Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 77: Don't forget (part one)

Chapter 243 Don't Forget (Part 1)

Xia Yu was torrential.

Moreover, summer was originally a time of heavy rain, and it seemed that it had only accumulated rain clouds for this heavy rain if it had not rained for many consecutive days. And the rain is so dripping, but it is basically a truce that represents the providence of the two warring parties before forcibly dropped.

It is indeed providence.

First of all, as Professor Kobayashi reminded before, no matter how intense the battle, it was just a field battle that lasted for half a day, and there was no encirclement battle. The main force of the Jin Army has sufficient animal power, and there are Wanyan Living Girls and Wanyan Sali Drinking more than 10,000 troops on the north road as backup. Therefore, if the Jin Army marching north really wants to withdraw, the Song Army has no choice.

In addition, in this battle, from the foot of Yao Mountain to the Dongpo Plain, the Song and Jin armies suffered numerous casualties. Among them, although the specific figures have not been checked, the conclusion that the Song Army has suffered heavy casualties and two to three times the Jin Army casualties can be easily drawn.

This point can be glimpsed only from the well-known generals of the Song Army... Except for the dignified general manager Zhao Zhe, who has been rectified by the military method, only the senior generals who can go directly to the imperial generals include Qiao Ze, Li Yongqi, Five people, Jiao Wentong, Li Yanqi, and Murong Wei were killed in battle, and this data accounted for almost a quarter of the weaker generals of the same level.

Calculated like this, the tragic situation of this battle is tragic, and it may not be possible to find one or two after studying the battles of Zhao Song Liguo.

However, because of this, when the main force of the Jin army was heading north and the Song army was powerless, facing the Wanyanwu Surgery Department of the Jin Army's partial division, which still had the possibility of encirclement and suppression, the Song army did not hesitate to pay the price. This force swallowed it all in order to expand the results and compensate for the losses.

The effect was very direct. On the afternoon of the second day after the battle, in the rain, Song Jun Zhang Xianbu finally encountered the last large-scale battle group of the Golden Army in the Shuize Land on the east side of Wulong Mountain and the west side of Beiluo River. At that time, they were gathering, trying to cross the Song Army defense line from now on, and head north to the Jin Army controlled area. After hearing the news, Zhang Xian didn't hesitate and ordered the whole army to abandon the horses and fight with the Jin army in the water in the rain.

There are obviously high-ranking generals in this Golden Army, and they know that going north is the only way to survive. Coupled with fighting in the rain, the battle was extremely fierce at the beginning. But soon, with the continuous reinforcement of the Song Army, Xu Shian came in from Wulong Mountain. Cheng Min, Liu Yan, and Li Shifu, the son of Li Yongqi, led almost all the cavalry forces of the Song Army. The last effective resistance was easily put out.

Among the armies who came to aid, except for Liu Yan's team who was willing to accept the surrender, all the other tribes slaughtered wantonly. After the First World War, a small number of the Jin army surrendered, and most of them were killed. Only a few people tried their best to get past the rise. Bei Luoshui, who got up, continued to walk east, trying to escape.

During the Song army’s wanton slaughter, Liu Yan, who had a low official position but obviously had a higher political status, learned from the captives that Wan Yan Wushu and Han Chang were likely to escape east, but he was the commander of the most murderous Li Shifu tribe. Leading his party account Qingqi to continue the chase across the river...Be sure to cooperate with Dong Min, who had already locked the Beiluo Water-Liangshan Passage earlier, to capture the latter two to the imperial court.

Not to mention that Liu Yan’s literary mentality was never in harmony with other military leaders, nor how Li Shifu was so red because of his father’s death in battle. He only said that the fourth crown prince of the Kingdom of Jin Wanyan Wushu and Jinjun Wanhu Han Chang reluctantly under the guard of his confidant. I crossed Beiluoshui and rushed all the way in the rain, but there was still no way of life, so I could only continue to walk east to avoid the Song army's search.

Another day later, in the afternoon of the day, they heard the waves rolling in front of them in the rain, and then saw a yellow turbidity under the rain curtain, before they woke up-it turned out that they had gone all the way to the east and escaped in the night of two days. After a hundred miles, I came to the bank of the Yellow River.

