Alice Phil was shy.

Finally, he said it very quietly.

She longs to be loved like the moon princess in the story, and as for the role of vampire, there have long been choices.

It is the man who is with him at this moment.

There are no other options to consider.

Alice Phil has only one option.

"Whether it's the future, or the present... I hope it all.... That person would be Moran you... Hmm.... I, I spoke up!

Woooo I actually said it.....! "

Alice Phil is like an ostrich.

The head is so hot that it wants to be buried in the sand.

Shame to the point of being incomparable.

The beautiful and immaculate doll acquires its own desires and reveals its feelings to the creator.

Nothing could be more gratifying than this.

"Hmm..... No more talking! "

Alice Phil immediately stopped overdoing it.

It seems that as long as he and Moran look at each other for a while, the swelling feelings in his chest will even bounce off the universe.

At this point, I don't plan to leave.

It is estimated that she plans to stay here and not leave.

After a long silence.

Alice Phil's shy flames subsided.

The pitiful gaze that was like a pleading seemed to say that he would stop teasing her with such bad intentions.

If the heartbeat continues to accelerate.

She didn't know if her head would just break out like that.

"That.... Moran..... After I finish the course arranged by my eldest grandfather... Let's go out of town then..."

Alice Phil half-covered her cheeks with a quilt.

The sound is also very subtle.

In addition to her curiosity about the world outside the city, she hopes that when she remembers these good things, Moran can be with her.

So whenever I remember it.

There will always be him in that happiness.

Happiness will also be doubled.

"Well, forget it if you're busy. I heard my grandfather say that you are going to participate in the Holy Grail War or something..."

Alice Phil said the exact opposite of her heart.

It's really not honest and candid.

However, there is no need to blame the girl's shyness.

"How come, the Holy Grail War is still a few months away, and there is still plenty of time before that - Allie, do you have a place you want to go?"

"I don't really want to go anywhere! However, as long as it is Moran, you decide, I think it's okay! Even if it doesn't make sense, you're going to be happy! "

Alice Phil smiled happily.

It can be seen that the previous sentence is completely a cover for her.

She just wanted to hang out with Moran.

The important thing is not to see what the outside world is, but to be in the scenery with the people you care about.

"Can it be anywhere..."

Moran looked thoughtful.

A lot of places flashed through my mind for a while.

In the simulation, he has seen many beautiful scenery, but his last thoughts are directed to the Far East.

The place where the Holy Grail War began, once the site of the Holy Grail War held by Einz Belen.

A place with strong colors in every sense - Fuyuki City.

Gradually, the thoughts in my heart were determined.

He and the excited little princess made an agreement in the room.

The night is getting deeper.

After determining the future itinerary.

Alice Phil was very excited.

Even falling asleep has to be compared to Moran.

Although her qualifications as an artificial human are excellent, she is still a little worse than Moran.

Be in sweetness and warmth.

Alice Phil couldn't resist the sleepiness first.

She fell asleep one step ahead of Moran.


Moran reached out and caressed Alice Phil's face—the whiteness of the first snow and the pudding-like touch.

He had intended to jump right into the new simulation this evening.

As a result, I didn't expect this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I have been entangled by Alice Phil until now, but the feeling in my heart at this moment is surprisingly good.

This is what she brought to herself.

"Well, see you tomorrow morning, Allie..... I'm going to my own battlefield too. Night's good. "

Moran withdrew his hand.

He exhaled and focused his mind on the simulator.

Familiar feelings flooded back into my mind.

It didn't go on for two weeks, and it felt like a century.

【The Last Land of God's Dynasty, Great Britain】

[Simulation opens, anchor points are thrown]

[The Last Land of God's Dynasty. Great Britain selected, immediately simulated, detected the fixed skills carried by the host, recorded ——】

[Do you want to extract skills?] 】

Moran still chose OK 0 this time.

Subsequently, among the seven skills drawn by the simulator.

He chose three of them.

[The principle of freezing cold (EX), divinity (B), the attribution of the Golden Fleece (EX)]

After selecting skills, Moran officially entered the simulation.

I don't know what I faced this time.

He has the consciousness to face any danger, no matter how vicious and dangerous the situation can not stop him.

【The Last Land of God's Dynasty, Great Britain】

【Simulation start——】

[Your consciousness is in chaos]

[Not an exaggerated description, you are in the endless darkness where neither vision nor perception exists]

[Consciousness is hazy and blurry]

[I want to live, I want to live, I want to live]

[——Because biological instinct makes such a sound, you can't figure out what the situation of this simulation is]

[However, the will to live will not change]

[As you immerse yourself in the darkness for more and more time, you gradually retrieve your sensory awareness]

[It's a dark, sticky dirt thing]

[I am a being like this]


[Try your best to break through this darkness] 3.5 [You burst out of magic and tore a crack, and finally felt a trace of light——]

[I don't know how deep this is underground]

[The concentration of mana is better than air, and it is impossible to have a concentration of mana in Britain at the end of the Divine Dynasty]

[You wanted to speak]

[But I found that I didn't seem to have a mouth]

[You crawl out of some huge hollow, and its body is a wriggling piece of flesh]

[Like a rotten apple]

"Cough, cough——!!"

[You make up the organ used to make sounds]

[After making a sound, you try to modify your body to make it more human-like]

【I don't know how much time it takes】

[Like breaking an egg into a butterfly out of the black mud]

[You stagger in a deep pit].

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