Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Falling eagle

Chapter 242

A quarter of an hour after Long Yu stood up, the entire army of Jiao Wentong led by Wang Yan of the imperial army collapsed, and the life and death of the commander Jiao Wentong was unknown.

In other words, this army was rotated from the Dongpo Plain by the Song Army. As the fierce battle on the Plain continued for longer and longer, both sides began to get tired. In addition, the battle line had stabilized, so long before the Lou Shi lined up, the battlefield When there was a large-scale chaos on the south side, the war on the plateau was already unannounced.

Correspondingly, Wang Yan had already given up the supervision of the battle, and instead tried to let the front troops withdraw from the plateau to rest.

However, Jiao Wentong's ministry had withdrawn before Longzhen stood up. It was originally because of the high-level disengagement speed that suddenly strengthened the offensive again, and was ready to go to theyuan to replace the most deadly and injured Li Qiong's ministry. But when the Jin army lined up on the southern side of the plateau, and then Long Yu rose from the Chinese army, the Song army was vigorous, and Jiao Wentong chose to stay in place after communicating with Wang Yan, and the whole army turned to aim. The five-color holding Japanese flag in the Lou room... its original intention was to press it up from the flanks when the Lou room was fighting with the powerful Qin Fenglu soldiers and horses, in order to succeed.

But Wanyan Lou's room couldn't give him this opportunity. Why did the cavalry use their mobile advantage on the local battlefield?

Therefore, Jiao Wentong's department immediately encountered the strongest cavalry of the Golden Army, or perhaps the most powerful heavy cavalry in East Asia at this time.

Two Hezha Meng’an, selected and set up since the age of Aguda, only one participated in the attack of the Jiaowentong Ministry. Puchahuzhan led a full force and took a long time to wear a thousand horses neatly under the Jinsu Mountain. , The horse and horse Jujia, like a thousand iron Buddha statues, sticking to the bottom of the plateau, forcibly shoveling the Song army, which numbered thousands of them, from the plateau!

Apart from a handful of divine arm bows and long axe heavy steps, Song Jun did not have, and it was impossible to have any weapons that could cause any damage to this unit.

However, let’s not mention that, like other troops, Jiao Wentong handed over most of the few god-arm bows and long axe heavy steps in advance to the officials. Even if there were some left, it did not have any effect at this time. Cause any damage. Because at the same time Pucha Huzhan launched the offensive, Lou Shi’ai General Wanyanjian also took Lou Shi and the five-color Japanese flag as the axis, and led a large group of cavalry to launch a textbook-style confrontation against the Song Army. The Jurchen cavalry made a surprise attack.

First, ring shooting, intensive ring shooting, thousands of Jurchen cavalry, under the cover of the two iron Buddhas on the left and right, carried out a rotating advance around the Lou room...The dense Jurchen heavy arrows came up and caused the Song army. The huge damage caused the Jiao Wentong's ministry to collapse at that time. According to this trend, the Jin Army didn't have to fight personally.

But obviously, Lou Shi’s urge was extremely rapid and violent. He himself and his banner were simply advancing like the wind, and the Jurchen cavalry with him as the axis quickly threw directly into the Song Army formation. , And the Jurchen cavalry did not panic at all, lowered their bows and exchanged spears, and swept through the Song army in groups layer by layer by scraping fish scales, rolling up countless flesh and blood every time.

This position, a little bit of soil, is called a wheel tactic; it is more scientific, called a circular salvo and a close side charge; and if it is more vulgar, it can be called a whirlwind cavalry formation or something... It belongs to the conventional tactics of the small units of the Golden Army , They often launch similar push attacks in units of tactics.

But there is no doubt that when this clichéd tactic is led by the strongest cavalry generals of the era, combined with the strongest cavalry unit of the era, plus the size of 7,000 cavalry that cannot be underestimated on any battlefield in the world, Then after the performance was performed together... but it can be called a typhoon.

In the Kansai region, the rain did not arrive for many days, but a typhoon composed of golden horses and iron horses suddenly appeared on the ground.

And Jiao Wentong's Ministry was the first victim of this cavalry typhoon. The whole army was scattered and fleeing on the 708th road. The main general did not know the life or death... The Song army on all sides just died because of the soaring momentum of the dragon! The Qinfeng Road army was shocked for a while, and the troops on the plateau were even more panicked. It was Wu Jie who was still out of the camp and Zhao Jiu who was at the Chinese army camp in the distance.

It’s not that no one thought that there would be victims. In fact, in the name of the shadow tree of man, the Song Army saw the Lou Shi array from top to bottom, and after seeing the two Jurchen cavalry that were almost armored, they all paid. The consciousness of mass casualties, but why is it so fast? Why is it so straightforward?

And the most important thing is, where is Song Jun's counterattack?

It is not that the Jin Army has no casualties. The Jin Army has visible casualties, but most of the casualties are from the natural consumption of large-scale heavy armored cavalry by the terrain... You can see it clearly on the plateau and on the high ground in the camp. On top of the undulating terrain under the plateau, many golden soldiers often staggered and fell to their horses, and then quietly became an inevitable consumable for war.

However, such casualties are mathematically probabilistic casualties after the number of cavalrymen of the Golden Army reaches this level. It is not human casualties. No one has seen which counterattack of the Song Army caused effective damage to the Jin Army, because Jiao Wentong’s Ministry was almost With the advancement of Wanyan Lou's room, it collapsed directly... This made the Song Jun present a kind of heartfelt fear.

After panic, there is a kind of praise from the heart... it is praise!

Admiring the original cavalry can still be used like this? !

Admire the original heavy-armored and heavy-bow cavalry being so strong? !

However, this kind of admiration quickly disappeared, replaced by various choices between the deep and shallow parts of the human heart.

The first person to react was of course Wang Yan, who was the closest to the Lou room. He witnessed everything from the closest distance to the battle and from the best perspective, and felt the power of the typhoon most intuitively.

And don't forget, the party that broke down in the battle was his core subordinate.

Therefore, when the Jin army ran over the plain, the head of the Eight-character army was almost blank in his mind. After the blank, because of the distance, the prince was forced by the situation and made a quick and rigid decision. :

As a handsome man, and the official is located in the big camp a few miles away, the Bazi Army under his command is a Hebei soldier who has a deep hatred with the Jin Army, so surrender and escape cannot be thought of. At this time of life and death. It doesn't matter anymore, but the key is that since he is a minister, he must perform his duties and not allow the overall situation to collapse from himself. Even if it is a last resort, he must die first in order to be kind to the emperor.

"Passing the order!" At this point, Wang Yan no longer had any fear and turned his head to give the order. "Let Wang De take charge of the battle on the plains, without taking a step back... Let's turn to the array to prevent the defeated soldiers from going to the plains... Move the flag and follow me to the forefront!"

The three orders were quickly conveyed, and then under all eyes, Wang Yan took the initiative to move the banner to the westernmost end of the Dongpo Plain, facing countless golden and defeated soldiers in front of the plateau.

This is an extremely uplifting move, and it is also a very timely move.

