Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Chaos

Chapter 241

"The official sits down for a while."

Wu Jie stopped Zhao Jiu, but he was already breathing heavily and stood up, and his hands were shaking. "Let's take another look at the situation, take another look..."

Zhao Jiu, who was sitting next to him, nodded and promised, but he dared not stand up and look at the so-called situation, because he really stood up and his hands were shaking.

Besides, it wasn't that Wu Jie, Zhao Jiu, and Song Jun hadn't thought about Longmendu before so many people up and down. They couldn't ignore any questions around the battlefield. But the problem is that Longmendu is too far, a full distance of more than two hundred miles, even if it hits a hundred miles every day, it will take the third day to reach it. What's more, the terrain over there is so complicated?

Therefore, after thinking about it, everyone feels that the Jinjun can have support under that distance, but it must be the kind that is on the surface. Honestly, it takes five or six days with enough luggage. From Longmendu to Danzhou, to Fangzhou, and then down to the south of Henan, to gather at the Jinjun camp, and finally take part in the war.

However, now people have come to Wanyan Wushu... and it was the sunrise before and now to the north of Liangshan, appearing here today, this kind of speed makes Han Shizhong's timely reminders seem better than nothing.

And it is said that as little as 10,000, as many as tens of thousands!

"It is often recorded in historical books that some troops have strong horses, but once they encounter a surprise attack, no matter how many enemies come, they will be ruined by the wind. Isn't it like this?"

Although Zhao Jiu was shocked by the sudden emergence of Wanyan Wushu, his heart was guilty, and he didn't even dare to stand, but his face was still stable. After Liangqi's suggestion was suspended, he was again in the room. Take the initiative to speak and laugh. "The day before Wu Shu was still north of Liangshan Mountain, and today it has been around Yaoshan Mountain. The so-called strong crossbow cannot pass through Lu Jin. According to my opinion, although Wu Shu has a large number of soldiers and horses, as long as the whole army responds steadily, it may not be unreasonable!"

Everyone heard this, and of course they hurriedly followed Zhao Guanjia's words to echo...This said it was halfway through the afternoon, and Wu Shufang had arrived. It can be seen that they have been on the road for a whole day today, and they are bound to be sleepy. That said, the terrain is complicated, and Jin Jun is fast. There are bound to be many behind, and tens of thousands of troops don’t know how many are left; some people say that there are still two troops in the camp, Qinfeng Road Army and Chinese Army. Determine the outcome; even Wu Jie also secretly regretted his loss, and actually let the officials come forward to do what he should have done.

However, everyone said that, from Zhao Jiu to Wu Jiu to everyone, their eyes are not stopping for a moment, only staring at the Golden Army cavalry brigade emerging from the southwest of Yaoshan Mountain, and from time to time. Xihe Road Liu Xijun who has completed the formation!

After all, everyone knew that if Wanyan Wushu really got 20,000 cavalry as powerful as the 10,000 cavalry led by Yelvma Five, the Song Army would not be able to wait for this battle. Whoever comes to help will be defeated directly. The quality of this wave of reinforcements depends on whether Liu Xi can be tested.

Back in front of him, the upper Song army at the foot of the mountain was panicked for a while knowing that the number of aid troops might be extremely large. Liu Xi, who had completed his formation on the south side of the camp, was also panicked, and at this time, he pulled his precious **** arm out to help him. The fact that the younger brother robbed the head is no longer regretful, but disappointed!

Because at this time, the five-hundred god-arm archer who can't be recovered at all is likely to be the winner of the whole army! In fact, after Liu Xi lined up the route of the Western Army’s defensive cavalry, looking at the only hundred divine arm bows at the core of the crossbow formation, he had no idea how to resist the continuous emergence from the foot of Yaoshan Mountain. The Golden Army Cavalry continued.

"How can it be?" After the formation was completed, the officers gathered around him, Liu Xi looked back at the location of the Chinese army on the foothills, turned his head and looked around and asked. "The official house is behind..."

After a word, the officers around were speechless.

Liu Xi was anxious and frustrated: "If you are usually kind to you, can no one share my worries for me before the incident?"

The officers looked at each other. One of them had the courage to confront each other, but asked an unexpected question: "Dutong, the officials are as rumored as expected. This time, is Yuwenxianggong really here?"

