[No one realized that the war situation would be like this]

[Before the final thunder fell, the moon god Artemis launched a rebellion against the great lord god Zeus]

[A shot through the stars]

[The thick fog caused by the explosion of the ether filled the audience, and the huge figure of the mighty shore still stood in the sky]

[Compared to the sudden attack of Zeus]

[You obviously care more about Artemis's move, and can't figure out why she did this]

[The smoke clears, the true body of the Lord God is revealed]

[Even though Artemis's main cannon can penetrate the stars, it still has no effect on Zeus]

[An extremely inconspicuous crack appeared in the divine face, but this was only a few seconds, and soon the great divine power repaired this damage, which did not pose a threat to Zeus's life]

"Artemis! Why are you, why are you shooting!? "

Moran struggled to get up from the ground.

Gritting your teeth, stretching out your near-fragmented hand.

Know the consequences of her doing so.

It was like this that Moran knew that there was only one ending for her.

It wasn't just Moran who asked the question.

Zeus, who had received the shot, also turned his gaze to Artemis, whose gaze was even colder than before.

"Why? Interstellar sniper ship. Artemis, my beloved daughter, why did Ru strike at me? "

"I can't sit idly by."

Artemis's voice echoed across the sea.

She came here as a true body.

Standing in front of Zeus in a guarding posture, he pointed the muzzle of the cannon used to fight the enemy at Zeus.

"Stupid! Even if you are my beloved daughter, you must not go against my will. Even if I can reach out and touch the sky, it is impossible for you to stop me with just one pillar of machine gods. "

"Even so, I will save.

I am sending a divine light to the world between the stars, and "nine zero seven" teaches mankind what it is to be in awe and at the same time incomprehensible gods... Now, I have found my light, and this light must be guarded no matter what! "

Artemis said to Zeus.

Her reconnaissance unit keeps an eye on her lover behind her.

Even in the face of the Great Lord God as the body of the father.

Not only is there no fear in the heart, but there is also a fire, even if it is broken, it is a desire to protect.

Ahhh, is that so?

The god of the moon understood at this moment.

Know why loved ones reject them.

It turns out that everything is as simple as that.

"So that's it, you've gone crazy. I thought you were just imitating and just playing.... Now, this is no longer a god sanctioning the world, but a myth reappearing! My beloved daughter, my countrymen, since Ru is here to declare rebellion, I can only give her destruction. "

There was a hint of irritation in Zeus's tone.

Not from being controlled by the underlying program, but from the anger that He himself generates.

He knew why Artemis was like this.

This is undoubtedly a modification of the program.

Just a man would be covered as a program of destiny, offering such pure love for a human being.

For the god of chance, this kind of behavior.

It's no different from going crazy.

"Artemis..... You do this...."

"Honey, why do you show such a sad expression? Now we can fight together! I, in the end, still can't accept that you die in front of me..."

"You..... If you do not change the program..... You can at least continue to operate in this Greek God Domain as a machine god..."

Moran could also guess that she had modified the program.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to appear here against the Mandate of Heaven.

"Well, yes, but it should be Artemis as a machine god, and I can't do it now." Because, dear made me understand love, I want to be a goddess who belongs to you alone, so I will fight to save you! "

Artemis spoke in a relaxed and gentle tone.

She has learned what love is.

It is impossible to be as cold and ruthless as before, and it is impossible to endure ten thousand years of cold as before.

"Gods..... It's really messy...."

"Say I'm messing around, my dear, you're messing around! Now it's all covered in scales..."

Moran knew he couldn't persuade.

Artemis, who has already changed the program, has no way back.

It's like being determined to face the gods.

In return, she will also insist on protecting her lover.

In some ways, there are no more compatible stupid couples who are in danger to save their loved ones.