But at this time, Wu Shu looked around and found that there were only a dozen riders left on his side, and all of them were injured. He remembered the heroic spirit of drawing 20,000 people from the upper reaches to the dragon gate just a few days ago, and then marching along the way. , The shock of the war that day, and the tragic chasing after being searched by the mountain, and the current ruin, but I can't help but grieve from it, facing the torrential Yellow River, tears like rain.

As soon as Wu Shu cried, the only a dozen Jurchen remnants around him also cried, and the more they cried, the more sad they became, the more they cried, the weaker they became. They cried until they were hoarse and weakened, crying until they waited for death.

But just like that, he cried and woke up a man who was tied to a horse.

"How are you crying?" Han Chang was in a mess, half of his face was already swollen, and he was tied to a horse back because of a fever and a coma. He woke up at this time when he heard the sound of crying. , But he managed to straighten up and immediately asked.

"It's good to teach General Han to know." A soldier wiping away his tears and took the initiative to explain. "After passing Beiluoshui, we still didn't escape. Song troops were everywhere, looking for me everywhere. Many times we ran north just to die. We could only run east, and finally ran to the edge of the Yellow River. It's completely dead..."

Han Chang nodded, but he went to see the saddest Wushu who was crying in a daze: "Soldiers have reached the end of the road, cry as soon as they cry, but why does the fourth prince cry?"

Rao Shi Wanyan Wushu was feeling miserable and miserable in his heart, and was stunned by the question, but there was a tear in his eyes, and he was at a loss: "How can I not cry? Isn't I different from them, isn't I on the way to the end?"

"A dead end is a dead end, but when facing a dead end, people and people shouldn't be the same." Han Chang immediately tried to shake his head, but even this action was difficult. "They are ordinary soldiers. No matter how deadly they are, they are just their own destiny. You can do whatever you want, but you are the four princes of the Kingdom of Kings. Is your life just your own?"

It's okay not to say this. After hearing these words, Wan Yan Wushu broke down and wept again: "General Han! I am incompetent and ruined tens of thousands of Erlang... This time, when it comes to the end of the road, there are bridges and boats. , How can I cross the river with a face to meet my brother?"

When Han Chang heard this, he actually sneered, but he also affected the wound. The pain was unbearable. He could only lie down on the horse's back, bit the horse's mane for a moment, and then slowly re-opened his mouth on the horse's back:

"The four princes are saying very much...but the dead are already dead. What good is it to think more? If you only want to die, don’t you think about the living? How is Song Jin’s situation after the war? Donglu How about the Army West Route Army? How about the Lord and the Marshal of the capital? Dajin State has only been in power for 20 years, so is it because of this battle that you will not be killed? As the fourth prince, you are aloof and you can always do things for the country, right? Are you really going to cry here and wait for death? Regardless of the overall situation?"

Wu Shu managed to stop and looked back at Han Chang, but he could only see him lying on his horse, with a **** and dirty eye socket exposed on his wet mane... It was also a moment of horror, but it was shaking again. Inexplicable.

The fourth prince of the Kingdom of Jin knows what the other party is right, but he still can’t control his feelings: “General Han, what you said is very reasonable, and I also have a lot of thoughts about the future in my heart... But now that I want to go wherever I want to go. Can go? And you are so badly injured, how can I abandon you?"

"Don't say such things." Han used his hands to prop up and continued to sigh softly on horseback. "The road to heaven is inexhaustible. In this case, you took off your armor and jumped into the Yellow River... Ninety percent of the ten percent was dead. Isn't ten percent able to pass? Leave your clothes here, pretend to enter the river, and then take advantage of the rain. Isn’t it the same way to go to the mountains to the north overnight? As for my life, you don’t abandon me, so how can I live?"

Wan Yan Wushu was speechless for a while.

But Han Chang continued to feel weak and urged: "Go fast, a man born in the world, he should die like General Lou Shi, crying and waiting for death by the river like this, it's ridiculous. ...You have the strength to cry, but don't you have the strength to run?"

At this point, Han Chang was extremely tired, just panting.

Wu Shu stood up, and just about to speak, he heard a burst of exclamation from the surrounding soldiers. He thought he was chasing soldiers, but after watching the sound, he knew what was going on—it turned out that the yellow river was turbid and yellow. Above, there was a thing that looked like a white dragon, floating in the waves, and then it opened its teeth and danced its claws in the rain, which was shocking.