Now that someone started, the other officers also kept asking:

"There have been rumors in the military, is it true?"

"Aren't the officials in Chang'an?"

"It's not that the Tutong is afraid that we will not use our strength, so it coaxes us, how did the official come here?"

Liu Xiji's tears were about to come down: "When things are up to now, can you still coax you? Not to mention, if there are no officials, how can I make Wu Da's nag an easy marshal?!"

The surrounding officers looked at each other and looked at Li Yanqi, the military superintendent on the road, as if they still didn't believe it...Because there are some things, not to mention that they were covered up, they were shown clearly and precedented earlier. I am afraid that some people still do not believe it. .

Xihe Road soldiers and horses are not the imperial army.

And Li Yanqi looked back at the foot of the mountain where the Golden Army troops were still pouring out fragments, but directly gritted her teeth: "Dutong, the official family is in the Chinese Army. They don't know, why don't we know? At this time, I want them. Convinced, there is only one thing, and that is that the two of us are not afraid of death to make a look... And now, as you said, the official is in the camp behind him, so how can we die? I can only die here!"

"What do you want to do?" Liu Xi clearly heard a little taste.

"While the living girl's footing is not stable, let's recoil!" Li Yanqi was right, he thought the person was a living girl. "There are more than a hundred divine arm bows. There are so many golden cavalrymen in front of them, which are not enough to support the position. And I think those golden cavalrymen are obviously a little tired. Some people fall off their horses directly when they are in the formation...Fortunately, our Xihe Road cavalrymen were originally. Just more..."

Li Yanqi did not finish her words, but Liu Xi was already stunned: "Riding against riding?"

"Not bad!"

"That's the golden cavalry!" Liu Xi couldn't accept it for a while. "The foundation of the family will be destroyed!"

Li Yanqi shook her head more than just: "Dotong still needs to take care of the wealth of the family? If you don't give up in this battle, you are afraid that you will rob your family and destroy the clan!"

Liu Xi was immediately aphasia.

"Dutong, I didn't mean to push hard." Li Yanqi knew that the other party was the head of a general in his bones, and couldn't persuade him for a while, but he gritted his teeth again. "It's just that we ride and step apart. I will lead the cavalry to rush, and all will lead the infantry to open the air in the middle of the formation... When I am defeated, I will try to bring the golden army into it. Hold it in... Anyway, is there a way out for the current situation?"

Liu Xi was speechless, and it took a long time before he reluctantly nodded under the eyes of many of his subordinates.

After receiving the promise, Li Yanqi immediately took the spear from the horse, and looked around and ordered: "All the cavalry on Xihe Road will come with me!"

The surrounding middle-level officers did not fully believe that the official was behind them until now. They also made a crash and went back to send their troops. And Liu Xi watched Li Yanqi and other cavalry officers send troops together, and ordered the remaining officers to split the formation and set ambush, and suddenly became weak.

After all, as Liu Zhongwu's eldest son, Liu Xi's political level, vision, and knowledge are much better than the others. How can he not know the thoughts of Li Yanqi? Don't know the current situation?

In fact, who knows better than Liu Xi that compared with himself, Li Yanqi has one more way to surrender. It's just that the official family is behind him, and their family wants to be in Guanzhong. If the front continues to continue, it is impossible to bear the name of selling the official family, and then he was forced to fight hard... and he, the general, even if the official did not come from the beginning, it is impossible to surrender, so he had to go desperately. hit.

However, knowing what is going on, knowing what is right and what is wrong, but when approaching me, my heart is timid, confused, dare not to do, and is unwilling to do it, but it is still true.

If this battle is lucky, the family is afraid that they will count on their second child.

Besides, Jin Jun is still at the foot of the mountain with a beautiful Sun and Moon flag, and there is a Han character flag gathered in an array. Seeing the opposing army split in the distance, the Song army cavalry took the initiative to attack, and it was hard to come to the battlefield to harvest. All the beauty of the face is changed instead.

"I regret not listening to General Han's words." Wu Shu, who had abandoned his visor early because of the hard road and the hot weather, turned to face each other. "The whole army should have rushed directly from the beginning... Now that I have gathered the troops here, I have been shy!"

