She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 117: You have to call me sister

Chapter 117 You have to call me sister

Ever since Li Jiu teased Qi Jingci that day, he seemed to be avoiding her on purpose.

  She also specifically asked the company to notify her and give her a short holiday so that she could have a good rest at home.

Li Jiu sneered.

 I didn’t expect Qi Jingci to be so cowardly.

But this is okay, she can sleep comfortably at home.

 But this ambition was not realized.


 The bedroom door was open, and Li Muye leaned against the doorframe like a weakling.

Hearing this, he pursed his lips and confirmed, "You really don't want to go?"

Li Jiu looked up, wearing a black eye mask, and lay lazily on the recliner.

 “If you say you won’t go, you won’t go.”

Li Muye sighed, "This is the third day. You have been at home for three days. Are you a mushroom?"

He walked to the window and opened the light-colored floor-to-ceiling curtains.

 The blue sky is like washing with water, and there are no clouds in the sky.

 The golden sunlight fell on the lawn, reflecting dazzling light.

“Look, the weather outside is so nice, why don’t you just go out and play?”

Li Jiu tilted his head and said, "I won't go."

Seeing that she was not going to walk out of the room no matter what, Li Muye almost cried, "Sister, you are my sister, aren't you? I'm begging you, just go ahead."

“My friends all want to meet you, and I’ve told them to go and have fun…”

Li Jiu couldn't bear it anymore, sat up and took off his blindfold.

 “So why are you telling them about me?”

Li Muye choked and shrank his neck, feeling a little guilty.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes. In her increasingly cold eyes, he hesitated and said, "I was quick to speak."

 The cause of this incident still stemmed from a small gathering between him and his group of friends.

 They are all wealthy young men in the Imperial Capital circle, and they usually have a good relationship with him.

I heard that he was back this time, so I organized a game and invited him to come over and play.

 Everyone hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and this time they were all letting loose and having fun. He couldn’t hold it back and drank too much.

“I’m talking about Makino, I heard that you have a younger sister. How does she look like? I heard she is a beauty, why don’t we meet her?”

The man was drunk, his face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, and his speech was erratic. Although Li Muye was also dizzy, his mind was still somewhat clear.

Hearing what he said, he immediately picked up a wine glass and threw it at him.

 “Fuck you! Don’t you dare try to take advantage of my sister!”

The man was hit and felt pain on his forehead. Only then did he realize that he had said the wrong thing, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to speak again.

Others were a little surprised to see Li Muye react so strongly.

 “Makino, isn’t it, sister?”

“That’s right, Makino, your second uncle’s illegitimate daughter, you actually admit that she is your sister?”

There was disbelief and a hint of contempt in his tone.

 The people present were all children of aristocratic families, and they naturally hated the existence of illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters.

  After all, they hate people who destroy their families and may even compete with them for their family business.

 It sounds like Li Muye doesn't have much resistance to this illegitimate daughter. On the contrary, he is still very protective of her.

 This surprised them a little.

Li Muye snorted and said, "What kind of illegitimate daughter? My grandfather recognizes her. She is the real daughter of my Li family. Please keep your mouths clean!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present almost bulged out, and they were half sober in an instant.

 “Mu, Makino, are you serious?”

Li Muye pouted at the man, "Of course I'm serious."

He stood up suddenly, his cheeks were red, his body was swaying, and he almost lost his balance.

He hit the chair beside him with his foot. With a click, the chair broke into two pieces.

 Everyone: “…”

Li Muye stared at everyone present, stretched out his finger, pointed at them, and warned: "Listen up, Li Jiu is my sister, I don't care what you thought of her before, from now on, When you see her, you have to call me sister!"

 Everyone was as quiet as a chicken for an instant.

The noisy box suddenly became silent, and one could even hear the howling ghosts and wolves in the box next door.

Seeing that they were silent, Li Muye roared, "Have you heard that?"

 “Listen, I heard it.”

 Everyone made a weak sound.

 (End of this chapter)

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