She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 108: I am his fiancée

 Chapter 108 I am his fiancée

Li Hong gritted his teeth, he finally understood.

Li Chen is standing up for Li Jiu and settling accounts with him.

 But unfortunately Mr. Li was also on his side, so he could only endure this tone.

Li Hong gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, I understand everything you said, and I will change it."

Then, he apologized to Li Jiu and said, "I'm sorry, Xiaojiu. Dad didn't do well before. I will try my best to be a good father in the future."

Li Jiu continued to ignore him, which made him feel annoyed.

Li Chen nodded as if satisfied, and said warmly: "Well, it's good that you know. In addition, there is the most important point..."

Li Hong is already impatient, why is there still more?

However, he didn’t dare to show it on his face.

 After all, the purpose of his coming today has not yet been achieved.

“That’s justice, second brother, you have two daughters, a bowl of water must be balanced, and Xiaojiu cannot think you are partial.”

Li Hong’s eyes widened, “Brother, I’m not partial!”

 “No favoritism?”

Li Chen pointed at Li Yun and asked, "Then why can she join the Li family as an intern, but Xiaojiu can't?"

"This...Yun'er entered the Li family through her own efforts."

Li Chen smiled, "With your own efforts? Can you become a manager in such a short time? Second brother, you think I don't know anything if I haven't been in Imperial Capital for a long time, right?"

Li Hong looked a little embarrassed.

Mr. Li also spoke: "Yes, Xiaoyun is a student and should focus more time and energy on his studies."

Li Yun secretly clenched his fingers and dug his nails into his palms, leaving a mark.

 “Grandpa, I haven’t fallen behind in my studies. I am always studying hard.”

Mr. Li frowned and said, "Students have to act like students. What do you mean now? You can work and go to school at the same time. Can you take care of it?"


Li Yun was unconvinced and wanted to argue.

Mr. Li did not give her a chance to speak, "Sooner or later, after you graduate, you will join the Li family. Why are you so anxious now?"

 “Ah Hong, Xiaoyun is ignorant, so you are just messing around with her!”

“She is a student who didn’t graduate and became a manager for nothing. How do you want the people under her to think about it?”

Seeing that Mr. Li was angry, Li Hong smiled apologetically and said, "Yes, yes, dad, you're right, I didn't think it through well. Yun'er told me before that she wanted to intern for a period of time, so I agreed to her." Li Yun Almost broke his fingernails.

 Why is the old man so partial? What’s so good about Li Jiu!

She can't go to Lishi, but Li Jiu can go to SR?

“Grandpa, my sister is still working as a secretary in SR. Isn’t she also in school?”

Mr. Li frowned, "It was Xiao Ci who took the initiative to ask Xiaojiu to study with him for a while. I have already asked for leave for her at the school."

 “That’s it.”

Li Yun's jealous eyes glanced at Li Jiu secretly.

 Why can she study with Mr. San?

 She deserves it too!

Li Hong: "In that case, Yun'er, you don't have to come to the company tomorrow, go to school."

Li Yun felt a fishy sweetness welling up in his throat.

She just wants to throw something to vent her anger.

God knows how long she begged Li Hong to join the Li family.

 In the end, Mr. Li's words brought him back to his original form.

How can you not hate it?

Even so, she did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Mr. Li, so she could only say: "...Yes."

Li Yun put on another meaningful smile on his face and said to Li Jiu: "Sister, I can actually make the third master speak in person and let you study with me."

Li Jiu glanced at her indifferently, ignoring the hint of sarcasm in her words.

“No one can interfere with what the third master wants to do.”

 The implication is that Qi Jingci himself asked her to follow him.

 Otherwise, no matter what she said, Qi Jingci would not agree.

Li Yun's teeth itched with hatred, and he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth, "The relationship between the elder sister and the third master is really... unusual!"

 She emphasized the last four words.

Li Jiu hummed and raised his eyes to look at her, without any emotion in his eyes.

 “After all, I am his fiancée.”

  First update



 (End of this chapter)

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