"Now, there is no other way. I will go to burst formation! Ask the four princes to take in the troops while taking care of me!" Han Chang, who was flushed with sweat and his beard, didn't wear a helmet at all. Throw down an empty water bag and make a decision without hesitation. "You have to bite this breath and not let it out. Once it does, you can't get up!"

"Good!" Wan Yan Wushu immediately responded.

And Han Chang didn't hesitate, he only cried thousands of cavalrymen under his banner, and greeted him face to face.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhao Jiu, Wu Jiu and others didn’t know what was going on. They only saw Liu Xi's formation, and then the gold army rushed out of the foot of the mountain. They thought it would be the top of Mount Tai, but unexpectedly, the gold army stopped first. The army, and then the Song army actually took the initiative to send cavalry to control it.

By this time, like the cavalry who attacked, they felt that this was a pebble hitting a rock, and Li Yanqi, who had come up with an idea, was just thinking about ‘inducing the enemy to go deeper’.

However, no matter how guilty the senior leaders of the Song army were, or how determined the commander of the Jin army was, and how incompetent the commander of the Song army was, after the cavalry of the two armies each had thousands of cavalry, they fought hard at the foot of the hill. A group, but there is no difference between the winner and the loser!

In any case, anything can be deceived, but the front line cannot be deceived. The Chinese army is condescending to see clearly that the Jin Army was blocked by the Song Army cavalry for a while, and it was difficult to advance. It was also a pleasant surprise. Many people almost fell to their seats.

Among them, Wu Jie took the lead in reacting, but hurriedly looked up at the sky, first at the clouds and then at the dim sun, calculating the time in his heart and guessing the weather, but he reborn a lot of confidence.

After all, if you can withstand the offensive and wait until dark or rain, and the Jin army withdraws, for the Song army who is on the defensive, it will be a sort of victory.

Even from one angle, the left and right wings can be put down as long as they are entangled. The key lies in the frontal battlefield... He is already considering whether to send troops to the plateau in order to win.

Of course, thinking of the Lou room's headquarters, which was obscured by the smoke and dust on the plains, Wu Da still forced his mind to let go.

But just when Wu Jie no longer only looked at the right-wing battle, but focused on thinking about the overall situation of the whole army, the war there was repeated again-when the Korean flag led thousands of golden cavalry to meet, but When it was actually unable to repel the cavalry of the Song Army, the sun and moon flag that represented Wushu at the rear was also moved!

The command of the dignified army of tens of thousands, desperately, without waiting for backup, directly led thousands of cavalry into the battlefield.

After this movement, the Xihe Road cavalry could not support it immediately and began to be forced to retreat. But what is interesting is that this kind of retreat is not a kind of collapse, let alone a collapse, but maintains the battle, as if being slowly pushed by the opponent's cavalry.

Not only that, the cavalry retreated all the way to the front of the formation. Liu Xi's split formation may not have the effect of an ambush because of the lack of a divine arm bow. However, after the infantry joined the battle, the advancing speed of the opposing golden cavalry also dropped again level.

In a sense, this is almost stalemate.

There is no doubt that Zhao Jiu was right, Jin Jun really is the end of the battle! No matter how powerful an army is, it will have to pay a price in front of the weather and terrain!

At the Central Military Department, it's almost time to celebrate.

But either Wu Jun or Zhao Jiu, although they were relieved for the time being, each of them didn't say a word, they were just looking at other places in the distance. The only difference is that Wu Jie is working hard to search for the relevant troops near the Dongpo Plain, and sent a sentry to the back of the plateau, while Zhao Jiu is at the foot of the mountain farther south behind Wu Shu.

Sure enough, the battle situation was changing rapidly, and when Song Jun was surprised and delighted by the right-wing battle situation, smoke and dust again appeared at the foot of the mountain where Wushu had flashed before.

Obviously, thousands of troops arrived there.

"Deputy Marshal, Marshal!" Wang Yuan's expression tightened when he saw this, but he suggested to Zhao Jiu and Wu Jiu at the same time. "Although Wanyan Wushu's reinforcements are at the end of a strong crossbow and lack combat power, they can't stand their tens of thousands of people. If such intermittent support continues, the right wing will suddenly collapse when they say nothing... Whether it is supporting the right wing or sending it out. The army's final victory is only at this time!"

Wu Jiu slowly shook his head, but Zhao Jiu was also silent.

