【Simulate achieving A+ price】

[Your simulation has reached the special evaluation level, congratulations to the host for successfully unlocking the preset bar, the preset bar can be used with your fixed skill bar to better help you simulate]

"Preset bar? What is this? "

Moran frowned and said curiously.

He had thought there would be no reward for this simulation.

All he currently knows about in the simulator is the fixed skill slot, and the skill pool for skill extraction.

Presumably, the preset bar is the new mechanism.

[The function of the preset bar is that after the host fixes the selected ability, if there is still a skill that it wants to keep, then the preset bar can be used in this occasion]

[It can store skills for the host, and when the host wants to replace and fix it, it will be taken out immediately]


Moran immediately understood the meaning.

After his first few selected skills were completed, there were always those that he didn't choose that were thrown back into the skill pool.

Now, there's no need to throw it back.

You can put the skill directly into the preset bar!

If there is no fixed skill on the day, Moran can also use the ability of the preset bar to change the skill without choosing to simulate.

In battle, it can also be used in this way.

"Is there a limit to the number of preset columns?"

Moran immediately opened his mouth and asked the simulator.

As a result, nature was not as good as he thought.

There can be no limit on the quantity.

[The number of preset columns is fixed at three, and every time the host obtains an Ex-level evaluation simulation, it can be increased by one]

【Please also ask the host to work harder】

"Sure enough, I knew it wasn't that good, but three preset fields were good."

Moran sighed helplessly.

Next, he goes to the skill extraction page.

[Skills learned in this simulation: Golden Demon Sword, My Epic Lives Here, Seal of the Other.] Temple of Blood, Forced Seal. The Temple of All Devils, the Apostle of God, the Protection of the Saturnalia... 25.】

The skills acquired by the two-week purpose are much less.

The reason for this is no other reason.

Most of his skills in the second week overlapped, and he learned fewer new abilities overall.

However, many of the skills in the skill pool have been upgraded.

This is the benefit of repeatedly swiping the same copy.

The memories and experiences accumulated in the simulation will become the backbone of skill leveling.

[Golden Demon Sword (EX), Petrified Demon Eye (A++), Battle Continuation (EX), God Killer (B), Heart Eye. True (B), Leadership Temperament (A+), Indomitable Determination (A)]

【Please select three skills to fix】

After thinking for a moment, Moran made a choice.

His index finger quickly clicks down the screen.

[Unyielding Determination (A): Even in the face of the coercion of the gods, there is no submission, and it cycles in life and death countless times. Aura-based abilities such as coercion and murderous aura below A will not be effective against you, and your patience and resilience will be greatly improved, the more sinister the dilemma, the higher your comprehensive attributes will be]

[Petrified Demon Eye (A+): Anything caught by your sight will fall into petrification, and the effect is determined by the enemy's attributes]

[Golden Demon Sword (EX): A ten-thousand-demon authority made entirely of blood that appears from your blood, and can wield slashes with monster characteristics, and can also give this characteristic to any object through slashes.

You are the father of all demons, and no monster can be your enemy, they are your most loyal heirs.]

【Selection complete】

[The above three skills have been saved in the preset bar, and the refresh simulation and fixed number of times will be reset at nine o'clock tomorrow]

【Simulator enters cooldown state】

【Cooldown: 23 hours 59 minutes】

"Well, so be it."

Moran did not fix the three skills directly.

He chose to throw it in the preset bar.

Although he can also choose to change skills directly, he feels that the current fixed skills do not need to be changed.

The Golden Demon Sword is very powerful.

It seems that it is also the upper position of the demon bloodline.

But in fact, the Demon Bloodline has the ability to increase the strength of the flesh, but it does not have it at all.

If there is no way to ensure the strength of the flesh.

That's nothing more than a glass cannon.

"This skill..."

Moran looked at the fixed skill bar.

He noticed a change in one of those skills.

[Moon Goddess Love (A+): You are far more lucky than others when you are in love with the gods, and the abilities such as curses, seduction, and mind control at level A and below cannot affect you. The God of the Moon gave everything just to be with you, she stood up to the invincible god Zeus, you have the highest level of special defense against the gods]

The favor of the goddess is sublimated into the love of the goddess of the moon.

The resistance aspect is almost full.

"Artemis . . ."

However, Moran could not be happy in his heart.

He conjured up the figure of Artemis and her wayward appearance of finally abandoning her responsibilities.

A trace of bitterness appeared in his chest.

However, it was soon overwhelmed by the flames.


Moran exhaled deeply.

Emotions turn into motivation for the next simulation.

He still has a chance to redeem his regrets.

You only need to board for another day, and wait until nine o'clock in the evening to enter the simulation again.

I think back to what Ershumu has experienced.

He failed, and indeed fell.

But this is far from a reason to stop Moran from longing for happiness, he will always work hard as long as he has the opportunity.

Just like when facing the great god Zeus.

Even if you keep repeating life and death, you don't hesitate.

The next day, Ermelo House.

Moran will not forget the gamble he made the day before.

He carries a camera loaded with Kenneth's declaration of admitting defeat to the mansion where Kenneth lives.

Face the gambling contract you once made.

Kenneth, as he showed in the self-defense class, did not break the contract, but really handed over the Sanji magic furnace.

The courage has to be admired.

"This is the Sanji Magic Furnace..."

Moran looked at the magic furnace that had been moved into the room.

He was amazed as he observed.

With knowledge of the magic of the gods, he was also amazed.

Although modern magic has faded, this magic furnace is a good dress even in the Shindai.

In the final analysis, its material is too noble.

The Dragon of Albion in the realm.

It is the crowned dragon at the apex of all dragon species, and is the strongest dragon species of the same age as Earth.

