very hard, only two quarters of an hour later, as the Song Army was killed by the Jin Army's heavy arrows causing nearly a hundred casualties, they still fell into a total disadvantage in the battle. In this case, in order to protect the entire team, Qiao Ze immediately chose to go behind and fight and retreat, and Yelu Shensi obviously also got some specific instructions, and he did not hesitate to choose to pursue and kill.

With the continuous and effective killing of the Jinjun cavalry, Qiao Ze's department quickly became unable to sustain it, and quickly fell into a state of fleeing. The troops also lost the ability to resist, and large-scale casualties began to appear... Fortunately, everyone's escape goals were all The terrain is consistent, and the terrain here is complex. Even though the Song Army was a little panicked when fleeing, a ditch emerged here and a muddy swamp where the water had evaporated, which also caused great trouble to the heavy armored Golden Army cavalry. Let Qiao Ze Department always be in a state of collapse but not dispersal.

In this way, the chase and massacre which were not very effective lasted for a period of time. The Song army also continued to throw many corpses, but with the remnants of Qiao Ze’s troops rushed to the highland located in Liuli, Zhengdong of their own camp. On the high slope, the Jin Jun finally suffered a large-scale delay. Qiao Ze did not lose his mind. He specifically chose the steepest section of the ravine to wait for the highland retreat, and this steep highland edge ravine was a great deal for the Jinjun cavalry. In big trouble, the latter had to detour to both sides of the plateau in order to find the upper plateau with a gentle slope.

However, it can be regarded as the end. When the Golden Army cavalry finally circumvented the Dengyuan, they found that the Song Army received no less than five or six thousand troops, divided into two units, and had already left the camp for rescue.

However, Wanyan carefully watched the two faintly flashing troops in the sun, and they moved quickly, and the array was quite neat, but he did not hesitate to choose to withdraw their troops... His thousands of cavalry were of this size and morale. There was no possibility of taking advantage of the Song Army's main force.

"What's the point of this battle?"

After bringing Qiao Zebu back, Xin Yongzong, the commander of the army in the imperial camp, looked at Qiao Zebu's loss, but couldn't help but face him in front of Qiao Ze, and complained about Li Qiong who had sent troops to rescue him. "Two thousand lone soldiers, didn't the surname Wu let General Qiao go out for nothing? And our camp is so high, many soldiers have seen the defeat with their own eyes, isn't it a waste of morale?"

Of course, Qiao Ze knew that this was because Xiao Xin was selling well for the face of his uncle Qiao Zhongfu, and as a leader, he knew some inside information, but at this time he had just escaped from the tiger’s mouth, he was embarrassed, but he didn’t bother at all. Words, just turned his head to look at the situation of his subordinates.

"not like this."

At this moment, Li Qiong, who had been stationed on the **** of Mayuan, looked around with a stern expression and shook his head in response. "Wu Taiwei still has something to say about this move. He is looking for, or guessing, the right battlefield for the decisive battle! If nothing else, he will be fighting on this piece of Dongpo plateau today! Terrain, size, height, vision, The distance is all right!"

Xin Yongzong was stunned to look at the plateau at his feet again, and he was also suddenly awakened... He was no longer talented, but Li Qiong's words were up to this point, how could he not understand as a leader? Besides, the person on the side, Qiao Ze, did not refute at all.

Let’s also say that the Golden Army obviously wanted to take Jinsu Mountain to gain the advantage of vision and the second base to launch a general offensive against the Song Army camp. However, Jinsu Mountain was 14-five miles away from the Song Army camp, so the battle was definitely contended. However, the Golden Army cavalry, so just as everyone thought, the fight for Jin Su Mountain was a false proposition from the beginning, and facing the main force of the 30,000 Golden Army, two thousand lone troops could not have substantive results.

However, Wu Jie made Qiao Ze's purpose also not here.