Wang Yuan was helpless, just let go and watch the battle.

Moreover, once the fatigue and weakness of the Jinwu Surgery Department's army and combat power became apparent, Wu Jie had already begun to consider the matter, but he never acted. There was only one reason, that is, he didn't know where the Lou Shi headquarters would be launched. attack.

The opponent is a cavalry and has the initiative to choose, but he Wu Jie has no one, so he can only respond passively.

Of course, you shouldn't wait too long, because the sentry rider has reported that Lou Shi left Jinsu Mountain and was coming in person.

As for Zhao Jiu, he did not reply to this matter, but for another reason.

The sun slopes further to the west, and some clouds have a tendency to thicken, which makes the sun gradually dim. In this case, the area in front of Daying has not weakened at all because the vegetation was deliberately cut down by the Song army and exposed the loess. The loess smoke and dust became the main judgment for judging the size of the army and the trend of movement. The flags occasionally revealed in the smoke and dust, and the position before departure, became the main basis for judging the troop's camp.

In front of the Dongpo Plain, there is still a **** battle. For the Song Army, the left wing is also the right wing of the Jin Army. In short, it is the same **** battle in the mud in the north... The same goes for the right wing of the Song Army, the left wing of the Jin Army, and the south. At the foot of the mountain, Wanyan Wushu and Han Chang also had to fight **** battles with Liu Xi and Li Yanqi on the opposite side of Xihe Road.

The exhaustion immersed in the bones of the bone has plunged this army that should have swept the battlefield into a war of attrition that is unacceptable to them, but there is no need to follow the army to remind them. Wu Shu and Han Chang also know that this kind of large-scale battlefield, Everyone must put aside the local gains and losses, and resist at all costs, so as to create conditions for the true winner.

Of course, understand and understand, Wu Shu and Han Chang still feel heartache... They thought they were the winners, but unexpectedly a three-day raid made them lose the chance to become winners and losers.

No way, the road is too difficult to walk, and the sky is too hot!

Twenty thousand troops, six or seven thousand in the previous two days of rapid march, but today behind Yaoshan, the troops are out of touch again-another general Chizhan Hexi, who is Chizhanhui’s clan brother After the death of Chi Zhanhui, the people who led ten thousand households directly led five or six thousand people without any news behind him, and they don't know where they are now!

In fact, the previous release of Costin to find the way was not to determine the location of the battlefield, but to try to find the whereabouts of the other one. However, I really didn't find it, but because I came to the side of the battlefield, I had to lead the six or seven thousand troops that were barely in place. As for Wu Shu stopped there to "rectify the army", one is tired, and the other is really wanting to wait for Chizhan to rejoice.

"General Han, General Chizhan should be coming from behind. I watched him and brought three or four thousand people!" Seeing Han Chang who was rushing forward was called, the dusty face Wushu was overjoyed for a while. , Le Ma and Han Chang hailed in the chaos. "You take your department back to greet you, I'm alone for a while!"

"What do the four princes say?" Han Chang wiped his face, but there was sweat that could not be covered behind the yellow dust.

"You go back and rest, let Chizhan Hexi attack, and then I go back, you come again... We are cavalry, don't fight like this, you can charge or you have to charge, and you can also divide the rest of the people and horses!" Wu Shu ordered on the spot.

Han Chang heard it right, and did not hesitate to ask the knights behind him to raise the banner again, and he led about three thousand people to directly withdraw from the front and head south to meet Chizhan Hexi.

However, as Han Chang continued to raise the flag to the south, the smoke and dust on the opposite side continued to rush along the foot of the mountain. When the two sides were almost about to collide, the General Han increasingly felt that something was wrong. stand up!

After crossing another small **** and the distance between the two sides was five or six hundred steps, Han Chang simply took the initiative to stand, but he finally realized that something was wrong—the troop’s trajectory was a bit far from the foot of the mountain, not like Those who turned around through the Yaoshan Passage seemed to be coming all the way from further south.

Not only that, but the formation was kept too close, it didn't seem to be very tired, and the number of cavalry was too small.

Therefore, General Han Da immediately ordered his own headquarters to stop for a while, which meant that he was expecting many of the golden knights who had fallen behind in the middle of the two to make eyes for him.