In this regard, Lou Shi just glanced at Wang Yan's banner, waved his arm, and pointed towards Long Yu, who was in the northwest direction of himself...In all fairness, the Jin army coach did indeed have the opportunity to let the troops rush to the plateau for a moment. Mind, that is a way to end the battle.

But it was only for a moment. As Wang Yan turned to Li Qi in time, the Jinjun coach immediately gave up the thoughts that only appeared for a while in his heart.

The reason for this is not only due to tactical considerations, but also from the considerations of terrain, time, and reinforcements. The key is that this battle is the last battle of his Wanyan Loushi, and he is about to win! And when this target met the dragon dragon standing opposite, he shouldn't think of other things even more.

"Stay steady!"

As the Jinjun Brigade started again, and came straight towards him, Qin Feng’s journeyman who had recovered from the sudden outbreak of the battle, Zhao Zheqiang, resisted the anxiety and galloped into his own formation from the hill, and screamed out in the formation. . "The officials are watching us from behind! All the rewards for sending troops have been issued! We don't care and don't give our lives to the officials!"

"According to Taiwei Wu's instructions, the spear is in front, and the spear is directly on the ground in the front!"

"Godbows, crossbowmen, and archers are arranged by firing range!"

"The cavalry is on the wings..."

Zhao Zhe galloped around in the formation, shouting non-stop, Qin Fenglu soldiers and horses also quickly reinvigorated morale... This is not to say how well-trained Qin Fenglu soldiers and horses are, but that they are mostly infantry after all. Moreover, when the Jin Army swept the Jiao Wentong Division, they were already out of the camp. Most of the soldiers only vaguely knew that they had lost before, and could not see the specific scene miles away.

And don't forget, they are large in number, and there are Xihe Road soldiers on the flanks that have turned the upper hand-the huge number and huge army formation give the general soldiers extremely abundant confidence.

However, Zhao Zhe repeatedly gave orders to encourage him. When he said that the cavalry was behind the two wings, he suddenly fell into a panic, because he had clearly realized that according to the powerful capabilities of the Golden Army cavalry just now, his flanks, especially the left wing, were almost equivalent to no defense. general!

There are soldiers and horses on Xihe Road on the right wing! But Lizhou Road soldiers and horses who should have been left wing are in the mud far away!

"The left wing also pierces more spears, on the north and east sides..." At this point, Zhao Zhe hurriedly ordered, but tried to remedy it.

But halfway through, the ground was rumbling again. Seven thousand horses, or to be more precise, more than six thousand Jurchen cavalrymen, already guarding the five-color flag of the sun in Wanyanlou's room, came face to face with soldiers and horses on Qinfeng Road!

And Zhao Zhe looked at the smoke and dust coming from the pavement, and the majestic figure of the cavalry that was difficult to hide in the smoke and dust, almost instantly dry and speechless.

The distance of two or three miles is just a wait for the cavalry, but it has to be said that Qin Fenglu’s performance has made Song Jun a little bit more confident... The golden cavalry rushed to the front and faced the standing. The infantry position did not have the astonishing force of destruction before.

This made many people breathe a sigh of relief-the seven thousand golden cavalrymen led by Lou Shi were indeed incomparably powerful, but it was clear that the demise of Jiao Wentong's department just caught them off guard, and they fought hard for an afternoon, and the number of them was inferior. There are too many causal relationships between the disadvantages of the formation.

Although Qin Fenglu’s troops are recognized as the weakest, the number is placed here, and the thickness of the army formation is placed here, but it makes the Jin army have to adopt appropriate countermeasures... This time they did not directly swept into the formation. Shi's banner stopped at the right time, and the troops directly under him were facing the dense gun array and they simply maintained the Jurchen's consistent circular riding and shooting in front.

It is conceivable that before the gun array in front of Qinfeng Road was shot down, the Lou Shi Zhongjun could not advance recklessly.

At the same time, the Song army finally began to counterattack effectively, and the long-range projections arranged according to the range began to produce effective damage. Of course, the Lou Shi Zhongjun was also a heavy cavalry archer, but it was not an armored cavalry. They had no luxury yet. To put on vests for seven thousand people, and in this kind of battle, once the Golden Army cavalry loses their horses, they basically declare that they have lost their combat effectiveness.

However, things are not that simple. Just as Lou Shi was carrying out a long-range strike in front, the two wings on the left and the right were joined together, and nearly two thousand iron statues had already outflanked both sides of Qinfeng Road at the same time... the two armies southeast. The northwest is opposite, the Hezha Mengan of Pucha Huzhan bypasses the northeast, and the Hezha Mengan of Jiagu Wulibu rushes toward the junction of Xihe Road and Qinfeng Road.

It can be seen that these two thousand iron Buddhas will soon be inserted fiercely through the abdomen of Qin Feng Road, which lacks cavalry to protect the flanks, and shatters the entire army.

"The time has come!"

At the foot of the mountain at the southernmost end of the battlefield, the place where Han Chang had originally thrown his eyeballs had already been occupied by the Song Army. At this time, a Song Army general who was standing there immediately saw two men in the same place. The attack, not in a hurry, rejoiced, only turned his head to speak quickly to a middle-aged officer in his forties or fifty years old. "General Li, the key to the Lou's battle is that the two wings and the two Zha Meng'an and the Lou's army complement each other. Now that the two wings are prominent, the army will show weaknesses... Let's rush towards him from behind the Lou's side. Shuaiqi, you can't take his first rank, as long as he disturbs his back line, this battle is also our top skill!"

"Qu Jinglue is right!" The so-called General Li, the Fan General Li Yongqi, also saw clearly, but immediately nodded. "No wonder General Qu didn't let me go to save the Yuanxia before, nor let me stalk that Wanyan Wushu...I took advantage of the two Hezha Meng'an just got out and can't get him back. Back road!"

After that, Li Yongqifu turned to a 20-year-old but majestic teenager behind him with a stern gesture: "Dalang! We have father and son for two, we work together! Let the officials know about our loyalty and bravery!"

The young general brandished his spear and said with excitement that it was Li Shifu, the eldest son of Li Yongqi.

However, when Li Yongqi was about to take his son Lema downhill, he couldn't help but turn around and asked: "Qu Jinglue, are the officials really under the banner of that dragon?"

"If not, what have I worked so hard to do here?" Qu Jinglue, that is, the end of the song without the iron elephant, laughed coldly when he heard the words. "Come to rescue my handsome Wu Da?! Go away, I will support you!"

Li Yongqi himself is a great tycoon of the indigenous people on Yanju Road. How can he not know that Qu Duan is a man, he laughed loudly when he heard that, but he screamed, and he rode down with his son Li Shifu, and their father and son had just gathered up shortly afterwards, about three times. Thousands of Dang Xiang Fanqi, also divided into two, followed the Li family and his son galloping towards the rear side of Lou Shi!

Obviously, the father and son are trying to establish a marvelous achievement under the Zhao Guan's family.

