Alice Phil's awakening is much faster than expected.

Moran took a week.

During this time, he did not choose to enter the simulation.

Instead, he focused his mind on conditioning Alice Phil and fundamentally modified the original fixed function.

Make its overall qualification better.

At the very least, it is necessary to reach the normal level in terms of lifespan.

It is also through Moran's level of magic that she has been different from other artificial humans since her birth.

Alice Phil has an energy far beyond others.

Although the situation at the beginning is similar to that of Alquit, it is empty and has no shell ~ inside.

However, under the influence of the education of the nobility of Einzberen, and the education of Moran as a creator-creator.

She is growing very fast.

Except for the silver-haired and red eyes that are the symbol of artificial humans, there is no place to be related to artificial humans at all.

Whether it's magic, or intellectual.

All far surpass today's Einz Belen artificial humans.

"Worthy of being the master, Alice Phil, how happy you are... Remember that you must never fail to live up to this favor of the Lord. I wait for Einz Belen to be just a prop in the hands of the Lord. "

Ahad's words were harsh.

It's just that there is a trace of respect in the old face.

Like this little princess born through the hands of Moran, Einz Belen has envy from top to bottom.

Although Ahad was given a third law.

However, it was nothing more than a reward between kings and courtiers.

Alice Phil is fundamentally different.

From the beginning of her birth, an artificial girl who has been endowed with pampering is also allowed to have free will.

This is not pampering, what else can it be?

"Great grandfather... What does that mean....? "

Alice Phil had a look of confusion on her face.

She didn't understand Ahad's wishes.

I only know that I am expected by Ahad.

"Alice Phil, the long-cherished wish of the Einz Belen family for thousands of years has come to an end, and now we have only one purpose left to continue running. That is to be recognized by the Lord in charge.

You were born in the world with the blessing of the Lord, and I believe that there is no one in Einz Belen who is better suited to bring joy to the Lord, which is the mission of our family today. "

Ahadi spoke emphatically.

Finally, Alice Phil showed an expression that seemed to understand.

I have been loved since I was born.

This is very gratifying.

Even without Ahad's statement, she likes to be with Moran as her creator.

Just like the warmth you felt when you were first born.

There was a sense of peace and tranquility just around him.

"Well, I understand, the meaning of my birth and existence must be by Moran's side!"

The naïve and romantic silver-haired princess thinks so.

Inspired by the expectations of the family, and at the beginning felt the warmth of the creator.

Think so naturally like breathing.

Almost a month has passed.

From ignorance that I didn't know anything at the beginning, to gradually being taught to understand people's joys, angers and sorrows, and finally feeling the warmth in my heart and wanting to respond to it on top of this.

"Moran! I learned alchemy! "

Alice Phil was surrounded by silver wire.

They entangle in the air to form the delicate shape of a butterfly, flapping its wings and dancing vividly.

In the courtyard, she feels like she is in the center of the world.

"Well, has HolmCruise, made with alchemy in just a few days, reached this level? Allie, you're doing a great job. "

Moran looked at this scene and praised.

In the present day to teach technology to Einzbelen.

Ahad led the replacement of artificial human technology, and Alice Phil was undoubtedly the most successful second generation.

Look at Alice Phil with such a joyful smile.

She believes that everything in the world is full of beauty.


Moran couldn't help but smile.

Subconsciously recalled the original teaching of Alquit.

At the beginning, she was also like Alice Phil who knew nothing, and was even regarded by others as a ruthless killing weapon.

Can be under Moran's intervention and education.

Alquit gained a lot of things that he didn't know.

Perhaps, he treated Alice Phil like this.

Maybe he thought of Alquot when he was young, so there was no way to let Alice Phil go.

“....... It's time for Einzberen to change management. "

Moran muttered to himself thinking about this.

He looked around at the respectful artificial maids around him.

Just thinking about it.

The butterfly made of silver filaments flew in front of him.

He was followed by an enthusiastic Alice Phil.

It's like waiting for something.

Verbal praise alone could not satisfy the little princess, and she practiced alchemy hard for more than that.

"I can't help you, Allie."

"Hmph, you said that studying hard will be rewarded! Moran, I remember your teachings clearly! "

"Is it? I don't know when I taught such a snobbish little princess. "

Moran reached out and touched Alice Phil's little head.

She wore a cheerful smile like morning dew.

Like a sloth threw himself into Moran's arms.

This little princess showed her attachment without concealment, and at the same time did not realize her delicate and plump.

She is angelically pure and unblemished.

The differences between men and women are not yet recognized.

Or, even if she knew this in theory, she wouldn't apply it to herself and Moran.

"Don't be too proud. Alchemy is not only so simple, there are more advanced courses in it. "

"Eh! I've done it all!? "

"Hahahaha, Allie, the world of magic is still vast, well, like this..."

Subsequently, Moran showed the magic puppet training.

Magic puppets are spawned by throwing mana clots into the ground.

Alice Phil's little face was full of surprise.

The beautiful eyes like rubies are like twinkling stars, like children attracted by fairy tale books.

Every day since birth has been very happy.

Rather than learn etiquette and knowledge from Einz Belen's mentor, Alice Phil prefers to learn from Moran.

At night, she pestered Moran all day.

Alice Phil wore a light gauze dress made of silk, and a long shawl around her waist hung from her shoulders.

The delicate curves are clearly visible.

She lay on the bed without the slightest vigilance.