"Not bad, although it is barely enough for me in terms of efficiency, it is almost inexhaustible for ordinary magicians. Moreover, this mana source will continue to automatically recover..."

Moran removed his hand from the magic stove.

He had already analyzed the composition of this magic furnace.

If there is a material like Albion, he can also rely on the knowledge of the gods to create a magic furnace with similar effects.

"It's a pity that no matter how strong the fantasy species is, it can't survive the replacement and coverage of the rules of the world..."

Moran knows Albion's end.

The ultimate fantasy species, which can be called the strongest dragon, died of exhaustion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's hard to believe when you say it.

At the end of the retreat of the god generation, it wants to reach the Star Sea by physical means, digging all the way from the surface to the ground.

As a result, the last step was exhausted and died underground.

It's really enduring.

"However, the research of the magic furnace is almost here. Next, let me see how Kenneth does his intelligence work. "

Moran got up and stretched.

Early on, I heard that Kenneth had an intention to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Well, he will definitely do some preparations.

Now the knowledge of the Moon World in Moran's mind has limitations, and he cannot judge this fake Holy Grail War.

After all, there is no fourth Holy Grail war in his world.

The Forgery Grail War, which originally took place after the Fifth Holy Grail War, has now replaced the Fourth Holy Grail War.

You can't rely on the original information.

Moran didn't know what changes had taken place in this world line, and he had to take the initiative to collect intelligence.

So, he chose the best intelligence sources.

That is Kenneth, who is about to participate in the Holy Grail War.

A room in Ermelo's mansion.

Moran effortlessly found the place where the intelligence was stored, and there were no obstacles along the way.

"This is presumably ... The so-called goddess blesses....."

Moran thought of the Skill Moon Goddess Love.

This skill boosts his lucky level dramatically.

Even if the technique of guarding against foreign enemies is launched against Moran, it will fail and stagnate at the moment of activation.

This technique was hand-laid out by Kenneth himself.

Mortals without any lucky bonuses.

To those who have a lucky bonus.

It is basically such a very sad result, it is the kind that will choke you even if you drink saliva.


Moran held a stack of reports in his hand.

It describes the personnel who participated in the Holy Grail War with a high probability.

Mr. and Mrs. Hills, Orlando, Baz Lodi.....

The above three magicians were recorded by Kenneth, who determined the information through his own network of contacts and intelligence.

See the appearance of these three.

Moran thought the situation was pretty good.

At least the personnel changes in this fake Grail War are not serious, and the roles that should have been there are still there.

But, there is a name for a magician.

It was Moran who couldn't easily ignore the skip.

“..... Eimiya Kiriji? "

Moran took note of the last report.

It details the career of the magician killer and his active record on the battlefield.

At the moment, he also seems to be preparing to participate in the Holy Grail War.

"The fourth Holy Grail did not happen in this world, this man who longs for world peace really will not give up the Holy Grail..."

Moran couldn't help but laugh after reading it.

Although he saw the information and information of Eimiya Kiriji, he felt unexpected and reasonable.

There is still about half a year before the Holy Grail War.

The intelligence gathering Kenneth did was these magicians.

Actually, it's already pretty good.

Without knowing any information, Ken confirmed the most likely Imperial Lord.

Each one was accurately guessed by his predictions.

"However, there is actually Einz Belen..."

Moran read the last stack of intelligence.

Since the Great Grail was taken away by the ugly country and taken for himself.

Einz Belen has been trying to take the Great Grail back, and for many years 780, they have been in vain.

Now, the Holy Grail War is about to take place.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Einz Belen family to sit still.

"Interestingly, Eimiya Kiriji did not enter Einz Belen, and at present, even Mr. Ken has not investigated the specific details, but only speculated that there was a problem within the Einz Belen family."

Moran put the finished information back in the cabinet.

It's almost clear.

Let's grasp the general pattern of the Holy Grail War.

It wasn't much different from what he expected.

At that time, the selection of the imperial master and the original forged Holy Grail War will probably have some slight changes.

But, overall, there are no obstacles.

What is Moran's idea of participating in the Holy Grail War now?

In fact, this thing is very simple.

"I wonder if I will summon Atta and Medea if I come to summon the Spirit, if I summon Artemis or Medusa..."

Moran had a reminiscing expression on his face.

He knew that the experience in the simulation was just anecdote.

However, anecdotes can also make connections.

Even the Chaldean Order, which saved humanity, their lord was able to summon a Persona Spirit.

There's no reason Moran can't do it

He can be regarded as the largest holy relic in his own right.

"However, if you want to be foolproof, you have to achieve an Ex-level simulation evaluation, let the anecdotes be overwritten in reality, and let me and their deeds be engraved on the realm record tape."

There is full consciousness in Moran's words.

He fumbled through the information and returned to the starting point.

That's right, a higher rating must be reached.

After disposing of the trail left in Ermelo's mansion, Moran went to the dormitory in an excited mood.

As the day passed, night fell.

He just had to wait for the hour hand to point to nine.

【The number of simulations for this day has been reset】

【The host can enter the simulator at any time for simulation】

The emulator's tone echoes in your ears.

It is like a trumpet of war, guiding Moran to the next battlefield.

【Greek hero Shindai——】

【Simulation confirmation】

[Greek hero god generation, immediate simulation, confirm that the host carries fixed skills, record——]

【Host can choose three skills】

【Randomly drawn from the simulated skill pool, please select three skills from the following list to bring into the simulation】

[Optional skills: Divinity (B), Forced Seal. Temple of All Devils (A+), Riding (A), Desperate Military Strategy (B), Guardianship of Faith (C), Position Building (B), Saturnalia Enhancement (B+)].

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