It has to be said that these three thousand horses are completely different from the two Hezha Meng'an. Hezha Meng'an is an armored cavalry, the so-called overweight cavalry like the iron statue, which moves slowly, but once it charges, it is unstoppable; However, these three thousand horses did not have vests, and there were not many soldiers wearing armors. They started at extreme speed. After the Mercedes-Benz came out, the speed was astonishing. The smoke and dust were like clouds, which immediately attracted the attention of all the people on the battlefield.

Lou Shi turned his head to see this scene, and sighed slightly, neither saying much nor expressing it extraneously. From his appearance, he seemed to have anticipated the attack of this soldier, but he was a little impatient, and he was totally unwilling to adjust for the other party. The formation is average.

This is understandable, because at this time the Chinese cavalry around the Lou room is in a circular formation, just like a stabilized typhoon. In theory, there is no so-called front and rear, so it is true that there is no need to adjust, and you can deal with both sides of the Song at the same time. military.

However, after a while, the party Xiangfan came in lightly, at an amazing speed. When he saw that he was about to engage in a battle with the golden army, he did not move, did not even look at the direction, just listened upright. Suddenly he reined his horse and speeded up directly in the direction of the attacking Qingqi from the rear side!

As soon as the coach moved, the next standard-bearer did not hesitate to see it, and as soon as the five-color flag held the Japanese flag, the entire Golden Army cavalry formation did not hesitate to abandon the Qin Fenglu infantry in front of him, and recoil towards the incoming soldiers... The entire cavalry circle formation, without any adjustment, turned directly to jump out, and the typhoon immediately rolled up on the battlefield again.

The incoming Dangxiang cavalry could not stop and was caught off guard. The heads of the three thousand cavalry that were divided into two directly collided with the golden cavalry and then stirred together.

What I thought would be a long-lasting battle between horses and shoots turned into a short hand-to-hand battle, and the party’s Qingqi who had been tired for a whole day couldn’t be the opponent of the heavy cavalry of the Golden Army, and was stirred by the typhoon almost instantly. The smashing of countless Tibetan horses hired temporarily for Li Yongqi directly exploded and fled towards the southeast and south.

However, the troops that have been smashed into the Golden Army have no way to escape.

Among them, Li Yongqi led dozens of family warriors. They were horrified and desperate to escape. In the chaos, this party tycoon glanced at the two flags in the northwest direction... One side was the dragon dragon in the distance, and the other suddenly approached and returned. Holding the Japanese flag in the nearby five-color flag, he gritted his teeth and took the initiative to move towards the nearby five-color holding flag.

He recognizes Lou Shi!

But it was meaningless. When he saw Lou Shi himself, all the attendants among the dozens of riders beside him had disappeared. He himself wanted to shoot with an arrow, but was also thrown over by the Golden Army and shot him directly. Turn to the ground.

In a moment, more than 3,000 party members and Fanqi collapsed, and Li Yongqi, the main general, was also covered in blood and stains. He was captured in front of Lou's room. The two of them looked at each other. They only panted for a while, and they were speechless.

"Lou Shi..." After breathing for a moment, Li Yongqi calmed down, raising his head to curse.

Unexpectedly, Wanyan Loushi, who had been expressionless, suddenly looked hideous. He took a short hammer from the back of his waist and smashed it with a hammer in his face. Li Yongqi burst into blood, his brain exploded, and there was no more sound.

At this time, Lou Shi was also unrelenting in anger, but shouted at the corpse: "One or two, Han and Fanren, over and over again, you are also worthy?!"

After speaking, the man threw down the hammer, turned and walked away.

After Jiao Wentong's group, Li Yongqi's group was also defeated by one blow, and the main general was killed on the spot.

Besides, Lou Shi killed Li Yongqi and ignored the disintegration of Qingqi. Instead, he turned and urged the troops to turn around. The iron cavalry typhoon rolled in, and once again pressed towards Qinfeng Road, and this time, Pucha Huzhan had succeeded. Pulled into the abdomen of Qinfeng Road's great formation.

Under the dragon, Zhao Jiu held the helmet he had just put on, condescendingly watched the battle below the mountain, but was motionless, almost unresponsive, watching Lou Shi show his power, and Jiao Wentong and this one should be that one. The Fanqi led by Li Yongqi was easily crushed.

It's not that he doesn't want to react, and it's not that he has no waves in his heart.

Putting all the manpower and material resources into it, the elite imperial battalion army was formed with great effort, and the loyal ministers of the frontier who would return to the country to help fight in Xixia, just disappeared directly on the battlefield like one wave after another, how could he not have it? Touched?

But when he was touched, he didn't know how to react, and what kind of reaction he could make... Wu Jie was still at the bottom of the mountain. Unless even Taiwei Wu was defeated, it would not be his turn to direct the emperor himself.

At this moment, from a rational point of view, what he should do most is to sit under this dragon like a puppet and provide everyone with reason and courage to continue fighting.

That's it.

However, the Lou Shi Zhongjun, which easily defeated the two Song Army, came towards Qin Feng Road's troops, and at this time Qin Feng Road's troops were already very dangerous.

Zhao Jiu is condescending on the mountain, and he sees it more clearly than anyone else. Just as Li Yongqi was defeated by a single blow, Jurchen’s two iron statues had also succeeded at the same time... while inserting between Xihe Road and Qinfeng Road , While simply carrying out a heart-digging and successful assault on Qin Fenglu's weak abdomen.

In fact, if it weren't for Wu Jie to successfully line up in the rear and use his headquarters as the supervising team, I am afraid that Qin Fenglu would directly collapse.

"Marshal! My family manager asks for help to protect the flanks!" Qiao Ze, who was defeated for the second time, came to Wu Jie for help.

"Why did you come to ask for help?" Wu Jie, who had barely succeeded in standing on her back, was already dry, but she was forced to calm down.

"Soldiers and horses superintendent Murong Wei died in the raid just now, and our ministry was also broken up just as soon as we stepped forward to support. Whoever Zhao Jinglue finds is who..." It's okay to ask, Qiao Ze almost With a cry. "Lou Shi is back again, please help the Marshal quickly!"

"I see." Wu Jie continued to exert her composure. "Go back and tell Zhao Zhe that if the Jin army comes from your left this time and follows the iron statue that attacked the Chinese army, I can personally send the whole army of the Chinese army to the top of your left... Don't hesitate! I have to wait until Lou Shi decides the direction of the attack! Understand? Let him hold it!"

Qiao Ze was relieved and didn't say anything. He turned on his horse and led a few rides back to the front.

Lou Shi turned back to the Qinfeng Road formation, and changed the formation as expected, but gave up the frontal ring shot, and directly followed the already successful Hezha Meng'an into the Song army formation... However, he did not follow the way Wu Jie imagined. The army of Qinfeng Road was turned into the northeast side of the mouth, and it was actually from the gap between Qinfeng Road and Xihe Road, followed by another Hezha Meng An Jiagu Wuli force rushed in!

He rushed in desperately!

Wu Jie watched this scene on the battlefield. Not only did he not feel frightened, but was ecstatic...because he realized the problem almost instantly, Lou Shi thought that only Qinfeng Road and Xihe Road were left before the camp. The army didn't take its own unit seriously, so I wanted to solve the whole battle in one fell swoop!