Many golden soldiers simply leaned over and bowed, and Wu Shu's thoughts of escape that had just been instigated by Han Chang desperately were also completely extinguished.

There are chasing soldiers in the back and a big river in front. Fang Qi strives to cross the river for a fight, but there is also a dragon descending smoothly and blocking the way. In this situation, who can have a little more courage?

However, as the thing gradually approached, it got stuck on the side of the dead branches on the shore and continued to float up and down. Wu Shu and the others had the courage to look at it, and only then could they see clearly that the so-called white flood dragon was only a few feet away. The bare dry tree is just because the Yellow River rises and the turbid waves are rolling. It follows the waves, and then it resembles a dragon controlling the water, spreading its teeth and dancing its claws.

Wu Shu stood in a daze, watching the dead tree swinging up and down, still like a dragon wagging its tail. After a long time without saying a word, suddenly he began to tear the broken armor on his body, and after a while he took it off.

Then, the fourth prince turned naked to the upper body, and leaned forward on the sand and gravel on the riverbank towards Han Chang, who was already unconscious, struggling to tap: "General Han's words, I will never forget them!"

After speaking, regardless of whether Han Chang heard it or not, Wan Yan Wushu turned and wandered into the water, hugged the dead wood from the debris, and pushed hard into the river.

There were more than ten golden soldiers who accompanied him, no one came forward to help, and no one imitated his behavior of ten deaths and nine lives, but each silently, staring at the four princes rolling into the Yellow River with the driftwood, ups and downs. Ups and downs, and then quickly escaped the field of vision from the downstream waves.

Two quarters of an hour after Wu Shu disappeared, more than one hundred Li Shifu party cavalrymen arrived. The remaining Jinjun informed Wu Shu where he was going and the horse Han Chang's identity, and then asked to surrender, but they killed all the party soldiers who had long been ordered by Li Shifu's army. , And then only Han Chang and Wu Shu's armor were brought back overnight.

At noon the next day, the rain harvested early, and Han Chang was sent to the Yaoshan Camp, which was still waiting for news, by repeatedly changing horses. After hearing the news, I knew that this person would be the final end of the Yaoshan War, and all the famous officers of the army also went to the Chinese army camp to wait and see.

"General Han, you must be a hero of the Han Chinese. If you can surrender, you will be treated with dignity immediately. As for the serious injury, it may not be treated in time. Even if you are in Yanyun's family, we can also take the initiative to ask for it for you. Come back!" Seeing Han Chang being'taken' to the general platform in front of the Chinese army's big account, a civilian immediately came down from the top and persuaded him to surrender.

Besides, although Han Chang had a bumpy night and his eye sockets were already numb, he was relieved of the rain. He enjoyed the soup and food just before he came up, but he was a little bit energetic. At this time, he managed to raise his head and saw that it was one of them. The civil official of the year just laughed directly: "Who are you? Do your words count?"

"I am Zhang Jun, the transit envoy of Bashu Fifth Road." Zhang Deyuan, who had rushed to the battlefield in the evening after the war the day before yesterday, confronted him with a face. "How not to count?"

"What kind of transshipment agent, you don't even have a seat, your official family still has should be the prime minister, sitting on it, if you really want to persuade you to surrender, why not talk it personally?" Han Chang squinted with only one eye. Upward, but he winked at the place where I don't know.

Zhang Jun turned around to look at Zhao Guan's house and the only Zai Zhi Yu Wen Xuzhong who was sitting next to him. Yu Wen Xuzhong, who had only arrived yesterday, hesitated for a moment and was ready to come forward to persuade him to surrender.

But at this moment, Zhao Jiu spoke out directly in the seat: "Han Chang, you have repeatedly invaded south, and your sins are serious. I wanted to kill him to comfort the Henan fathers. But more than one person said, Yuwen Xianggong and Zhang Jun said You are from the Han family of Yanyun. If you can surrender, you will be able to separate the Yanyun family and cause the Jin Dynasty to fight; Wu Jie said that you are a serious and dignified general of the Jin army. Once you surrender, you can shake up and down the kingdom of Jin; and Liu Yan, It is also said that you have always fought bravely, and you are indeed a general... I thought about it, and felt that what these three people said was really reasonable, and then I agreed... Yes, if you can descend, I will allow you to take the position, and try to replace it as much as possible. If you ask for someone to return home, you still have to lead the army!"