He looked at Moran expectantly.

Even at night, she likes to chat with Moran.

Although she was reprimanded by her eldest grandfather Ahad many times to have the reservedness of a lady, she did not think so much herself.

Alice Phil likes to accompany Moran like this.

I feel warm and love it.

"Allie, you're too casual...."

"Hmm.... Moran didn't like it... Am I like this....? "

Alice Phil showed an uneasy expression.

The last thing she wanted was to be hated by Moran.

The slender girl like a cypress tree showed this appearance, as if she would shed pitiful tears at any time.

This leaves Moran with no choice.

He could only raise his hand in surrender to Alice Phil.

After that, express your apologies.

Moran responded to her initial expectation, telling the story of a woman and a man separated. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's not that long.

Soon, Alice Phil finished the story.

Her feelings have always been very pure.

After listening, I couldn't stop shedding crystal tears.

"Moran is so bad! The story told is so sad! Why should the final ending be separated..... It's so sad..."

"This is not.... You said you wanted to listen..."


Alice Phil wiped her flushed eyes.

Moran smiled helplessly.

Although he is telling it in the form of a story on the surface, he is telling his past.

"From the perspective of others, this is a tragedy. However, this is also limited to others. For the parties, this is not exactly a tragedy. Ellie, would you like to hear me tell this story from another angle? "

“.... Not a tragedy .... Didn't lie to me? "

"I didn't lie to you."

"That.... All right.... I'll believe you again....."

Alice Phil approached Moran again.

She hugged his arm firmer than she had just done.

This careful thought made Moran cry and laugh.

So, after a little consideration, he continued to speak.

It's still a story of women and men saying goodbye, but the perspective has been changed to another perspective.

“..... The Princess of the Moon still chose to leave in the end, in the midst of getting along with the vampire. She learned love, she didn't want to die, and she didn't want the person she fell in love with. The same is true for vampires, who are undoubtedly in love. "

0 ask for flowers

Moran's tone was gentle and gentle.

It's as calm as if talking about something that has nothing to do with you.

The story is fascinating to hear.

Alice Phil could already imagine it in her head.

"However, choosing to die by yourself like the Princess of the Moon, this is not what you taught me..... Wishful thinking? "

Alice Phil learned the word not long ago.

Smart she used it the first time.

"Allie, this is not wishful thinking. Well.... Not wanting to die is not a sin, what matters is how to live. Everyone in the world is good, and everyone has a reason to live. Those who can strive to stay alive will always have a place to shine. Then, back to what you said wishful thinking. "

Moran paused slightly.

It's like injecting your own emotion into the story.

"The departure of the Princess of the Moon and the persistence of the vampires are not only sadness, they until the end, neither side wants to die. By falling in love, they unite the weight of their lives. That's why it's equivalent. Sin can also cancel each other out and be sublimated. "

This is the same as negative and negative.

However, for Alice Phil, who has just received feelings, this is indeed somewhat obscure.

She had not been exposed to such feelings.

"How strange.... I obviously don't want to die.... but for each other .... Willing to face something crueler than death..."

Alice Phil's beautiful eyes were a little more dazed.

A wonderful feeling hovered in the chest.

"Yes, both sides do not want to die for happiness, but they can choose to die for each other's happiness."

Moran caressed Alice Phil's silver hair.

The expression is also a little more complicated.

Alice Phil couldn't feel the contradiction in the story, and felt that the proud and glorious souls of the two people in the story were too dazzling.

It was too dazzling for her.

"By loving, and by being loved. This relationship is no longer short, it is the common intention of two people, so it is not wishful thinking.

The sadness of the death of the Princess of the Moon, and the attachment of the vampire's last clinging. For a person, this may be a curse. But when you combine them into one, you can shine. "

Moran tells it in a different way.

There is also a hint of relief.

All alive to the present, he remembers this memory.

Although there is remorse, there is no sigh.

This is the conceptual conclusion he came to in his long life after going through the Wako copy.

"They.... Happy....? "

"Well, I think, it should be happy. At the very least, I would pray for happiness in the end. "

"So.... It's really not that sad anymore....."

Alice Phil felt warm.

Such a picture of the two falling in love and giving salvation has gradually been completed in her mind.

After warmth, emotions emerge in the heart.

She can't help but feel that this is a story of mutual redemption, so romantic that it makes people envious.

"Moran..... Can I also be loved as much as the moon princess in your story? "

Alice Phil's pupils were like moist jade.

The shadow of Moran was reflected in a swaying manner.

It contains a longing that has never been felt before.

The girl is obviously immersed in this story, and she also wants to feel this love when she gets feelings.


Moran was slightly stunned for a few seconds.

He saw the girl's self extending from the bottom of her heart.

It was not deliberately prompted by others, but the decision she made after being exposed to the colors of the world.

"Well, yes, there will be people who love Alice like this. I'm here to assure you..."

"Hmm... I don't want anyone else...."

Alice Phil's cheeks turned crimson.

It is even more noticeable against the background of silver and white hair.

"Allie, have you been chosen?"

"Hmm.... Moran... You know that...! "

Alice Phil was so ashamed that she buried her head in her chest.

Unconsciously, she hugged her arms and conveyed a rapid heartbeat.

This is already the answer.

However, Moran teased the idea of the little princess so far.

Because she's so cute.

"If you don't say it clearly, no one knows."

"Hmm.... Bad Heart Eyes... Inch! "。

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