However, the two Beiwei army hiding behind the two armies are the real strong army and the main force of the bottom line!

This is an opportunity!

"Lou Shi wants to solve the battle in one fell swoop!" Qu Duan grinned looking far away. "I want to rescue Wan Wushu! I also want to defeat Qinfeng Road and Xihe Road in one fell swoop! What a big appetite?!"

"Let's take a look!" Qu Duan stood aside, calmly named Zhang Zhongyan pointed to the southeast of the plateau, where smoke and dust billowed, at least two thousands of troops were used, and one was slightly faster but behind. One is slower but in front. "There is no doubt that Taiwei Han's tribe in this direction, Lou Shi should have been forced to help... Although Li Yongqi was defeated very quickly, he also wasted too much time and energy in Lou Shi. He was afraid that Taiwei Han's troops would come in. , Together with the army in front of the battalion, clamped him back and forth, and I was afraid that Taiwei Han’s subordinates would go directly to the plateau and end the decisive battle on the plateau..."

"The decisive battle on the **** plain!" Qu Duan yelled. He had left Luoyang early to collect soldiers and horses in northern Shaanxi, and he also didn't know the existence of the two Beiwei troops. "At this time, there is a fart for the battle on the plains. In case there is no victory or defeat, the Lou room here breaks through the **** of Qinfeng Road and Xihe Road, and drives the defeated troops into Dazhai, nothing is useless! The official family is on top!"


"You go!" Qu Duan pointed his hand and issued the military order without hesitation. "Go and mention Po Han Wu. The official family is here, and the Lou room is here! Don't go to the plains! When he comes, just ask for my banner for support!"

Zhang Zhongyan said nothing, bowed his head and left.

As soon as Zhang Zhongyan went, his brother Zhang Zhongfu stepped forward and asked: "Jingli...what shall we do? Fan Bing said that he saw Li Yongqi dead with his own eyes, but Li Shifu was still there and was crying over there, and he had to take someone to the battlefield just now. The corpse of my own father...Should we help him gather the ripped soldiers first?"

"What is the use of a child who cries when his father is dead? And Li Yongqi is also a trash!" Qu Duan was very angry, but suddenly constricted. "But Li Yongqi didn't die in vain. Lou's subordinates are really powerful, but they can't be delayed..."

Zhang Zhongfu stared at his old boss, puzzled for a moment: "What then?"

"Set up my banner, gather the remaining soldiers and horses together, how much can be gathered... after I dig out the room!" Qu Duan replied calmly.

Zhang Zhongfu was stunned for a moment: "Jinglue, we have been rushing to support the south, so we can only gather cavalry. Except for Li Yongqi's four thousand horses, the rest is only two ways to get more than one thousand horses... just three thousand. Dofan riding is useless, now we have less than one thousand riding, is it useful?"

"I'm not going to save Liu Xi and Zhao Zhe's trash!" Qu Duan glanced at the sun, which had been sheltered by Yaoshan for most of the time, and sighed quietly and directly took off the bow and arrow hung on the horse. "But the officials and I have a gratitude not to kill, and I can't help but go... You have to remember this, even if I died, you have to tell others, because I really don't want to bear the burden of desperately rescuing those two. The name of the road waste."

Zhang Zhongfu was still stunned, but Qu Da waved his hand slightly, leading the few remaining troops he had brought southward toward Lou Shi's back.

Zhang Zhongfu was silent for a while, after all he followed with a big gun.

However, the banner of the song character moved, but due to the chaos of the battlefield, most of the subordinates had no time to gather in the future, but hundreds of horses went straight to the side of Lou Shi.

However, the name of the so-called shadow tree of man, after all, is actually the first general in Kansai after Jingkang. At this time, when he was dispatched, Lou Shi also turned his head in amazement, then became furious, and then suppressed his anger, and continued to urge the headquarters. The army followed the joint battle of Jiagu Wulibu and expanded the gap between the two armies that had been torn apart!

Hundreds of riders may not be able to get close to his Lou room, just like suicide. It's better to be attentive at this time.

However, the first result that Lou Shi achieved was not to completely tear apart the two armies, but to rescue the wanyanshu that had almost come to an end! Of course, this rescue is not very accurate. Lou Shi just opened up the Wushu battle group that was originally surrounded, and the fourth prince did not want to leave the headquarters at all.

"Four princes, why is this?" Han Chang had already tied a cloth tape to his eyes in the southernmost Jinjun formation that was suddenly relaxed because the passage was opened, but he couldn't help covering his eyes to relieve the pain. "At this time, the siege has been resolved. You are the fourth prince, so you might as well go to Lou's side, reserve for him if necessary, and take over the troops for him. Why bother to be wasted in this exhausted army?"

"I brought my subordinates here and fell to this end, how can I abandon them and leave?" Although Wanyan Wushu did not go blind, his eyes were red, which was obviously caused by staying up late and tired.

Han Chang wanted to persuade him again, but Wu Shu suddenly asked:

"How did you get that soldier and horse?"

Han Chang was blinded, and how he didn’t know what Wu Shu was referring to, he laughed right away: "How can I get it out? This soldier and horse department is so elite and equipped with such good equipment, but only He is good at small-scale chaos and can't organize a big battle against the Lou room. The leader Liu Yan is also the direct deputy of the Zhao Song official family's imperial squad. You can think of it. It must be the Zhao Song official family that gathered the elites together... This is the unknown soldier. The chaos of the people is just a mistake, and it just happened to hit us exhausted and unable to organize a large array, which made us suffer a big loss!"

"I know this naturally." Wu Shu shook his head, but looked at the dragon on the foot of the mountain weakly. "I don't know how this Zhao Song official family can make so many military leaders contribute their own elite? When Huai was on the Huai River, he had to kill Liu Guangshi to stabilize the army; when in Nanyang, he had to sneak across the Baihe River. Only by going to Yanling to seize the military power can I fight to the death; today, I can sit there firmly and dispatch all the elites to his use..."

"It must be dispatched by the army of the imperial camp..." Han Chang looked at the banner that Lou Shi was advancing, calmly speaking. "That's his direct soldiers and horses!"

Wu Shu nodded, and stopped talking, but stared at Lou Shi's banner just like Han Chang. They could see clearly that just now, the Wanyan Lou room, who had succeeded many times, succeeded again-this golden army coach personally crushed the cavalry that Xihe Road was struggling to organize, but squeezed a huge one. Gap.

It is conceivable that in the future, once Lou Shi takes advantage of the situation, the two groups of Xihe Road and Qinfeng Road will be completely divided!

In that case, Xihe Road’s army will be squeezed at the foot of the mountain, and may be able to do trapped beasts, but Qinfeng Road, which has already been digged, will most likely collapse towards the northeast and the Daying side...At this time, Although Yuanshang’s soldiers and horses are still fighting, although just behind Wushu, the wonderful “killer mace” led by Liu Yan is still struggling to bypass the Wushu Department and try to directly attack Lou Shi’s side, although Liu Qi, the northernmost point of the battlefield, is completely occupied. The upper hand, but it can't prevent Song Jun's middle road from breaking down, the middle door opens wide!