The process of the collapse of the two thousand troops has naturally completely highlighted the advantages of this area of ​​Dongpo:

First of all, Dongpo is five or six miles away from the Song Army camp, and ten miles away from Jinsu Mountain. This is the effective distance for the infantry-based Song Army to support and attack from the camp, and it can also ensure that it is not easy for the Golden Army to control first. ;

Secondly, since Dongpo is an uphill slope, and the main **** is on the east side, it is destined that the infantry will be much easier on this battlefield than the opposing cavalry;

Third, the height of the east **** did not exceed the foothills where the Song Army camp was located, and the vision was clear and easy to command;

Finally, the east **** is extremely large, extremely long, hundreds of steps wide, and more than ten miles long, which is convenient for the main force to expand here. At the same time, most of the swamps turned into by evaporation of water also stop here.


"Marshal is going to abandon the village to fight?" Liu Xi, who had been staring at Dongpo for a long time, turned around where the barracks of the Song Army camp was located, and was surprised at Wu Jie.

"It's not that I want it, but once the Jinjun occupying Jinsu Mountain, they can see what we are waiting for, and then occupy Dongpo, and then they can break the big camp." Wu Jie frowned solemnly. "And don’t forget, we were arguing about establishing a village before. I said that occupying high ground is more for vision and command. I did not refute Liu Dutong’s theory that Mizusawa’s stagnant cavalry is the best... Now the area of ​​Mizusawa is halved, but it still remains. Can delay the Golden Army cavalry, not to mention that part of the waters are still muddy without water. It can't be a miraculous effect. Is it necessary to abandon these waters and swamps and allow the Golden Army to calmly climb the east **** and then besiege the camp? The Jin army is approaching the camp, what about the fire attack?"

Liu Xi was stunned for a long time before he was angrily: "If you had listened to me earlier, how about establishing a village at the bottom of Dongpo Plain?"

Wu Jie didn't bother to pay attention to this meaningless complaint, anyway, the other side had already agreed with the strategy of confrontation.

On the contrary, the Lizhou Road Jingli made Liu Qi step forward and persuaded his brother a little bit: "Dutong, what the Marshal said is very reasonable... and it is because we were in Linze Lizhai at the foot of the plateau, how could it be possible to leave behind? What about the superiority of troops and the trapped camp? The camp is so large that there is no way to effectively support it. If it is trapped, it will be defeated in all likelihood, and you have to take the initiative to fight."

Liu Xi was completely speechless, and Zhao Jiu, who was sitting beside Wu Jie, said nothing. At this time, he glanced at the brothers.

But regardless of this, in any case, the Song Army lost in the first battle and the Jin Army won in the first battle, it is no secret, but the following is actually an unbearable blank period of the battlefield.

After the Song Army withdrew, he guarded the camp, said that it was easy to hear, and said that it was awkward to say that it was impossible to grasp the battle initiative and could only respond passively. After the victory of the Jin Army, they did not intend to take the opportunity to launch an offensive. Under the leadership of the five-color holding Japanese flag in the Wanyan Lou room, the army of thirty thousand marched calmly towards Jinsu Mountain...The armor and the cloth bags were on the march. On the car, the war horse emptied, without any hesitation or restlessness.

This is of course understandable. They are also recharging their energy and preparing for the upcoming battle.

Moreover, a few high-ranking officials of the Kingdom of Jin also understand that they are also delaying time and fighting for the reinforcements of the Fourth Prince Wanyan Wushu...In a word, it is neither possible to start a full fight too early, nor too late.

In this way, a little bit of time passed, until it was almost noon, that is, when the sun was approaching due south, the sun gradually dimmed and the air became a little dull.

"Will it rain?" In the silence, Zhao Jiu, the official of the Song Dynasty, finally asked the first sentence of the day.

"It's hard to tell." Without Wu Jie's words, Wang Yuan, the next imperial capital, took the initiative to communicate. "The cloud is not heavy, maybe it will go down, maybe it will not go down..."