"The words of the Zhao official family are believed by the foreign general, and I am also grateful for the kindness of the Zhao official family." Han Chang took a few deep breaths, and finally got upright. "But it's a pity that the foreign general is Yan Yun Han'er. Although he is willing to descend to Nan Ting, his majesty, but he does not want to descend to Nan Ting...Because of the Yan Yun Han family, no one can think of cowardly Southerners! The officials are willing to open their mouths. , Enough to make the outside checkmate dead and self-respecting... now I just want to die!"

As soon as this statement was made, the generals were more angry, and Zhang Jun would also argue with him.

However, Zhao Jiu did not leave any gaps, but directly waved his hand: "General Han’s words today, I dare not forget... beheaded! After death, first pass the army of the states in the first pass as a public display, and then be buried here according to the ritual system. Place."

After Zhang Jun, everyone listened together.

"External general thank you."

Han Chang's reaction was extremely quick.

After that, Liu Yan, the deputy commander of the imperial squad, personally stepped forward and ‘pushed’ Han Chang to step down from the general stage, but after a short while, he brought the first level up and showed it to the official Zhao family.

Zhao Jiu just glanced at this, then turned back to the big tent behind Jiangtai, and summoned the envoys of Xiangyu Wenxuzhong and Bashu Fifth Road Transport Envoy Zhang Jun, Yanjun Road Jinglue Envoy Hu Yin, and Hanlin Scholar Lin Jingmo to join the account.

The generals outside the account saw that Han Chang died so simply, they were a little bit happy, and then saw the four ministers enter the account, but each became anxious...After all, after Han Chang died, this battle officially had its beginning and end, some Things should also be said.

Sure enough, after only a moment, Hu Yin personally paid out the account, and then shouted in public: "Wu Jie!"

Wu Da immediately stepped forward with anxiety, bowed down and bowed his head.

"The official's verbal order, Wu Jie will take charge of the war and do his duty. Although there are setbacks in the battle, he will eventually abolish the control of the various roads in the Kansai area. He will still be a Jiedushi. The commander is here, and the command is determined. To the enemy from the north."

After Hu Yin's'reading', Wu Daru was pardoned. He knew that he had passed through this battle, especially the last sudden incident in the Lou room, forcing the official to come down the mountain himself. Then he was hacked and it was OK, but he did not expect the official. The householder approved his command and preserved the position of Jidu Envoy...It was also relieved for a while.

And then, Hu Yin stepped forward, stuffed a white paper with no words into the opponent's hand, and hurried away. But Wu Jie took a closer look, and saw that it actually only wrote the words'equal merits and demerits, the general's talent', and the official's painting of'Cangzhou Zhao Jiu' underneath it...but he was careful and careful. Fold it up carefully, then put it away.

"Liu Xi!" Hu Yin turned back, and Zhang Junfu transferred out the account again, but he continued to carry out the post-war rewards and punishments with blank paper.

The path of Xihe made Liu Xi panicked and walked forward directly on his knees.

"The official's decree, Xihe Road and Xisan Road will control Liu Xi to abolish his public privately. He first quarreled with the coach and was incompetent when he returned to the battlefield. It almost caused a catastrophe. He recites how much he has done in the battle and deprives him of his writings. Be demoted to a commoner, send the Yuying Navy as pawns, and take office immediately when the road is clear!"

Liu Xi was trembling and took the blank sheet of paper that said "Relegated to Sailor Boat Soldier", but couldn't help but look at his brother Liu Qi.

"Liu Qi." After Zhang Jun finished Liu Xi's disposal, he did not turn it back, but continued to speak to Liu Qi empty-handed. "The Lizhou Road Administration made Liu Qi a loyal and courageous service, with merits and no demerits, and still led the troops in his original position. He will be rewarded carefully after the war."

The Liu brothers were completely relieved.

"Li Shifu, father and son are commendable for their loyalty and bravery, Li Yongqi chases the name of Nanyang's founding father, Li Shifu will not reduce the title!" Zhang Jun turned back, and Lin Jing silently turned out again, but also read the rough handling of the two. "Qu Duan lives up to Jun's grace, and still serves as the ambassador of Huanqing Road... The specific reward and migration are still to be reviewed after the war."