In fact, Mo said that Yan Wushu and Han Chang are already so anxious that Qu Duan rushed to the front and tried to try his best, but his tribe was too small to be effectively pushed into the main line of the Golden Army. .

But soon, the next moment, as Lou Shi pushed the Jiagu Wulibu in front of him to completely separate the two armies as he imagined, something happened that neither the chief generals nor Qu Duan had imagined— -Governor Wu Jie's flag is moving forward, and an army of thousands of heavy armor and long axes emerging from nowhere has launched a countercharge towards the Golden Army Iron Buddha that appeared in front of him!

Jiagu Wuli’s He Zha Meng’an had already tried his best. At this point in the battle, aside from exhaustion, it was because they had jumped to the forefront and lost the maneuvering leeway they had left and right. They had thought In front of them were routs, defeats, and weak soldiers that were out of order, but unexpectedly ushered in natural enemies, and this natural enemy managed to **** into the battle, forcing the Tiefutu to directly fight melee!

Three thousand long axe and heavy armored soldiers who had rested for a whole day came oncoming, slashing up the cavalry, and down the horse's legs, but it was already less than one thousand. The scarred Hezha Mengan was caught off guard, and actually fell into the wind!

Not only that, at the same time, in the northeast of the battlefield, before the Qinfeng Road army was about to completely collapse, a heavy armored cavalry of no less than 3,000, belonging to the Song Army, suddenly protruded from the outside of Qinfeng Road and stopped Qinfeng Road. After the army collapsed completely, he also took down the other Hezha Meng'an.

Two of them, one on the front side, simultaneously exerted force, clamping the battlefield like a pair of iron tongs.

In the chaos, Wan Yan Wushu was completely stunned, unable to speak for a long time, but Han Chang suddenly sneered: "It was me who was wrong... Fourth Prince, let me say for you, if we lose today, we will not be unjustly defeated... this class of soldiers. Horses must be handsome officials of the ranks of Han Shizhong, Yue Fei, and Zhang Jun. The kind that can support three thousand with a staff of four to five thousand, but was willingly sent to this Zhao Song official... He Zha Meng'an from the prince An and the prince sent him together today. Six thousand he Zha Meng'an. Have we already won on the plateau?"

Wu Shu didn't say a word, just moved his gaze away from those long axes that soon ceased to be sharp, and then stared at the dragon, which seemed to have been integrated with the foot of the mountain.

On the Eighth Mountain, on the Xia Caicheng, in the Nanyang City... He hasn't shaken this side of the dragon again and again, so is he going to do this today?

But things shouldn't be like this, time and time again, Wan Yan Wushu told himself more than once in his heart that he should have been running on this side of the dragon!

Why didn't it shake once?

At the same time, Lou Shi was also looking at that side of Longzhu, but he didn't look at it for too long, so he silently looked at the two strange soldiers that suddenly appeared in front of the formation... and soon turned his gaze to Qin Feng Road directly ahead. The Wu character banner behind the troops.

He knew that he still had another chance.

"Where is Han Shizhong?" Without looking back, Lou Shi directly asked the officer at his side.

"After the plateau!"

"Where is Qu Duan?"

"There are many casualties and it is difficult to move, but there is a well-equipped soldier and horse, flying the flag of Liu, which is approaching him at a rapid speed."

"Let Jiagu Wuli make up for it, and hold it for a while."


"Let Pu Chahuzhan look at my banner. As soon as I move the banner, he immediately emerges from Qin Fenglu's belly and launches a countercharge against the Song Army cavalry on the periphery!"


"Let the Fourth Prince and Han Chang move again, desperately blocking the soldiers and horses of Xihe Road for me!"


"Uncle Kai!" Lou Shi suddenly looked at his confidant, his beloved general.

"The end will be here." Uncle Wan Yan, who was covered in blood stains and yellow mud, put his hands together.

"How many soldiers and horses are left in the Chinese army to charge?"

"four thousand!"

"Divide the army into two, give you two thousand, go behind me, do you know what to do?" Lou Shi's expression remained unchanged and asked calmly.

"Block Qu Duan and the soldiers and horses with the Liu character flag for Dutong..."

"No!" Lou Shi calmly faced each other. "Whoever them."

"It's blocking Han Shizhong!" Uncle Wanyanjian corrected immediately.

"Not bad!" Lou Shi was frankly right. "By now, both sides have exhausted their strength, the arrows are shot out, the blade is rolled up, and Han Shizhong's troops are rushing in, but they are also a force of strength! All you have to do is to hold behind me as much as possible. he!"


"You don't understand!" Lou Shi lowered his head slightly, then rolled his eyes and confessed in a deep voice. "You try to block one block for me in the back, I will lead two thousand horses and then go to the last sudden... Protruding together, bypassing the plateau, responding to pull out and quickly withdraw the army!"


"do you understand?"


At this point, Lou Shi did not say much. After a while, Wu Shu, Han Chang, Jiagu Wulibu and others obviously received military orders, and each made their efforts. Without hesitation, he turned and led the two thousand cavalry to move slightly behind him.

The gap opened, Qu Duan and Liu Yan didn't know the reason, but each was overjoyed and hurriedly pushed towards Lou Shishuaiqi, but at this time, Lou Shishuaiqi moved again.

Two thousand cavalrymen, without any flowers, almost exhausted their arrows, but they each held a spear, and as Lou Shi turned around and pulled out, they formed a formation of several strikers in front of Qin Fenglu's soldiers and horses. Followed by the owner of the house who took Lou Shi's banner, the soldiers and horses of Qin Fenglu, who had been scattered to the front, charged forward!

Jin Jun's most extreme bludgeoning has begun again!

Besides, in the battle of Huanglong Mansion, Wanyan Agu, who had just established the nation, attacked Huanglong Mansion and took advantage of the situation. The Liao army came to rescue with heavy troops. Lou Shi came to help from afar. After arriving, the horse was like a wash, and Agudai gave three hundred war horses. , Lou Shi changed horses and charged, and in one day, together with Yin Shuke, he attacked the first wing of the Liao army nine times, and finally forcibly broke through the Liao army several times his own.

From then on, Jin Taizu Wanyan A Gu Da identified Lou Shi's generals, let him be the first Meng An of the Jin army, and let him be the ten thousand households of Huanglong Mansion! Later, he became the actual commander of the East Route Army all the way!

So, for such a person, who can deny his talent?

As a comrade-in-arms, who could deny his military proposals and military orders? As an enemy, who can fight desperately as if facing an enemy?

And when he personally leads the crowd to fight hard, who can do it hard?

After all, everything about this man was obtained by those magical and ordinary cavalry assaults.

There are more than tens of thousands of people on Qinfeng Road. After receiving the reinforcements of Qiao Ze and Fu Qing, the number may reach even more, but at this time it is no longer possible to calculate. And such a huge army was roughly divided into two by Pocha Huzhan's Hezha Meng'an, forming two parts before and after. And when Yan Loushi tried his best to lead the charge, the morale of the former army was already shaky. At the same time, Pucha Huzhan, who had been in the abdomen of the Qinfeng Road Great Formation and maintained the division of the Great Formation, suddenly made an unexpected move-he suddenly threw down Qin Feng Road's soldiers and horses, and rushed out to meet Zhang Xianbu's Beiwei army fights face to face!