"If it rains, is it good or bad?" Zhao Jiu asked seriously.

"If there is rain, pouring rain, it will naturally be a great benefit." Wang Yuan hesitated and said. "Golden cavalry, heavy armor, and heavy arrows are all ineffective, and our army has twice the number of troops, enough to win short-term battles in the rain, but if it is delayed, this kind of weather will have a great advantage for the golden army who fears the heat. ——Without direct sunlight, they can send troops directly in the noon."

Zhao Jiu nodded...the war has one more unstable variable, but it cannot be used as a reliance on it. On the contrary, any commander should consider these variables from the worst point of view. It is no wonder that Wu Jie will directly fidget. Up.

"Let the whole army stop on the spot, put on armour and stroking horses, and prepare for battle."

Tens of thousands of troops stretched for more than a few miles, and most of the troops were still behind him. Lou Shi had already reached Jinsu Mountain for a long time, and his people took their gazes from the five-colored Pengri flag above their heads, but they simply issued a military order on Mazha. .

The military order was quickly communicated. It took the tens of thousands of troops a full quarter of an hour to completely stop. After waiting for a while, Lou Shi, who carefully observed the location of his ministries and the location of the other party’s camp, glanced again. Without hesitation behind his head, he issued a second military order:

"Let the Wanyan Convertible Department be the vanguard, take 50 tricks from the headquarters, carry a cloth bag, and set off immediately. Whenever there is a swamp or water, I will use soil bags to padded the ground, and rush to the northernmost side camp of the Song Army!"

The military order was passed down immediately, and then, at about noon, the Jinjun Wanyan Conversion Department began to attack in a big way.

Seeing Wanyan's deployment of troops, Lou Shi was not in a hurry and issued the third military order:

"Using Yelvma Fifth Division to seize the hillside of the plateau on the east side of the Song Army camp, with the deputy commander Pull Lisu commanding the Han'er Army 10,000 as the successor, set off immediately!"

Ba Lisu turned to say here, but he spoke solemnly: "Du Tong, I will take the Han'er Army, who should deal with the dozens of murders besides my headquarters Meng'an? Is it slanted or Pei Mantu? Nian? Who is the commander?"

"You don't need to command the army." Lou Shi looked at Ba Lisu and calmly ordered. "I will assign it myself to support you!"

Pulling the speed without words, turned directly down the mountain.

In the afternoon, the Song Army discovered the movement of the Wanyan Division, but the camps continued to be continuous, and before the deployment of troops, a small village on the northernmost side was easily attacked by the Jin Army’s two Meng’an and more than a dozen conspiracies. Disperse into other camps and cause chaos.

"Liu Qi!"

Wu Jieyao watched the situation and did not hesitate to send troops directly. "Eli Zhou's army came out of the village and all rushed to the north to face this battle. The left wing (north side) of this battle will be handed over to you!"

For the left wing of the army, it was a task that was undertaken when the previous lineup started. Liu Qi did not hesitate to take the lead and set off immediately.

As soon as Liu Qi went, Wu Jie kept going for a while, but again ordered: "The whole army of Wang De's army in the imperial camp will march forward and seize Dongpo! Wang Yan's department and Qinfeng Road's various departments are back-ups!"

The commanders of the various ministries led the way and conveyed the orders. After a while, the large camp was opened, and tens of thousands of troops sprang out of their own camp, but they were divided into two. Liu Qi's department responded to the left wing's full-faced assault. However, the various divisions of the imperial camp came out, divided into two layers, and occupied the east slope.

The coaches of the two sides coincided with each other. When the Song army rushed to the east slope, the Yelvma Fifth Department had already taken advantage of the cavalry to climb the plateau first. The three thousand people in the forefront of the Song army, Fu Qing Department, were caught off guard. Five thousand cavalry were surrounded on three sides.