So far, everyone has understood that this should be in the form of official verbal orders, and the most prominent and the highest-ranking officers will be rewarded and punished after the war...This is also expected. After all, This level of rewards cannot be accomplished overnight. The specific rewards and disposals may not have real results until the battle is completely settled. Therefore, this group of top-notch people can only make a gesture first, so that there is a Spectrum, also kindly feel at ease.

The most critical questions are, for example, is Wu Jie's performance as a coach considered qualified?

For example, Liu Yongqi died in battle, but his son finally shot Wanyan Loushi with an arrow and grabbed the first level, as well as the subsequent capture of Han Chang for his great merits, which must be commended as soon as possible.

For another example, brothers Liu Xi have done a good job, and the official family won’t need to rub the sand. What should I say?

Right now the officials have already given the answer, which naturally makes people feel calm.

However, the problem is that these people are there, why doesn't Han Shizhong?

In fact, Han Shizhong was already alarmed at this time, because Li Yongqi and his son's founding father of Nanyang did not come out of thin air. It was he who rewarded Feng Shaobao with the natural additional knighthood when he was the two junket envoys. At this time, he became a party boy. Title? Could it be that the officials had long regarded him as unpleasant, but in this battle, the prestige was resisted, but did he simply dislike him?

"Han Shizhong."

At this moment, Xiangyu Wenxu paced out and looked around, only to call out the name that everyone was waiting for... But to be honest, Yu Wen Xianggong's face was a little too serious, so Han Shizhong didn't dare to neglect even more, but immediately stepped forward and knelt on one knee, bowing his head next to the head of Han Chang.

"The official verbal order, the imperial left army is under the control, the Huaixi system is set up, and the Shaobao leads the two formations. Han Shizhong, loyal and brave and unparalleled in the world, has a high reputation and is known as my courage, and this time is even more amazing. When you add a young teacher, lead the three towns of Taining, Wu'an, and Ningguo..." At this point, Yu Wen Xuzhong paused in front of the almost blank linen paper before continuing to speak solemnly. "Tell Han Liangchen, I dare not forget the words in Jingou Town in the past, and I will add the king of Yan'an County! Food, placement, and grace will be discussed after the war! Still leading the soldiers as before! Quickly return to Tongzhou and be careful Watch Hedong!"

There was no sound in front of the account, and no one made any movements, and in the silence of the crow, Yuwen was helpless, so he could only personally step forward and stuff the linen paper with no words to Han Shizhong on the ground.

Han Shizhong took the blank paper blankly, regardless of how many words he didn't recognize after learning with a few Meng'er, he hurriedly looked at it, only to see that there were only four words in the middle of the paper. Plus the private painting of Zhao Jiu in Cangzhou below. But now, who would think this kind of blank paper is useless? Po Han Wu was almost shivering, carefully folded the white paper and stuffed it into his arms.

Immediately Yuwen Xuzhong quickly transferred back to the account ~ ~ Obviously there is still a lot of work to be done.

As soon as Yuwen Xianggong left, Han Shizhong stood up, but looked around with his head raised, not even looking at all the generals and officials around him. He only stepped off the stage amidst everyone’s silence and dumbfounded, and then turned on his horse. To rush away is to return to the same state to do things quickly.

Moreover, the Yan'an County King walked for a full quarter of an hour before someone moved in front of the tent, but it was Liu Xi, the new imperial navy soldier, who slammed his head on the hard flagpole.

But soon, he suppressed his interest, for fear of disturbing the tent.

PS: Thank you Liuliqin for your direct double cuteness, thank you for the third cuteness of the king of the change, thank you Ye Kuang Xueji for the second cuteness, and thank you Shui Changdong~ classmates and Maxia , Classmates of the world’s brothel monarch, classmates Barason, cats waking up in the deep sea 1i, classmates, classmates reimuu, classmates Yuwen Gancho, classmates of the armed mining truck, classmates Matcorthorn, classmates Tianzawaru, thanks The rewards of classmate Ying and classmate Ye Yu Liulan...94 are so cute, so grateful!

To be honest, everyone scared me...

(End of this chapter)

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