This trick has a miraculous effect!

Not only and Jiagu Wulibu but also Wanyan Wushu worked hard to push the Song troops away on both sides, and more importantly, a fatal huge gap appeared in the abdomen of the evacuated Qin Fenglu Army Formation.

Sometimes, drawing a knife is more deadly than inserting a knife! And when the knife is drawn and inserted again, it is even more deadly!

Lou Shi personally led the two thousand Chinese army, struggling to advance. The front of the Qinfeng Road army collapsed first, and then the army was caught off guard and was hit by a single blow. The whole army almost collapsed on the spot!

Just now, the two teams came out together, and the situation was reversed, but in the blink of an eye, they suddenly changed with Lou Shi's efforts.

The Qin Feng Road Jinglue made Zhao Zhe dumbfounded, and stood in the rear army at a loss, not knowing how to deal with it.

Qiao Ze, who temporarily replaced Murong Wei, the military and horse superintendent, tried to save the situation, but was discovered by the tiger-like Lou room. He galloped up to the opponent and pierced him with a shot, leaving his body under the horse! The little soldiers and horses that Qiao Ze just gathered were crushed on the spot for the Golden Cavalry!

Then, Lou Shi turned around and rushed towards Zhao Zhe's banner. Zhao Zhe felt cold in his limbs. Under panic, his mind was blank, and he turned around and walked away.

Qinfeng Road's entire army collapsed!

Even the soldiers and horses on the side of Xihe Road are out of control across the board!

Qu Duan and Liu Yan, who had just set off to chase behind him, couldn’t think of this change. They could only fight to catch up. Wu Jie, who had been defeated by Qin Feng Road, was also shocked... Qin Feng Road and Xihe Road had been holding on for so long before, and they were really strong. That's it, and once these two heavy forces are out of control and are the forerunners of the Golden Army, how can they be? How can a battalion with civilians and auxiliary soldiers be left behind? How can Zhao Guan's family, who has only more than 1,000 imperial squads on his side, be?

Lou Shi continued to make a surprise attack personally, and the two thousand golden cavalrymen kept trying to drive Qin Feng Road's defeated army for a while.

Looking at this situation, Wanyan Wushu’s breathing in the south was changing rapidly, and he understood in an instant why Lou Shi would be the first Meng An in the Golden Kingdom hand-picked by his father Wanyan Agu, and would be the tens of thousands of households in Huanglong Mansion. ; Han Chang only has a single eye, but he is stunned and almost lost. The so-called famous general is like this; Song Jun does not know the situation through Song Jun, but he can't distinguish the content of the sound when he hears the tsunami from the distant mountains. , I also stood silently, looking at Yaoshan without moving.

In the foothills of Mount Yao, Zhao Jiu glanced at the approaching Han Shizhong tribe, at the party members scattered under the plateau, and at the sudden collapse of the mountain, his throat moved, but in the end he was speechless... I know, I have to do something.

Wu Jie was also silent for a while, but did two things:

One is to send a messenger to let the officials behind them escape from the back of the military village into the mountains, to avoid the edge;

Second, take the initiative to lead his handsome flag forward...As a Jidu Envoy, as the coach, he cannot escape out of control like Zhao Zhe did.

On the contrary, Wu Jie brought Shuai Qi forward and ran into Zhao Zhe head-on, but without hesitation, he shot the man to death on the horse!

Once Zhao Zhe died, a part of the situation was immediately stabilized, and Tian Shizhong immediately understood from the movement of the flag, leading the long axe heavy infantry who could be controlled by his side to gather to Wu Jie.

Zhao Jiu on the mountain eased slightly.

But in the next moment, Lou Shi had already led his troops from the collapsed Qin Fenglu tribe to Wu Jie's body.

Wu Jie let out a laugh, leaped out, and pointed his guns at him: "Shi Lou, you owe your grandpa a heads-up! Do you remember?"

Lou Shi didn't say a word, and actually galloped directly in front of Wu Jie. After the two coaches, after exhausting all the soldiers and operations, the ghosts and gods generally can only use this method to continue the war that is related to the national fortune of the two countries. .

However, both sides have yellow faces and are both coaches, but it does not mean that their personal immediate kung fu is also average... In fact, as soon as the two played against each other, Wu Jie was shocked in his heart, and after more than ten battles, there was something wrong. The courageous Wu Shida had his arms numb.

After twentieth, Wu Dajuan already knew that if he continued to fight, he would undoubtedly die-this Jurchen general, or veteran, could be so tyrannical!

At this time, Qu Duan and Liu Yan's combined troops had not broken through the cavalry behind Lou Shi, and the long axe soldiers in the Tian division could not rush through the chaos to rush to them.

Therefore, Wu Jie knew well that if he died here in full view, he would let the whole situation collapse directly, but escaped. There is still a slight possibility to defend the official's house or organize the troops to counterattack.

Ever since, in full view, Wu Jie almost bit her lip and beat her horse away.

There was almost a bang on the battlefield in front of the Song Army camp, which had been in chaos, and the soldiers and horses of Qin Fenglu who had barely stopped were completely disintegrated, and then the soldiers and horses of Xihelu were completely out of control.

The situation seems completely hopeless.

However, the next moment, Wu Jie turned back, and the entire battlefield suddenly got out of control...Although the battlefield under the mountain in front of the camp was still messed up, almost all the units of the Song army that still had a system around were heading towards the camp. Come, and the golden army under the mountain also lost their colors.

Because at the moment when Wu Jie retreated, that side Long Zhu directly pressed down from the foot of the mountain.

The battle has approached a place not far in front of the camp. You can see clearly from the top and bottom, and from the bottom to the top... Not only is the dragon pushing down, an exceptionally elite infantry armour is almost grabbing the dragon. Before struggling to press down.

This is a tactic that is generally the same as that used by Wu Jie before. They tried to use their prestige and flags to gather the troops as much as possible under the same circumstances, to prevent the broken troops and resist the advance of the Lou room. But there is no doubt that some people use it better.

In fact, this was a very successful tactic. When Long Jun retreated from Wu Jie's defeat, most reasonable people on the battlefield had already realized that this battle under Yaoshan, Jin Jun It is impossible to win completely, and Song Jun cannot lose again.

Han Chang is such a rational person.

However, the faceless technique on his side has completely lost his rationality. The fourth prince of the Kingdom of Jin is dizzy, but he is staring at the dragon's face without stopping, an indescribable sense of shame and frustration, mixed With panic and suspicion, his mind was chaotic.

For a time, the fourth prince had only one thought, the mountain moved!

He has a feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai!

It was really overwhelmed. As Long Zhu went down out of the camp, Liu Qi, who had a black eye at the battle, abandoned the prey in the mud, and came out of the marsh with all the soldiers and horses he could bring; When Wang Yanbu saw this scene, he also went straight down, but saw Han Shizhong’s three thousand cavalry with bronze masks crossed the plateau first, but then chose to turn back and rush straight away; the soldiers on Xihe Road were backed by the foot of the mountain. , Re-attempted to resist under Liu Xi's embarrassed organization; the defeated Song army on the periphery of the battlefield gathered here, and it was Li Shifu who also gave up looking for his father's corpse, and led the remaining thousand party members around Qingqi.