But soon, General Han’s doubts ceased, because when the opponent was still four or five hundred steps away from him, he took the initiative to rush out a 40-50 full-armored cavalry, speaking from a distance in a Liaodong accent, calling for two. The golden army left behind between the army went to the front of the Korean flag to gather so many things.

Seeing this situation, Han Chang just completely relaxed.

But after a while, the cavalry who gave orders in a Liaodong accent along the way advanced until only two or three hundred paces away from him, but suddenly accelerated, and directly launched a charge towards the Han character banner on the opposite hill beam. At the same time, , The'smoke' that was slightly behind, also suddenly accelerated, and rushed forward directly!

Han Chang was frightened and immediately ordered the entire army to meet him, but said that it was too late and soon. Just before Han Changbu had time to rush forward, among the smoke and dust rolled up by dozens of horses on the opposite side, someone yelled:

"Han Chang!"

When Han Chang heard the sound, he suddenly realized who it was, but before he could react, dozens of arrows shot together in the smoke and dust, and went straight to him. The arrows neighed from the war horse, and he raised his front hoof high. Chang himself seemed to be pierced into a hedgehog, and one of the arrows hit his front face without a helmet!

In full view, the leader of an army fell under the horse with an arrow inserted into the front door.

The whole army of Han Changbu was panicked, and even the troops that had been ordered to rush down the mountain beam for a while ignored the enemy's advancement and directly reined in their horses instead of chasing the Liaodong cavalry that had already turned back in circles.

But in the next moment, no one thought that Han Chang on the ground actually turned over, pushed down a pro-army, and grabbed the mount... Everyone immediately rose up, but soon, as they saw clearly, they discovered Han The general hit an arrow in the center of his eye socket, but he was cold again.

However, the next moment, Han Chang held the arrow on the eye socket in one hand, and screamed at the Red Heart Cavalry who had already turned back in front of him:

"Liu Yan! You're still so incompetent, so soft when shooting an arrow!"

After saying that, his man actually imitated the actions of Xiahou Dun in the past, pulling out the arrow on the eye socket, and pulling out the entire eyeball to the public! Also pinched to the ground! That's not a big deal. The man leaned forward dexterously, grabbed a handful of loess directly on the ground, rolled over and stuffed it into his eye sockets, then covered his face with one hand, reined his horse with one hand, turned around and looked around, shouting loudly:

"Can't you hear the military order? Is it our opponent to complain to the old army in the past? Move forward now!"

The main commander was like a ghost and god, and his subordinates were panicked, and then struggling forward, counterattacking the abrupt Song army that had already launched a charge under the mountain ridge.

Although the two sides fought, Han Chang's move to smash the earth was shocking and invigorating the whole army, but after his troops passed the initial vitality, they fell into a disadvantage quickly, because the equipment and quality of this unit were far beyond imagination! There are god-arm bows everywhere, long-handled axes everywhere, and almost everyone is armored!

Undoubtedly, this unit that came with Liu Yan, an old man of the former resentment army, is the so-called'killer's skill' that Zhao Guanjia had previously hidden.

Of course, what's more important is that the Jin army who followed Han Chang was exhausted to the extreme by this time, but the opposite side was obviously moved by the wind and was in good condition.

Therefore, the two armies fought for a while, and when the momentum vented, the Jin army fell into a disadvantage. It was only supported by the advantage of the cavalry and the fear of Han Chang behind him.

But at this time, other troops arrived, and Chizhan Hexi finally arrived!

The vegetation in the valley is thick and dense, and the loess is difficult to raise, but it is much clearer than the previous puffs of smoke and dust. And Han Chang stood on the small mountain beam, saw the banner of Chizhan Hexi appear with one eye, and then thousands of people went straight here to support, it was also a little relieved.

But soon, as Chizhan Hexi Zongma came to see Han Chang, he reported another military situation that made Han Chang not surprised but still angry.

"What does it mean that you didn't come by yourself?" Han Chang covered his eyes and asked coldly.

Chizhan Hexi is obviously a tens of thousands of Jurchens, but looking at the other person like this, she is unavoidably afraid of her heart. She can only reluctantly say: "General Han, the reason why I broke the festival later is because at noon, there was Four or five thousand people of the Song army bit me from behind on the edge of Mount Yao! I have been entangled for a whole afternoon! Look at the banner and the appearance of the soldiers and horses, it should be Li Yongqi's soldiers, Qu Duan has also come in person!"