For a time, the heavy arrows were shot continuously, and the cavalry used cavalry spears to slash at the flanks, weakening Fu Qing's department layers like peeling. It was almost a moment before this Song army's core main force was defeated.

But soon, Wang De, Zhang Jing, Qiao Zhongfu, and Xin Qizong came together, and the broad front was torn apart, like a big net, it rushed backwards.

Seeing that they were about to be encircled in the reverse direction, and the troops under the Song Army Plain were endless, the number was staggering, almost overwhelming, Yelv Mawu hurriedly ordered the retreat, but the troops were entangled with the remnants of the Fu Qing department, and could not follow the order.

In a moment of shock, that is, at this moment, the Jinjun Deputy Commander Wanyan, with a speed of 10,000 Han'erjun, arrived at Dongpo, and the following forces of the Jinjun completely responded, and the fifth department of Yelvma was able to withdraw and retreat.

In this way, the Jin Army has 10,000 Han'er Army, six or seven thousand cavalry, the infantry command is Wanyan Ba ​​Lisu, and the cavalry command is Yelv Mawu; while the Fu Qing Department of the Song Army directly collapsed, and the remaining 35,000, layered on top of each other, It is divided into ten parts, among which Wang De's six parts are in front, Wang Yan's four parts are behind, and the two armies are no less than 50,000 people, each on the east and west sides, directly fought on the Dongpo Plain.

And the fifty thousand army cried together, shouting and killing shocked between Yaoshan and Wulongshan, dust was flying on the uphill slopes, the light of the armor was completely shielded, and the formation was not visible for a while, and they could only pass the flag and the large group of troops far away. Swing back and forth to observe the battle.

"Stalemate, but Master Wang has the upper hand!" Wang Yuan looked for a moment and couldn't help reporting to the fully armored Zhao official's house. "Master Wang has a lot of soldiers, pushing the Golden Army to the east!"

Zhao Jiu didn't say a word, but together with Wu Yan on one side, he looked somewhere in front of the Chinese army camp from the stage to the left. While Wang Yuan was observing the battle situation on the plateau, the battle situation there also changed drastically. After Liu Qi led the Lizhou road group to counterattack to Wanyan, he not only immediately broke the left wing through the golden army in Song Junyingzhai. Meng'an was expelled from the camp area, and proactively pursued successfully!

Taking advantage of the high altitude of the Chinese military camp at the foot of the mountain and the broad vision of Jiangtai, Zhao Jiu saw an unprecedented shocking scene without any explanation... Thousands of gold soldiers were using some kind of cloth bag or something. After successfully passing through Mizusawa, he was stuck in a maneuvering predicament in the still muddy swamp area without water. However, Liu Qi led the Lizhou army to chase there, but he did not hesitate. The whole army abandoned the horse and entered the swamp in this swamp. Surrounded by thousands of inconvenient golden cavalry!


A galloping ride, directly on the foot of the mountain, separated by a hundred steps, and then struggling to shout loudly. "The Song Army decisively left the battalion to grab the plateau. The troops are extremely heavy, and they are all elites in the imperial battalion. Fu Dutong (Pull Lisu) asks for support! He said that if there is no support, he is afraid that he will not be able to stand on the plateau!"

Lou Shi sat still, so he wanted to speak.


Another rider galloped from the northwest side, and he called from a distance, but was more impatient and irritable than the previous rider, and even faintly roared and cried in his words. "My family's tens of thousands of households (Wanyan equivalent) fell into the mud for a while, fifty tricks, and thirty were surrounded by the Lizhou army among the Song people! The Song army abandoned the horse into the mud and shot us in hand-to-hand combat. If there are no reinforcements, I am afraid that there will be countless deaths and injuries!"

Lou Shi was stunned. The battle took place on the side close to the Song Army camp. Although Jinsu Mountain was a high ground, one could barely observe the battles in the Dongpo Plain, and he could barely see the distribution of the Song Army camp, but in some places it was fundamentally clear. It is invisible.