And soon, the Qinfeng Road and Xihe Road who were aware of the collapse of the army also noticed the Dragon Dragon rushing down from the mountain. Although the two armies were still unorganized as a whole, they gave up the idea of ​​turning around and attacking the camp. The troops began to fall into a strange state of chaos in which the front and back did not dare to go, and the left and right were blocked.

The biggest killer of the Jin army has failed.

However, Lou Shi, who was so conscious that his strategy was ineffective, looked at Long Jiang, who was getting closer and closer, but suddenly chuckled...He knew that he had only two choices at the moment, one was to directly turn to To the north, after meeting Uncle Yan Chi and Pucha Huzhan, they evacuated together around that piece of plain **** to meet the speed of the rush, and then died on the couch in the coming autumn rain... So, he would not choose this, because if If you want to choose this, you won't fight this battle at the beginning.

Then there was only one other one, and he greeted him again, and then, whether he succeeded or not, Song Jun, who was pressed from all directions, was killed under this dragon.

This is a dead end!

However, a dead end is not a way of defeat. From a military point of view, he can lose, but from the perspective of Da Jin Guo and his room, he may not be invincible!

I heard the sound of bowstrings behind me, and I knew that because the battlefield was in chaos, Lou Shi, where Qu Duan and Liu Yan were able to get closer, suddenly turned around and directly raised the gun to attack the nearest Song army! His subordinates froze for a moment, and quickly followed their own Dutong.

Both Song and Jin went mad and fought **** the battlefield not far from the camp, but Lou Shi was invincible like an arrow from the string. His men armed with a large spear and cavalry were rampant in the chaos and encountered the Song army. Attempting to gather will lead to a direct assault from fewer and fewer people behind them.

During the rampage, his person seemed to have returned to the Huanglong Mansion for a battle, heartily, and died without regret.

Of course Wu Jie knew what he was doing and was also trying to stop him, but the chaotic battlefield on the spot not only made Wanyanlou's room unable to drive out the defeated soldiers, but also the Song Army's ability to gather and stop the opponent.

A quarter of an hour later, Long Yu left the camp. Before Long Yu was Yang Yizhong, who was the first to stand out. Under Long Yu, there was the official Zhao's house in full attire. Wang Yuan and Lin Jingmo were also entoured in their respective armors. This official received After Wu Jie asked him to evacuate, he decided to move, but went straight to this... This is understandable, and now it is undoubtedly a successful choice.

But the problem is that Wanyan Lou's room has not been withdrawn, but is still here.

And Lou Shi was waiting for this opportunity. He saw that there was a knight in the middle under Longzhu, and there was obviously a veteran and civil servants nearby, so he immediately gave up suppressing the Song army, turned around and charged all the remaining power directly to Longzhu!

All the roads behind Song Jun counterattacked together. Liu Yan, Qu Duan, Wu Jie, Tian Shizhong, including Zhang Xian in the periphery, and some of the remnants of Xihe Road and Qinfeng Road who had awakened, all marched under Longjiang, but very Obviously, Wan Yan Lou Shi took a step faster.

Yang Yizhong was out of the camp at the beginning. When he made an assault, he was at a loss for a while. Some of the Jurchen cavalrymen rushed to a distance of more than a hundred steps in front of Longhu, and only then did they command the intensive royal squad to get around.

Besides, Zhao Jiu knew what was going on right from the beginning-he had suffered a beheading attack! This was something he had anticipated before he came down.

In this regard, he had been on the battlefield several times and was not too panicked, and came to the battlefield in front of the camp gate to set up Longyu Zhizhou, Yang Yizhong organized resistance in the front, and Wang Yuan calmly commanded part of the imperial squad until Longzhen was densely packed. Converge to form an almost airtight defensive circle.

But soon, the Golden Army cavalry told Wang Dutong that there is no absolute defense, especially when facing the cavalry-the Golden Army knights began to use their horses to smash their entire body, the entire body of the horse, and they were a bit at a loss. Straight line up with the tranced prince squad!

The defensive circle was instantly torn apart, and Wanyan Loushi and his five-color holding Japanese flag, which was already full of arrow holes, quickly appeared in Zhao Jiu's field of vision.

Zhao Jiu didn’t know how the opponent came here all the way in front of such a dense army. This is no longer important. The problem is that the opponent is still unstoppable. No matter who stepped forward to stop him, it seemed that he and his army were almost never in the hands of him. The enemy of Yihe, and this golden general who has defeated the Song army before, is maintaining a short-range stab with his hip horse... What is more frightening is that there is still a number behind him that has reached, or has been reduced to. There are only a few hundred cavalry units of the Golden Army.

This is fatal.

Yang Yizhong rushed forward desperately, but after only two or three rounds, the direct control officer of the imperial squad was stabbed in the shoulder, fell off his horse, and was dragged away by his subordinates in embarrassment.

At this time, even more frightening things happened. When the Wanyanlou room was a hundred steps away, the Wanyanlou room did not continue the assault. The hundreds of subordinates behind him also suddenly dispersed and rushed in all directions... Then, this man The Jurchen name will take off a Jurchen big bow from the horse's **** behind him, and set a Jurchen heavy arrow, aiming at Zhao Jiu's bow, which is a hundred steps away.

Zhao Jiu's cold hair exploded, but under the exclamation of several nearby ministers, he did not evade, but instead bowed his bow and used arrows!

Hold your breath, calculate the distance, raise the arrow slightly like hunting in ordinary days, and then quickly aim at the opponent...The Zhao Guanjia who is very familiar with bows and arrows knows that his bow is faster and easier to aim.

Lou Shi grinned at Zhao Jiu's bow and arrows and adjusted calmly, while Zhao Guanjia, who is recognized as a master of archery, followed the opponent's smile and panicked, but shot an arrow first.

The arrow flew out abruptly, and it shot a lot, but Lou Shi's bow and arrow did not have the slightest effect.

For a time, this official was like falling into an ice cave.

But at this moment, an arrow shot from a bow that Zhao Jiu was very familiar with, and from the back, it was in the middle of Lou Shi's arm!

Lou Shi immediately shook, and the heavy arrow in his hand missed.

The group is inspiring.

But in the next moment, Lou Shi broke the arrow on his left arm again in public, just glanced at the big curved one behind him, dropped the bow and arrow, replaced the big gun, and then struggling forward.

The remaining dozens of guards replayed the old tricks and spared their lives and mounts to open the way for the master.

Not only that, the scene just now made many squads look dumbfounded, and Lou Shi took this opportunity to break into the deeper squad straight formation, which was only a few dozen steps away from Zhao Jiu.

Zhao Guan's family tried to bend the bow again, but their hands were already shaking.

You must know that the current battlefield is chaotic. The Golden Army cavalry and Song Army infantry are only fighting in separate units. Within a few minutes, people can rival the country!