[Given Artemis coming forward to protect]

[Zeus also further liberates the specification authority of the warship]

[Unleash all the powers of the planets, time and space, dimensions, concepts, etc., just to annihilate all enemies in front of you]

[Artemis and Medusa join forces]

[Even so, you still can't stop Zeus]

[You're just struggling to support]

"Worthy of my beloved daughter Artemis, can she be so supported at this point? But soon—"

Zeus looked at the crowd bathed in thunder.

Each lightning shot has more power than the Star Treasure.

The humans who wanted to retreat from this sea were dead, and Pelasgi was already in ruins.

"Zeus! Your wish should be to save humanity, right? If you also have a heart that loves humans as much as Artemis, stop it! Don't you understand yet?! "

Moran has lost all his power.

However, he could not do nothing.

Even if there is a glimmer of opportunity to save everyone and usher in hope, he will do everything to take it.

Even if it is to give up all dignity.

"When God loves man, he falls!"

"Father! If I and other gods can have a mind, what is the difference between people and God!? "

"Stop! Wait for me to stop! Protect my people, guide mankind, and lament my shame and sorrow at this moment! Man and God are different! Falling in love with a human god will only damage the scattered gods! "

Zeus burst out with unprecedented might.

The effects of the Mandate of Heaven will not end until Moran and Perrasgi are completely killed.

Words that would have been absolutely impossible to say.

Something that would never have been done.

Zeus breaks the rules under the influence of the underlying program, and when it comes to madness, he is actually no different from Artemis.

Perhaps, He knew He loved humanity.

However, there is nothing to be done about it.

The influence of the command from the Chaos fleet Kaos forced him to be controlled by restraints like this.

Even if it is a sin of obliterating the people.

There is no way for He to suppress it.

[Eventually, destruction will come]

[Artemis's body is constantly collapsing, and Medusa's scales and wings are being stripped]

【Radiance and thunder descend】

[But, in the end, you will always be in the same place]

[You and the women watched the madness of the great god and the monstrous thunder that was about to penetrate the divine barrier]

[The ending seems to be quite clear]

"Sorry, honey, I couldn't save you..."

"Don't blame yourself, Artemis, although you are willful, you sometimes do things without thinking like a fool, but I have no right to accuse you, you have done a good job."

"Hehe, honey, are you praising me?"

Artemis here is the mimic godhead.

She was happy to be touched on the head by you.

Its body is transforming into a shield barrier to block lightning.

"But, my dear, please don't think that this is our end and defeat, I know your battle will continue, so don't stop and keep moving forward - because I fell in love with you who constantly defies fate like this, strong and unique."

Artemis looked at Moran tenderly.

Through Moran's memory, he knows that his lover is constantly fighting, and believes that one day he will be able to take happiness.

Even if the world does not allow it.

The beloved one may fight the world to the end. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even if he destroys countless times, he will offer him blessings and prayers.

"Hehe, but with my dear in the end like this, I think it's okay to go to Hades!"


Artemis's face was full of sweetness.

Moran felt her trust in the words.

In the end, the women were with Moran as they had been in the vows.

Looking at the increasing cracks of the barrier shield, they chatted with each other about their ordinary and warm daily life.

It's as if destruction doesn't exist.

Finally, Stino asked the question with a bad smile.

"So, at the end of this, let me ask a question, right? Oh, Moran, who do you like the most? "


Moran immediately seemed to be choked by the throat.

That almost shattered limb felt like it was going to fall apart.

The pressure that was a hundred times more terrifying than facing the great god Zeus was coming towards him like a flood at this moment.

In the end, my sister still laughed badly.

She knows you can't get the answer to that question.

"The whole unit - is - collapse - the conceptual defense is about to become unsupportable, and there is still left from the collapse -"

[The light of Artemis's body gradually dims]

[As if to rescue you]

"Full unit - termination - "

[The defenses built by the power of the gods completely collapsed and dissipated, and the thunder of extinction broke into this warm space]

[Shredded, invaded, everything]

[Be punished, destroy]

[My beloved daughter, accept the retribution of your deformed and wrong love - the end of Er and others can only be broken]

【The power of God is approaching】

[Looking at the imminent light of destruction, and the gentle and calm appearance of the women in front of you]

[Sure enough, I can't choose between you, no matter who I like the most..."

