She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 107: tell you

 Chapter 107 Let me tell you

Li Jiu picked up a braised prawn and said, "It's pretty good."

Li Hong said: "That's good. Dad doesn't have time to care about you recently. If you have anything, just tell me."

 “No need.”

Li Yun couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Sister, how can you be so rude? Dad also cares about you."

Li Jiu picked up a napkin and wiped his hands. Feeling a little nauseous, he said impatiently: "Have you ever heard of eating without talking or sleeping without talking? Are there any rules?"

Hearing this, Li Yun was furious. She actually said that she had no rules?


Just when he was about to have an attack, Li Hong stopped him.

“Okay, Yun’er, your sister is right, eat quietly.”

Li Yun looked at Li Hong, met his somewhat thoughtful gaze, and swallowed back what he was about to say.

"Xiaojiu, your sister is also unintentional, don't argue with her."

Li Jiu ignored him and just drank his porridge.

I don’t know if it was because of his mood, but Li Jiu felt that this bowl of porridge was not as fragrant as before.

“Xiaojiu, I heard that you are with Mr. Qi now?” Li Hong asked again.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Li Hong observed her expression, "Then how is your relationship with Third Master...?"

 “What do you think of the ordinary superior-subordinate relationship?”

Li Hong frowned and asked: "Ordinary superiors and subordinates? But how did I hear that you and he are in a relationship?"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Li slammed his chopsticks on the table.

"I asked you why you suddenly came to my place without anything to do. It turns out you came here for Xiaojiu!"

 The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Li Chen also put down his chopsticks.

 This meal is destined to be eaten.

Li Yun saw the angry look on Mr. Li's face and quickly came out to smooth things over: "Grandpa, dad also wants to know more about my sister." "Know more about me?"

Mr. Li seemed to have heard a joke, "If he really wanted to understand, he should have taken Xiaojiu home the day she came instead of leaving her here with me."

Li Hong's face looked a little ugly, and he didn't dare to get angry because of his father.

"Dad, I know I was wrong. Now I also want to get close to Xiaojiu and make up for her more."

Li Chen suddenly spoke and said warmly: "Second brother, this is your housework. I shouldn't say anything, but if you really want to compensate Xiaojiu, please show some sincerity."

Li Hong frowned and said, "Brother, am I not sincere enough?"

Li Chen was almost laughed out of anger.

They are all born to the same mother, why is this Li Hong’s brain so crippled!

 Do you think they are fools?

 “Okay, then I’ll talk to you from an outsider’s perspective.”

Li Chen cleared his throat, "First of all, it's the issue of Xiaojiu's identity. From the time she came back to now, outsiders know that she is your daughter. Even though dad recognized this granddaughter, you have never recognized her from beginning to end. That's what you said. compensate?"

Li Hong thought for a moment, then showed a smile that he thought was very loving to Li Jiu and said, "Dad is wrong. I will announce your identity to the public right away."

Li Jiu felt sick inside.

 She wanted to say, "Don't!"

 She doesn’t want to have such a father, not even in name!

Li Chen continued: "Secondly, it is Xiaojiu's shares in the company..."

 Speaking, he glanced at Li Hong.

As expected, the latter's face darkened.

“On the day Xiaojiu came back, Dad gave her some shares in the company so that she could enjoy Li’s dividends.”

"But I asked Xiaojiu a few days ago and she has never received any dividends in her account, so I want to ask, is it that our Li family has reached a point where we cannot make ends meet, or have you withheld Xiaojiu's dividends? "

Mr. Li was angry when he heard this: "What? Ah Hong, you actually withheld Xiaojiu's dividends?"

Li Hong quickly explained: "I, I didn't mean it, dad, I also think she is just a student and doesn't need that much money."

"Student? Li Yun is still a student, right? I think she is not stingy with spending money, and the pocket money you gave her is really sufficient." Li Chen said calmly.

Li Yun's expression froze when he was suddenly mentioned.

The third update is over, and we will launch a pk tomorrow. I hope you will support me a lot and give five-star votes and comments~ (I’ll tell you quietly, the fourth update will be tomorrow, so, we are all adults, do you know how to choose?)



 (End of this chapter)

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