"Don't panic, which is Lou Shi, point it to me!"

Qu Duan bent his bow again and wanted to shoot a few times, but since Lou Shi changed his gun and galloped, he couldn't aim at all, and he was frightened. But at this moment, Yiqi rushed from behind, with a copper-faced iron helmet, holding a hard bow, listening to the sound, Qu Da knew who it was, and then hurriedly abandoned the bow and pointed it at Lou's room.

It was Han Shizhong who left behind his subordinates who were fighting fiercely in the rear. Han Shizhong, the official who directly leaped horses to aid him, and Han Liangchen noticed from a distance that there was something wrong, but he came here with his hands on the bow. At this time, he saw Qu Duan. Pointing, only two legs are clamped, the horse neighs under the hips and suddenly stops, and raises the legs to stand up half of the horse.

And Han Shizhong only turned his waist as soon as he stopped, and strenuously opened his bow with an arrow, the arrow was like a meteor hitting Lou Shi's crotch and lowered his horse's head!

The horse under Lou Shi's crotch collapsed before it neighed, and the entire Lou Shi was overturned!

The squads on both sides are straight, the Jurchen cavalry behind him, and the other Song troops in the melee around are rushing towards here.

Zhao Jiu could see clearly that when Ban Zhi was fighting with the surrounding rookies, Lou Shiben had already tried his best to stand up, but unexpectedly a young teenager would gallop from behind Qu Duan and hit the arrow under Lou's armpit. Lou Shi sat down again.

Seeing this shape, the standard-bearer who was going to help Lou Shi threw down the five-color flag holding the Japanese flag and turned around to fight against the incoming generals. At this moment, another Song army with a long axe directly took advantage of the gap. When he arrived in front of Lou Shi who could no longer stand up easily, he directly lifted the axe and smashed it. Lou Shi went to hold something at his waist, but held it for a while, then the big axe fell directly and hit Lou Shi's arm.

Wanyan Lou's room first fell on the spot.

There was a violent shout around, and it was unclear whether it was cheering or shocking.

But Song Jun kept heading his axe, turned around and smashed a golden army into the air, then turned around and continued with an axe, and directly acted as the head of Lou's room.

After taking the life of Lou Shi, all here threw down the big axe, picked up the head of Lou Shi, raised it high, but shouted at Zhao Jiu a name that made the official dazed: "Zhang Yongzhen! Official! Home! I today..."

Before we could finish, in the deafening battlefield, a golden cavalryman had already approached for some time, but it was the flag bearer who had just abandoned the flag. Regardless of the chasers behind him, he jumped off the horse and climbed up. , And then picked up the long axe on the ground, directly from the back of the head and neck of the Song Jundu who only wanted to say something to Zhao Jiu, struggling to smash it horizontally!

After an axe, the head of Lou's room fell. Zhao Jiu didn't look at it again. Instead, the head of the head of Song Jundu was separated from the helmet in the air, revealing a happy face with only one ear.

But Zhao Jiu couldn't remember who this person with obvious characteristics was.

The standard bearer of Lou Shi was quickly killed by Ban Zhi, and the head of Lou Shi was snatched by the young teenager who was chasing him, and then he was provoked high with a spear. However, the Chinese cavalry of the Golden Army in front of the camp did not disintegrate. Instead, they became extremely murderous. Thousands of Jurchen cavalry fought hard regardless of their lives and even tried to attack Longhu again to regain the first level.

But soon, as another cavalry fighting with Han Shizhong’s reinforcements to the east took the initiative to unite with the Hezha Meng’an to break through Zhang Xianbu’s back Wei army, leaving the battlefield, another Hezha Meng’an also panicked and walked east. Han Shizhong's attention and interception...In short, the Golden Army in front of the camp was finally getting into an evacuation and a certain collapse.

They won this battle.


Bachelor Kobayashi suddenly spoke.


Zhao Jiu, who was trying to find something in the front, responded blankly.

"This is just a rout battle. It's a fierce fight, but Jurchen and Thomas, once they escape, we won't be able to catch up!" Kobayashi shuddered and reminded. "Moreover, the Wanyan Living Girl must be in the north to meet her!"

"I know." Zhao Jiu said in a daze. "I know it all."

"But there is one that can try to besieged!" Kobayashi continued to shudder to remind. "Let Han Taiwei not chase the cavalry who are fleeing, ignore the troops on the plains, let him and Zhang Xian's cavalry go east, take Wulong Mountain, take Beiluoshui, take Liangshan, and make the whole face. Wu Shu and Han Chang, as well as the Chizhan, left behind! More than 10,000 riders!"

Zhao Jiu reacted suddenly and immediately looked at Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan wakes up and immediately takes the order!

An hour later, in the evening, the sun set, and the rain still hadn’t fallen... The Jin Army had already largely escaped. Wanyan Wushu and Han Chang and his subordinates scattered and went east, but the Song Army’s cavalry gave orders early and broke Wulong Mountain. The gap between Beiluoshui and Liangshan prevents it from going north.

Han Shizhong chased and killed Chizhan in a combined attack and determined that the Wushu Department’s golden army was completely defeated. However, he handed his headquarters to Cheng Min to chase and intercept him. He chose to directly turn around to meet Zhao Guan’s house. The other head coaches, officers and cavalry also followed suit. The crowd gathered for a while under the dragon bow in front of the camp of the wounded corpses everywhere.

At this time, Zhao Jiu still reined in and stood under the dragon's bow, without moving for a long time, expressionless.

Wu Jie, Qu Duan, Liu Xi, Liu Qi, Wang De, and Wang Yan gathered together. Under these people, there were countless army officers and ministers, but none of them dared to come forward and face each other.

"Officials!" Han Shizhong was a little courageous in the end, and he was also the head of the generals, so after a moment, he carefully asked about it. "The Jin army was defeated. The ministers and others have sent cavalry troops to try their best to cut off the path of the Wushu troops going north. The battlefield is also being cleaned. I don't know if there is any military order?"

Zhao Jiu returned to his senses, looking at the surrounding corpses, listening to the wailing in the camp behind him, and staring at the generals in front of him for a long time, but he suddenly said in the afterglow of the setting sun, "Yes!"

Following Han, the generals came out in a rush, and they all came out and gave up their hands.

"Shoot me down for me!" Zhao Jiu's complexion remained unchanged, and he didn't look up, just pointing to the sky.

Everyone looked around, and saw that the clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, and one of them, Hai Dongqing, who had lost his master, was hovering over the battlefield.

In the next instant, under Han Shizhong and Wu Jie, countless generals, and even the sergeants who accompanied them, crashed into each other, and then all of them bent their bows together and shot arrows at the sea Dongqing.

The arrows were dense, and several of them pierced the Haidongqing like a hedgehog and pulled it down from the air directly, while the other arrows fell to the ground like rain and thunder after a short while.

And just as these arrows landed, with the last gleam of afterglow, thick clouds and thunder billowed above the head, and then the big raindrops finally landed.

Zhao Jiu did not see the Costin during the whole process, and at this time he directly reined in the camp.

PS: To die.

(End of this chapter)

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