[You keep smiling at them until the last moment]

[It's like saying goodbye]

[I want them to remember their strongest and most handsome side]

[The women can no longer hear your words, and the thunderous vibration engulfs your last sincere words]

[The thunder light that shakes the heavens and the earth destroys everything]

[Wiped out the sentient beings who rebelled against the gods in this heaven and earth, and finally stopped as the madness of the great gods subsided]

[You died in the thunder light]

[This earth-shattering war was known to the whole of Greece, and its results shocked and trembled the Greek people]

[The four-nation coalition army on the crusade against Perrasgi]

[No one survived and returned]

[Even the island belonging to Pelasgi is nowhere to be seen, as if everything has been erased from the ground]

[The people of Greece learned only one thing]

[The king of a country, whom they scornfully called the ancestor of all demons, led Pelasgi against all the invading enemy forces, and finally the great lord god Zeus lowered the sanctions]

[Only by the hands of the gods can it be destroyed]

[Even if the people of Greece don't want to admit it, your terror and strength are remembered by them]

[Especially the four major city-states that lost all their troops]

[They regarded Perrasgi as an equal existence with Purgatory and the Devil, and none of the men sent to the battlefield returned]

[The four major city-states suddenly fell to the trough]

[If it were not for the rewards and protection given by the gods, I am afraid that it would be difficult for them to maintain and consolidate their original status]

[As for the side of the gods]

[With the fall of the moon god Artemis, the twelve main gods of Olympus became the eleven main gods]

[Although Zeus stabilized after the war]

[However, the question you asked is rooted in the hearts of the gods, plus the shock brought about by the fall of Artemis, the moon god]

[The gods fell into self-doubt]

[They cannot ignore the command from below to love humanity, but they cannot escape from the bondage of destiny]

[The gods fell into a self-contradictory madness]

[It can be described as a sad myth]

[Mankind has no future under the rule of the machine god]

【Greek heroic myth——】

【End of simulation】

Another awakening from the darkness of nothingness.

It feels the same as the first simulation.

This is no longer just twenty-six years of experience, but nearly seventy years of hard work.

The thousands of pains suffered by the thunder of the gods.

Resentment and ruthlessness when leading his people and enemy troops to kill.

Face the satisfaction of death with your lover.

In addition, the gods who are bound by the primordial destiny, you have reluctance and sighs about them.

"I..." 5.1

Moran covered his chest and frowned.

The impact of this simulation was far a hundred times greater than the previous one.

Especially the terrifying torment of God's Thunder.

It is a terrifying pain that cannot be forgotten even if it comes out of the simulation, and it is engraved on the soul.

Only the second simulation was such a shock.

I am afraid that ordinary people will be driven crazy by this experience.

But Moran isn't just a hero.

He is also the king who leads Pelasgi!

"These pains and memories are all I have, and I have never regretted the life I simulated! Even the divine thunder and whipping that fell on my soul would never shake me in the slightest! "

Moran's gaze seemed to be in flames.

It's a hero, it's a king.

Two wave-like waves mingle, and there is no difference between simulation and reality.

The vision returns to the simulator.

【Greek Heroic Mythology】

【Simulation Evaluation: A+】

[This level belongs to the special level of evaluation]

[Although you led the people to defeat the enemy army sent by the gods, and even the divine body of the great god Zeus slashed with a sword, breaking all the impossibilities of mankind, the characteristics of the king and the hero coexisted]

[However, you still haven't solved the key problem]

[You lament the death of the women and the end of the defeat against the gods, and you mourn the human beings who are still bound by the destiny and under its control]

[Perhaps, there can be a better ending]

[Even if you endure the torture of Hades purgatory, you are eager to reach a better ending again]

【As a king and hero】

[Will not succumb to such an ending]

ps: The next chapter will transition slightly, which is just one or two chapters, and will soon enter the next simulation.

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