He also didn't expect that there would be so many main forces in crisis.

However, after a little thought, Lou Shi regained his composure, and then immediately ordered: "Pei Man Tu Nian, Wan Yan slanted cloth!"

Hearing the words, the second general immediately flashed his head to listen to orders.

"You two are the old department of Yinshuko, the most appropriate. I wanted to stay by my side for assistance, but the war was tense, but I couldn't take care of it a lot." Lou Shi did not rush, and was serious about each other. "The two of you will take all the forty tricks left behind by Palisu, split the left and right, and rush up from both sides of the plateau, whether it is a flanking attack or break into the gaps in the Song Army, or when Palisu will There are other military orders, I don’t care, I only want you to protect Pallisu and Yelvmawu, and maintain the Yuanpo position with your army... Understand? I only want that piece of land!"

Although the second general was a little surprised, how could he not understand the military order and be the leader of the rescue?

Therefore, the second general was ordered immediately, and then quickly went to order troops and horses to prepare to support the plains, and the speeding messenger was overjoyed, and he simply turned around and beat the horse to report.

"Dutong..." Seeing this, the courier of Wanyan folded up a little hopeful, but a little flustered. The Jinjun only had 30,000, and 20,000 had already been scattered, and now he directly assisted Dongpoyuan Si. Ten conspiracies, does Lou's family have to personally rescue their own tens of thousands of households?

"You can rest here." Lou Shi glanced at the folded messenger, recognizing that the other party was a rather brave Pu Liyan on the side of the folded body, but slowly called another person. "Uncle Cut!"

Uncle Lou's head office Meng An Wanyan Chai immediately came out: "Du Tong!"

The Envoy of Wanyan Envoy was also overjoyed when he saw this person out of the queue.

"Go there in person and tell Wanyan Zhehe." Lou Shi said calmly, looking at his confidant. "Tell him that I don’t care about the guilt of him being caught in the mud, but the matter is already here, and I ask him to stand there. If you still attract the support of the Song army and smash the soldiers, horses and time on him, it will be all. The annihilation of the army is worth it in my opinion!"

Uncle Wanyan is the confidant of Lou Shi, and he naturally knew about the four princes' assistance to the troops, so he instantly realized Lou Shi's meaning, but this person was obviously still a little uneasy: "Dutong, what if the general is dissatisfied?"

"Then formally give the military order!" Lou Shi still looked calm. "Tell him that Shanxi's Army Commander Commander Wanyan Lou's room had an order, and Wanyan who was marching with thousands of families and gold medal holders, and his thirty tricks, must die in the mud beside the army camp of Song!"

Uncle Wanyanjian knew and wanted to get up and go to pass the order in person, but before he turned around, on the gentle **** of the foothills, the messenger had no blood on his face. He turned and hit the horse and headed northwest.

And this person had just rushed down the foothills, but reined in Lou Shi’s unsentimental gaze, turned around, and yelled out: "Tong Tong! I know you must have a plan! And such a military order, there is no need to cut the uncle. Ann will go and pass it personally, and I will make it clear to my family! And let Uncle Xie Meng’an stay here to recharge and prepare for your plans!"

After saying this, the man never looked back, and went straight to the northwest.

Yiqi Juechen raised a burst of loess smoke and dust, but quickly subsided. Then, Pei Mantu Nian and Wanyan slanted cloths each with twenty tricks protruding from left to right, and went straight to the north and south ends of the Dongpo Plain, and the smoke and dust were rolled up like two long dragons.

During the whole process, Wanyan Lou's room was speechless, except that his eyes were piercing, from front to back, but he never gave up on all kinds of things in front of him.

PS: Thanks to Xiaoyu of the 82nd Moe Xiaoyu and my 83rd Moe Candle Long Face... To be honest, the number of leaders in this book surprised me a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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