Han Chang glanced at the party cavalry who had emerged from behind the Jin Army, enduring the severe pain, exhaling a long breath, and then yelling vigorously: "Then why don't you separate some soldiers and horses and stop them in the passage? Instead, let them all over directly?!"

"Where did I know the chaos here would be like this? I thought that if you came here, the four princes could eat them together with you as a reinforcement!" Chizhan Hexi also felt wronged. "Unexpectedly, when it came out, I was a reinforcement."

Han Chang had a headache and was dying, but he managed to cover the loess on his eye sockets and gave an order: "Don't help me, go quickly to meet Qu Duan and Li Yongqi, and let people tell the four princes behind him... Today we were taken by Lou Shi It's a bitter, let's make our own destiny!"

The sun went further to the west, and the arrangement by Zhao Jiu to the south had a miraculous effect. He asked Liu Yan to bring the savvy troops hidden by Jing Yao, but unexpectedly caught the utterly unpretentious troops from behind. Not only that, but what he didn't know at this time was that Qu Duan and Li Yongqi joined Fangzhou cavalry to help, and they had vaguely blocked the troops of Lieutenant General Wanyanwushu on three sides.

If this continues, this little more than 10,000 Jin will attack the troops, fearing that they will be completely surrounded by Yaoshan.

Of course, at this time, Zhao Jiu did not know the arrival of Qu Duan. Like everyone else, he felt confused about the situation. The only thing that can be determined is that the battle line shows that the situation on the right wing is chaotic, and the probability of the Jin Jun breaking through from there is already Greatly reduced.

"Let's launch a general attack!" Wang Yuan has already made countless suggestions to Wu Jie for the first time.

In fact, there were already a lot of generals who followed Wang Yuan's words at this time, and it was Qiao Ze and Fu Qing who had returned from a tentative defeat before they were already asking for a battle.

After all, the sun has shifted a lot to the west. The upper front of the Dongpo Plain has swung back and forth no less than four times, and the fighter planes do seem to be exposed right now, and even Lou Shi’s troops have been determined to have marched to the east of the lower plateau. Not far away, it seemed that he was about to launch a final assault on Dengyuan...At this time, it seemed the right time to send the remaining troops to hit the Dongpoyuan.

"Wait a second!" Wu Jie bit her lip, and once again tried her best to resist this suggestion. "Wait one hour before sunset, if Lou Shi doesn't take the initiative to attack, let's hit the plateau!"

The generals once again looked at the official Zhao’s house, but Zhao Jiu closed his eyes before the generals looked at him. He can understand Wu Jie’s pressure at this time. Waiting on is the most rational way to deal with Lou Shi, but Jin Junnai Hard fighting, no one knows when the plateau will suddenly be unable to hold it! And if it waits for Lou Shi to protrude to support it, will Dongpo Plains collapse directly and everything will stop?

There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing, there is only choice.

"The 20,000 soldiers of the four princes were also involved in your life. If he is gone, you will have won, and the living women and the murderers will also be cut through thousands of dollars." Dongpoyuan, Wanyan Under the banner of Palisu, the owner of the banner, Palisuzheng, stood side by side with Lou Shi, but he sneered coldly.

And under the Dongpo behind the two, the seven thousand cavalry were in a neat and awe-inspiring formation two or three miles away.

When Lou Shi heard this from the south side of the chaotic battlefield, which is at the foot of Yaoshan Mountain, he turned his gaze back, and then laughed unexpectedly: "This is wronging me. I let the fourth prince come to this point, because I really want him to build a marvelous achievement. , But I really underestimated the terrain and the weather. I didn’t expect the road to be so difficult to walk. The number of 20,000 people was only in the early 10,000, and I was too tired for this..."

"Then you still laughed out?" Pulling Lisu also sneered. "Don't hurry up and let your tribe and the two Hezha Meng'an come up together. From here, we will end this battle early! Just now the sentry rider came to report and said it was the smoke and dust billowing from the southeast of us. I think it is Han Shizhong who is coming? Han Shizhong or Fourth Prince, which one can you afford?"

Lou Shi smiled and nodded, but shook his head again.

"What do you mean?" Pulling Lisu suddenly condensed his face, coldly facing each other.

"The plateau is too crowded..." Lou Shi smiled calmly, and then hit the horse and turned downhill. "I'm not out of here."

"Then where did you suddenly come from?" Pulling Lisu turned his head and stared at the back of the opponent, and continued to ask with a cold face.

"Go around the slope, line up on the side of the plateau, and then from the gap between the plateau and the southern battlefield, next to the fourth princes, they rushed to the middle army camp of the Song Army. Whoever stops will run over who!" Lou Shi turned back and smiled. "You reminded me well, if the fourth prince is gone, I can't afford it."

Ba Lisu's expression grew colder and colder: "So, even the Yuanyuan battlefield was so tragic, and the 60,000 people on both sides fought hard and accounted for countless lives. Is it just for your final assault?"

"If you can win on the plains, it will naturally be a big victory in person, why should you let me come here for the last time?" Lou Shi still smiled. "Pull out the speed, I gave you 10,000 rides and 10,000 steps. You are not useful, who is to blame? When it comes to your brother, you are also incompetent."

Plucking Lisu's lips turned blue, and immediately he was speechless.

"By the way, if I die, you will be the deputy general, and you will take care of the overall situation." Lou Shi followed the gentle **** down the plateau for the last time, but added casually.

"You don't need to teach you about this!" Pulling Li Su angrily scolded.

But no matter what the lieutenant and deputy thoughts, the Lou Shi and the last seven thousand cavalry were completely moved after a quarter of an hour.

The Song Army was very nervous, and the sentry cavalry kept giving back, until another two quarters of an hour passed, there was no need to give back at all—because Wanyan Loushi and his five-color holding Japanese flag, as well as seven thousand cavalry, had already circled the south of Dongpoyuan After coming over, he lined up calmly within the field of vision of the Song Army's Central Army.

At this time, Qu Duan and Li Yongqi have joined forces with Liu Yan, suppressing Chizhan Hexi and Han Chang to the point where they are back to back with Wu Shu. Han Shizhong’s three thousand horses and four thousand steps have appeared in the view of the southeast. within.

Of course, Wu Jie didn't dare to neglect. What he was waiting for was that Qin Fenglu soldiers and horses had been sent directly to the large camp to meet the enemy's lineup, and the Chinese Army Lianglu Beiwei Army finally got up to prepare for battle.


Wu Jie took a deep breath, turned over and knelt on the ground, and then folded his hands to the ground. "Up to now, Chen Qi will come to battle with the two Beiwei army, ask the official family to erect a dragon, and wait for me!"

Zhao Jiu nodded, and did not say a word to get up to reach Wu Jun's seat before. The slightly dilapidated Dragon Dragon was raised by Yang Yizhong himself, and hung high in the middle camp of the Song Army.

At the next moment, Wu Jie didn't hesitate, and turned around directly with Zhang Xian and Tian Shizhong and led the two groups of Beiwei army towards the front camp below.

At the same time, Lou Shi, who lives in the formation, looked at the sky, looked at the two wings on the left and right sides of Zha Meng'an, and then looked at Wan Yan, the confidant who is not far away from him and who is the leader of two thousand people. Cut the uncle, and then didn't even look at the smoke and dust behind him in the southeast, but finally glanced at the newly rising Dragon Dragon, raised his hand at random amidst the sky-shaking shouts of the entire Song army, and waved it again. That's it.

Seven thousand might be the most powerful cavalry in the Kingdom of Jin.

At this time, it had never rained, and it was still a long time before dark. God did not favor any side.

PS: Thank you for your double and classmate Reimuu for being the 84th cuteness of this book... I am very grateful.

Push book: "Qin Xiong Ranwu"

the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero. In the five thousand years of China’s mists and rains, success or failure turned around empty.

The Tianyuan world is vast and boundless, with seven regions and forty-nine states, one region day by day; dynasties rise one after another, sects stand numerous, the heroes compete, and the common people cry.

Jiuyou Town, Fengdu Great Emperor;

Donghuang Taiyi palms the demon world;

Emperor Ziwei decides the universe;

The demon Lord Luo Hui fights the sky;

Oh dear lord, who domains the fate of this world?

Qin, a humble country, let’s see how it grows step by step and becomes the strongest empire of the heavens!

(End of this chapter)

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